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from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_VFX_PARAM_ST Struct Reference

This struct was automatically generated from XML paramdefs. More...

#include <SP_EFFECT_VFX_PARAM_ST.hpp>

Public Attributes

int midstSfxId { -1 }
 In effect SfxID.
int midstSeId { -1 }
 In effect SeID.
int initSfxId { -1 }
 SfxID at the time of activation.
int initSeId { -1 }
 SeID at the time of activation.
int finishSfxId { -1 }
 SfxID at the time of release.
int finishSeId { -1 }
 SeID at the time of release.
float camouflageBeginDist { -1.f }
 Hidden start distance [m].
float camouflageEndDist { -1.f }
 Hidden end distance [m].
int transformProtectorId { -1 }
 Makeover Armor ID.
short midstDmyId { -1 }
 Damipoli ID in effect.
short initDmyId { -1 }
 Damipoli ID at the time of activation.
short finishDmyId { -1 }
 Damipoli ID at the time of cancellation.
unsigned char effectType { 0 }
 Effect type.
unsigned char soulParamIdForWepEnchant { 0 }
 Soul Param ID for Weapon Enchantment.
unsigned char playCategory { 0 }
 VFX playback category.
unsigned char playPriority { 0 }
 In-category priority.
bool existEffectForLarge: 1 { false }
 Is there a large effect?
bool existEffectForSoul: 1 { false }
 Is there an effect for the soul body?
bool effectInvisibleAtCamouflage: 1 { false }
 Whether to hide the effect when hiding.
bool useCamouflage: 1 { false }
 Do you hide.
bool invisibleAtFriendCamouflage: 1 { false }
 Is it hidden even by allies when hiding?
bool isHideFootEffect_forCamouflage: 1 { false }
 Do you want to turn off the foot effect when hiding?
bool halfCamouflage: 1 { false }
 Only translucent appearance.
bool isFullBodyTransformProtectorId: 1 { false }
 Is the transformation armor ID for the whole body?
bool isInvisibleWeapon: 1 { false }
 Invisible Weapon for Weapon Enchantment?
bool isSilence: 1 { false }
 Is it silence?
bool isMidstFullbody: 1 { false }
 Whole body (in effect)
bool isInitFullbody: 1 { false }
 Whole body (at the time of activation)
bool isFinishFullbody: 1 { false }
 Whole body (at the time of release)
bool isVisibleDeadChr: 1 { false }
 Do you want to display even when the body is dead?
bool isUseOffsetEnchantSfxSize: 1 { false }
 Enchantment SFX size offset adaptation?
int decalId1 { -1 }
 Decal ID1.
int decalId2 { -1 }
 Decal ID2.
unsigned char footEffectPriority { 0 }
 Foot effect priority.
unsigned char footEffectOffset { 0 }
 Foot effect offset.
unsigned char traceSfxIdOffsetType { 0 }
 Sword flash SFX ID offset type.
unsigned char forceDeceasedType { 0 }
 Forced overwriting of player appearance.
int enchantStartDmyId_0 { -1 }
 Enchantment time root Damipoli ID_0.
int enchantEndDmyId_0 { -1 }
 Damipoli ID_0 at the time of enchantment.
int enchantStartDmyId_1 { -1 }
 Enchantment time root Damipoli ID_1.
int enchantEndDmyId_1 { -1 }
 Damipoli ID_1 at the time of enchantment.
int enchantStartDmyId_2 { -1 }
 Enchantment time root Damipoli ID_2.
int enchantEndDmyId_2 { -1 }
 Enchantment time sword tip Damipoli ID_2.
int enchantStartDmyId_3 { -1 }
 Enchantment time root Damipoli ID_3.
int enchantEndDmyId_3 { -1 }
 Damipoli ID_3 at the time of enchantment.
int enchantStartDmyId_4 { -1 }
 Enchantment time root Damipoli ID_4.
int enchantEndDmyId_4 { -1 }
 Damipoli ID_4 at the time of enchantment.
int enchantStartDmyId_5 { -1 }
 Enchantment time root Damipoli ID_5.
int enchantEndDmyId_5 { -1 }
 Damipoli ID_5 at the time of enchantment.
int enchantStartDmyId_6 { -1 }
 Enchantment time root Damipoli ID_6.
int enchantEndDmyId_6 { -1 }
 Damipoli ID_6 at the time of enchantment.
int enchantStartDmyId_7 { -1 }
 Enchantment time root Damipoli ID_7.
int enchantEndDmyId_7 { -1 }
 Damipoli ID_7 at the time of enchantment.
unsigned char SfxIdOffsetType { 0 }
 SfxID offset type.
unsigned char phantomParamOverwriteType { 0 }
 Forced specification of phantom parameters.
unsigned char camouflageMinAlpha { 0 }
 Minimum α value when hiding [%].
unsigned char wetAspectType { 0 }
 Water wet effect.
int phantomParamOverwriteId { 0 }
 Phantom parameter overwrite ID.
int materialParamId { -1 }
 Material extension parameter ID.
float materialParamInitValue { 0.f }
 Initial values of material parameters.
float materialParamTargetValue { 0.f }
 Material parameter target value.
float materialParamFadeTime { 0.f }
 Fade time of material parameter values.
short footDecalMaterialOffsetOverwriteId { -1 }
 Foot Decal Material Offset Forced Overwrite ID.

Detailed Description

This struct was automatically generated from XML paramdefs.

Member Data Documentation

◆ camouflageBeginDist

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_VFX_PARAM_ST::camouflageBeginDist { -1.f }

Hidden start distance [m].

It is the camouflage start distance

◆ camouflageEndDist

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_VFX_PARAM_ST::camouflageEndDist { -1.f }

Hidden end distance [m].

It is the camouflage end distance

◆ decalId1

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_VFX_PARAM_ST::decalId1 { -1 }

Decal ID1.

Decal ID 1 (-1: invalid)

◆ decalId2

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_VFX_PARAM_ST::decalId2 { -1 }

Decal ID2.

Decal ID 2 (-1: invalid)

◆ enchantEndDmyId_0

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_VFX_PARAM_ST::enchantEndDmyId_0 { -1 }

Damipoli ID_0 at the time of enchantment.

Damipoli ID generated at the tip of the sword at the time of enchantment. -1 If specified, it will be automatically put out to the point where it is a serial number.

◆ enchantEndDmyId_1

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_VFX_PARAM_ST::enchantEndDmyId_1 { -1 }

Damipoli ID_1 at the time of enchantment.

Damipoli ID generated at the tip of the sword at the time of enchantment. -1 If specified, it will be automatically put out to the point where it is a serial number.

◆ enchantEndDmyId_2

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_VFX_PARAM_ST::enchantEndDmyId_2 { -1 }

Enchantment time sword tip Damipoli ID_2.

Damipoli ID generated at the tip of the sword at the time of enchantment. -1 If specified, it will be automatically put out to the point where it is a serial number.

◆ enchantEndDmyId_3

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_VFX_PARAM_ST::enchantEndDmyId_3 { -1 }

Damipoli ID_3 at the time of enchantment.

Damipoli ID generated at the tip of the sword at the time of enchantment. -1 If specified, it will be automatically put out to the point where it is a serial number.

◆ enchantEndDmyId_4

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_VFX_PARAM_ST::enchantEndDmyId_4 { -1 }

Damipoli ID_4 at the time of enchantment.

Damipoli ID generated at the tip of the sword at the time of enchantment. -1 If specified, it will be automatically put out to the point where it is a serial number.

◆ enchantEndDmyId_5

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_VFX_PARAM_ST::enchantEndDmyId_5 { -1 }

Damipoli ID_5 at the time of enchantment.

Damipoli ID generated at the tip of the sword at the time of enchantment. -1 If specified, it will be automatically put out to the point where it is a serial number.

◆ enchantEndDmyId_6

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_VFX_PARAM_ST::enchantEndDmyId_6 { -1 }

Damipoli ID_6 at the time of enchantment.

Damipoli ID generated at the tip of the sword at the time of enchantment. -1 If specified, it will be automatically put out to the point where it is a serial number.

◆ enchantEndDmyId_7

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_VFX_PARAM_ST::enchantEndDmyId_7 { -1 }

Damipoli ID_7 at the time of enchantment.

Damipoli ID generated at the tip of the sword at the time of enchantment. -1 If specified, it will be automatically put out to the point where it is a serial number.

◆ enchantStartDmyId_0

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_VFX_PARAM_ST::enchantStartDmyId_0 { -1 }

Enchantment time root Damipoli ID_0.

Damipoli ID generated at the base of enchantment

◆ enchantStartDmyId_1

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_VFX_PARAM_ST::enchantStartDmyId_1 { -1 }

Enchantment time root Damipoli ID_1.

Damipoli ID generated at the base of enchantment

◆ enchantStartDmyId_2

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_VFX_PARAM_ST::enchantStartDmyId_2 { -1 }

Enchantment time root Damipoli ID_2.

Damipoli ID generated at the base of enchantment

◆ enchantStartDmyId_3

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_VFX_PARAM_ST::enchantStartDmyId_3 { -1 }

Enchantment time root Damipoli ID_3.

Damipoli ID generated at the base of enchantment

◆ enchantStartDmyId_4

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_VFX_PARAM_ST::enchantStartDmyId_4 { -1 }

Enchantment time root Damipoli ID_4.

Damipoli ID generated at the base of enchantment

◆ enchantStartDmyId_5

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_VFX_PARAM_ST::enchantStartDmyId_5 { -1 }

Enchantment time root Damipoli ID_5.

Damipoli ID generated at the base of enchantment

◆ enchantStartDmyId_6

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_VFX_PARAM_ST::enchantStartDmyId_6 { -1 }

Enchantment time root Damipoli ID_6.

Damipoli ID generated at the base of enchantment

◆ enchantStartDmyId_7

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_VFX_PARAM_ST::enchantStartDmyId_7 { -1 }

Enchantment time root Damipoli ID_7.

Damipoli ID generated at the base of enchantment

◆ finishDmyId

short from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_VFX_PARAM_ST::finishDmyId { -1 }

Damipoli ID at the time of cancellation.

Damipoli ID at the time of cancellation (-1: root)

◆ finishSeId

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_VFX_PARAM_ST::finishSeId { -1 }

SeID at the time of release.

SeID at the time of release (-1: invalid)

◆ finishSfxId

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_VFX_PARAM_ST::finishSfxId { -1 }

SfxID at the time of release.

SfxID at the time of cancellation (-1: invalid)

◆ footDecalMaterialOffsetOverwriteId

short from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_VFX_PARAM_ST::footDecalMaterialOffsetOverwriteId { -1 }

Foot Decal Material Offset Forced Overwrite ID.

Forcibly rewrite the floor material ID offset of the foot decal (-1 unused)

◆ footEffectOffset

unsigned char from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_VFX_PARAM_ST::footEffectOffset { 0 }

Foot effect offset.

Amount offset to foot effect ID when this special effect is applied

◆ footEffectPriority

unsigned char from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_VFX_PARAM_ST::footEffectPriority { 0 }

Foot effect priority.

Foot effect offset priority (lower is higher)

◆ forceDeceasedType

unsigned char from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_VFX_PARAM_ST::forceDeceasedType { 0 }

Forced overwriting of player appearance.

A function that can force the appearance of a character to be alive / dead

◆ initDmyId

short from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_VFX_PARAM_ST::initDmyId { -1 }

Damipoli ID at the time of activation.

Damipoli ID at the time of activation (-1: root)

◆ initSeId

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_VFX_PARAM_ST::initSeId { -1 }

SeID at the time of activation.

When activated SeID (-1: invalid)

◆ initSfxId

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_VFX_PARAM_ST::initSfxId { -1 }

SfxID at the time of activation.

SfxID at activation (-1: invalid)

◆ isFinishFullbody

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_VFX_PARAM_ST::isFinishFullbody

Whole body (at the time of release)

Do you use the whole body Damipoli for equipping SFX at the time of release? Play SFX from torso: 190, head: 191, hands: 192, legs: 193 at 1

◆ isInitFullbody

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_VFX_PARAM_ST::isInitFullbody

Whole body (at the time of activation)

Do you use the whole body Damipoli for equipping SFX during activation? Play SFX from torso: 190, head: 191, hands: 192, legs: 193 at 1

◆ isInvisibleWeapon

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_VFX_PARAM_ST::isInvisibleWeapon

Invisible Weapon for Weapon Enchantment?

Invisible Weapon for Weapon Enchantment (0: Weapon Show, 1: Weapon Hide)

◆ isMidstFullbody

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_VFX_PARAM_ST::isMidstFullbody

Whole body (in effect)

Do you use whole body Damipoli for equipping SFX during effect? Play SFX from torso: 190, head: 191, hands: 192, legs: 193 at 1

◆ isSilence

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_VFX_PARAM_ST::isSilence

Is it silence?

Is it silence? (0: No, 1: Yes)

◆ isUseOffsetEnchantSfxSize

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_VFX_PARAM_ST::isUseOffsetEnchantSfxSize

Enchantment SFX size offset adaptation?

Whether to offset the SfxId according to the "enchantment Sfx size" of the weapon para

◆ isVisibleDeadChr

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_VFX_PARAM_ST::isVisibleDeadChr

Do you want to display even when the body is dead?

If ○, VFX will be displayed even when the corpse is dead.

◆ materialParamFadeTime

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_VFX_PARAM_ST::materialParamFadeTime { 0.f }

Fade time of material parameter values.

Fade time for material parameter values. Gradually reach the target value over this time. If the material parameter ID is -1, do nothing

◆ materialParamId

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_VFX_PARAM_ST::materialParamId { -1 }

Material extension parameter ID.

ID0-99 are GS reservation IDs. If ID100 or later is specified, the material extension parameter is referenced (-1: invalid value).

◆ materialParamInitValue

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_VFX_PARAM_ST::materialParamInitValue { 0.f }

Initial values of material parameters.

The value at the start of the fade of the material parameter. The target is specified by the material parameter ID. If the material parameter ID is -1, do nothing

◆ materialParamTargetValue

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_VFX_PARAM_ST::materialParamTargetValue { 0.f }

Material parameter target value.

The value at the end of the fade of the material parameter. The target is specified by the material parameter ID. If the material parameter ID is -1, do nothing

◆ midstDmyId

short from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_VFX_PARAM_ST::midstDmyId { -1 }

Damipoli ID in effect.

In effect Damipoli ID (-1: Root)

◆ midstSeId

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_VFX_PARAM_ST::midstSeId { -1 }

In effect SeID.

In effect SeID (-1: invalid)

◆ midstSfxId

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_VFX_PARAM_ST::midstSfxId { -1 }

In effect SfxID.

In effect SfxID (-1: invalid)

◆ phantomParamOverwriteId

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_VFX_PARAM_ST::phantomParamOverwriteId { 0 }

Phantom parameter overwrite ID.

Forced Id of phantom parameter

◆ phantomParamOverwriteType

unsigned char from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_VFX_PARAM_ST::phantomParamOverwriteType { 0 }

Forced specification of phantom parameters.

Forced overwrite type of phantom parameters

◆ playCategory

unsigned char from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_VFX_PARAM_ST::playCategory { 0 }

VFX playback category.

Controls effect playback due to duplicate effects

◆ playPriority

unsigned char from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_VFX_PARAM_ST::playPriority { 0 }

In-category priority.

Set the playback priority when the categories match (lower one has priority)

◆ soulParamIdForWepEnchant

unsigned char from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_VFX_PARAM_ST::soulParamIdForWepEnchant { 0 }

Soul Param ID for Weapon Enchantment.

Soul Param ID for Weapon Enchantment (-1: None). Change the applied Phantom Param.

◆ traceSfxIdOffsetType

unsigned char from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_VFX_PARAM_ST::traceSfxIdOffsetType { 0 }

Sword flash SFX ID offset type.

The offset value applied to the sword flash SFX ID. Used for enchantment and sword trajectory effects

◆ transformProtectorId

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_VFX_PARAM_ST::transformProtectorId { -1 }

Makeover Armor ID.

Makeover Armor ID (-1: None)

◆ wetAspectType

unsigned char from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_VFX_PARAM_ST::wetAspectType { 0 }

Water wet effect.

Generate a wet expression by referring to the wet parameter

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: