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from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST Struct Reference

This struct was automatically generated from XML paramdefs. More...

#include <EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST.hpp>

Public Attributes

bool disableParam_NT: 1 { false }
 Do you remove it from the NT version output?
unsigned char disableParamReserve1: 7
 Reserve for package output 1.
unsigned char disableParamReserve2 [3]
 Reserve for package output 2.
int behaviorVariationId { 0 }
 Behavior variation ID.
int sortId { 0 }
 Sort ID.
unsigned int wanderingEquipId { 0 }
 Wandering equipment ID.
float weight { 1.f }
 Weight [kg].
float weaponWeightRate { 0.f }
 Equipment weight ratio.
int fixPrice { 0 }
 Repair price.
int reinforcePrice { 0 }
 Enhanced price.
int sellValue { 0 }
 Sale price.
float correctStrength { 0.f }
 Strength correction.
float correctAgility { 0.f }
 Agility correction.
float correctMagic { 0.f }
 Magic correction.
float correctFaith { 0.f }
 Faith correction.
float physGuardCutRate { 0.f }
 Physical attack cut rate when guarding.
float magGuardCutRate { 0.f }
 Magic attack cut rate when guarding.
float fireGuardCutRate { 0.f }
 Flame attack power cut rate when guarding.
float thunGuardCutRate { 0.f }
 Electric shock attack power cut rate when guarding.
int spEffectBehaviorId0 { -1 }
 Special effect ID 0 on attack hit.
int spEffectBehaviorId1 { -1 }
 Special effect ID1 on attack hit.
int spEffectBehaviorId2 { -1 }
 Special effect ID2 on attack hit.
int residentSpEffectId { -1 }
 Resident special effect ID.
int residentSpEffectId1 { -1 }
 Resident special effect ID1.
int residentSpEffectId2 { -1 }
 Resident special effect ID2.
int materialSetId { -1 }
 Material ID.
int originEquipWep { -1 }
 Derivation source.
int originEquipWep1 { -1 }
 Derivative source enhancement +1.
int originEquipWep2 { -1 }
 Derivative source enhancement +2.
int originEquipWep3 { -1 }
 Derivative source enhancement +3.
int originEquipWep4 { -1 }
 Derivative source enhancement +4.
int originEquipWep5 { -1 }
 Derivative source enhancement +5.
int originEquipWep6 { -1 }
 Derivative source enhancement +6.
int originEquipWep7 { -1 }
 Derivative source enhancement +7.
int originEquipWep8 { -1 }
 Derivative source enhancement +8.
int originEquipWep9 { -1 }
 Derivative source enhancement +9.
int originEquipWep10 { -1 }
 Derivative source enhancement +10.
int originEquipWep11 { -1 }
 Derivative source enhancement +11.
int originEquipWep12 { -1 }
 Derivative source enhancement +12.
int originEquipWep13 { -1 }
 Derivative source enhancement +13.
int originEquipWep14 { -1 }
 Derivative source enhancement +14.
int originEquipWep15 { -1 }
 Derivative source enhancement +15.
float weakA_DamageRate { 1.f }
 Special attack A damage multiplier.
float weakB_DamageRate { 1.f }
 Special attack B damage multiplier.
float weakC_DamageRate { 1.f }
 Special attack C damage multiplier.
float weakD_DamageRate { 1.f }
 Special attack D damage multiplier.
float sleepGuardResist_MaxCorrect { 0.f }
 Sleep tolerance cut rate_maximum correction value.
float madnessGuardResist_MaxCorrect { 0.f }
 Madness resistance cut rate_maximum correction value.
float saWeaponDamage { 0.f }
 SA weapon attack power.
unsigned short equipModelId { 0 }
 Equipment model number.
unsigned short iconId { 0 }
 Icon ID.
unsigned short durability { 100 }
unsigned short durabilityMax { 100 }
 Maximum durability.
unsigned short attackThrowEscape { 0 }
 Throw-through attack power basic value.
short parryDamageLife { -1 }
 Parry occurrence time [frame].
unsigned short attackBasePhysics { 100 }
 Physical attack power basic value.
unsigned short attackBaseMagic { 100 }
 Magic attack power basic value.
unsigned short attackBaseFire { 100 }
 Fire attack power basic value.
unsigned short attackBaseThunder { 100 }
 Electric shock attack power basic value.
unsigned short attackBaseStamina { 100 }
 Stamina attack power.
short guardAngle { 0 }
 Guard range [deg].
float saDurability { 0.f }
 SA durability value.
short staminaGuardDef { 0 }
 Stamina defense when guarding.
short reinforceTypeId { 0 }
 Enhanced type ID.
short trophySGradeId { -1 }
 Trophy S grade ID.
short trophySeqId { -1 }
 Trophy SEQ number.
short throwAtkRate { 0 }
 Throw attack power multiplier.
short bowDistRate { 0 }
 Bow distance correction [%].
unsigned char equipModelCategory { 7 }
 Equipment model type.
unsigned char equipModelGender { 0 }
 Equipment model gender.
unsigned char weaponCategory { 0 }
 Weapon category.
unsigned char wepmotionCategory { 0 }
 Weapon motion category.
unsigned char guardmotionCategory { 0 }
 Guard motion category.
unsigned char atkMaterial { 0 }
 Attack material.
unsigned short defSeMaterial1 { 0 }
 Defense SE Material 1.
unsigned char correctType_Physics { 0 }
 Correction type (physical attack power)
unsigned char spAttribute { 0 }
 Special attributes.
unsigned short spAtkcategory { 0 }
 Special attack category.
unsigned char wepmotionOneHandId { 0 }
 Weapon motion one-handed ID.
unsigned char wepmotionBothHandId { 0 }
 Weapon motion two-handed ID.
unsigned char properStrength { 0 }
 Equipment proper strength.
unsigned char properAgility { 0 }
 Equipment proper agility.
unsigned char properMagic { 0 }
 Equipment proper magic power.
unsigned char properFaith { 0 }
 Equipment proper faith.
unsigned char overStrength { 0 }
 Strength over start value.
unsigned char attackBaseParry { 0 }
 Parry attack base value.
unsigned char defenseBaseParry { 0 }
 Parry defense value.
unsigned char guardBaseRepel { 0 }
 Flick defense basic value.
unsigned char attackBaseRepel { 0 }
 Flick attack power basic value.
signed char guardCutCancelRate { 0 }
 Guard cut invalidation magnification.
signed char guardLevel { 0 }
 Guard level.
signed char slashGuardCutRate { 0 }
 Slash attack cut rate.
signed char blowGuardCutRate { 0 }
 Batter attack cut rate.
signed char thrustGuardCutRate { 0 }
 Puncture attack cut rate.
signed char poisonGuardResist { 0 }
 Poison resistance cut rate.
signed char diseaseGuardResist { 0 }
 Epidemic attack cut rate.
signed char bloodGuardResist { 0 }
 Bleeding attack cut rate.
signed char curseGuardResist { 0 }
 Curse attack cut rate.
unsigned char atkAttribute { 0 }
 Physical attribute 1.
bool rightHandEquipable: 1 { false }
 Right hand equipment.
bool leftHandEquipable: 1 { false }
 Left hand equipment.
bool bothHandEquipable: 1 { false }
 Two-handed equipment.
bool arrowSlotEquipable: 1 { false }
 Bow and arrow bullet equipment.
bool boltSlotEquipable: 1 { false }
 Crossbow bullet equipment.
bool enableGuard: 1 { false }
 Can be guarded.
bool enableParry: 1 { false }
 Parry possible.
bool enableMagic: 1 { false }
 Magical possible.
bool enableSorcery: 1 { false }
 Can be spelled.
bool enableMiracle: 1 { false }
 Miracle possible.
bool enableVowMagic: 1 { false }
 Pledge magic possible.
bool isNormalAttackType: 1 { false }
bool isBlowAttackType: 1 { false }
bool isSlashAttackType: 1 { false }
bool isThrustAttackType: 1 { false }
bool isEnhance: 1 { false }
 Is it possible to enchant?
bool isHeroPointCorrect: 1 { false }
 Is there a humanity correction?
bool isCustom: 1 { false }
 Can it be strengthened?
bool disableBaseChangeReset: 1 { false }
 Is job change reset prohibited?
bool disableRepair: 1 { false }
 Is repair prohibited?
bool isDarkHand: 1 { false }
 Is it a dark hand?
bool simpleModelForDlc: 1 { false }
 Is there a simple model for DLC?
bool lanternWep: 1 { false }
 Lantern weapon.
bool isVersusGhostWep: 1 { false }
 Anti-spirit weapon.
unsigned char baseChangeCategory: 6 { 0 }
 Weapon career change category.
bool isDragonSlayer: 1 { false }
 Is it a dragon hunt?
bool isDeposit: 1 { false }
 Can i deposit.
bool disableMultiDropShare: 1 { false }
 Is multi-drop sharing prohibited?
bool isDiscard: 1 { false }
 Can you throw it away.
bool isDrop: 1 { false }
 Can you put it on the spot.
bool showLogCondType: 1 { true }
 Acquisition log display condition.
bool enableThrow: 1 { false }
 Can be thrown.
unsigned char showDialogCondType: 2 { 2 }
 Acquisition dialog display condition.
bool disableGemAttr: 1 { false }
 Is it prohibited to change the magic stone attribute?
unsigned short defSfxMaterial1 { 0 }
 Defensive SFX Material 1.
unsigned char wepCollidableType0 { 1 }
 Weapon collaborative setting.
unsigned char wepCollidableType1 { 1 }
 Weapon 1 collaborative setting.
unsigned char postureControlId_Right { 0 }
 Attitude control ID (right hand)
unsigned char postureControlId_Left { 0 }
 Attitude control ID (left hand)
int traceSfxId0 { -1 }
 Sword Flash SfxID_0.
int traceDmyIdHead0 { -1 }
 Root Sword Flash Damipoli ID_0.
int traceDmyIdTail0 { -1 }
 Sword tip sword flash Damipoli ID_0.
int traceSfxId1 { -1 }
 Sword Flash SfxID_1.
int traceDmyIdHead1 { -1 }
 Root Sword Flash Damipoli ID_1.
int traceDmyIdTail1 { -1 }
 Sword tip sword flash Damipoli ID_1.
int traceSfxId2 { -1 }
 Sword Flash SfxID_2.
int traceDmyIdHead2 { -1 }
 Root Sword Flash Damipoli ID_2.
int traceDmyIdTail2 { -1 }
 Sword tip sword flash Damipoli ID_2.
int traceSfxId3 { -1 }
 Sword Flash SfxID_3.
int traceDmyIdHead3 { -1 }
 Root Sword Flash Damipoli ID_3.
int traceDmyIdTail3 { -1 }
 Sword tip sword flash Damipoli ID_3.
int traceSfxId4 { -1 }
 Sword Flash SfxID_4.
int traceDmyIdHead4 { -1 }
 Root Sword Flash Damipoli ID_4.
int traceDmyIdTail4 { -1 }
 Sword tip sword flash Damipoli ID_4.
int traceSfxId5 { -1 }
 Sword Flash SfxID_5.
int traceDmyIdHead5 { -1 }
 Root Sword Flash Damipoli ID_5.
int traceDmyIdTail5 { -1 }
 Sword tip sword flash Damipoli ID_5.
int traceSfxId6 { -1 }
 Sword Flash SfxID_6.
int traceDmyIdHead6 { -1 }
 Root Sword Flash Damipoli ID_6.
int traceDmyIdTail6 { -1 }
 Sword tip sword flash Damipoli ID_6.
int traceSfxId7 { -1 }
 Sword Flash SfxID_7.
int traceDmyIdHead7 { -1 }
 Root Sword Flash Damipoli ID_7.
int traceDmyIdTail7 { -1 }
 Sword tip sword flash Damipoli ID_7.
unsigned short defSfxMaterial2 { 0 }
 Defensive SFX Material 2.
unsigned short defSeMaterial2 { 0 }
 Defense SE Material 2.
int absorpParamId { -1 }
 Suction position Id.
float toughnessCorrectRate { 0.f }
 Toughness correction factor.
bool isValidTough_ProtSADmg: 1 { false }
 Is the armor SA damage multiplier valid even at the initial value?
bool isDualBlade: 1 { false }
 Is it a twin sword?
bool isAutoEquip: 1 { false }
 Is it possible to load automatically?
bool isEnableEmergencyStep: 1 { false }
 Is emergency avoidance possible?
bool invisibleOnRemo: 1 { false }
 Is it hidden during cutscenes?
unsigned char correctType_Magic { 0 }
 Correction type (magic attack power)
unsigned char correctType_Fire { 0 }
 Correction type (flame attack power)
unsigned char correctType_Thunder { 0 }
 Correction type (lightning attack power)
float weakE_DamageRate { 1.f }
 Special attack E damage multiplier.
float weakF_DamageRate { 1.f }
 Special attack F damage multiplier.
float darkGuardCutRate { 0.f }
 Dark attack power cut rate when guarding.
unsigned short attackBaseDark { 0 }
 Dark attack power basic value.
unsigned char correctType_Dark { 0 }
 Correction type (dark attack power)
unsigned char correctType_Poison { 0 }
 Correction type (poison attack power)
unsigned char sortGroupId { 255 }
 Sort item type ID.
unsigned char atkAttribute2 { 0 }
 Physical attribute 2.
signed char sleepGuardResist { 0 }
 Sleep attack cut rate.
signed char madnessGuardResist { 0 }
 Mad attack cut rate.
unsigned char correctType_Blood { 0 }
 Correction type (bleeding attack power)
unsigned char properLuck { 0 }
 Equipment proper luck.
signed char freezeGuardResist { 0 }
 Cold attack cut rate.
unsigned char autoReplenishType { 0 }
 Automatic replenishment type.
int swordArtsParamId { 0 }
 Arts parameter ID.
float correctLuck { 0.f }
 Luck correction.
unsigned int arrowBoltEquipId { 0 }
 Equipment ID for quiver (magazine) display model.
unsigned char DerivationLevelType { 0 }
 Level setting at the time of reduction.
unsigned char enchantSfxSize { 0 }
 Enchantment Sfx size.
unsigned short wepType { 0 }
 Weapon type.
float physGuardCutRate_MaxCorrect { 0.f }
