This struct was automatically generated from XML paramdefs. More...
#include <BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp>
Public Attributes | |
int | atkId_Bullet { -1 } |
Attack ID. | |
int | sfxId_Bullet { -1 } |
SFX ID [bullet]. | |
int | sfxId_Hit { -1 } |
SFXID [landing]. | |
int | sfxId_Flick { -1 } |
SFXID [at the time of repelling]. | |
float | life { -1.f } |
Lifespan [s]. | |
float | dist { 0.f } |
Range [m]. | |
float | shootInterval { 0.f } |
Fire interval [s]. | |
float | gravityInRange { 0.f } |
Gravity within range [m / s ^ 2]. | |
float | gravityOutRange { 0.f } |
Gravity outside range [m / s ^ 2]. | |
float | hormingStopRange { 0.f } |
Guidance stop distance [m]. | |
float | initVellocity { 0.f } |
Initial velocity [m / s]. | |
float | accelInRange { 0.f } |
Acceleration within range [m / s ^ 2]. | |
float | accelOutRange { 0.f } |
Acceleration outside range [m / s ^ 2]. | |
float | maxVellocity { 0.f } |
Maximum speed [m / s]. | |
float | minVellocity { 0.f } |
Minimum speed [m / s]. | |
float | accelTime { 0.f } |
Acceleration start time [s]. | |
float | homingBeginDist { 0.f } |
Guidance start distance [m]. | |
float | hitRadius { -1.f } |
Initial radius [m]. | |
float | hitRadiusMax { -1.f } |
Maximum radius [m]. | |
float | spreadTime { 0.f } |
Range diffusion time [s]. | |
float | expDelay { 0.f } |
Activation delay [s]. | |
float | hormingOffsetRange { 0.f } |
Induction shift amount [m]. | |
float | dmgHitRecordLifeTime { 0.f } |
Time to live in damage hit history [s]. | |
float | externalForce { 0.f } |
External force [m / s ^ 2]. | |
int | spEffectIDForShooter { -1 } |
Special effects on the person who shot. | |
int | autoSearchNPCThinkID { 0 } |
Funnel NPC Thinking ID. | |
int | HitBulletID { -1 } |
Generated bullet ID. | |
int | spEffectId0 { -1 } |
Special effect ID0. | |
int | spEffectId1 { -1 } |
Special effect ID1. | |
int | spEffectId2 { -1 } |
Special effect ID2. | |
int | spEffectId3 { -1 } |
Special effect ID3. | |
int | spEffectId4 { -1 } |
Special effect ID4. | |
unsigned short | numShoot { 0 } |
Number of shots. | |
short | homingAngle { 0 } |
Induction performance [deg / s]. | |
short | shootAngle { 0 } |
Launch angle [deg]. | |
short | shootAngleInterval { 0 } |
Launch angle interval [deg]. | |
short | shootAngleXInterval { 0 } |
Launch elevation interval [deg]. | |
signed char | damageDamp { 0 } |
Physical attack power attenuation rate [% / s]. | |
signed char | spelDamageDamp { 0 } |
Magic attack power attenuation rate [% / s]. | |
signed char | fireDamageDamp { 0 } |
Flame attack power attenuation rate [% / s]. | |
signed char | thunderDamageDamp { 0 } |
Electric shock attack power attenuation rate [% / s]. | |
signed char | staminaDamp { 0 } |
Stamina damage attenuation rate [% / s]. | |
signed char | knockbackDamp { 0 } |
Knockback attenuation factor [% / s]. | |
signed char | shootAngleXZ { 0 } |
Launch elevation angle [deg]. | |
unsigned char | lockShootLimitAng { 0 } |
Lock direction limit angle. | |
unsigned char | prevVelocityDirRate { 0 } |
Previous movement direction addition rate [%]. | |
unsigned char | atkAttribute { 254 } |
Physical attributes. | |
unsigned char | spAttribute { 254 } |
Special attributes. | |
unsigned char | Material_AttackType { 254 } |
Attack attribute [SFX / SE]. | |
unsigned char | Material_AttackMaterial { 254 } |
Attack material [SFX / SE]. | |
bool | isPenetrateChr: 1 { false } |
Penetrate the character? | |
bool | isPenetrateObj: 1 { false } |
