338 unsigned char pad2[1];
392 unsigned char unknown_0x98_3 : 1 { 0 };
394 unsigned char pad : 5;
632 unsigned char pad5[1];
674 unsigned char unknown_0xc3_5 : 1 { 0 };
814 unsigned char pad3[1];
838 unsigned char pad4[8];
845 "BULLET_PARAM_ST paramdef size does not match detected size");
This struct was automatically generated from XML paramdefs.
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:10
float spreadTime
Range diffusion time [s].
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:155
short howitzerShootAngleXMax
[Song firing] Launch elevation limit_upper limit [deg]
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:785
short shootAngleInterval
Launch angle interval [deg].
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:267
signed char bulletSfxDeleteType_byForceErase
Bullet SFX extinction type at the time of forced erasure.
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:812
bool isHitFlare
Do you hit flare magic?
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:664
bool isIgnoreMoveStateIfHitWater
Whether to ignore the state transition at the time of water collision.
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:487
float hormingStopRange
Guidance stop distance [m].
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:83
float initVellocity
Initial velocity [m / s].
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:90
float hormingOffsetRange
Induction shift amount [m].
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:170
float dist
Range [m].
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:53
unsigned char dmgCalcSide
Damage calculation side.
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:500
float accelTime
Acceleration start time [s].
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:126
bool isHitBothTeam
Are you an enemy or an ally?
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:443
int autoSearchNPCThinkID
Funnel NPC Thinking ID.
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:196
float gravityOutRange
Gravity outside range [m / s ^ 2].
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:75
int seId_Flick
SEID [at the time of repelling].
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:769
float dmgHitRecordLifeTime
Time to live in damage hit history [s].
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:177
float expDelay
Activation delay [s].
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:162
float predictionShootObserveTime
Predicted shooting velocity observation time [s].
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:606
signed char darkDamageDamp
Dark attack power attenuation rate [% / s].
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:542
float minVellocity
Minimum speed [m / s].
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:118
bool isSyncBulletCulcDumypolyPos
For synchronous bullets, do you recalculate at the Damipoli position?
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:517
int sfxId_Hit
SFXID [landing].
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:32
unsigned char Material_AttackMaterial
Attack material [SFX / SE].
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:374
unsigned char attachEffectType
Attach effect type.
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:737
bool isInheritSfxToChild
Will SFX be taken over by the child bullets?
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:534
short homingAngle
Induction performance [deg / s].
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:253
float maxVellocity
Maximum speed [m / s].
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:111
signed char fireDamageDamp
Flame attack power attenuation rate [% / s].
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:298
float accelInRange
Acceleration within range [m / s ^ 2].
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:97
bool isEndlessHit
Do you keep hitting?
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:428
bool isEnableAutoHoming
Bullet automatic capture permission.
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:507
unsigned char createLimitGroupId
Creation restriction group Id.
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:630
bool isDisableHitSfx_byChrAndObj
Do not play landing SFX when character / OBJ hits.
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:648
float hitRadius
Initial radius [m].
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:140
float accelOutRange
Acceleration outside range [m / s ^ 2].
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:104
bool isAiInterruptShootNoDamageBullet
Does it react to AI bullets (even with 0 attack power)?
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:687
unsigned char EmittePosType
Source type.
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:416
short shootAngle
Launch angle [deg].
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:260
float howitzerInitMaxVelocity
[Song shooting] Maximum speed limit [m / s]
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:800
float shootAngleYMaxRandom
Launch angle random number [deg].
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:569
float followOffset_BaseHeight
Funnel tracking position_base point height [m].
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:700
float randomCreateRadius
Occurrence range (radius) at random occurrence [m].
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:695
short howitzerShootAngleXMin
[Curly shooting] Launch elevation limit_lower limit [deg]
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:777
unsigned char ballisticCalcType
Ballistic calculation type.
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:730
bool isAttackSFX
Will it stay stuck?
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:423
int spEffectId3
Special effect ID3.
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:232
int HitBulletID
Generated bullet ID.
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:204
int seId_Bullet2
SEID2 [bullet].
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:753
signed char bulletSfxDeleteType_byHit
Bullet SFX extinction type at the time of landing.
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:549
bool isHitOtherBulletForceEraseB
Does it hit the other bullet forced erasure B?
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:467
short shootAngleXInterval
Launch elevation interval [deg].
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:274
bool isUseBulletWallFilter
Do you use primitive magic Atari?
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:672
float followOffset_Radius
Funnel tracking position_radius [m].
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:824
bool isUseSharedHitList
Do you want to share the hit list?
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:450
bool isIgnoreSfxIfHitWater
Whether to ignore the effect at the time of water collision.
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:479
signed char spelDamageDamp
Magic attack power attenuation rate [% / s].
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:290
bool isCheckWall_byCenterRay
Launch position Makes a wall digging judgment by skipping a ray that connects the center of the chara...
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:659
unsigned char spAttribute
Special attributes.
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:360
int assetNo_Hit
Asset number generated at the time of landing.
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:709
float homingBeginDist
Guidance start distance [m].
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:133
unsigned char atkAttribute
Physical attributes.
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:353
bool isHitOtherBulletForceEraseA
Does it hit other bullets forced erasure A?
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:462
float howitzerInitMinVelocity
[Song shooting] Minimum speed limit [m / s]
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:793
float targetYOffsetRange
Target vertical offset [m].
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:562
short homingAngleX
Induction performance (X-axis individual) [deg / s].
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:725
unsigned char launchConditionType
Occurrence condition.
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:402
float shootInterval
Fire interval [s].
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:60
int sfxId_ForceErase
SFXID [At the time of forced erasure].
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:807
unsigned char Material_AttackType
Attack attribute [SFX / SE].
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:367
unsigned char lockShootLimitAng
Lock direction limit angle.
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:336
float spBulletDistUpRate
Special effect flight distance correction magnification.
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:829
float intervalCreateWaitTime
Waiting time for start of specified interval [s].
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:613
int seId_Bullet1
SEID1 [bullet].
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:745
float intervalCreateTimeMax
Occurrence interval: Maximum time [s].
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:598
signed char thunderDamageDamp
Electric shock attack power attenuation rate [% / s].
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:306
float shootAngleXMaxRandom
Elevation angle random number [deg].
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:576
unsigned char prevVelocityDirRate
Previous movement direction addition rate [%].
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:346
bool isPenetrateChr
Penetrate the character?
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:382
bool isNonDependenceMagicForFunnleNum
The number of funnels on the PC does not fluctuate due to reason.
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:682
float life
Lifespan [s].
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:46
int spEffectId2
Special effect ID2.
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:225
bool isPenetrateObj
Penetrate the object?
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:390
signed char knockbackDamp
Knockback attenuation factor [% / s].
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:322
int intervalCreateBulletId
Interval specified bullet ID.
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:583
int spEffectIDForShooter
Special effects on the person who shot.
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:189
int spEffectId4
Special effect ID4.
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:239
int atkId_Bullet
Attack ID.
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:18
int spEffectId1
Special effect ID1.
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:218
signed char shootAngleXZ
Launch elevation angle [deg].
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:329
float lifeRandomRange
Lifetime random number [s].
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:717
bool isHitForceMagic
Do you hit the force magic?
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:472
bool isUseMultiDmyPolyIfPlace
Do you use multiple Damipoli?
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:457
float gravityInRange
Gravity within range [m / s ^ 2].
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:67
signed char bulletSfxDeleteType_byLifeDead
Bullet SFX extinction type at the end of life.
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:554
unsigned short numShoot
Number of shots.
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:246
unsigned char sfxPostureType
The type of SFX attitude generated from the bullet.
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:620
int spEffectId0
Special effect ID0.
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:211
int seId_Hit
SEID [landing].
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:761
float externalForce
External force [m / s ^ 2].
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:184
int sfxId_Bullet
SFX ID [bullet].
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:25
bool isHitDarkForceMagic
Do you hit the dark force magic?
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:492
unsigned char FollowType
Follow-up type.
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:409
float nolockTargetDist
Target range [m] when unlocked.
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:836
float intervalCreateTimeMin
Occurrence interval: Minimum time [s].
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:590
signed char staminaDamp
Stamina damage attenuation rate [% / s].
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:314
float hitRadiusMax
Maximum radius [m].
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:148
bool isInheritSpeedToChild
Will the speed be taken over by the submunition?
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:640
int sfxId_Flick
SFXID [at the time of repelling].
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:39
bool isPenetrateMap
Penetrate the map?
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:436
short followDmypoly_forSfxPose
SFX direction specification when following Damipoli.
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:819
bool isOwnerOverrideInitAngle
Do you want to overwrite the owner with the reference direction of the bullet?
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:526
signed char damageDamp
Physical attack power attenuation rate [% / s].
Definition BULLET_PARAM_ST.hpp:282