 Physical attack cut rate when guarding_maximum correction value.
float magGuardCutRate_MaxCorrect { 0.f }
 Magic attack cut rate when guarding_maximum correction value.
float fireGuardCutRate_MaxCorrect { 0.f }
 Flame attack power cut rate when guarding_maximum correction value.
float thunGuardCutRate_MaxCorrect { 0.f }
 Electric shock attack power cut rate when guarding_maximum correction value.
float darkGuardCutRate_MaxCorrect { 0.f }
 Darkness attack power cut rate when guarding_maximum correction value.
float poisonGuardResist_MaxCorrect { 0.f }
 Poison resistance cut rate_maximum correction value.
float diseaseGuardResist_MaxCorrect { 0.f }
 Epidemic resistance cut rate_maximum correction value.
float bloodGuardResist_MaxCorrect { 0.f }
 Bleeding resistance cut rate_maximum correction value.
float curseGuardResist_MaxCorrect { 0.f }
 Curse resistance cut rate_maximum correction value.
float freezeGuardResist_MaxCorrect { 0.f }
 Cold resistance cut rate_maximum correction value.
float staminaGuardDef_MaxCorrect { 0.f }
 Stamina defense when guarding_maximum correction value.
int residentSfxId_1 { -1 }
 Resident SfxId1.
int residentSfxId_2 { -1 }
 Resident SfxId2.
int residentSfxId_3 { -1 }
 Resident SfxId3.
int residentSfxId_4 { -1 }
 Resident SfxId4.
int residentSfx_DmyId_1 { -1 }
 Resident Sfx Damipoli Id1.
int residentSfx_DmyId_2 { -1 }
 Resident Sfx Damipoli Id2.
int residentSfx_DmyId_3 { -1 }
 Resident Sfx Damipoli Id3.
int residentSfx_DmyId_4 { -1 }
 Resident Sfx Damipoli Id4.
float staminaConsumptionRate { 1.f }
 Stamina consumption ratio.
float vsPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Physics { 1.f }
 Physical damage correction factor against player.
float vsPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Magic { 1.f }
 Anti-player magic damage correction factor.
float vsPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Fire { 1.f }
 Anti-player flame damage correction factor.
float vsPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Thunder { 1.f }
 Anti-player lightning damage correction factor.
float vsPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Dark { 1.f }
 Against player darkness damage correction factor.
float vsPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Poison { 1.f }
 Anti-player poison damage correction factor.
float vsPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Blood { 1.f }
 Anti-player bleeding damage correction factor.
float vsPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Freeze { 1.f }
 Anti-player cold damage correction factor.
int attainmentWepStatusStr { -1 }
 Weapon ability release status value: Strength.
int attainmentWepStatusDex { -1 }
 Weapon ability release status value: Skill.
int attainmentWepStatusMag { -1 }
 Weapon ability release status value: reason.
int attainmentWepStatusFai { -1 }
 Weapon ability release status value: Faith.
int attainmentWepStatusLuc { -1 }
 Weapon ability release status value: Luck.
int attackElementCorrectId { 0 }
 Attack attribute correction ID.
int saleValue { -1 }
 Selling price.
unsigned char reinforceShopCategory { 0 }
 Enhanced shop category.
unsigned char maxArrowQuantity { 1 }
 Maximum number of arrows.
bool residentSfx_1_IsVisibleForHang: 1 { false }
 Resident SFX1 Whether to display at the time of sword delivery.
bool residentSfx_2_IsVisibleForHang: 1 { false }
 Whether to display when resident SFX2 sword is delivered.
bool residentSfx_3_IsVisibleForHang: 1 { false }
 Whether to display when resident SFX3 sword is delivered.
bool residentSfx_4_IsVisibleForHang: 1 { false }
 Whether to display when resident SFX4 sword is delivered.
bool isSoulParamIdChange_model0: 1 { true }
 Model_0 Is it possible to replace the Soul Param ID?
bool isSoulParamIdChange_model1: 1 { true }
 Is it possible to replace the model _1 Soul Param ID?
bool isSoulParamIdChange_model2: 1 { true }
 Model_2 Soul Param ID can be replaced?
bool isSoulParamIdChange_model3: 1 { true }
 Model_3 Is it possible to replace the Soul Param ID?
signed char wepSeIdOffset { 0 }
 Weapon SEID offset value.
int baseChangePrice { 0 }
 Evolution price.
short levelSyncCorrectId { -1 }
 Level sync correction ID.
unsigned char correctType_Sleep { 0 }
 Correction type (sleep attack power)
unsigned char correctType_Madness { 0 }
 Correction type (mad attack power)
unsigned char rarity { 0 }
unsigned char gemMountType { 0 }
 Is it possible to attach magic stones?
unsigned short wepRegainHp { 0 }
 Weapon regain amount.
int spEffectMsgId0 { -1 }
 Effect text ID 00.
int spEffectMsgId1 { -1 }
 Effect text ID 01.
int spEffectMsgId2 { -1 }
 Effect text ID 02.
int originEquipWep16 { -1 }
 Derivative source enhancement +16.
int originEquipWep17 { -1 }
 Derivative source enhancement +17.
int originEquipWep18 { -1 }
 Derivative source enhancement +18.
int originEquipWep19 { -1 }
 Derivative source enhancement +19.
int originEquipWep20 { -1 }
 Derivative source enhancement +20.
int originEquipWep21 { -1 }
 Derivative source enhancement +21.
int originEquipWep22 { -1 }
 Derivative source enhancement +22.
int originEquipWep23 { -1 }
 Derivative source enhancement +23.
int originEquipWep24 { -1 }
 Derivative source enhancement +24.
int originEquipWep25 { -1 }
 Derivative source enhancement +25.
float vsPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Sleep { 1.f }
 Anti-player sleep damage correction factor.
float vsPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Madness { 1.f }
 Anti-player mad damage correction factor.
float saGuardCutRate { 0.f }
 SA attack cut rate when guarding.
unsigned char defMaterialVariationValue { 0 }
 Defensive material variation value.
unsigned char spAttributeVariationValue { 0 }
 Special attribute variation value.
short stealthAtkRate { 0 }
 Stealth attack power multiplier.
float vsPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Disease { 1.f }
 Anti-player plague damage correction factor.
float vsPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Curse { 1.f }
 Anti-player curse damage correction factor.
unsigned char restrictSpecialSwordArt { 0 }

Detailed Description

This struct was automatically generated from XML paramdefs.

Member Data Documentation

◆ absorpParamId

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::absorpParamId { -1 }

Suction position Id.

Weapon adsorption position parameter Id. This value determines the position where the weapon is attracted (-1: Refer to the value written directly in the old source code).

◆ arrowBoltEquipId

unsigned int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::arrowBoltEquipId { 0 }

Equipment ID for quiver (magazine) display model.

Equipment number of the quiver (magazine) display model. In the case of a bow, it is displayed as a quiver, and in the case of a crossbow, it is displayed as a magazine.

◆ arrowSlotEquipable

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::arrowSlotEquipable

Bow and arrow bullet equipment.

Is it possible to equip a bow bullet?

◆ atkMaterial

unsigned char from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::atkMaterial { 0 }

Attack material.

Attack material used from attack para

◆ attackBaseDark

unsigned short from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::attackBaseDark { 0 }

Dark attack power basic value.

Basic value of darkness attack that damages the enemy's HP

◆ attackBaseFire

unsigned short from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::attackBaseFire { 100 }

Fire attack power basic value.

Basic value of fire attribute attack that damages the enemy's HP

◆ attackBaseMagic

unsigned short from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::attackBaseMagic { 100 }

Magic attack power basic value.

Basic value of magic attribute attack that damages the enemy's HP

◆ attackBaseParry

unsigned char from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::attackBaseParry { 0 }

Parry attack base value.

Basic value to defeat the enemy's parry

◆ attackBasePhysics

unsigned short from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::attackBasePhysics { 100 }

Physical attack power basic value.

Basic value of physical attribute attack that damages the enemy's HP

◆ attackBaseRepel

unsigned char from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::attackBaseRepel { 0 }

Flick attack power basic value.

Guard Used to determine whether or not to be repelled when attacking an enemy

◆ attackBaseStamina

unsigned short from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::attackBaseStamina { 100 }

Stamina attack power.

Stamina attack power against the enemy

◆ attackBaseThunder

unsigned short from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::attackBaseThunder { 100 }

Electric shock attack power basic value.

Basic value of electric shock attribute attack that damages the enemy's HP

◆ attackElementCorrectId

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::attackElementCorrectId { 0 }

Attack attribute correction ID.

ID of the parameter that corrects the attack attribute

◆ attackThrowEscape

unsigned short from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::attackThrowEscape { 0 }

Throw-through attack power basic value.

Basic value of throw-through attack power

◆ attainmentWepStatusDex

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::attainmentWepStatusDex { -1 }

Weapon ability release status value: Skill.

To change the R2 attack into a special action when the status is X or higher when using a specific weapon.

◆ attainmentWepStatusFai

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::attainmentWepStatusFai { -1 }

Weapon ability release status value: Faith.

This is to change the R2 attack into a special action when the status is X or higher when using a specific weapon.

◆ attainmentWepStatusLuc

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::attainmentWepStatusLuc { -1 }

Weapon ability release status value: Luck.

This is to change the R2 attack into a special action when the status is X or higher when using a specific weapon.

◆ attainmentWepStatusMag

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::attainmentWepStatusMag { -1 }

Weapon ability release status value: reason.

To change the R2 attack into a special action when the status is X or higher when using a specific weapon.

◆ attainmentWepStatusStr

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::attainmentWepStatusStr { -1 }

Weapon ability release status value: Strength.

To change the R2 attack into a special action when the status is X or higher when using a specific weapon.

◆ autoReplenishType

unsigned char from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::autoReplenishType { 0 }

Automatic replenishment type.

Controls whether or not to automatically replenish and default settings

◆ baseChangeCategory

unsigned char from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::baseChangeCategory

Weapon career change category.

Weapon career change category. Used to display the attribute icon.

◆ behaviorVariationId

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::behaviorVariationId { 0 }

Behavior variation ID.

Used when determining the action parameter ID to be referenced during an attack

◆ bloodGuardResist

signed char from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::bloodGuardResist { 0 }

Bleeding attack cut rate.

How much to cut the attack power (set as a special effect parameter) to make bleeding

◆ bloodGuardResist_MaxCorrect

float from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::bloodGuardResist_MaxCorrect { 0.f }

Bleeding resistance cut rate_maximum correction value.

Maximum value of cut rate correction value for attack power against bleeding (set as special effect parameter)

◆ blowGuardCutRate

signed char from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::blowGuardCutRate { 0 }

Batter attack cut rate.

Looking at the attack type, what percentage of the damage of the hit attribute is cut? Specify

◆ boltSlotEquipable

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::boltSlotEquipable

Crossbow bullet equipment.

Is it possible to equip a crossbow bullet?

◆ bothHandEquipable

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::bothHandEquipable

Two-handed equipment.

Is it possible to equip with both hands?

◆ bowDistRate

short from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::bowDistRate { 0 }

Bow distance correction [%].

Up% to extend the flight distance

◆ correctAgility

float from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::correctAgility { 0.f }

Agility correction.

Charapara correction value.

◆ correctFaith

float from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::correctFaith { 0.f }

Faith correction.

Charapara correction value.

◆ correctLuck

float from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::correctLuck { 0.f }

Luck correction.

Charapara correction value.

◆ correctMagic

float from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::correctMagic { 0.f }

Magic correction.

Charapara correction value.

◆ correctStrength

float from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::correctStrength { 0.f }

Strength correction.

Charapara correction value.

◆ correctType_Blood

unsigned char from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::correctType_Blood { 0 }

Correction type (bleeding attack power)

Determine the type of bleeding attack power correction graph with primary parameters

◆ correctType_Dark

unsigned char from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::correctType_Dark { 0 }

Correction type (dark attack power)

Determine the type of darkness attack power correction graph with primary parameters

◆ correctType_Fire

unsigned char from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::correctType_Fire { 0 }

Correction type (flame attack power)

Determine the type of flame attack power correction graph with primary parameters

◆ correctType_Madness

unsigned char from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::correctType_Madness { 0 }

Correction type (mad attack power)

Determining the type of mad attack power correction graph with primary parameters

◆ correctType_Magic

unsigned char from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::correctType_Magic { 0 }

Correction type (magic attack power)

Determining the type of magic attack power correction graph with primary parameters

◆ correctType_Physics

unsigned char from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::correctType_Physics { 0 }

Correction type (physical attack power)

Correcting physical attack power by primary parameters Determines the type of graph

◆ correctType_Poison

unsigned char from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::correctType_Poison { 0 }

Correction type (poison attack power)

Determining the type of poison attack power correction graph with primary parameters

◆ correctType_Sleep

unsigned char from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::correctType_Sleep { 0 }

Correction type (sleep attack power)

Determine the type of sleep attack correction graph with primary parameters

◆ correctType_Thunder

unsigned char from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::correctType_Thunder { 0 }

Correction type (lightning attack power)

Determine the type of lightning attack power correction graph with primary parameters

◆ curseGuardResist

signed char from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::curseGuardResist { 0 }

Curse attack cut rate.

How much to cut the attack power (set as a special effect parameter) to curse

◆ curseGuardResist_MaxCorrect

float from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::curseGuardResist_MaxCorrect { 0.f }

Curse resistance cut rate_maximum correction value.

Maximum value of cut rate correction value for attack power against curse (set as special effect parameter)

◆ darkGuardCutRate

float from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::darkGuardCutRate { 0.f }

Dark attack power cut rate when guarding.

How much to cut the dark attack?

◆ darkGuardCutRate_MaxCorrect

float from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::darkGuardCutRate_MaxCorrect { 0.f }

Darkness attack power cut rate when guarding_maximum correction value.

Maximum value of correction value of damage darkness cut rate when guarding

◆ defenseBaseParry

unsigned char from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::defenseBaseParry { 0 }

Parry defense value.

Used to judge whether to be a parry or a guard at the time of parry judgment

◆ defMaterialVariationValue

unsigned char from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::defMaterialVariationValue { 0 }

Defensive material variation value.

It is a value used to divide the damage SFX and SE into variations in combination with the defense material used when guarding. SEQ16473

◆ defSeMaterial1

unsigned short from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::defSeMaterial1 { 0 }

Defense SE Material 1.

Defense SE material used from attack para 1

◆ defSeMaterial2

unsigned short from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::defSeMaterial2 { 0 }

Defense SE Material 2.

Defense SE material used from attack para 2

◆ defSfxMaterial1

unsigned short from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::defSfxMaterial1 { 0 }

Defensive SFX Material 1.

Defensive SFX material used from attack para 1

◆ defSfxMaterial2

unsigned short from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::defSfxMaterial2 { 0 }

Defensive SFX Material 2.

Defensive SFX material used from attack para 2

◆ DerivationLevelType

unsigned char from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::DerivationLevelType { 0 }

Level setting at the time of reduction.

Type of how to set the enhancement level when returning or deriving a weapon

◆ disableParam_NT

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::disableParam_NT

Do you remove it from the NT version output?

Parameters marked with ○ are excluded in the NT version package.

◆ diseaseGuardResist

signed char from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::diseaseGuardResist { 0 }

Epidemic attack cut rate.

How much to cut the attack power (set as a special effect parameter) to make it a plague

◆ diseaseGuardResist_MaxCorrect

float from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::diseaseGuardResist_MaxCorrect { 0.f }

Epidemic resistance cut rate_maximum correction value.

Maximum value of cut rate correction value for attack power against plague (set as special effect parameter)

◆ durability

unsigned short from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::durability { 100 }


Initial durability.

◆ durabilityMax

unsigned short from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::durabilityMax { 100 }

Maximum durability.

New durability.

◆ enableGuard

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::enableGuard

Can be guarded.

Guard with L1 when equipped with left hand

◆ enableMagic

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::enableMagic

Magical possible.

Activates magic when attacking

◆ enableMiracle

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::enableMiracle

Miracle possible.

Miracle activated when attacking

◆ enableParry

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::enableParry

Parry possible.

Parry with L2 when equipped with left hand

◆ enableSorcery

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::enableSorcery

Can be spelled.

Cast magic when attacking

◆ enableThrow

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::enableThrow

Can be thrown.

Whether it is a throwable weapon

◆ enableVowMagic

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::enableVowMagic

Pledge magic possible.

Activates pledge magic when attacking

◆ enchantSfxSize

unsigned char from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::enchantSfxSize { 0 }

Enchantment Sfx size.

Value offset to enchantment SfxId

◆ equipModelCategory

unsigned char from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::equipModelCategory { 7 }

Equipment model type.

Equipment model type.

◆ equipModelGender

unsigned char from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::equipModelGender { 0 }

Equipment model gender.

Gender of equipment model.

◆ equipModelId

unsigned short from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::equipModelId { 0 }

Equipment model number.

Equipment model number.

◆ fireGuardCutRate

float from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::fireGuardCutRate { 0.f }

Flame attack power cut rate when guarding.

How much to cut the fire attack?

◆ fireGuardCutRate_MaxCorrect

float from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::fireGuardCutRate_MaxCorrect { 0.f }

Flame attack power cut rate when guarding_maximum correction value.

Maximum value of correction value of damage flame cut rate when guarding

◆ fixPrice

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::fixPrice { 0 }

Repair price.

Basic repair price

◆ freezeGuardResist

signed char from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::freezeGuardResist { 0 }

Cold attack cut rate.

How much to cut the attack power (set to the special effect parameter) to cool down

◆ freezeGuardResist_MaxCorrect

float from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::freezeGuardResist_MaxCorrect { 0.f }

Cold resistance cut rate_maximum correction value.

Maximum value of cut rate correction value for attack power against cold air (set as special effect parameter)

◆ guardAngle

short from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::guardAngle { 0 }

Guard range [deg].

Defense occurrence range angle when guarding weapons

◆ guardBaseRepel

unsigned char from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::guardBaseRepel { 0 }

Flick defense basic value.

Used to determine if it will pop when guarding an enemy attack

◆ guardCutCancelRate

signed char from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::guardCutCancelRate { 0 }

Guard cut invalidation magnification.

Magnification that invalidates the opponent's guard cut. -100 is completely invalid. Double the defense effect of the opponent at 100.

◆ guardLevel

signed char from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::guardLevel { 0 }

Guard level.

When guarding, which guard motion will the enemy attack? Decide

◆ iconId

unsigned short from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::iconId { 0 }

Icon ID.

Menu icon ID.

◆ isAutoEquip

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::isAutoEquip

Is it possible to load automatically?

Only valid for arrows and bolts. Whether to automatically equip this weapon if the target equipment slot is empty when picking up this weapon

◆ isBlowAttackType

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::isBlowAttackType


Attack type for menu display. Is it a blow?

◆ isCustom

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::isCustom

Can it be strengthened?

Listed in the enhancement target list at the enhancement shop (may be deleted due to specification changes?)

◆ isDeposit

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::isDeposit

Can i deposit.

Can you leave it in the warehouse?

◆ isDiscard

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::isDiscard

Can you throw it away.

Can you throw away the item? TRUE = thrown away

◆ isDragonSlayer

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::isDragonSlayer

Is it a dragon hunt?

Is it a dragon hunting weapon?

◆ isDrop

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::isDrop

Can you put it on the spot.

Can I put the item on the spot? TRUE = can be placed

◆ isDualBlade

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::isDualBlade

Is it a twin sword?

Is this weapon a twin sword?

◆ isEnableEmergencyStep

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::isEnableEmergencyStep

Is emergency avoidance possible?

Is it an emergency avoidable weapon? Pass it to the behavior script.

◆ isEnhance

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::isEnhance

Is it possible to enchant?

Can it be strengthened with pine fat?

◆ isHeroPointCorrect

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::isHeroPointCorrect

Is there a humanity correction?

Is there an attack power correction by human nature?

◆ isNormalAttackType

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::isNormalAttackType


Attack type for menu display. Is it normal?

◆ isSlashAttackType

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::isSlashAttackType


Attack type for menu display. Is it a slash?

◆ isSoulParamIdChange_model0

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::isSoulParamIdChange_model0

Model_0 Is it possible to replace the Soul Param ID?

Whether the vfx parameter "Soul Param ID for Weapon Enchantment" and "Invisible Weapon for Weapon Enchantment" settings are applied

◆ isSoulParamIdChange_model1

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::isSoulParamIdChange_model1

Is it possible to replace the model _1 Soul Param ID?

Whether the vfx parameter "Soul Param ID for Weapon Enchantment" and "Invisible Weapon for Weapon Enchantment" settings are applied

◆ isSoulParamIdChange_model2

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::isSoulParamIdChange_model2

Model_2 Soul Param ID can be replaced?

Whether the vfx parameter "Soul Param ID for Weapon Enchantment" and "Invisible Weapon for Weapon Enchantment" settings are applied

◆ isSoulParamIdChange_model3

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::isSoulParamIdChange_model3

Model_3 Is it possible to replace the Soul Param ID?

Whether the vfx parameter "Soul Param ID for Weapon Enchantment" and "Invisible Weapon for Weapon Enchantment" settings are applied

◆ isThrustAttackType

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::isThrustAttackType


Attack type for menu display. Is it a piercing?

◆ isValidTough_ProtSADmg

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::isValidTough_ProtSADmg

Is the armor SA damage multiplier valid even at the initial value?

Whether the toughness calculation is performed even if the armor SA is the initial value. Check the toughness specification .xlsx for details

◆ isVersusGhostWep

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::isVersusGhostWep

Anti-spirit weapon.

NPC Para's "spirit body" will now hit the opponent of ○. Also, the attack para "Is it a ghost attack?" Will be able to guard the attack of ○.

◆ lanternWep

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::lanternWep

Lantern weapon.

Is it a lantern weapon?

◆ leftHandEquipable

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::leftHandEquipable

Left hand equipment.

Is it possible to equip it with the left hand?

◆ madnessGuardResist

signed char from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::madnessGuardResist { 0 }

Mad attack cut rate.

How much to cut the attack power (set to the special effect parameter) that makes you go mad

◆ madnessGuardResist_MaxCorrect

float from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::madnessGuardResist_MaxCorrect { 0.f }

Madness resistance cut rate_maximum correction value.

Maximum value of cut rate correction value for attack power against madness (set as special effect parameter)

◆ magGuardCutRate

float from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::magGuardCutRate { 0.f }

Magic attack cut rate when guarding.

If it is not a guard attack, enter 0

◆ magGuardCutRate_MaxCorrect

float from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::magGuardCutRate_MaxCorrect { 0.f }

Magic attack cut rate when guarding_maximum correction value.

Maximum value of correction value of damage magic cut rate when guarding

◆ materialSetId

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::materialSetId { -1 }

Material ID.

Material parameter ID required for weapon enhancement

◆ originEquipWep

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::originEquipWep { -1 }

Derivation source.

This weapon's enhancement source weapon ID

◆ originEquipWep1

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::originEquipWep1 { -1 }

Derivative source enhancement +1.

This weapon's enhancement source weapon ID1

◆ originEquipWep10

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::originEquipWep10 { -1 }

Derivative source enhancement +10.

This weapon's enhancement source weapon ID 10

◆ originEquipWep11

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::originEquipWep11 { -1 }

Derivative source enhancement +11.

This weapon's enhancement source weapon ID 11

◆ originEquipWep12

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::originEquipWep12 { -1 }

Derivative source enhancement +12.

This weapon's enhancement source weapon ID 12

◆ originEquipWep13

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::originEquipWep13 { -1 }

Derivative source enhancement +13.

This weapon's enhancement source weapon ID 13

◆ originEquipWep14

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::originEquipWep14 { -1 }

Derivative source enhancement +14.

This weapon's enhancement source weapon ID14

◆ originEquipWep15

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::originEquipWep15 { -1 }

Derivative source enhancement +15.

This weapon's enhancement source weapon ID 15

◆ originEquipWep16

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::originEquipWep16 { -1 }

Derivative source enhancement +16.

This weapon's enhancement source weapon ID 16

◆ originEquipWep17

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::originEquipWep17 { -1 }

Derivative source enhancement +17.

This weapon's enhancement source weapon ID 17

◆ originEquipWep18

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::originEquipWep18 { -1 }

Derivative source enhancement +18.

This weapon's enhancement source weapon ID18

◆ originEquipWep19

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::originEquipWep19 { -1 }

Derivative source enhancement +19.

This weapon's enhancement source weapon ID 19

◆ originEquipWep2

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::originEquipWep2 { -1 }

Derivative source enhancement +2.

This weapon's enhancement source weapon ID2

◆ originEquipWep20

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::originEquipWep20 { -1 }

Derivative source enhancement +20.

This weapon's enhancement source weapon ID 20

◆ originEquipWep21

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::originEquipWep21 { -1 }

Derivative source enhancement +21.

This weapon's enhancement source weapon ID21

◆ originEquipWep22

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::originEquipWep22 { -1 }

Derivative source enhancement +22.

This weapon's enhancement source weapon ID 22

◆ originEquipWep23

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::originEquipWep23 { -1 }

Derivative source enhancement +23.

This weapon's enhancement source weapon ID 23

◆ originEquipWep24

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::originEquipWep24 { -1 }

Derivative source enhancement +24.

This weapon's enhancement source weapon ID 24

◆ originEquipWep25

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::originEquipWep25 { -1 }

Derivative source enhancement +25.

This weapon's enhancement source weapon ID 25

◆ originEquipWep3

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::originEquipWep3 { -1 }

Derivative source enhancement +3.

This weapon's enhancement source weapon ID3

◆ originEquipWep4

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::originEquipWep4 { -1 }

Derivative source enhancement +4.

This weapon's enhancement source weapon ID 4

◆ originEquipWep5

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::originEquipWep5 { -1 }

Derivative source enhancement +5.

This weapon's enhancement source weapon ID 5

◆ originEquipWep6

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::originEquipWep6 { -1 }

Derivative source enhancement +6.

This weapon's enhancement source weapon ID 6

◆ originEquipWep7

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::originEquipWep7 { -1 }

Derivative source enhancement +7.

This weapon's enhancement source weapon ID 7

◆ originEquipWep8

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::originEquipWep8 { -1 }

Derivative source enhancement +8.

This weapon's enhancement source weapon ID8

◆ originEquipWep9

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::originEquipWep9 { -1 }

Derivative source enhancement +9.

This weapon's enhancement source weapon ID 9

◆ parryDamageLife

short from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::parryDamageLife { -1 }

Parry occurrence time [frame].

Limit the life of parry damage. It does not last longer than it is set in TimeAct.

◆ physGuardCutRate

float from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::physGuardCutRate { 0.f }

Physical attack cut rate when guarding.

Set the damage cut rate when guarding for each attack

◆ physGuardCutRate_MaxCorrect

float from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::physGuardCutRate_MaxCorrect { 0.f }

Physical attack cut rate when guarding_maximum correction value.

Maximum damage physical cut rate correction value when guarding

◆ poisonGuardResist

signed char from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::poisonGuardResist { 0 }

Poison resistance cut rate.

How much to cut the attack power to poison (set to the special effect parameter)

◆ poisonGuardResist_MaxCorrect

float from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::poisonGuardResist_MaxCorrect { 0.f }

Poison resistance cut rate_maximum correction value.

Maximum value of cut rate correction value for attack power against poison (set as special effect parameter)

◆ properAgility

unsigned char from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::properAgility { 0 }

Equipment proper agility.

Equipment appropriate value.

◆ properFaith

unsigned char from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::properFaith { 0 }

Equipment proper faith.

Equipment appropriate value.

◆ properLuck

unsigned char from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::properLuck { 0 }

Equipment proper luck.

Equipment appropriate value.

◆ properMagic

unsigned char from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::properMagic { 0 }

Equipment proper magic power.

Equipment appropriate value.

◆ properStrength

unsigned char from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::properStrength { 0 }

Equipment proper strength.

Equipment appropriate value.

◆ rarity

unsigned char from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::rarity { 0 }


Rarity used in item acquisition logs

◆ residentSfx_1_IsVisibleForHang

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::residentSfx_1_IsVisibleForHang

Resident SFX1 Whether to display at the time of sword delivery.

If "Do you want to display when resident SFX1 is delivered?" Is true, hide the SFX set to "resident SFX ID1" when the weapon is delivered.

◆ residentSfx_2_IsVisibleForHang

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::residentSfx_2_IsVisibleForHang

Whether to display when resident SFX2 sword is delivered.

If "Do you want to display when resident SFX2 is delivered?" Is true, hide the SFX set to "resident SFX ID2" when the weapon is delivered.

◆ residentSfx_3_IsVisibleForHang

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::residentSfx_3_IsVisibleForHang

Whether to display when resident SFX3 sword is delivered.

If "Do you want to display when resident SFX3 is delivered?" Is true, hide the SFX set to "resident SFX ID3" when the weapon is delivered.

◆ residentSfx_4_IsVisibleForHang

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::residentSfx_4_IsVisibleForHang

Whether to display when resident SFX4 sword is delivered.

If "Do you want to display when resident SFX4 is delivered?" Is true, hide the SFX set to "resident SFX ID 4" when the weapon is delivered.

◆ residentSpEffectId

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::residentSpEffectId { -1 }

Resident special effect ID.

Resident special effect ID0

◆ rightHandEquipable

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::rightHandEquipable

Right hand equipment.

Is it possible to equip it with the right hand?

◆ saDurability

float from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::saDurability { 0.f }

SA durability value.

Additional SA durability used during attack motion

◆ saGuardCutRate

float from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::saGuardCutRate { 0.f }

SA attack cut rate when guarding.

SA damage cut rate when guard is successful

◆ saWeaponDamage

float from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::saWeaponDamage { 0.f }

SA weapon attack power.

Super Armor Basic Attack Power

◆ sellValue

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::sellValue { 0 }

Sale price.

Selling price

◆ showDialogCondType

unsigned char from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::showDialogCondType

Acquisition dialog display condition.

Whether to display it in the item acquisition dialog when acquiring an item (not entered: new only)

◆ showLogCondType

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::showLogCondType

Acquisition log display condition.

Whether to display in the item acquisition log when acquiring the item (not entered: ○)

◆ slashGuardCutRate

signed char from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::slashGuardCutRate { 0 }

Slash attack cut rate.

Looking at the attack type, what percentage of the damage of the slashing attribute is cut? Specify

◆ sleepGuardResist

signed char from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::sleepGuardResist { 0 }

Sleep attack cut rate.

How much to cut the attack power (set as a special effect parameter) to sleep

◆ sleepGuardResist_MaxCorrect

float from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::sleepGuardResist_MaxCorrect { 0.f }

Sleep tolerance cut rate_maximum correction value.

Maximum value of cut rate correction value for attack power against sleep (set as special effect parameter)

◆ sortGroupId

unsigned char from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::sortGroupId { 255 }

Sort item type ID.

Sort item type ID. In the sort "Item type order", the same ID is displayed together as the same group.

◆ sortId

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::sortId { 0 }

Sort ID.

Sort ID (-1: Do not collect) (7 digits is the limit in s32 to add the enhancement level in the program)

◆ spAtkcategory

unsigned short from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::spAtkcategory { 0 }

Special attack category.

Special attack category (possible from 50 to 999)

◆ spAttribute

unsigned char from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::spAttribute { 0 }

Special attributes.

Weapon special attribute value

◆ spAttributeVariationValue

unsigned char from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::spAttributeVariationValue { 0 }

Special attribute variation value.

It is a value used to give variation to abnormal state SFX, SE, etc. in combination with the special attribute of the weapon. SEQ16473

◆ spEffectBehaviorId0

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::spEffectBehaviorId0 { -1 }

Special effect ID 0 on attack hit.

Register when adding special effects to weapons

◆ spEffectBehaviorId1

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::spEffectBehaviorId1 { -1 }

Special effect ID1 on attack hit.

Register when adding special effects to weapons

◆ spEffectBehaviorId2

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::spEffectBehaviorId2 { -1 }

Special effect ID2 on attack hit.

Register when adding special effects to weapons

◆ spEffectMsgId0

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::spEffectMsgId0 { -1 }

Effect text ID 00.

Effect text ID 00 (Weapon_Effect). Weapon-specific effect text to display in status

◆ spEffectMsgId1

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::spEffectMsgId1 { -1 }

Effect text ID 01.

Effect text ID 01 (Weapon_Effect). Weapon-specific effect text to display in status

◆ spEffectMsgId2

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::spEffectMsgId2 { -1 }

Effect text ID 02.

Effect text ID 02 (Weapon_Effect). Weapon-specific effect text to display in status

◆ staminaGuardDef

short from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::staminaGuardDef { 0 }

Stamina defense when guarding.

Defense against enemy stamina attacks when guarding successfully

◆ staminaGuardDef_MaxCorrect

float from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::staminaGuardDef_MaxCorrect { 0.f }

Stamina defense when guarding_maximum correction value.

When the guard is successful, the maximum value of the defense power correction value against the enemy's stamina attack

◆ thrustGuardCutRate

signed char from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::thrustGuardCutRate { 0 }

Puncture attack cut rate.

Looking at the attack type, what percentage of the damage of the piercing attribute is cut? Specify

◆ thunGuardCutRate

float from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::thunGuardCutRate { 0.f }

Electric shock attack power cut rate when guarding.

How much to cut the electric shock attack?

◆ thunGuardCutRate_MaxCorrect

float from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::thunGuardCutRate_MaxCorrect { 0.f }

Electric shock attack power cut rate when guarding_maximum correction value.

Maximum value of correction value of damage electric shock cut rate when guarding

◆ toughnessCorrectRate

float from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::toughnessCorrectRate { 0.f }

Toughness correction factor.

It is a magnification that corrects the basic value of toughness.

◆ traceDmyIdHead0

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::traceDmyIdHead0 { -1 }

Root Sword Flash Damipoli ID_0.

Sword flash root Damipoli ID_0 (-1 invalid)

◆ traceDmyIdHead1

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::traceDmyIdHead1 { -1 }

Root Sword Flash Damipoli ID_1.

Sword Flash Root Damipoli ID_1 (-1 invalid)

◆ traceDmyIdHead2

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::traceDmyIdHead2 { -1 }

Root Sword Flash Damipoli ID_2.

Sword Flash Root Damipoli ID_2 (-1 invalid)

◆ traceDmyIdHead3

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::traceDmyIdHead3 { -1 }

Root Sword Flash Damipoli ID_3.

Sword flash root Damipoli ID_3 (-1 invalid)

◆ traceDmyIdHead4

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::traceDmyIdHead4 { -1 }

Root Sword Flash Damipoli ID_4.

Sword flash root Damipoli ID_4 (-1 invalid)

◆ traceDmyIdHead5

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::traceDmyIdHead5 { -1 }

Root Sword Flash Damipoli ID_5.

Sword Flash Root Damipoli ID_5 (-1 invalid)

◆ traceDmyIdHead6

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::traceDmyIdHead6 { -1 }

Root Sword Flash Damipoli ID_6.

Sword Flash Root Damipoli ID_6 (-1 invalid)

◆ traceDmyIdHead7

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::traceDmyIdHead7 { -1 }

Root Sword Flash Damipoli ID_7.

Sword Flash Root Damipoli ID_7 (-1 invalid)

◆ traceDmyIdTail0

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::traceDmyIdTail0 { -1 }

Sword tip sword flash Damipoli ID_0.

Sword Flash Sword Tip Damipoli ID_0

◆ traceDmyIdTail1

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::traceDmyIdTail1 { -1 }

Sword tip sword flash Damipoli ID_1.

Sword Flash Sword Tip Damipoli ID_1

◆ traceDmyIdTail2

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::traceDmyIdTail2 { -1 }

Sword tip sword flash Damipoli ID_2.

Sword Flash Sword Tip Damipoli ID_2

◆ traceDmyIdTail3

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::traceDmyIdTail3 { -1 }

Sword tip sword flash Damipoli ID_3.

Sword Flash Sword Tip Damipoli ID_3

◆ traceDmyIdTail4

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::traceDmyIdTail4 { -1 }

Sword tip sword flash Damipoli ID_4.

Sword Flash Sword Tip Damipoli ID_4

◆ traceDmyIdTail5

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::traceDmyIdTail5 { -1 }

Sword tip sword flash Damipoli ID_5.

Sword Flash Sword Tip Damipoli ID_5

◆ traceDmyIdTail6

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::traceDmyIdTail6 { -1 }

Sword tip sword flash Damipoli ID_6.

Sword Flash Sword Tip Damipoli ID_6

◆ traceDmyIdTail7

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::traceDmyIdTail7 { -1 }

Sword tip sword flash Damipoli ID_7.

Sword Flash Sword Tip Damipoli ID_7

◆ traceSfxId0

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::traceSfxId0 { -1 }

Sword Flash SfxID_0.

Sword flash SfxID_0 (-1 invalid)

◆ traceSfxId1

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::traceSfxId1 { -1 }

Sword Flash SfxID_1.

Sword flash SfxID_1 (-1 invalid)

◆ traceSfxId2

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::traceSfxId2 { -1 }

Sword Flash SfxID_2.

Sword flash SfxID_2 (-1 invalid)

◆ traceSfxId3

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::traceSfxId3 { -1 }

Sword Flash SfxID_3.

Sword Flash SfxID_3 (-1 invalid)

◆ traceSfxId4

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::traceSfxId4 { -1 }

Sword Flash SfxID_4.

Sword Flash SfxID_4 (-1 invalid)

◆ traceSfxId5

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::traceSfxId5 { -1 }

Sword Flash SfxID_5.

Sword Flash SfxID_5 (-1 invalid)

◆ traceSfxId6

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::traceSfxId6 { -1 }

Sword Flash SfxID_6.

Sword Flash SfxID_6 (-1 invalid)

◆ traceSfxId7

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::traceSfxId7 { -1 }

Sword Flash SfxID_7.

Sword Flash SfxID_7 (-1 invalid)

◆ trophySeqId

short from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::trophySeqId { -1 }

Trophy SEQ number.

Trophy SEQ number (13-29)

◆ trophySGradeId

short from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::trophySGradeId { -1 }

Trophy S grade ID.

Is it related to the trophy system?

◆ vsPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Blood

float from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::vsPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Blood { 1.f }

Anti-player bleeding damage correction factor.

Only attacks on the player will correct the damage done.

◆ vsPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Curse

float from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::vsPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Curse { 1.f }

Anti-player curse damage correction factor.

Only attacks on the player will correct the damage done.

◆ vsPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Dark

float from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::vsPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Dark { 1.f }

Against player darkness damage correction factor.

Only attacks on the player will correct the damage done.

◆ vsPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Disease

float from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::vsPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Disease { 1.f }

Anti-player plague damage correction factor.

Only attacks on the player will correct the damage done.

◆ vsPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Fire

float from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::vsPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Fire { 1.f }

Anti-player flame damage correction factor.

Only attacks on the player will correct the damage done.

◆ vsPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Freeze

float from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::vsPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Freeze { 1.f }

Anti-player cold damage correction factor.

Only attacks on the player will correct the damage done.

◆ vsPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Madness

float from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::vsPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Madness { 1.f }

Anti-player mad damage correction factor.

Only attacks on the player will correct the damage done.

◆ vsPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Magic

float from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::vsPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Magic { 1.f }

Anti-player magic damage correction factor.

Only attacks on the player will correct the damage done.

◆ vsPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Physics

float from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::vsPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Physics { 1.f }

Physical damage correction factor against player.

Only attacks on the player will correct the damage done.

◆ vsPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Poison

float from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::vsPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Poison { 1.f }

Anti-player poison damage correction factor.

Only attacks on the player will correct the damage done.

◆ vsPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Sleep

float from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::vsPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Sleep { 1.f }

Anti-player sleep damage correction factor.

Only attacks on the player will correct the damage done.

◆ vsPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Thunder

float from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::vsPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Thunder { 1.f }

Anti-player lightning damage correction factor.

Only attacks on the player will correct the damage done.

◆ wanderingEquipId

unsigned int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::wanderingEquipId { 0 }

Wandering equipment ID.

Replacement equipment ID for wandering ghosts.

◆ weakA_DamageRate

float from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::weakA_DamageRate { 1.f }

Special attack A damage multiplier.

Damage multiplier for special attack A

◆ weakB_DamageRate

float from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::weakB_DamageRate { 1.f }

Special attack B damage multiplier.

Damage multiplier for special attack B

◆ weakC_DamageRate

float from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::weakC_DamageRate { 1.f }

Special attack C damage multiplier.

Damage multiplier for special attack C

◆ weakD_DamageRate

float from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::weakD_DamageRate { 1.f }

Special attack D damage multiplier.

Damage multiplier for special attack D

◆ weakE_DamageRate

float from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::weakE_DamageRate { 1.f }

Special attack E damage multiplier.

Damage multiplier for special attack E

◆ weakF_DamageRate

float from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::weakF_DamageRate { 1.f }

Special attack F damage multiplier.

Damage multiplier for special attack F

◆ weaponCategory

unsigned char from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::weaponCategory { 0 }

Weapon category.

Weapon category.

◆ weight

float from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::weight { 1.f }

Weight [kg].

Weight [kg].

◆ wepmotionBothHandId

unsigned char from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::wepmotionBothHandId { 0 }

Weapon motion two-handed ID.

Basic motion ID when equipped with both hands.

◆ wepmotionCategory

unsigned char from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::wepmotionCategory { 0 }

Weapon motion category.

Weapon motion category.

◆ wepmotionOneHandId

unsigned char from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::wepmotionOneHandId { 0 }

Weapon motion one-handed ID.

Basic motion ID when equipped with one hand.

◆ wepSeIdOffset

signed char from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::wepSeIdOffset { 0 }

Weapon SEID offset value.

SEID offset value

◆ wepType

unsigned short from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::wepType { 0 }

Weapon type.

Weapon type. Used for linking text and magic stones (* It is now used for other than text)

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: