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from::paramdef::WEATHER_ASSET_CREATE_PARAM_ST Struct Reference

This struct was automatically generated from XML paramdefs. More...


Public Attributes

unsigned int AssetId { 0 }
 Asset Id.
unsigned int SlotNo { 0 }
 Slot number.
unsigned char CreateConditionType { 0 }
 Occurrence condition.
short TransitionSrcWeather { 0 }
 Transition source weather.
short TransitionDstWeather { 0 }
 Transition destination weather.
short ElapsedTimeCheckweather { 0 }
 Elapsed time check weather.
float ElapsedTime { 0.f }
 Elapsed time [Second].
float CreateDelayTime { -1.f }
 Generation delay time [Second].
unsigned int CreateProbability { 100 }
 Probability of occurrence [%].
float LifeTime { 600.f }
 Lifespan [Second].
float FadeTime { 1.f }
 Fade time [Second].
float EnableCreateTimeMin { -1.f }
 Generateable start time [Hour].
float EnableCreateTimeMax { -1.f }
 Generateable end time [Hour].
short CreatePoint0 { -1 }
 Generation point 0.
short CreatePoint1 { -1 }
 Generation point 1.
short CreatePoint2 { -1 }
 Generation point 2.
short CreatePoint3 { -1 }
 Generation point 3.
signed char CreateAssetLimitId0 { -1 }
 Generation limit ID 0.
signed char CreateAssetLimitId1 { -1 }
 Generation limit ID1.
signed char CreateAssetLimitId2 { -1 }
 Generation limit ID2.
signed char CreateAssetLimitId3 { -1 }
 Generation limit ID3.

Detailed Description

This struct was automatically generated from XML paramdefs.

Member Data Documentation

◆ AssetId

unsigned int from::paramdef::WEATHER_ASSET_CREATE_PARAM_ST::AssetId { 0 }

Asset Id.

Specify the asset ID to generate. AEG999_999-> 999999

◆ CreateAssetLimitId0

signed char from::paramdef::WEATHER_ASSET_CREATE_PARAM_ST::CreateAssetLimitId0 { -1 }

Generation limit ID 0.

ID for production restriction. -1: Unlimited. Generation is allowed only if it matches the generation limit ID in "Map default parameter .xlsm" (SEQ08921).

◆ CreateAssetLimitId1

signed char from::paramdef::WEATHER_ASSET_CREATE_PARAM_ST::CreateAssetLimitId1 { -1 }

Generation limit ID1.

ID for production restriction. -1: Unlimited. Generation is allowed only if it matches the generation limit ID in "Map default parameter .xlsm" (SEQ08921).

◆ CreateAssetLimitId2

signed char from::paramdef::WEATHER_ASSET_CREATE_PARAM_ST::CreateAssetLimitId2 { -1 }

Generation limit ID2.

ID for production restriction. -1: Unlimited. Generation is allowed only if it matches the generation limit ID in "Map default parameter .xlsm" (SEQ08921).

◆ CreateAssetLimitId3

signed char from::paramdef::WEATHER_ASSET_CREATE_PARAM_ST::CreateAssetLimitId3 { -1 }

Generation limit ID3.

ID for production restriction. -1: Unlimited. Generation is allowed only if it matches the generation limit ID in "Map default parameter .xlsm" (SEQ08921).

◆ CreateConditionType

unsigned char from::paramdef::WEATHER_ASSET_CREATE_PARAM_ST::CreateConditionType { 0 }

Occurrence condition.

The type of condition of occurrence

◆ CreateDelayTime

float from::paramdef::WEATHER_ASSET_CREATE_PARAM_ST::CreateDelayTime { -1.f }

Generation delay time [Second].

Specifies the time to delay after the generation is determined. The created slot will be in use while it is delayed. Created immediately with 0 or less.

◆ CreatePoint0

short from::paramdef::WEATHER_ASSET_CREATE_PARAM_ST::CreatePoint0 { -1 }

Generation point 0.

Specify the generation point number. Specify the last 3 digits of the "Weather Asset Generation Point" in MapStudio. -1 will be invalid

◆ CreatePoint1

short from::paramdef::WEATHER_ASSET_CREATE_PARAM_ST::CreatePoint1 { -1 }

Generation point 1.

Specify the generation point number. Specify the last 3 digits of the "Weather Asset Generation Point" in MapStudio. -1 will be invalid

◆ CreatePoint2

short from::paramdef::WEATHER_ASSET_CREATE_PARAM_ST::CreatePoint2 { -1 }

Generation point 2.

Specify the generation point number. Specify the last 3 digits of the "Weather Asset Generation Point" in MapStudio. -1 will be invalid

◆ CreatePoint3

short from::paramdef::WEATHER_ASSET_CREATE_PARAM_ST::CreatePoint3 { -1 }

Generation point 3.

Specify the generation point number. Specify the last 3 digits of the "Weather Asset Generation Point" in MapStudio. -1 will be invalid

◆ CreateProbability

unsigned int from::paramdef::WEATHER_ASSET_CREATE_PARAM_ST::CreateProbability { 100 }

Probability of occurrence [%].

Specifies the probability of occurrence when conditions for weather transitions or elapsed time are met.

◆ ElapsedTime

float from::paramdef::WEATHER_ASSET_CREATE_PARAM_ST::ElapsedTime { 0.f }

Elapsed time [Second].

Specify the elapsed time. It is referenced only when the occurrence condition is "time elapsed". Real time Specify in seconds.

◆ ElapsedTimeCheckweather

short from::paramdef::WEATHER_ASSET_CREATE_PARAM_ST::ElapsedTimeCheckweather { 0 }

Elapsed time check weather.

Specify the weather to check the elapsed time.

◆ EnableCreateTimeMax

float from::paramdef::WEATHER_ASSET_CREATE_PARAM_ST::EnableCreateTimeMax { -1.f }

Generateable end time [Hour].

Specifies the end time that can be generated [0.0 –24.0]. If you put -1 in either the start or the end, it will be treated as unlimited (can be generated in all time).

◆ EnableCreateTimeMin

float from::paramdef::WEATHER_ASSET_CREATE_PARAM_ST::EnableCreateTimeMin { -1.f }

Generateable start time [Hour].

Specifies a start time that can be generated [0.0 –24.0]. If you put -1 in either the start or the end, it will be treated as unlimited (can be generated in all time).

◆ FadeTime

float from::paramdef::WEATHER_ASSET_CREATE_PARAM_ST::FadeTime { 1.f }

Fade time [Second].

Time [seconds] used for fade-in and fade-out. No fade below 0.

◆ LifeTime

float from::paramdef::WEATHER_ASSET_CREATE_PARAM_ST::LifeTime { 600.f }

Lifespan [Second].

Specifies the life of the generated asset. Real time Specify in seconds.

◆ SlotNo

unsigned int from::paramdef::WEATHER_ASSET_CREATE_PARAM_ST::SlotNo { 0 }

Slot number.

This is the number for generation control. Only one asset can be generated in the same slot. You can control whether you want to generate duplicates or not.

◆ TransitionDstWeather

short from::paramdef::WEATHER_ASSET_CREATE_PARAM_ST::TransitionDstWeather { 0 }

Transition destination weather.

Specify the transition destination weather. It is referenced only when the occurrence condition is "transition".

◆ TransitionSrcWeather

short from::paramdef::WEATHER_ASSET_CREATE_PARAM_ST::TransitionSrcWeather { 0 }

Transition source weather.

Specify the transition source weather. It is referenced only when the occurrence condition is "transition".

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: