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from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST Struct Reference

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#include <SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST.hpp>

Public Attributes

int iconId { -1 }
 Icon ID.
float conditionHp { -1.f }
 Trigger condition: Remaining HP ratio [%].
float effectEndurance { 0.f }
 Effect duration time [s].
float motionInterval { 0.f }
 Activation interval [s].
float maxHpRate { 1.f }
 Maximum HP magnification [%].
float maxMpRate { 1.f }
 Maximum MP magnification [%].
float maxStaminaRate { 1.f }
 Maximum stamina magnification [%].
float slashDamageCutRate { 1.f }
 Defender: Slash damage multiplier.
float blowDamageCutRate { 1.f }
 Defender: Batter damage multiplier.
float thrustDamageCutRate { 1.f }
 Defender: Puncture damage multiplier.
float neutralDamageCutRate { 1.f }
 Defender: Non-attribute damage multiplier.
float magicDamageCutRate { 1.f }
 Defender: Magic damage multiplier.
float fireDamageCutRate { 1.f }
 Defender: Fire damage multiplier.
float thunderDamageCutRate { 1.f }
 Defender: Electric shock damage multiplier.
float physicsAttackRate { 1.f }
 Attacker: Physical damage multiplier.
float magicAttackRate { 1.f }
 Attacker: Magic damage multiplier.
float fireAttackRate { 1.f }
 Attacker: Fire damage multiplier.
float thunderAttackRate { 1.f }
 Attack side: Electric shock damage ratio.
float physicsAttackPowerRate { 1.f }
 Physical attack power multiplier.
float magicAttackPowerRate { 1.f }
 Magic attack power multiplier.
float fireAttackPowerRate { 1.f }
 Fire attack power multiplier.
float thunderAttackPowerRate { 1.f }
 Electric shock attack power multiplier.
int physicsAttackPower { 0 }
 Physical attack power [point].
int magicAttackPower { 0 }
 Magic attack power [point].
int fireAttackPower { 0 }
 Fire attack power [point].
int thunderAttackPower { 0 }
 Electric shock attack power [point].
float physicsDiffenceRate { 1.f }
 Physical defense power multiplier.
float magicDiffenceRate { 1.f }
 Magic defense multiplier.
float fireDiffenceRate { 1.f }
 Fire defense multiplier.
float thunderDiffenceRate { 1.f }
 Electric shock defense power multiplier.
int physicsDiffence { 0 }
 Physical defense [point].
int magicDiffence { 0 }
 Magic defense [point].
int fireDiffence { 0 }
 Fire defense [point].
int thunderDiffence { 0 }
 Electric shock defense [point].
float NoGuardDamageRate { 1.f }
 Gap damage ratio.
float vitalSpotChangeRate { -1.f }
 Sweet spot magnification.
float normalSpotChangeRate { -1.f }
 Normal hit magnification.
float lookAtTargetPosOffset { 0.f }
 LookAt Position Offset [m].
int behaviorId { -1 }
 Action ID designation frame.
float changeHpRate { 0.f }
 HP damage amount [%].
int changeHpPoint { 0 }
 HP damage [point].
float changeMpRate { 0.f }
 MP damage amount [%].
int changeMpPoint { 0 }
 MP damage [point].
int mpRecoverChangeSpeed { 0 }
 MP recovery speed change [point].
float changeStaminaRate { 0.f }
 Stamina damage amount [%].
int changeStaminaPoint { 0 }
 Stamina damage [point].
int staminaRecoverChangeSpeed { 0 }
 Stamina recovery speed change [point].
float magicEffectTimeChange { 0.f }
 Magic effect time change.
int insideDurability { 0 }
 Durability change: Internal wear [point].
int maxDurability { 0 }
 Durability change: Maximum wear change [point].
float staminaAttackRate { 1.f }
 Stamina attack power multiplier.
int poizonAttackPower { 0 }
 Poison resistance attack power [point].
int diseaseAttackPower { 0 }
 Epidemic resistance attack power [point].
int bloodAttackPower { 0 }
 Bleeding resistance attack power [point].
int curseAttackPower { 0 }
 Curse resistance attack power [point].
float fallDamageRate { 0.f }
 Fall damage ratio.
float soulRate { 0.f }
 Get Soul Magnification.
float equipWeightChangeRate { 0.f }
 Equipment weight change rate.
float allItemWeightChangeRate { 0.f }
 Possession weight change rate.
int soul { 0 }
 Soul addition.
int animIdOffset { -1 }
 Anime ID offset (invalid-1)
float haveSoulRate { 1.f }
 Possession soul rate.
float targetPriority { 0.f }
 Target priority addition.
float sightSearchEnemyRate { 1.f }
 Those who can see: Visual magnification.
float hearingSearchEnemyRate { 1.f }
 Who can hear: AI sound radius magnification.
float grabityRate { 1.f }
 Gravity rate.
float registPoizonChangeRate { 1.f }
 Poison resistance change rate.
float registDiseaseChangeRate { 1.f }
 Epidemic resistance change rate.
float registBloodChangeRate { 1.f }
 Bleeding resistance change rate.
float registCurseChangeRate { 1.f }
 Curse resistance change rate.
float soulStealRate { 0.f }
 Soul Steel Coefficient.
float lifeReductionRate { 0.f }
 Defense: Life factor.
float hpRecoverRate { 0.f }
 HP recovery coefficient.
int replaceSpEffectId { -1 }
 Special effects to replace.
int cycleOccurrenceSpEffectId { -1 }
 Periodic special effects.
int atkOccurrenceSpEffectId { -1 }
 Attack occurrence special effect.
float guardDefFlickPowerRate { 1.f }
 When guarding, the defense power up rate.
float guardStaminaCutRate { 1.f }
 Stamina cut magnification when guarding.
short rayCastPassedTime { -1 }
 Passing the line of sight: Activation time [ms].
unsigned char magicSubCategoryChange1 { 0 }
 Vs to subcategory parameter change 1.
unsigned char magicSubCategoryChange2 { 0 }
 Vs to subcategory parameter change 2.
short bowDistRate { 0 }
 Bow distance correction [%].
unsigned short spCategory { 0 }
 Special effects category.
unsigned char categoryPriority { 0 }
 In-category priority.
signed char saveCategory { -1 }
 Save category.
unsigned char changeMagicSlot { 0 }
 Magic registration frame change Magic slot.
unsigned char changeMiracleSlot { 0 }
 Miracle registration frame change Miracle slot.
signed char heroPointDamage { 0 }
 Human damage value.
unsigned char defFlickPower { 0 }
 Repellent Defense_Overwrite.
unsigned char flickDamageCutRate { 0 }
 Damage attenuation rate when repelling [%] _ Overwrite.
unsigned char bloodDamageRate { 100 }
 Bleeding damage correction factor.
signed char dmgLv_None { 0 }
 DL_No damage (0)
signed char dmgLv_S { 0 }
 DL_Small (1)
signed char dmgLv_M { 0 }
 DL_Medium (2)
signed char dmgLv_L { 0 }
 DL_Large (3)
signed char dmgLv_BlowM { 0 }
 DL_ Blow-off (4)
signed char dmgLv_Push { 0 }
 DL_push (5)
signed char dmgLv_Strike { 0 }
 DL_Slamming (6)
signed char dmgLv_BlowS { 0 }
 DL_Small blow (7)
signed char dmgLv_Min { 0 }
 DL_minimal (8)
signed char dmgLv_Uppercut { 0 }
 DL_ Launch (9)
signed char dmgLv_BlowLL { 0 }
 DL_ Oversized Blowout (10)
signed char dmgLv_Breath { 0 }
 DL_Breath (11)
unsigned char atkAttribute { 254 }
 Physical attributes.
unsigned char spAttribute { 254 }
 Special attributes.
unsigned short stateInfo { 0 }
 State change type.
unsigned char wepParamChange { 0 }
 Weapon parameter change.
unsigned char moveType { 0 }
 Movement type.
unsigned short lifeReductionType { 0 }
 Defense: Life reduction type.
unsigned char throwCondition { 0 }
 Throwing conditions.
signed char addBehaviorJudgeId_condition { -1 }
 Condition value to be added to the action judgment ID.
unsigned char freezeDamageRate { 100 }
 Cold damage correction factor.
bool effectTargetSelf: 1 { false }
 Effect target: Affiliation.
bool effectTargetFriend: 1 { false }
 Effect target: Affiliation ally.
bool effectTargetEnemy: 1 { false }
 Effect target: Affiliation enemy.
bool effectTargetPlayer: 1 { false }
 Effect target: Operation PC.
bool effectTargetAI: 1 { false }
 Effect target: Operation AI.
bool effectTargetLive: 1 { false }
 Effect target: State survival.
bool effectTargetGhost: 1 { false }
 Effect target: State All ghosts.
bool disableSleep: 1 { false }
 Sleep disabled.
bool disableMadness: 1 { false }
 Madness invalid.
bool effectTargetAttacker: 1 { false }
 Effect target: Activated by an attacker.
bool dispIconNonactive: 1 { false }
 Icon display even if not activated.
bool regainGaugeDamage: 1 { false }
 Whether to generate a regain gauge.
bool bAdjustMagicAblity: 1 { false }
 Do you want to correct the magic power?
bool bAdjustFaithAblity: 1 { false }
 Do you correct your faith?
bool bGameClearBonus: 1 { false }
 Is it for a lap bonus?
bool magParamChange: 1 { false }
 Anti-magic parameter change.
bool miracleParamChange: 1 { false }
 Anti-miracle parameter change.
bool clearSoul: 1 { false }
 Do you want to clear your soul?
bool requestSOS: 1 { false }
 SOS sign judgment flag.
bool requestBlackSOS: 1 { false }
 Black SOS sign judgment flag.
bool requestForceJoinBlackSOS: 1 { false }
 Intrusion_A request judgment flag.
bool requestKickSession: 1 { false }
 Kick judgment flag.
bool requestLeaveSession: 1 { false }
 Exit judgment flag.
bool requestNpcInveda: 1 { false }
 NPC intrusion judgment flag.
bool noDead: 1 { false }
 Undecidable judgment flag.
bool bCurrHPIndependeMaxHP: 1 { false }
 Does HP now affect even if the maximum HP increases or decreases?
bool corrosionIgnore: 1 { false }
 Ignore corrosion.
bool sightSearchCutIgnore: 1 { false }
 Ignore visual search enemy cuts.
bool hearingSearchCutIgnore: 1 { false }
 Ignore hearing search enemy cut.
bool antiMagicIgnore: 1 { false }
 Anti-magic disabled.
bool fakeTargetIgnore: 1 { false }
 False target invalid_ hallucination system.
bool fakeTargetIgnoreUndead: 1 { false }
 False target invalid_human.
bool fakeTargetIgnoreAnimal: 1 { false }
 False target invalid_beast system.
bool grabityIgnore: 1 { false }
 Gravity disabled.
bool disablePoison: 1 { false }
 Poison invalid.
bool disableDisease: 1 { false }
 Epidemic invalid.
bool disableBlood: 1 { false }
 Bleeding disabled.
bool disableCurse: 1 { false }
 Curse invalid.
bool enableCharm: 1 { false }
 Enchanting effective.
bool enableLifeTime: 1 { false }
 Do you want to extend your life?
bool bAdjustStrengthAblity: 1 { false }
 Do you want to correct your strength?
bool bAdjustAgilityAblity: 1 { false }
 Do you want to correct your workmanship?
bool eraseOnBonfireRecover: 1 { false }
 Will it be extinguished by bonfire recovery?
bool throwAttackParamChange: 1 { false }
 Anti-throw parameter change.
bool requestLeaveColiseumSession: 1 { false }
 Exit from the arena Judgment flag.
bool isExtendSpEffectLife: 1 { false }
 Will it be extended by the life extension effect?
bool hasTarget: 1 { false }
 Do you know the enemy?
bool replanningOnFire: 1 { false }
 Do you want to replan when activated?
bool vowType0: 1 { false }
 Pledge 0.
bool vowType1: 1 { false }
 Pledge 1.
bool vowType2: 1 { false }
 Pledge 2.
bool vowType3: 1 { false }
 Pledge 3.
bool vowType4: 1 { false }
 Pledge 4.
bool vowType5: 1 { false }
 Pledge 5.
bool vowType6: 1 { false }
 Pledge 6.
bool vowType7: 1 { false }
 Pledge 7.
bool vowType8: 1 { false }
 Pledge 8.
bool vowType9: 1 { false }
 Pledge 9.
bool vowType10: 1 { false }
 Pledge 10.
bool vowType11: 1 { false }
 Pledge 11.
bool vowType12: 1 { false }
 Pledge 12.
bool vowType13: 1 { false }
 Pledge 13.
bool vowType14: 1 { false }
 Pledge 14.
bool vowType15: 1 { false }
 Pledge 15.
signed char repAtkDmgLv { 0 }
 Attack side damage level replacement.
float sightSearchRate { 1.f }
 Viewer: Visual magnification.
bool effectTargetOpposeTarget: 1 { false }
 Effect target: ● Hostile.
bool effectTargetFriendlyTarget: 1 { false }
 Effect target: ○ Allies.
bool effectTargetSelfTarget: 1 { false }
 Effect target: myself.
bool effectTargetPcHorse: 1 { false }
 Effect target: PC horse.
bool effectTargetPcDeceased: 1 { false }
 Effect target: PC dead only.
bool isContractSpEffectLife: 1 { false }
 Will it be shortened by the effect of shortening the life?
bool isWaitModeDelete: 1 { false }
 Deleted when entering the waiting state.
bool isIgnoreNoDamage: 1 { false }
 Will it be activated even when it is invincible?
signed char changeTeamType { -1 }
 Team type change.
short dmypolyId { -1 }
 Damipoli ID.
int vfxId { -1 }
 Special effect VfxId_0.
int accumuOverFireId { -1 }
 Special effect Id activated at the upper limit of the spirit ball.
int accumuOverVal { -1 }
 Genkitama upper limit.
int accumuUnderFireId { -1 }
 Special effect Id activated at the lower limit of the spirit ball.
int accumuUnderVal { -1 }
 Genkitama lower limit.
int accumuVal { 0 }
 Genkitama accumulation value.
unsigned char eye_angX { 0 }
 How to see: Overwrite visual angle (height) [deg].
unsigned char eye_angY { 0 }
 How to see: Overwrite visual angle (width) [deg].
short addDeceasedLv { 0 }
 Change the degree of death.
int vfxId1 { -1 }
 Special effect VfxId_1.
int vfxId2 { -1 }
 Special effect VfxId_2.
int vfxId3 { -1 }
 Special effect VfxId_3.
int vfxId4 { -1 }
 Special effect VfxId_4.
int vfxId5 { -1 }
 Special effect VfxId_5.
int vfxId6 { -1 }
 Special effect VfxId_6.
int vfxId7 { -1 }
 Special effect VfxId_7.
int freezeAttackPower { 0 }
 Cold resistance attack power [point].
int AppearAiSoundId { 0 }
 Generated AI sound ID.
short addFootEffectSfxId { -1 }
 Additional foot effect identifier.
signed char dexterityCancelSystemOnlyAddDexterity { 0 }
 Virtual status for skill cancellation.
signed char teamOffenseEffectivity { -1 }
 Team attack influence_overwrite.
float toughnessDamageCutRate { 1.f }
 Toughness Damage multiplier.
float weakDmgRateA { 1.f }
 Special attack A damage multiplier correction.
float weakDmgRateB { 1.f }
 Special attack B damage multiplier correction.
float weakDmgRateC { 1.f }
 Special attack C damage multiplier correction.
float weakDmgRateD { 1.f }
 Special attack D damage multiplier correction.
float weakDmgRateE { 1.f }
 Special attack E damage multiplier correction.
float weakDmgRateF { 1.f }
 Special attack F damage multiplier correction.
float darkDamageCutRate { 1.f }
 Defender: Dark damage multiplier.
float darkDiffenceRate { 1.f }
 Dark defense multiplier.
int darkDiffence { 0 }
 Dark defense [point].
float darkAttackRate { 1.f }
 Attacker: Dark damage multiplier.
float darkAttackPowerRate { 1.f }
 Dark attack power multiplier.
int darkAttackPower { 0 }
 Dark attack power [point].
float antiDarkSightRadius { 0.f }
 Radius of full view of darkness [m].
int antiDarkSightDmypolyId { -1 }
 Damipoli ID with full view of darkness.
float conditionHpRate { -1.f }
 Trigger condition: Remaining HP ratio is above a certain level [%].
float consumeStaminaRate { 1.f }
 Consumption stamina magnification.
float itemDropRate { 0.f }
 Item drop correction.
int changePoisonResistPoint { 0 }
 Poison resistance change [point].
int changeDiseaseResistPoint { 0 }
 Epidemic resistance change [point].
int changeBloodResistPoint { 0 }
 Bleeding resistance change [point].
int changeCurseResistPoint { 0 }
 Curse resistance change [point].
int changeFreezeResistPoint { 0 }
 Change in cold tolerance [point].
float slashAttackRate { 1.f }
 Attacker: Slash damage multiplier.
float blowAttackRate { 1.f }
 Attacker: Batter damage multiplier.
float thrustAttackRate { 1.f }
 Attack side: piercing damage multiplier.
float neutralAttackRate { 1.f }
 Attacker: Non-attribute damage multiplier.
float slashAttackPowerRate { 1.f }
 Slash attack power multiplier.
float blowAttackPowerRate { 1.f }
 Batter attack power multiplier.
float thrustAttackPowerRate { 1.f }
 Puncture attack power multiplier.
float neutralAttackPowerRate { 1.f }
 Non-attribute attack power multiplier.
int slashAttackPower { 0 }
 Slash attack power [point].
int blowAttackPower { 0 }
 Batter attack power [point].
int thrustAttackPower { 0 }
 Puncture attack power [point].
int neutralAttackPower { 0 }
 Non-attribute attack power [point].
int changeStrengthPoint { 0 }
 Strength correction change [point].
int changeAgilityPoint { 0 }
 Agility correction change [point].
int changeMagicPoint { 0 }
 Magic correction change [point].
int changeFaithPoint { 0 }
 Faith correction change [point].
int changeLuckPoint { 0 }
 Luck correction change [point].
signed char recoverArtsPoint_Str { 0 }
 Arts point recovery Strength system.
signed char recoverArtsPoint_Dex { 0 }
 Arts point recovery workmanship system.
signed char recoverArtsPoint_Magic { 0 }
 Arts point recovery magic system.
signed char recoverArtsPoint_Miracle { 0 }
 Arts point recovery Miracle system.
unsigned char madnessDamageRate { 100 }
 Mad damage correction factor.
bool isUseStatusAilmentAtkPowerCorrect: 1 { false }
 Whether to apply the abnormal state attack power multiplier correction.
bool isUseAtkParamAtkPowerCorrect: 1 { false }
 Whether to apply the attack power multiplier correction of the attack parameter.
bool dontDeleteOnDead: 1 { false }
 Do not delete at death.
bool disableFreeze: 1 { false }
 Cold air invalid.
bool isDisableNetSync: 1 { false }
 Do not synchronize with the net.
bool shamanParamChange: 1 { false }
 Anti-magic parameter change.
bool isStopSearchedNotify: 1 { false }
 Stop notification of search enemy status.
bool isCheckAboveShadowTest: 1 { false }
 It only takes when outside the rain shield.
unsigned short addBehaviorJudgeId_add { 0 }
 Addition value to be added to the action judgment ID.
float saReceiveDamageRate { 1.f }
 SA value_damage ratio.
float defPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Physics { 1.f }
 Defending player Physical damage compensation factor.
float defPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Magic { 1.f }
 Defending player magic damage correction multiplier.
float defPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Fire { 1.f }
 Defending player Fire damage compensation factor.
float defPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Thunder { 1.f }
 Defending player Lightning damage compensation factor.
float defPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Dark { 1.f }
 Defending player Dark damage correction factor.
float defEnemyDmgCorrectRate_Physics { 1.f }
 Defender Enemy Physical Damage Compensation Magnification.
float defEnemyDmgCorrectRate_Magic { 1.f }
 Defender enemy magic damage correction factor.
float defEnemyDmgCorrectRate_Fire { 1.f }
 Defender enemy flame damage correction factor.
float defEnemyDmgCorrectRate_Thunder { 1.f }
 Defender enemy lightning damage correction factor.
float defEnemyDmgCorrectRate_Dark { 1.f }
 Defender enemy darkness damage correction factor.
float defObjDmgCorrectRate { 1.f }
 Defender Object Damage Compensation Magnification.
float atkPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Physics { 1.f }
 Attacking player Physical damage correction factor.
float atkPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Magic { 1.f }
 Attacking player Magic damage compensation factor.
float atkPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Fire { 1.f }
 Attacker Player Flame Damage Compensation Multiplier.
float atkPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Thunder { 1.f }
 Attacking player Lightning damage compensation factor.
float atkPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Dark { 1.f }
 Attacking player Dark damage correction factor.
float atkEnemyDmgCorrectRate_Physics { 1.f }
 Attacker Enemy Physical Damage Compensation Magnification.
float atkEnemyDmgCorrectRate_Magic { 1.f }
 Attacking side Enemy magic damage correction factor.
float atkEnemyDmgCorrectRate_Fire { 1.f }
 Attacking side Enemy flame damage correction factor.
float atkEnemyDmgCorrectRate_Thunder { 1.f }
 Attacking side Enemy lightning damage correction factor.
float atkEnemyDmgCorrectRate_Dark { 1.f }
 Attacking side Enemy darkness damage correction factor.
float registFreezeChangeRate { 1.f }
 Cold resistance change rate.
unsigned short invocationConditionsStateChange1 { 0 }
 Trigger condition state change type 1.
unsigned short invocationConditionsStateChange2 { 0 }
 Trigger condition state change type 2.
unsigned short invocationConditionsStateChange3 { 0 }
 Trigger condition state change type 3.
short hearingAiSoundLevel { -1 }
 Listener: Overwrite audible AI sound level.
float chrProxyHeightRate { 1.f }
 Capsule size magnification.
float addAwarePointCorrectValue_forMe { 0.f }
 Search side addition correction_viewer.
float addAwarePointCorrectValue_forTarget { 0.f }
 Searching degree addition correction _ side to be seen.
float sightSearchEnemyAdd { 0.f }
 Those who can see: Visual addition.
float sightSearchAdd { 0.f }
 How to see: Visual addition.
float hearingSearchAdd { 0.f }
 Listener: AI sound radius addition.
float hearingSearchRate { 1.f }
 Listener: AI sound radius magnification.
float hearingSearchEnemyAdd { 0.f }
 Those who can hear: AI sound radius addition.
float value_Magnification { 1.f }
 Sales price correction: Magnification.
float artsConsumptionRate { 1.f }
 Arts MP consumption magnification.
float magicConsumptionRate { 1.f }
 Magic consumption MP magnification.
float shamanConsumptionRate { 1.f }
 Magic consumption MP multiplier.
float miracleConsumptionRate { 1.f }
 Miracle consumption MP magnification.
int changeHpEstusFlaskRate { 0 }
 Est bottle HP damage amount [%].
int changeHpEstusFlaskPoint { 0 }
 Est bottle HP damage amount [point].
int changeMpEstusFlaskRate { 0 }
 Est Bottle MP Damage Amount [%].
int changeMpEstusFlaskPoint { 0 }
 Est Bottle MP Damage Amount [point].
float changeHpEstusFlaskCorrectRate { 1.f }
 Est bottle HP damage multiplier.
float changeMpEstusFlaskCorrectRate { 1.f }
 Est bottle MP damage multiplier.
int applyIdOnGetSoul { 0 }
 HP drain activation special effect.
float extendLifeRate { 1.f }
 Life extension factor.
float contractLifeRate { 1.f }
 Life shortening ratio.
float defObjectAttackPowerRate { 1.f }
 Damaged object attack power multiplier.
short effectEndDeleteDecalGroupId { -1 }
 Group ID that deletes the character's paint decal when the special effect disappears.
signed char addLifeForceStatus { 0 }
 Vitality additional value.
signed char addWillpowerStatus { 0 }
 Mental strength additional value.
signed char addEndureStatus { 0 }
 Endurance additional value.
signed char addVitalityStatus { 0 }
 Additional physical strength.
signed char addStrengthStatus { 0 }
 Strength addition value.
signed char addDexterityStatus { 0 }
 Workmanship addition value.
signed char addMagicStatus { 0 }
 Force addition value.
signed char addFaithStatus { 0 }
 Faith additional value.
signed char addLuckStatus { 0 }
 Luck addition value.
unsigned char deleteCriteriaDamage { 0 }
 Deletion condition damage.
unsigned char magicSubCategoryChange3 { 0 }
 Vs to subcategory parameter change 3.
unsigned char spAttributeVariationValue { 0 }
 Special attribute variation value.
unsigned char atkFlickPower { 0 }
 Repelling attack power_overwrite.
unsigned char wetConditionDepth { 0 }
 Water level setting for wet conditions.
float changeSaRecoveryVelocity { 1.f }
 SA recovery speed change.
float regainRate { 1.f }
 Regain magnification.
float saAttackPowerRate { 1.f }
 SA attack power multiplier.
int sleepAttackPower { 0 }
 Sleep tolerance attack power [point].
int madnessAttackPower { 0 }
 Madness resistance attack power [point].
float registSleepChangeRate { 1.f }
 Sleep tolerance change rate.
float registMadnessChangeRate { 1.f }
 Madness resistance change rate.
int changeSleepResistPoint { 0 }
 Changes in sleep tolerance [point].
int changeMadnessResistPoint { 0 }
 Madness resistance change [point].
unsigned char sleepDamageRate { 100 }
 Sleep damage correction factor.
unsigned char applyPartsGroup { 0 }
 Changes in site parameters.
bool clearTarget: 1 { false }
 Clear the target.
bool fakeTargetIgnoreAjin: 1 { false }
 False target invalid_subhuman.
bool fakeTargetIgnoreMirageArts: 1 { false }
 False target invalid_phantom arts system.
bool requestForceJoinBlackSOS_B: 1 { false }
 Intrusion_B request judgment flag.
float changeSuperArmorPoint { 0.f }
 Maximum SA addition value [point].
float changeSaPoint { 0.f }
 SA damage amount [point].
float hugeEnemyPickupHeightOverwrite { 0.f }
 Giant enemy lift height overwrite [m].
float poisonDefDamageRate { 1.f }
 Defender: Poison resistance damage multiplier.
float diseaseDefDamageRate { 1.f }
 Defender: Epidemic resistance damage multiplier.
float bloodDefDamageRate { 1.f }
 Defender: Bleeding resistance damage multiplier.
float curseDefDamageRate { 1.f }
 Defender: Curse resistance damage multiplier.
float freezeDefDamageRate { 1.f }
 Defender: Cold resistance damage multiplier.
float sleepDefDamageRate { 1.f }
 Defender: Sleep resistance damage multiplier.
float madnessDefDamageRate { 1.f }
 Defender: Madness resistance damage multiplier.
unsigned short overwrite_maxBackhomeDist { 0 }
 Distance to go home no matter what [m] _ overwrite.
unsigned short overwrite_backhomeDist { 0 }
 Distance to return home while fighting [m] _ Overwrite.
unsigned short overwrite_backhomeBattleDist { 0 }
 Distance to give up and fight to return to the nest [m] _ overwrite.
unsigned short overwrite_BackHome_LookTargetDist { 0 }
 When returning home: Distance to see the target [m] _ Overwrite.
float goodsConsumptionRate { 1.f }
 Item consumption MP magnification.
float guardStaminaMult { 1.f }
 Guard stamina magnification.

Detailed Description

This struct was automatically generated from XML paramdefs.

Member Data Documentation

◆ addBehaviorJudgeId_add

unsigned short from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::addBehaviorJudgeId_add { 0 }

Addition value to be added to the action judgment ID.

If the addition value of the action judgment ID is 0, the action is not switched and the action is stopped.

◆ addBehaviorJudgeId_condition

signed char from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::addBehaviorJudgeId_condition { -1 }

Condition value to be added to the action judgment ID.

Condition value to add a value to the action judgment ID (Def: -1)

◆ addDeceasedLv

short from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::addDeceasedLv { 0 }

Change the degree of death.

Add this value to the degree of death

◆ addDexterityStatus

signed char from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::addDexterityStatus { 0 }

Workmanship addition value.

Add value to growth status

◆ addEndureStatus

signed char from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::addEndureStatus { 0 }

Endurance additional value.

Add value to growth status

◆ addFaithStatus

signed char from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::addFaithStatus { 0 }

Faith additional value.

Add value to growth status

◆ addFootEffectSfxId

short from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::addFootEffectSfxId { -1 }

Additional foot effect identifier.

The identifier of the foot effect that is additionally generated during special effects. XYYZZZ ZZZ

◆ addLifeForceStatus

signed char from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::addLifeForceStatus { 0 }

Vitality additional value.

Add value to growth status

◆ addLuckStatus

signed char from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::addLuckStatus { 0 }

Luck addition value.

Add value to growth status

◆ addMagicStatus

signed char from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::addMagicStatus { 0 }

Force addition value.

Add value to growth status

◆ addStrengthStatus

signed char from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::addStrengthStatus { 0 }

Strength addition value.

Add value to growth status

◆ addVitalityStatus

signed char from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::addVitalityStatus { 0 }

Additional physical strength.

Add value to growth status

◆ addWillpowerStatus

signed char from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::addWillpowerStatus { 0 }

Mental strength additional value.

Add value to growth status

◆ allItemWeightChangeRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::allItemWeightChangeRate { 0.f }

Possession weight change rate.

Multiply the maximum weight you have by the set magnification

◆ antiDarkSightDmypolyId

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::antiDarkSightDmypolyId { -1 }

Damipoli ID with full view of darkness.

Damipoli ID (-1: Master) with full view of darkness. Create a full view area around this Damipoli

◆ antiDarkSightRadius

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::antiDarkSightRadius { 0.f }

Radius of full view of darkness [m].

Radius of full view of darkness [m]. If you are within this distance, you will be able to see at normal distance even in the dark.

◆ antiMagicIgnore

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::antiMagicIgnore

Anti-magic disabled.

You can use magic even in the anti-magic range

◆ AppearAiSoundId

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::AppearAiSoundId { 0 }

Generated AI sound ID.

Generates AI sound parameters with set values

◆ applyIdOnGetSoul

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::applyIdOnGetSoul { 0 }

HP drain activation special effect.

When the special effect of the state change type "HP drain" is enabled, when the enemy is defeated, the special effect ID set in the "HP drain activation special effect" of the same special effect is called (0: ignore).

◆ applyPartsGroup

unsigned char from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::applyPartsGroup { 0 }

Changes in site parameters.

The effect is limited by the part where the attack hits. Only defensive items in damage calculation are subject to restriction

◆ artsConsumptionRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::artsConsumptionRate { 1.f }

Arts MP consumption magnification.

Arts MP consumption multiplier [%]

◆ atkAttribute

unsigned char from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::atkAttribute { 254 }

Physical attributes.

Physical attributes to set for special effects

◆ atkEnemyDmgCorrectRate_Dark

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::atkEnemyDmgCorrectRate_Dark { 1.f }

Attacking side Enemy darkness damage correction factor.

Damage correction for the damage value given to the enemy.

◆ atkEnemyDmgCorrectRate_Fire

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::atkEnemyDmgCorrectRate_Fire { 1.f }

Attacking side Enemy flame damage correction factor.

Damage correction for the damage value given to the enemy.

◆ atkEnemyDmgCorrectRate_Magic

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::atkEnemyDmgCorrectRate_Magic { 1.f }

Attacking side Enemy magic damage correction factor.

Damage correction for the damage value given to the enemy.

◆ atkEnemyDmgCorrectRate_Physics

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::atkEnemyDmgCorrectRate_Physics { 1.f }

Attacker Enemy Physical Damage Compensation Magnification.

Damage correction for the damage value given to the enemy.

◆ atkEnemyDmgCorrectRate_Thunder

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::atkEnemyDmgCorrectRate_Thunder { 1.f }

Attacking side Enemy lightning damage correction factor.

Damage correction for the damage value given to the enemy.

◆ atkFlickPower

unsigned char from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::atkFlickPower { 0 }

Repelling attack power_overwrite.

Set a value that overwrites the repelling attack power

◆ atkOccurrenceSpEffectId

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::atkOccurrenceSpEffectId { -1 }

Attack occurrence special effect.

Special effect ID that occurs when hitting an attack (-1 is ignored)

◆ atkPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Dark

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::atkPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Dark { 1.f }

Attacking player Dark damage correction factor.

Damage correction for the damage value given to the player.

◆ atkPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Fire

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::atkPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Fire { 1.f }

Attacker Player Flame Damage Compensation Multiplier.

Damage correction for the damage value given to the player.

◆ atkPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Magic

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::atkPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Magic { 1.f }

Attacking player Magic damage compensation factor.

Damage correction for the damage value given to the player.

◆ atkPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Physics

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::atkPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Physics { 1.f }

Attacking player Physical damage correction factor.

Damage correction for the damage value given to the player.

◆ atkPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Thunder

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::atkPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Thunder { 1.f }

Attacking player Lightning damage compensation factor.

Damage correction for the damage value given to the player.

◆ behaviorId

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::behaviorId { -1 }

Action ID designation frame.

Specified -1 when dealing damage using action ID from special effects

◆ bGameClearBonus

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::bGameClearBonus

Is it for a lap bonus?

Whether it is for the game clear lap bonus.

◆ bloodAttackPower

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::bloodAttackPower { 0 }

Bleeding resistance attack power [point].

A value to be added to the target's [bleeding resistance value] when it hits

◆ bloodDamageRate

unsigned char from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::bloodDamageRate { 100 }

Bleeding damage correction factor.

Point damage of state change type [bleeding], correction value used only when% damage

◆ bloodDefDamageRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::bloodDefDamageRate { 1.f }

Defender: Bleeding resistance damage multiplier.

Bleeding resistance damage ratio: Correct the calculated damage by XX times. 1 is normal.

◆ blowAttackPower

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::blowAttackPower { 0 }

Batter attack power [point].

Add or subtract the value set for the batter attack power

◆ blowAttackPowerRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::blowAttackPowerRate { 1.f }

Batter attack power multiplier.

Multiply the hit attack power by the set value

◆ blowAttackRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::blowAttackRate { 1.f }

Attacker: Batter damage multiplier.

Batter damage ratio: The calculated damage is corrected by XX times. 1 is normal.

◆ blowDamageCutRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::blowDamageCutRate { 1.f }

Defender: Batter damage multiplier.

Batter damage ratio: The calculated damage is corrected by XX times. 1 is normal.

◆ bowDistRate

short from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::bowDistRate { 0 }

Bow distance correction [%].

Correction value added to the flight distance correction of the weapon

◆ categoryPriority

unsigned char from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::categoryPriority { 0 }

In-category priority.

Priority within the same category (lower one has priority)

◆ changeAgilityPoint

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::changeAgilityPoint { 0 }

Agility correction change [point].

Add or subtract the correction value of the weapon

◆ changeBloodResistPoint

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::changeBloodResistPoint { 0 }

Bleeding resistance change [point].

Increase or decrease the state resistance value

◆ changeCurseResistPoint

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::changeCurseResistPoint { 0 }

Curse resistance change [point].

Increase or decrease the state resistance value

◆ changeDiseaseResistPoint

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::changeDiseaseResistPoint { 0 }

Epidemic resistance change [point].

Increase or decrease the state resistance value

◆ changeFaithPoint

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::changeFaithPoint { 0 }

Faith correction change [point].

Add or subtract the correction value of the weapon

◆ changeFreezeResistPoint

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::changeFreezeResistPoint { 0 }

Change in cold tolerance [point].

Increase or decrease the state resistance value

◆ changeHpEstusFlaskCorrectRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::changeHpEstusFlaskCorrectRate { 1.f }

Est bottle HP damage multiplier.

Correct the damage amount of the HP Est bottle

◆ changeHpEstusFlaskPoint

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::changeHpEstusFlaskPoint { 0 }

Est bottle HP damage amount [point].

Set how many points to add (or subtract) with one activation

◆ changeHpEstusFlaskRate

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::changeHpEstusFlaskRate { 0 }

Est bottle HP damage amount [%].

Set what percentage of the maximum HP to add (or subtract) with one activation

◆ changeHpPoint

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::changeHpPoint { 0 }

HP damage [point].

Set how many points to subtract (or add) with one activation

◆ changeHpRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::changeHpRate { 0.f }

HP damage amount [%].

Set what percentage of the maximum HP to subtract (or add) with one activation

◆ changeLuckPoint

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::changeLuckPoint { 0 }

Luck correction change [point].

Add or subtract the correction value of the weapon

◆ changeMadnessResistPoint

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::changeMadnessResistPoint { 0 }

Madness resistance change [point].

Increase or decrease the state resistance value

◆ changeMagicPoint

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::changeMagicPoint { 0 }

Magic correction change [point].

Add or subtract the correction value of the weapon

◆ changeMagicSlot

unsigned char from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::changeMagicSlot { 0 }

Magic registration frame change Magic slot.

You can increase the specified number of magic registration slots

◆ changeMiracleSlot

unsigned char from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::changeMiracleSlot { 0 }

Miracle registration frame change Miracle slot.

You can increase the specified number of trajectory registration frames.

◆ changeMpEstusFlaskCorrectRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::changeMpEstusFlaskCorrectRate { 1.f }

Est bottle MP damage multiplier.

Correct the damage amount of MP Est Bottle

◆ changeMpEstusFlaskPoint

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::changeMpEstusFlaskPoint { 0 }

Est Bottle MP Damage Amount [point].

Set how many points to add (or subtract) with one activation

◆ changeMpEstusFlaskRate

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::changeMpEstusFlaskRate { 0 }

Est Bottle MP Damage Amount [%].

Set what percentage of the maximum MP to add (or subtract) with one activation

◆ changeMpPoint

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::changeMpPoint { 0 }

MP damage [point].

Set how many points to subtract (or add) with one activation

◆ changeMpRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::changeMpRate { 0.f }

MP damage amount [%].

Set what percentage of the maximum MP to subtract (or add) with one activation

◆ changePoisonResistPoint

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::changePoisonResistPoint { 0 }

Poison resistance change [point].

Increase or decrease the state resistance value

◆ changeSaPoint

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::changeSaPoint { 0.f }

SA damage amount [point].

Set how many points to subtract (or add) with one activation

◆ changeSaRecoveryVelocity

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::changeSaRecoveryVelocity { 1.f }

SA recovery speed change.

Change the recovery speed of SA durability

◆ changeSleepResistPoint

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::changeSleepResistPoint { 0 }

Changes in sleep tolerance [point].

Increase or decrease the state resistance value

◆ changeStaminaPoint

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::changeStaminaPoint { 0 }

Stamina damage [point].

Set how many points to subtract (or add) with one activation

◆ changeStaminaRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::changeStaminaRate { 0.f }

Stamina damage amount [%].

Set what percentage of the maximum stamina to subtract (or add) with one activation

◆ changeStrengthPoint

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::changeStrengthPoint { 0 }

Strength correction change [point].

Add or subtract the correction value of the weapon

◆ changeSuperArmorPoint

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::changeSuperArmorPoint { 0.f }

Maximum SA addition value [point].

Value to add to the super armor value

◆ changeTeamType

signed char from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::changeTeamType { -1 }

Team type change.

Overwrites the specified team type

◆ chrProxyHeightRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::chrProxyHeightRate { 1.f }

Capsule size magnification.

Magnification over the height of the character capsule

◆ clearSoul

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::clearSoul

Do you want to clear your soul?

Possession soul becomes 0.

◆ clearTarget

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::clearTarget

Clear the target.

Does not recognize the target while the special effect is applied (excluding the riding target)

◆ conditionHp

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::conditionHp { -1.f }

Trigger condition: Remaining HP ratio [%].

Set what percentage of maxHP the remaining HP will be activated

◆ conditionHpRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::conditionHpRate { -1.f }

Trigger condition: Remaining HP ratio is above a certain level [%].

Activates only when you have HP above the specified value

◆ consumeStaminaRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::consumeStaminaRate { 1.f }

Consumption stamina magnification.

Multiply by multiplying the consumption stamina value of the behavior parameter

◆ contractLifeRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::contractLifeRate { 1.f }

Life shortening ratio.

Shortening coefficient of state change type "life shortening"

◆ corrosionIgnore

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::corrosionIgnore

Ignore corrosion.

[State change type] ignores [Durability] decrease due to [Corrosion]

◆ curseAttackPower

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::curseAttackPower { 0 }

Curse resistance attack power [point].

A number to be added to the target [curse resistance value] when hit

◆ curseDefDamageRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::curseDefDamageRate { 1.f }

Defender: Curse resistance damage multiplier.

Curse resistance damage multiplier: Corrects the calculated damage by XX times. 1 is normal.

◆ cycleOccurrenceSpEffectId

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::cycleOccurrenceSpEffectId { -1 }

Periodic special effects.

Special effect ID that occurs in each activation cycle (-1 is ignored)

◆ darkAttackPower

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::darkAttackPower { 0 }

Dark attack power [point].

Add or subtract the value set for the dark attack power

◆ darkAttackPowerRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::darkAttackPowerRate { 1.f }

Dark attack power multiplier.

Multiply the dark attack power by the set value

◆ darkAttackRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::darkAttackRate { 1.f }

Attacker: Dark damage multiplier.

Dark damage multiplier: Correct the calculated damage by XX times. 1 is normal.

◆ darkDamageCutRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::darkDamageCutRate { 1.f }

Defender: Dark damage multiplier.

Dark damage multiplier: Correct the calculated damage by XX times. 1 is normal.

◆ darkDiffence

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::darkDiffence { 0 }

Dark defense [point].

Add or subtract the value set for darkness defense

◆ darkDiffenceRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::darkDiffenceRate { 1.f }

Dark defense multiplier.

Multiply the darkness defense by the set value

◆ defEnemyDmgCorrectRate_Dark

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::defEnemyDmgCorrectRate_Dark { 1.f }

Defender enemy darkness damage correction factor.

Damage correction for the damage value received from the enemy.

◆ defEnemyDmgCorrectRate_Fire

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::defEnemyDmgCorrectRate_Fire { 1.f }

Defender enemy flame damage correction factor.

Damage correction for the damage value received from the enemy.

◆ defEnemyDmgCorrectRate_Magic

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::defEnemyDmgCorrectRate_Magic { 1.f }

Defender enemy magic damage correction factor.

Damage correction for the damage value received from the enemy.

◆ defEnemyDmgCorrectRate_Physics

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::defEnemyDmgCorrectRate_Physics { 1.f }

Defender Enemy Physical Damage Compensation Magnification.

Damage correction for the damage value received from the enemy.

◆ defEnemyDmgCorrectRate_Thunder

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::defEnemyDmgCorrectRate_Thunder { 1.f }

Defender enemy lightning damage correction factor.

Damage correction for the damage value received from the enemy.

◆ defFlickPower

unsigned char from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::defFlickPower { 0 }

Repellent Defense_Overwrite.

Set a value that overwrites the repelling defense

◆ defObjDmgCorrectRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::defObjDmgCorrectRate { 1.f }

Defender Object Damage Compensation Magnification.

Damage correction for the damage value received from OBJ.

◆ defObjectAttackPowerRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::defObjectAttackPowerRate { 1.f }

Damaged object attack power multiplier.

Corrects the attack power against the damage received from OBJ. (Not damage compensation)

◆ defPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Dark

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::defPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Dark { 1.f }

Defending player Dark damage correction factor.

Damage correction for the damage value received from the player.

◆ defPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Fire

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::defPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Fire { 1.f }

Defending player Fire damage compensation factor.

Damage correction for the damage value received from the player.

◆ defPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Magic

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::defPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Magic { 1.f }

Defending player magic damage correction multiplier.

Damage correction for the damage value received from the player.

◆ defPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Physics

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::defPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Physics { 1.f }

Defending player Physical damage compensation factor.

Damage correction for the damage value received from the player.

◆ defPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Thunder

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::defPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Thunder { 1.f }

Defending player Lightning damage compensation factor.

Damage correction for the damage value received from the player.

◆ deleteCriteriaDamage

unsigned char from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::deleteCriteriaDamage { 0 }

Deletion condition damage.

Reason for damage under the condition to remove special effects

◆ dexterityCancelSystemOnlyAddDexterity

signed char from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::dexterityCancelSystemOnlyAddDexterity { 0 }

Virtual status for skill cancellation.

Add this value when calculating the end timing of the TAE flag of "Skill Cancel".

◆ disableBlood

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::disableBlood

Bleeding disabled.

With this effect, you won't get bleeding

◆ disableCurse

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::disableCurse

Curse invalid.

With this effect, you won't be cursed

◆ disableDisease

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::disableDisease

Epidemic invalid.

If this effect is applied, you will not get plague

◆ disableFreeze

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::disableFreeze

Cold air invalid.

When this effect is applied, it will not be cold

◆ disableMadness

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::disableMadness

Madness invalid.

With this effect, you won't go mad

◆ disablePoison

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::disablePoison

Poison invalid.

If this effect is applied, it will not be poisoned.

◆ disableSleep

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::disableSleep

Sleep disabled.

If this effect is applied, you will not sleep

◆ diseaseAttackPower

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::diseaseAttackPower { 0 }

Epidemic resistance attack power [point].

Numerical value to be added to the target [Plague resistance value] when hit

◆ diseaseDefDamageRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::diseaseDefDamageRate { 1.f }

Defender: Epidemic resistance damage multiplier.

Epidemic resistance damage ratio: Correct the calculated damage by XX times. 1 is normal.

◆ dispIconNonactive

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::dispIconNonactive

Icon display even if not activated.

The icon is displayed even in the state of waiting for activation.

◆ dmgLv_BlowLL

signed char from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::dmgLv_BlowLL { 0 }

DL_ Oversized Blowout (10)

Specify the type to replace the damage Lv10

◆ dmgLv_BlowM

signed char from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::dmgLv_BlowM { 0 }

DL_ Blow-off (4)

Specify the type to replace the damage Lv4

◆ dmgLv_BlowS

signed char from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::dmgLv_BlowS { 0 }

DL_Small blow (7)

Specify the type to replace the damage Lv7

◆ dmgLv_Breath

signed char from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::dmgLv_Breath { 0 }

DL_Breath (11)

Specify the type to replace the damage Lv11

◆ dmgLv_L

signed char from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::dmgLv_L { 0 }

DL_Large (3)

Specify the type to replace the damage Lv3

◆ dmgLv_M

signed char from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::dmgLv_M { 0 }

DL_Medium (2)

Specify the type to replace the damage Lv2

◆ dmgLv_Min

signed char from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::dmgLv_Min { 0 }

DL_minimal (8)

Specify the type to replace the damage Lv8

◆ dmgLv_None

signed char from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::dmgLv_None { 0 }

DL_No damage (0)

Specify the type to replace the damage Lv0

◆ dmgLv_Push

signed char from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::dmgLv_Push { 0 }

DL_push (5)

Specify the type to replace the damage Lv5

◆ dmgLv_S

signed char from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::dmgLv_S { 0 }

DL_Small (1)

Specify the type to replace the damage Lv1

◆ dmgLv_Strike

signed char from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::dmgLv_Strike { 0 }

DL_Slamming (6)

Specify the type to replace the damage Lv6

◆ dmgLv_Uppercut

signed char from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::dmgLv_Uppercut { 0 }

DL_ Launch (9)

Specify the type to replace the damage Lv9

◆ dmypolyId

short from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::dmypolyId { -1 }

Damipoli ID.

Damipoli ID. Damipoli ID range is 0 to 999.1000, 10000 is the category number.

◆ dontDeleteOnDead

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::dontDeleteOnDead

Do not delete at death.

If it is ○, it will not be deleted even if the character dies. Mainly used for death effects.

◆ effectEndDeleteDecalGroupId

short from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::effectEndDeleteDecalGroupId { -1 }

Group ID that deletes the character's paint decal when the special effect disappears.

When the special effect disappears (lifetime / overwritten / erased ... etc.), the paint decal is deleted if the special effect of the same group ID is not applied.

◆ effectEndurance

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::effectEndurance { 0.f }

Effect duration time [s].

Change duration / -1 for permanent / 0 for one moment only

◆ effectTargetAI

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::effectTargetAI

Effect target: Operation AI.

Only the target for which this judgment is checked is effective, the default is ×

◆ effectTargetAttacker

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::effectTargetAttacker

Effect target: Activated by an attacker.

Apply special effects to attackers after damage (cannot enter defenders)

◆ effectTargetEnemy

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::effectTargetEnemy

Effect target: Affiliation enemy.

Only the target for which this judgment is checked is effective, the default is ×

◆ effectTargetFriend

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::effectTargetFriend

Effect target: Affiliation ally.

Only the target for which this judgment is checked is effective, the default is ×

◆ effectTargetFriendlyTarget

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::effectTargetFriendlyTarget

Effect target: ○ Allies.

Only the target for which this judgment is checked is effective, the default is ×

◆ effectTargetGhost

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::effectTargetGhost

Effect target: State All ghosts.

Only the target for which this judgment is checked is effective, the default is ×

◆ effectTargetLive

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::effectTargetLive

Effect target: State survival.

Only the target for which this judgment is checked is effective, the default is ×

◆ effectTargetOpposeTarget

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::effectTargetOpposeTarget

Effect target: ● Hostile.

Only the target for which this judgment is checked is effective, the default is ×

◆ effectTargetPcDeceased

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::effectTargetPcDeceased

Effect target: PC dead only.

Only the target for which this judgment is checked is effective, the default is ×

◆ effectTargetPcHorse

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::effectTargetPcHorse

Effect target: PC horse.

Only the target for which this judgment is checked is effective, the default is ×

◆ effectTargetPlayer

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::effectTargetPlayer

Effect target: Operation PC.

Only the target for which this judgment is checked is effective, the default is ×

◆ effectTargetSelf

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::effectTargetSelf

Effect target: Affiliation.

Only the target for which this judgment is checked is effective, the default is ×

◆ effectTargetSelfTarget

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::effectTargetSelfTarget

Effect target: myself.

Only the target for which this judgment is checked is effective, the default is ×

◆ enableCharm

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::enableCharm

Enchanting effective.

If this effect is applied, you will be fascinated.

◆ enableLifeTime

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::enableLifeTime

Do you want to extend your life?

Will the life be extended when the flag is set by TAE?

◆ equipWeightChangeRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::equipWeightChangeRate { 0.f }

Equipment weight change rate.

Multiply the maximum equipment weight by the set magnification

◆ extendLifeRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::extendLifeRate { 1.f }

Life extension factor.

Extension coefficient of state change type "life extension"

◆ eye_angX

unsigned char from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::eye_angX { 0 }

How to see: Overwrite visual angle (height) [deg].

Override the findability angle

◆ eye_angY

unsigned char from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::eye_angY { 0 }

How to see: Overwrite visual angle (width) [deg].

Override the findability angle

◆ fakeTargetIgnore

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::fakeTargetIgnore

False target invalid_ hallucination system.

Don't get caught in the fake target that occurred

◆ fakeTargetIgnoreAjin

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::fakeTargetIgnoreAjin

False target invalid_subhuman.

You will not be caught by the fake target of the subhuman system that occurred

◆ fakeTargetIgnoreAnimal

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::fakeTargetIgnoreAnimal

False target invalid_beast system.

You will not be caught by the fake target of the beast system that occurred

◆ fakeTargetIgnoreMirageArts

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::fakeTargetIgnoreMirageArts

False target invalid_phantom arts system.

You will not be caught by the fake target of the phantom arts system that occurred

◆ fakeTargetIgnoreUndead

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::fakeTargetIgnoreUndead

False target invalid_human.

You will not be caught by the fake target of the human system that occurred

◆ fallDamageRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::fallDamageRate { 0.f }

Fall damage ratio.

Multiply the damage calculation when falling

◆ fireAttackPower

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::fireAttackPower { 0 }

Fire attack power [point].

Add or subtract the value set for the flame attack power

◆ fireAttackPowerRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::fireAttackPowerRate { 1.f }

Fire attack power multiplier.

Multiply the fire attack power by the set value

◆ fireAttackRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::fireAttackRate { 1.f }

Attacker: Fire damage multiplier.

Flame damage ratio: Correct the calculated damage by XX times. 1 is normal.

◆ fireDamageCutRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::fireDamageCutRate { 1.f }

Defender: Fire damage multiplier.

Flame damage ratio: Correct the calculated damage by XX times. 1 is normal.

◆ fireDiffence

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::fireDiffence { 0 }

Fire defense [point].

Add or subtract the value set for the fire defense

◆ fireDiffenceRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::fireDiffenceRate { 1.f }

Fire defense multiplier.

Multiply the fire defense by the set value

◆ flickDamageCutRate

unsigned char from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::flickDamageCutRate { 0 }

Damage attenuation rate when repelling [%] _ Overwrite.

Set a value that overwrites the damage attenuation rate at the time of repelling

◆ freezeAttackPower

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::freezeAttackPower { 0 }

Cold resistance attack power [point].

Numerical value to be added to the target [Cold air resistance value] when hit

◆ freezeDamageRate

unsigned char from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::freezeDamageRate { 100 }

Cold damage correction factor.

Correction value used only for point damage and% damage of state change type [cold air]

◆ freezeDefDamageRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::freezeDefDamageRate { 1.f }

Defender: Cold resistance damage multiplier.

Cold resistance damage ratio: Correct the calculated damage by XX times. 1 is normal.

◆ goodsConsumptionRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::goodsConsumptionRate { 1.f }

Item consumption MP magnification.

Item consumption MP multiplier

◆ grabityIgnore

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::grabityIgnore

Gravity disabled.

Gravity effect disabled

◆ guardDefFlickPowerRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::guardDefFlickPowerRate { 1.f }

When guarding, the defense power up rate.

Repellent defense correction value when guarding

◆ guardStaminaCutRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::guardStaminaCutRate { 1.f }

Stamina cut magnification when guarding.

Stamina cut rate correction value when guarding

◆ hasTarget

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::hasTarget

Do you know the enemy?

Do you know the enemy? : [Activation condition] (for evil eye users)

◆ haveSoulRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::haveSoulRate { 1.f }

Possession soul rate.

For enemy lap effect. It is applied when the soul goes out from the set character.

◆ hearingAiSoundLevel

short from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::hearingAiSoundLevel { -1 }

Listener: Overwrite audible AI sound level.

Overwrite how good your ears are

◆ hearingSearchAdd

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::hearingSearchAdd { 0.f }

Listener: AI sound radius addition.

Correct the hearing of AI sounds with real numbers

◆ hearingSearchCutIgnore

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::hearingSearchCutIgnore

Ignore hearing search enemy cut.

Ignore auditory search invalidity

◆ hearingSearchEnemyAdd

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::hearingSearchEnemyAdd { 0.f }

Those who can hear: AI sound radius addition.

Correct the loudness of the emitted AI sound with a real number

◆ hearingSearchEnemyRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::hearingSearchEnemyRate { 1.f }

Who can hear: AI sound radius magnification.

Correct the loudness of the AI sound emitted by the magnification

◆ hearingSearchRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::hearingSearchRate { 1.f }

Listener: AI sound radius magnification.

Correct the audibility of AI sound by magnification

◆ heroPointDamage

signed char from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::heroPointDamage { 0 }

Human damage value.

Damage value given to human nature value

◆ hpRecoverRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::hpRecoverRate { 0.f }

HP recovery coefficient.

It doesn't work when HP decreases.

◆ iconId

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::iconId { -1 }

Icon ID.

Icon ID (When -1, no icon is required)

◆ insideDurability

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::insideDurability { 0 }

Durability change: Internal wear [point].

Add or subtract the numerical value to the internal wear degree

◆ isCheckAboveShadowTest

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::isCheckAboveShadowTest

It only takes when outside the rain shield.

If it is ○, it will not be applied when it is judged to be shielded (× is always applied)

◆ isContractSpEffectLife

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::isContractSpEffectLife

Will it be shortened by the effect of shortening the life?

Whether it will be shortened when the life shortening effect is applied

◆ isDisableNetSync

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::isDisableNetSync

Do not synchronize with the net.

Do not synchronize with the net. It does not mean that you will be able to call it locally, but simply do not send it online. For example, a remote character does not activate locally, so nothing happens in that case.

◆ isExtendSpEffectLife

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::isExtendSpEffectLife

Will it be extended by the life extension effect?

Whether to be eligible for extension when the life extension effect is applied

◆ isIgnoreNoDamage

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::isIgnoreNoDamage

Will it be activated even when it is invincible?

Whether to apply the damage from this special effect even in the invincible state only when the state change type "Apply the activation function even when invincible" is applied.

◆ isStopSearchedNotify

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::isStopSearchedNotify

Stop notification of search enemy status.

Whether to stop notifications targeting your army (used by EventMaker decisions and buddy platoons)

◆ isUseAtkParamAtkPowerCorrect

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::isUseAtkParamAtkPowerCorrect

Whether to apply the attack power multiplier correction of the attack parameter.

If ○, the attack power multiplier correction of the attack para is applied.

◆ isUseStatusAilmentAtkPowerCorrect

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::isUseStatusAilmentAtkPowerCorrect

Whether to apply the abnormal state attack power multiplier correction.

If ○, the abnormal state attack power multiplier correction of the attack para is applied.

◆ isWaitModeDelete

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::isWaitModeDelete

Deleted when entering the waiting state.

Do you want to delete it the moment you are in a waiting state?

◆ itemDropRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::itemDropRate { 0.f }

Item drop correction.

The set value is added to [Item Drop Correction]

◆ lookAtTargetPosOffset

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::lookAtTargetPosOffset { 0.f }

LookAt Position Offset [m].

Offset the target position when the enemy looks at. Set to crouch or mount on the side to be seen

◆ madnessAttackPower

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::madnessAttackPower { 0 }

Madness resistance attack power [point].

A number to be added to the target's [madness resistance value] when it hits

◆ madnessDamageRate

unsigned char from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::madnessDamageRate { 100 }

Mad damage correction factor.

Correction value used only for point damage and% damage of state change type [madness]

◆ madnessDefDamageRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::madnessDefDamageRate { 1.f }

Defender: Madness resistance damage multiplier.

Madness resistance damage multiplier: Correct the calculated damage by XX times. 1 is normal.

◆ magicAttackPower

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::magicAttackPower { 0 }

Magic attack power [point].

Add or subtract the value set for the magic attack power

◆ magicAttackPowerRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::magicAttackPowerRate { 1.f }

Magic attack power multiplier.

Multiply the magic attack power by the set value

◆ magicAttackRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::magicAttackRate { 1.f }

Attacker: Magic damage multiplier.

Magic damage multiplier: The calculated damage is corrected by XX times. 1 is normal.

◆ magicConsumptionRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::magicConsumptionRate { 1.f }

Magic consumption MP magnification.

Magic consumption MP multiplier [%]

◆ magicDamageCutRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::magicDamageCutRate { 1.f }

Defender: Magic damage multiplier.

Magic damage multiplier: The calculated damage is corrected by XX times. 1 is normal.

◆ magicDiffence

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::magicDiffence { 0 }

Magic defense [point].

Add or subtract the value set for magic defense

◆ magicDiffenceRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::magicDiffenceRate { 1.f }

Magic defense multiplier.

Multiply the value set for magic defense

◆ magicEffectTimeChange

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::magicEffectTimeChange { 0.f }

Magic effect time change.

Add / subtract the time set for the effect duration only for magic that has the effect duration set to 0.1 seconds or more.

◆ magParamChange

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::magParamChange

Anti-magic parameter change.

Set whether or not it is effective against magic

◆ maxDurability

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::maxDurability { 0 }

Durability change: Maximum wear change [point].

Add the set value to the maximum value of the internal wear degree of durability.

◆ maxHpRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::maxHpRate { 1.f }

Maximum HP magnification [%].

Correct the maximum HP

◆ maxMpRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::maxMpRate { 1.f }

Maximum MP magnification [%].

Correct the maximum MP

◆ maxStaminaRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::maxStaminaRate { 1.f }

Maximum stamina magnification [%].

Correct the maximum SP

◆ miracleConsumptionRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::miracleConsumptionRate { 1.f }

Miracle consumption MP magnification.

Miracle consumption MP magnification [%]

◆ miracleParamChange

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::miracleParamChange

Anti-miracle parameter change.

Set whether or not it is effective against miracles

◆ motionInterval

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::motionInterval { 0.f }

Activation interval [s].

Set how many seconds it occurs

◆ moveType

unsigned char from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::moveType { 0 }

Movement type.

Movement type. Change the movement speed.

◆ mpRecoverChangeSpeed

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::mpRecoverChangeSpeed { 0 }

MP recovery speed change [point].

Change the recovery speed. Add or subtract to the standard recovery speed and initial recovery speed of the recovery formula.

◆ neutralAttackPower

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::neutralAttackPower { 0 }

Non-attribute attack power [point].

Add or subtract the value set for non-attribute attack power

◆ neutralAttackPowerRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::neutralAttackPowerRate { 1.f }

Non-attribute attack power multiplier.

Multiply the non-attribute attack power by the set value

◆ neutralAttackRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::neutralAttackRate { 1.f }

Attacker: Non-attribute damage multiplier.

Non-attribute damage ratio: Correct the calculated damage by XX times. 1 is normal.

◆ neutralDamageCutRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::neutralDamageCutRate { 1.f }

Defender: Non-attribute damage multiplier.

Non-attribute damage ratio: Correct the calculated damage by XX times. 1 is normal.

◆ noDead

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::noDead

Undecidable judgment flag.

Whether you can be corpse. With this check, you will not be dead

◆ NoGuardDamageRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::NoGuardDamageRate { 1.f }

Gap damage ratio.

Replace the damage ratio at the time of the gap with the set value (set on the damage side)

◆ normalSpotChangeRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::normalSpotChangeRate { -1.f }

Normal hit magnification.

Replaces normal hit damage calculation with the specified number -Invalid at 1.0

◆ physicsAttackPower

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::physicsAttackPower { 0 }

Physical attack power [point].

Add or subtract the value set for physical attack power

◆ physicsAttackPowerRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::physicsAttackPowerRate { 1.f }

Physical attack power multiplier.

Multiply the physical attack power by the set value

◆ physicsAttackRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::physicsAttackRate { 1.f }

Attacker: Physical damage multiplier.

Physical damage ratio: Correct the calculated damage by XX times. 1 is normal.

◆ physicsDiffence

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::physicsDiffence { 0 }

Physical defense [point].

Add or subtract the value set for physical defense

◆ physicsDiffenceRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::physicsDiffenceRate { 1.f }

Physical defense power multiplier.

Multiply the set value for physical defense

◆ poisonDefDamageRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::poisonDefDamageRate { 1.f }

Defender: Poison resistance damage multiplier.

Poison resistance damage ratio: Correct the calculated damage by XX times. 1 is normal.

◆ poizonAttackPower

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::poizonAttackPower { 0 }

Poison resistance attack power [point].

A value to be added to the target's [poison resistance value] when it hits

◆ rayCastPassedTime

short from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::rayCastPassedTime { -1 }

Passing the line of sight: Activation time [ms].

Passing the line of sight: Activation time [ms] (for evil eye)

◆ recoverArtsPoint_Dex

signed char from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::recoverArtsPoint_Dex { 0 }

Arts point recovery workmanship system.

Restores arts point workmanship

◆ recoverArtsPoint_Magic

signed char from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::recoverArtsPoint_Magic { 0 }

Arts point recovery magic system.

Restores arts point magic

◆ recoverArtsPoint_Miracle

signed char from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::recoverArtsPoint_Miracle { 0 }

Arts point recovery Miracle system.

Recover arts point miracles

◆ recoverArtsPoint_Str

signed char from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::recoverArtsPoint_Str { 0 }

Arts point recovery Strength system.

Arts Point Restores strength

◆ registBloodChangeRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::registBloodChangeRate { 1.f }

Bleeding resistance change rate.

Multiply the bleeding resistance value by the set magnification

◆ registCurseChangeRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::registCurseChangeRate { 1.f }

Curse resistance change rate.

Multiply the spell resistance value by the set multiplier

◆ registDiseaseChangeRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::registDiseaseChangeRate { 1.f }

Epidemic resistance change rate.

Multiply the plague resistance value by the set magnification

◆ registFreezeChangeRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::registFreezeChangeRate { 1.f }

Cold resistance change rate.

Multiply the cold resistance value by the set magnification

◆ registMadnessChangeRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::registMadnessChangeRate { 1.f }

Madness resistance change rate.

Multiply the madness resistance value by the set multiplier

◆ registPoizonChangeRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::registPoizonChangeRate { 1.f }

Poison resistance change rate.

Multiply the poison resistance value by the set multiplier

◆ registSleepChangeRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::registSleepChangeRate { 1.f }

Sleep tolerance change rate.

Multiply the sleep tolerance value by the set magnification

◆ repAtkDmgLv

signed char from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::repAtkDmgLv { 0 }

Attack side damage level replacement.

The damage level of the attacking side changes to this value

◆ replaceSpEffectId

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::replaceSpEffectId { -1 }

Special effects to replace.

Special effect ID added at the end of life (-1 is ignored)

◆ replanningOnFire

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::replanningOnFire

Do you want to replan when activated?

Whether to replan at the time of activation

◆ requestBlackSOS

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::requestBlackSOS

Black SOS sign judgment flag.

If checked, issue a black SOS sign request when activated

◆ requestForceJoinBlackSOS

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::requestForceJoinBlackSOS

Intrusion_A request judgment flag.

If checked, issue an intrusion_A request when activated

◆ requestForceJoinBlackSOS_B

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::requestForceJoinBlackSOS_B

Intrusion_B request judgment flag.

If checked, issue an intrusion_B request when activated

◆ requestKickSession

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::requestKickSession

Kick judgment flag.

If checked, a kick request will be issued at the time of activation.

◆ requestLeaveColiseumSession

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::requestLeaveColiseumSession

Exit from the arena Judgment flag.

If checked, a request to leave the arena will be issued at the time of activation.

◆ requestLeaveSession

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::requestLeaveSession

Exit judgment flag.

If checked, an exit request will be issued at the time of activation.

◆ requestNpcInveda

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::requestNpcInveda

NPC intrusion judgment flag.

If checked, an intrusion request to the NPC will be issued at the time of activation.

◆ requestSOS

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::requestSOS

SOS sign judgment flag.

If checked, issue an SOS sign request when activated

◆ saReceiveDamageRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::saReceiveDamageRate { 1.f }

SA value_damage ratio.

Multiplier for SA damage

◆ saveCategory

signed char from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::saveCategory { -1 }

Save category.

Category to save special effects

◆ shamanConsumptionRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::shamanConsumptionRate { 1.f }

Magic consumption MP multiplier.

Magic consumption MP multiplier [%]

◆ shamanParamChange

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::shamanParamChange

Anti-magic parameter change.

Set whether or not it is effective against spells

◆ sightSearchAdd

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::sightSearchAdd { 0.f }

How to see: Visual addition.

Correct the ease of finding with a real number

◆ sightSearchCutIgnore

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::sightSearchCutIgnore

Ignore visual search enemy cuts.

Ignore visual search invalidity

◆ sightSearchEnemyAdd

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::sightSearchEnemyAdd { 0.f }

Those who can see: Visual addition.

Correct the ease of finding with a real number

◆ sightSearchEnemyRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::sightSearchEnemyRate { 1.f }

Those who can see: Visual magnification.

Correct the ease of finding by a magnification

◆ sightSearchRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::sightSearchRate { 1.f }

Viewer: Visual magnification.

Correct the ease of finding with a magnification

◆ slashAttackPower

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::slashAttackPower { 0 }

Slash attack power [point].

Add or subtract the value set for the slashing attack power

◆ slashAttackPowerRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::slashAttackPowerRate { 1.f }

Slash attack power multiplier.

Multiply the slashing attack power by the set value

◆ slashAttackRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::slashAttackRate { 1.f }

Attacker: Slash damage multiplier.

Slash damage ratio: Correct the calculated damage by XX times. 1 is normal.

◆ slashDamageCutRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::slashDamageCutRate { 1.f }

Defender: Slash damage multiplier.

Slash damage ratio: Correct the calculated damage by XX times. 1 is normal.

◆ sleepAttackPower

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::sleepAttackPower { 0 }

Sleep tolerance attack power [point].

Numerical value to be added to the target's [Sleep tolerance] when hit

◆ sleepDamageRate

unsigned char from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::sleepDamageRate { 100 }

Sleep damage correction factor.

Point damage of state change type [Sleep], correction value used only when% damage

◆ sleepDefDamageRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::sleepDefDamageRate { 1.f }

Defender: Sleep resistance damage multiplier.

Sleep resistance damage ratio: Correct the calculated damage by XX times. 1 is normal.

◆ soul

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::soul { 0 }

Soul addition.

Add the set value to the possessed soul

◆ soulRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::soulRate { 0.f }

Get Soul Magnification.

The amount of soul acquired when defeating an enemy is added by the specified multiple.

◆ soulStealRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::soulStealRate { 0.f }

Soul Steel Coefficient.

Defense against HP robbed by NPCs in Soul Steel

◆ spAttribute

unsigned char from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::spAttribute { 254 }

Special attributes.

Special attributes to set for special effects

◆ spAttributeVariationValue

unsigned char from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::spAttributeVariationValue { 0 }

Special attribute variation value.

This value is used to give variation to abnormal state SFX, SE, etc. in combination with the special attribute set for the special effect. SEQ16473

◆ spCategory

unsigned short from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::spCategory { 0 }

Special effects category.

Categories that determine behavior such as overwriting special effects

◆ staminaAttackRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::staminaAttackRate { 1.f }

Stamina attack power multiplier.

Multiply the stamina attack power by a factor (1.0 1 times 0.5 half)

◆ staminaRecoverChangeSpeed

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::staminaRecoverChangeSpeed { 0 }

Stamina recovery speed change [point].

Change the recovery speed. Add or subtract to the standard recovery speed and initial recovery speed of the recovery formula.

◆ stateInfo

unsigned short from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::stateInfo { 0 }

State change type.

State change judgment flag

◆ targetPriority

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::targetPriority { 0.f }

Target priority addition.

During multiplayer, the enemy will give priority to being targeted as a target. Addition of priority. 0 is the default. It will be often targeted with a positive value. Minus is up to -1.

◆ teamOffenseEffectivity

signed char from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::teamOffenseEffectivity { -1 }

Team attack influence_overwrite.

Overwrite and change the target [Team Attack Influence] value. Do not change the default value (-1).

◆ throwAttackParamChange

bool from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::throwAttackParamChange

Anti-throw parameter change.

Set whether or not it is effective against throwing attacks

◆ throwCondition

unsigned char from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::throwCondition { 0 }

Throwing conditions.

Throwing conditions. Affects the throwing mask.

◆ thrustAttackPower

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::thrustAttackPower { 0 }

Puncture attack power [point].

Add or subtract the value set for the piercing attack power

◆ thrustAttackPowerRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::thrustAttackPowerRate { 1.f }

Puncture attack power multiplier.

Multiply the piercing attack power by the set value

◆ thrustAttackRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::thrustAttackRate { 1.f }

Attack side: piercing damage multiplier.

Puncture damage ratio: Correct the calculated damage by XX times. 1 is normal.

◆ thrustDamageCutRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::thrustDamageCutRate { 1.f }

Defender: Puncture damage multiplier.

Puncture damage ratio: Correct the calculated damage by XX times. 1 is normal.

◆ thunderAttackPower

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::thunderAttackPower { 0 }

Electric shock attack power [point].

Add or subtract the value set for the electric shock attack power

◆ thunderAttackPowerRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::thunderAttackPowerRate { 1.f }

Electric shock attack power multiplier.

Multiply the electric shock attack power by the set value

◆ thunderAttackRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::thunderAttackRate { 1.f }

Attack side: Electric shock damage ratio.

Electric shock damage ratio: Correct the calculated damage by XX times. 1 is normal.

◆ thunderDamageCutRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::thunderDamageCutRate { 1.f }

Defender: Electric shock damage multiplier.

Electric shock damage ratio: Correct the calculated damage by XX times. 1 is normal.

◆ thunderDiffence

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::thunderDiffence { 0 }

Electric shock defense [point].

Add or subtract the value set for the electric shock defense

◆ thunderDiffenceRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::thunderDiffenceRate { 1.f }

Electric shock defense power multiplier.

Multiply the value set for the electric shock defense

◆ toughnessDamageCutRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::toughnessDamageCutRate { 1.f }

Toughness Damage multiplier.

Toughness version cut rate

◆ vfxId

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::vfxId { -1 }

Special effect VfxId_0.

Special effect VfxId (-1 disabled)

◆ vfxId1

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::vfxId1 { -1 }

Special effect VfxId_1.

Special effect VfxId1 (-1 invalid)

◆ vfxId2

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::vfxId2 { -1 }

Special effect VfxId_2.

Special effect VfxId2 (-1 invalid)

◆ vfxId3

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::vfxId3 { -1 }

Special effect VfxId_3.

Special effect VfxId3 (-1 invalid)

◆ vfxId4

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::vfxId4 { -1 }

Special effect VfxId_4.

Special effect VfxId4 (-1 invalid)

◆ vfxId5

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::vfxId5 { -1 }

Special effect VfxId_5.

Special effect VfxId5 (-1 invalid)

◆ vfxId6

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::vfxId6 { -1 }

Special effect VfxId_6.

Special effect VfxId6 (-1 invalid)

◆ vfxId7

int from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::vfxId7 { -1 }

Special effect VfxId_7.

Special effect VfxId7 (-1 invalid)

◆ vitalSpotChangeRate

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::vitalSpotChangeRate { -1.f }

Sweet spot magnification.

Replaces the damage calculation of the sweet spot with the specified value (key point damage correction) -Invalid at 1.0

◆ weakDmgRateA

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::weakDmgRateA { 1.f }

Special attack A damage multiplier correction.

Special Attack A Damage multiplier is corrected. 1 is normal.

◆ weakDmgRateB

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::weakDmgRateB { 1.f }

Special attack B damage multiplier correction.

Special attack B Damage multiplier is corrected. 1 is normal.

◆ weakDmgRateC

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::weakDmgRateC { 1.f }

Special attack C damage multiplier correction.

Special attack C Damage multiplier is corrected. 1 is normal.

◆ weakDmgRateD

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::weakDmgRateD { 1.f }

Special attack D damage multiplier correction.

Special attack D Damage multiplier is corrected. 1 is normal.

◆ weakDmgRateE

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::weakDmgRateE { 1.f }

Special attack E damage multiplier correction.

Special attack E Damage multiplier is corrected. 1 is normal.

◆ weakDmgRateF

float from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::weakDmgRateF { 1.f }

Special attack F damage multiplier correction.

Special attack F Damage multiplier is corrected. 1 is normal.

◆ wepParamChange

unsigned char from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::wepParamChange { 0 }

Weapon parameter change.

Specify which weapon is effective. If there is no limit, all attacks and defenses including enemies are targeted

◆ wetConditionDepth

unsigned char from::paramdef::SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST::wetConditionDepth { 0 }

Water level setting for wet conditions.

TimeAct Determines whether special effects are applied in combination with "at what water level you get wet"

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