Penetrate the object? | |
unsigned char | launchConditionType { 0 } |
Occurrence condition. | |
unsigned char | FollowType: 3 { 0 } |
Follow-up type. | |
unsigned char | EmittePosType: 3 { 0 } |
Source type. | |
bool | isAttackSFX: 1 { false } |
Will it stay stuck? | |
bool | isEndlessHit: 1 { false } |
Do you keep hitting? | |
bool | isPenetrateMap: 1 { false } |
Penetrate the map? | |
bool | isHitBothTeam: 1 { false } |
Are you an enemy or an ally? | |
bool | isUseSharedHitList: 1 { false } |
Do you want to share the hit list? | |
bool | isUseMultiDmyPolyIfPlace: 1 { false } |
Do you use multiple Damipoli? | |
bool | isHitOtherBulletForceEraseA: 1 { false } |
Does it hit other bullets forced erasure A? | |
bool | isHitOtherBulletForceEraseB: 1 { false } |
Does it hit the other bullet forced erasure B? | |
bool | isHitForceMagic: 1 { false } |
Do you hit the force magic? | |
bool | isIgnoreSfxIfHitWater: 1 { false } |
Whether to ignore the effect at the time of water collision. | |
bool | isIgnoreMoveStateIfHitWater: 1 { false } |
Whether to ignore the state transition at the time of water collision. | |
bool | isHitDarkForceMagic: 1 { false } |
Do you hit the dark force magic? | |
unsigned char | dmgCalcSide: 2 { 0 } |
Damage calculation side. | |
bool | isEnableAutoHoming: 1 { false } |
Bullet automatic capture permission. | |
bool | isSyncBulletCulcDumypolyPos: 1 { false } |
For synchronous bullets, do you recalculate at the Damipoli position? | |
bool | isOwnerOverrideInitAngle: 1 { false } |
Do you want to overwrite the owner with the reference direction of the bullet? | |
bool | isInheritSfxToChild: 1 { false } |
Will SFX be taken over by the child bullets? | |
signed char | darkDamageDamp { 0 } |
Dark attack power attenuation rate [% / s]. | |
signed char | bulletSfxDeleteType_byHit { 0 } |
Bullet SFX extinction type at the time of landing. | |
signed char | bulletSfxDeleteType_byLifeDead { 0 } |
Bullet SFX extinction type at the end of life. | |
float | targetYOffsetRange { 0.f } |
Target vertical offset [m]. | |
float | shootAngleYMaxRandom { 0.f } |
Launch angle random number [deg]. | |
float | shootAngleXMaxRandom { 0.f } |
Elevation angle random number [deg]. | |
int | intervalCreateBulletId { -1 } |
Interval specified bullet ID. | |
float | intervalCreateTimeMin { 0.f } |
Occurrence interval: Minimum time [s]. | |
float | intervalCreateTimeMax { 0.f } |
Occurrence interval: Maximum time [s]. | |
float | predictionShootObserveTime { 0.f } |
Predicted shooting velocity observation time [s]. | |
float | intervalCreateWaitTime { 0.f } |
Waiting time for start of specified interval [s]. | |
unsigned char | sfxPostureType { 0 } |
The type of SFX attitude generated from the bullet. | |
unsigned char | createLimitGroupId { 0 } |
Creation restriction group Id. | |
bool | isInheritSpeedToChild: 1 { false } |
Will the speed be taken over by the submunition? | |
bool | isDisableHitSfx_byChrAndObj: 1 { false } |
Do not play landing SFX when character / OBJ hits. | |
bool | isCheckWall_byCenterRay: 1 { false } |
Launch position Makes a wall digging judgment by skipping a ray that connects the center of the character in parallel. | |
bool | isHitFlare: 1 { false } |
Do you hit flare magic? | |
bool | isUseBulletWallFilter: 1 { false } |
Do you use primitive magic Atari? | |
bool | isNonDependenceMagicForFunnleNum: 1 { false } |
The number of funnels on the PC does not fluctuate due to reason. | |
bool | isAiInterruptShootNoDamageBullet: 1 { false } |
Does it react to AI bullets (even with 0 attack power)? | |
float | randomCreateRadius { 0.f } |
Occurrence range (radius) at random occurrence [m]. | |
float | followOffset_BaseHeight { 0.f } |
Funnel tracking position_base point height [m]. | |
int | assetNo_Hit { -1 } |
Asset number generated at the time of landing. | |
float | lifeRandomRange { 0.f } |
Lifetime random number [s]. | |
short | homingAngleX { -1 } |
Induction performance (X-axis individual) [deg / s]. | |
unsigned char | ballisticCalcType { 0 } |
Ballistic calculation type. | |
unsigned char | attachEffectType { 0 } |
Attach effect type. | |
int | seId_Bullet1 { -1 } |
SEID1 [bullet]. | |
int | seId_Bullet2 { -1 } |
SEID2 [bullet]. | |
int | seId_Hit { -1 } |
SEID [landing]. | |
int | seId_Flick { -1 } |
SEID [at the time of repelling]. | |
short | howitzerShootAngleXMin { 0 } |
[Curly shooting] Launch elevation limit_lower limit [deg] | |
short | howitzerShootAngleXMax { 0 } |
[Song firing] Launch elevation limit_upper limit [deg] | |
float | howitzerInitMinVelocity { 0.f } |
[Song shooting] Minimum speed limit [m / s] | |
float | howitzerInitMaxVelocity { 0.f } |
[Song shooting] Maximum speed limit [m / s] | |
int | sfxId_ForceErase { -1 } |
SFXID [At the time of forced erasure]. | |
signed char | bulletSfxDeleteType_byForceErase { 0 } |
Bullet SFX extinction type at the time of forced erasure. | |
short | followDmypoly_forSfxPose { -1 } |
SFX direction specification when following Damipoli. | |
float | followOffset_Radius { 0.f } |
Funnel tracking position_radius [m]. | |
float | spBulletDistUpRate { 1.f } |
Special effect flight distance correction magnification. | |
float | nolockTargetDist { 0.f } |
Target range [m] when unlocked. | |
This struct was automatically generated from XML paramdefs.
Acceleration within range [m / s ^ 2].
Acceleration within SFX range.
Acceleration outside range [m / s ^ 2].
Acceleration when SFX goes out of range.
Acceleration start time [s].
Until this time, do not accelerate (make sure you can shoot magic like rockets).
int from::paramdef::BULLET_PARAM_ST::assetNo_Hit { -1 } |
Asset number generated at the time of landing.
The number of the asset to be generated at the time of landing. -1: Do not generate. The asset number is the last 6 digits of the asset. Example: AEG999_999 = 999999
Physical attributes.
Set the physical attributes to set for the bullet
int from::paramdef::BULLET_PARAM_ST::atkId_Bullet { -1 } |
Attack ID.
Register each attack parameter ID. → Attack type / Attack material / Physical attack power / Magic attack power / Stamina attack power / Knockback distance.
Attach effect type.
Effect type to attach
int from::paramdef::BULLET_PARAM_ST::autoSearchNPCThinkID { 0 } |
Funnel NPC Thinking ID.
Parameters used by the funnel to search for the target
Bullet SFX extinction type at the time of landing.
Bullet SFX extinction type when landing or playing
Creation restriction group Id.
If it is 0, it is unused. If the upper limit is reached when creating a bullet set in the same group Id, that bullet will not be created. (Bullets created synchronously on the network will be released regardless)
Physical attack power attenuation rate [% / s].
Correction value that decreases in 1 second after the attenuation distance.
Dark attack power attenuation rate [% / s].
Correction value that decreases in 1 second after the attenuation distance.
Range [m].
Distance at which attenuation begins (not actual flight distance).
Damage calculation side.
Damage calculation side. During multiplayer, the damage calculation is for switching between the giving side and the receiving side.
Time to live in damage hit history [s].
Damage hit history survival time [sec] (<= 0.0f: indefinite)
Source type.
Source type. Usually from Damipoli. (Introduced to judge meteo)
Activation delay [s].
Time from landing to explosion (if 0, it explodes immediately).
External force [m / s ^ 2].
External force applied in the direction of shooting. (Y-axis is removed)
Flame attack power attenuation rate [% / s].
Correction value that decreases in 1 second after the attenuation distance.
Follow-up type.
Follow-up type. "Do not follow" is the default.
Gravity within range [m / s ^ 2].
Downward gravity within range.
Gravity outside range [m / s ^ 2].
Gravity applied downward when damping begins (expresses the feeling of falling down.
int from::paramdef::BULLET_PARAM_ST::HitBulletID { -1 } |
Generated bullet ID.
Specify the ID when generating a new bullet parameter from the bullet parameter
Initial radius [m].
Set the radius of the hit ball.
Maximum radius [m].
Maximum radius of the hit sphere (If -1, make it the same as the initial radius / default)
short from::paramdef::BULLET_PARAM_ST::homingAngle { 0 } |
Induction performance [deg / s].
How many corrections per second? ..
short from::paramdef::BULLET_PARAM_ST::homingAngleX { -1 } |
Induction performance (X-axis individual) [deg / s].
Only the X-axis component of the inductive performance is changed. Do not change with -1
Guidance start distance [m].
How many meters should the guidance start?
Induction shift amount [m].
It is accurate if it is 0. At the time of shooting, each component of XYZ should be aimed by shifting this amount.
Guidance stop distance [m].
The distance to the target to stop the guidance. A parameter that prevents you from hitting too much with a guided bullet.
[Song shooting] Maximum speed limit [m / s]
[Song firing] Maximum speed limit for song firing calculation [m / s].
[Song shooting] Minimum speed limit [m / s]
[Song firing] The minimum speed limit for song firing calculation [m / s].
short from::paramdef::BULLET_PARAM_ST::howitzerShootAngleXMax { 0 } |
[Song firing] Launch elevation limit_upper limit [deg]
[Sky firing] The upper limit [deg] based on the firing elevation angle (0deg) before applying the bending firing calculation.
short from::paramdef::BULLET_PARAM_ST::howitzerShootAngleXMin { 0 } |
[Curly shooting] Launch elevation limit_lower limit [deg]
[Curly fire] The lower limit [deg] with the firing elevation angle as a reference (0 deg) before applying the curve fire calculation.
Initial velocity [m / s].
Initial speed of SFX.
int from::paramdef::BULLET_PARAM_ST::intervalCreateBulletId { -1 } |
Interval specified bullet ID.
Bullet ID used when making bullets at regular intervals
Occurrence interval: Maximum time [s].
Maximum interval for making bullets at regular intervals (function is disabled if 0 to n 0)
Occurrence interval: Minimum time [s].
Minimum interval for making bullets at regular intervals (0 to n)
Waiting time for start of specified interval [s].
Waiting time to start making bullets at regular intervals
bool from::paramdef::BULLET_PARAM_ST::isAttackSFX |
Will it stay stuck?
Set whether bullets such as arrows will remain stuck in the character
bool from::paramdef::BULLET_PARAM_ST::isCheckWall_byCenterRay |
Launch position Makes a wall digging judgment by skipping a ray that connects the center of the character in parallel.
There was a problem with the digging judgment when firing a bullet, so it is for error handling. SEQ23101 [Own character] If you use a soul short arrow or a strong soul short arrow in close contact with a character with a high lock-on position, the direction of the bullet will be reversed.
bool from::paramdef::BULLET_PARAM_ST::isDisableHitSfx_byChrAndObj |
Do not play landing SFX when character / OBJ hits.
When ON, the bullet parameter "landing SFX" does not play even if it hits a character / object.
bool from::paramdef::BULLET_PARAM_ST::isEnableAutoHoming |
Bullet automatic capture permission.
Whether to automatically follow when not locked on
bool from::paramdef::BULLET_PARAM_ST::isHitBothTeam |
Are you an enemy or an ally?
Are you an enemy or an ally? (Not a wandering ghost)
bool from::paramdef::BULLET_PARAM_ST::isIgnoreMoveStateIfHitWater |
Whether to ignore the state transition at the time of water collision.
Whether to ignore the state transition even if it hits water
bool from::paramdef::BULLET_PARAM_ST::isIgnoreSfxIfHitWater |
Whether to ignore the effect at the time of water collision.
Should I ignore the effect if it hits the surface of the water?
bool from::paramdef::BULLET_PARAM_ST::isInheritSfxToChild |
Will SFX be taken over by the child bullets?
Take over the SFX of the parent bullet. Ignore the SFX ID set for the sub bullet
bool from::paramdef::BULLET_PARAM_ST::isInheritSpeedToChild |
Will the speed be taken over by the submunition?
Take over the speed of the timing to replace the submunition. Ignore the speed set for the submunition
bool from::paramdef::BULLET_PARAM_ST::isNonDependenceMagicForFunnleNum |
The number of funnels on the PC does not fluctuate due to reason.
The number of funnels on the PC does not fluctuate by force. Become the number of shots
bool from::paramdef::BULLET_PARAM_ST::isOwnerOverrideInitAngle |
Do you want to overwrite the owner with the reference direction of the bullet?
Only valid for sub-bullets. If it is ON, the reference direction is the owner.
bool from::paramdef::BULLET_PARAM_ST::isPenetrateChr |
Penetrate the character?
If it is ON, it will penetrate without landing when it hits the character.
bool from::paramdef::BULLET_PARAM_ST::isPenetrateMap |
Penetrate the map?
If it is ON, it will penetrate without landing when hitting a hit / static asset.
bool from::paramdef::BULLET_PARAM_ST::isPenetrateObj |
Penetrate the object?
If it is ON, it will penetrate without landing when hitting a dynamic / partial destruction asset.
bool from::paramdef::BULLET_PARAM_ST::isSyncBulletCulcDumypolyPos |
For synchronous bullets, do you recalculate at the Damipoli position?
In the case of a synchronously generated bullet, the emitter attitude at the time of synchronization is used without recalculating the attitude due to the Damipoli position when the bullet is generated.
bool from::paramdef::BULLET_PARAM_ST::isUseBulletWallFilter |
Do you use primitive magic Atari?
Do you use primitive magic Atari? It will change to a filter that corresponds to the Atari dedicated to primitive magic.
bool from::paramdef::BULLET_PARAM_ST::isUseMultiDmyPolyIfPlace |
Do you use multiple Damipoli?
Do you use the same Damipoly ID more than once when placing bullets?
bool from::paramdef::BULLET_PARAM_ST::isUseSharedHitList |
Do you want to share the hit list?
Specify whether to share the hit list
Knockback attenuation factor [% / s].
Correction value that decreases in 1 second after the attenuation distance.
Occurrence condition.
Specify the condition to judge whether to generate a bullet when it lands or the life is extinguished
Lifespan [s].
Time for missiles to continue to exist (-1 is infinite).
Lifetime random number [s].
Add a random number of seconds with a set time fluctuation range to the "lifetime [s]".
Lock direction limit angle.
Limit angle when facing the lock direction
Attack material [SFX / SE].
Used for SFX / SE during attack
Attack attribute [SFX / SE].
Specify what the attack attribute is
Minimum speed [m / s].
Minimum guaranteed speed.
Target range [m] when unlocked.
Target range when unlocked (-1: Refer to "range", 0: No target)
Number of shots.
The number of missiles fired at one time.
Predicted shooting velocity observation time [s].
Average speed observation time of predicted shooting function (function is invalid if 0 to 40)
Previous movement direction addition rate [%].
Ratio to add the previous movement direction to the current direction when the sliding bullet hits the wall
Occurrence range (radius) at random occurrence [m].
The range of bullets used when the source type is set to occur at random locations.
int from::paramdef::BULLET_PARAM_ST::seId_Bullet1 { -1 } |
SEID1 [bullet].
Insert SE ID1 for [Bullet]. -1: Not generated 9 digits. Sound type is fixed to s: SFX.
int from::paramdef::BULLET_PARAM_ST::seId_Bullet2 { -1 } |
SEID2 [bullet].
Insert SE ID 2 for [Bullet]. -1: Not generated 9 digits. Sound type is fixed to s: SFX.
int from::paramdef::BULLET_PARAM_ST::seId_Flick { -1 } |
SEID [at the time of repelling].
[At the time of repelling] Enter SE ID1 for. -1 does not occur. 9 digits. Sound type is fixed to s: SFX.
int from::paramdef::BULLET_PARAM_ST::seId_Hit { -1 } |
SEID [landing].
Insert SE ID 1 for [landing]. -1 does not occur. 9 digits. Sound type is fixed to s: SFX.
int from::paramdef::BULLET_PARAM_ST::sfxId_Bullet { -1 } |
SFX ID [bullet].
Enter the SFX ID for [Bullet]. -1 does not occur.
int from::paramdef::BULLET_PARAM_ST::sfxId_Flick { -1 } |
SFXID [at the time of repelling].
[At the time of repelling] Enter the SFX ID. -1 does not occur.
int from::paramdef::BULLET_PARAM_ST::sfxId_ForceErase { -1 } |
SFXID [At the time of forced erasure].
SFX ID at the time of forced erasure. -1 does not occur.
int from::paramdef::BULLET_PARAM_ST::sfxId_Hit { -1 } |
SFXID [landing].
[Impact] Enter the SFX ID. -1 does not occur.
The type of SFX attitude generated from the bullet.
Set the initial attitude of an SFX or sub-bullet created from a bullet
short from::paramdef::BULLET_PARAM_ST::shootAngle { 0 } |
Launch angle [deg].
Specify how many times the missile is fired forward.
short from::paramdef::BULLET_PARAM_ST::shootAngleInterval { 0 } |
Launch angle interval [deg].
When firing multiple missiles, specify how often to fire them. (Y-axis)
short from::paramdef::BULLET_PARAM_ST::shootAngleXInterval { 0 } |
Launch elevation interval [deg].
When firing multiple missiles, specify how often to fire them. (X-axis)
Elevation angle random number [deg].
Upper limit of firing elevation random number (0 to 360)
Launch elevation angle [deg].
Additional elevation angle from the horizontal.
Launch angle random number [deg].
Upper limit of random number of firing angle (0 to 360)
Fire interval [s].
Specify how many seconds the missile will be fired.
Special attributes.
Set special attributes to set for bullets
int from::paramdef::BULLET_PARAM_ST::spEffectId0 { -1 } |
Special effect ID0.
Register each special effect parameter ID. → General special effects.
int from::paramdef::BULLET_PARAM_ST::spEffectId1 { -1 } |
Special effect ID1.
Register each special effect parameter ID. → General special effects.
int from::paramdef::BULLET_PARAM_ST::spEffectId2 { -1 } |
Special effect ID2.
Register each special effect parameter ID. → General special effects.
int from::paramdef::BULLET_PARAM_ST::spEffectId3 { -1 } |
Special effect ID3.
Register each special effect parameter ID. → General special effects.
int from::paramdef::BULLET_PARAM_ST::spEffectId4 { -1 } |
Special effect ID4.
Register each special effect parameter ID. → General special effects.
Magic attack power attenuation rate [% / s].
Correction value that decreases in 1 second after the attenuation distance.
Range diffusion time [s].
The time when the radius of the range expands to a small extent.
Stamina damage attenuation rate [% / s].
Correction value that decreases in 1 second after the attenuation distance.
Target vertical offset [m].
Vertical offset of landing position. Shift the target position up and down at the time of launch and during homing. (-N ~ n)
Electric shock attack power attenuation rate [% / s].
Correction value that decreases in 1 second after the attenuation distance.