This struct was automatically generated from XML paramdefs. More...
#include <EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST.hpp>
Public Attributes | |
bool | disableParam_NT: 1 { false } |
Do you remove it from the NT version output? | |
unsigned char | disableParamReserve1: 7 |
Reserve for package output 1. | |
unsigned char | disableParamReserve2 [3] |
Reserve for package output 2. | |
int | behaviorVariationId { 0 } |
Behavior variation ID. | |
int | sortId { 0 } |
Sort ID. | |
unsigned int | wanderingEquipId { 0 } |
Wandering equipment ID. | |
float | weight { 1.f } |
Weight [kg]. | |
float | weaponWeightRate { 0.f } |
Equipment weight ratio. | |
int | fixPrice { 0 } |
Repair price. | |
int | reinforcePrice { 0 } |
Enhanced price. | |
int | sellValue { 0 } |
Sale price. | |
float | correctStrength { 0.f } |
Strength correction. | |
float | correctAgility { 0.f } |
Agility correction. | |
float | correctMagic { 0.f } |
Magic correction. | |
float | correctFaith { 0.f } |
Faith correction. | |
float | physGuardCutRate { 0.f } |
Physical attack cut rate when guarding. | |
float | magGuardCutRate { 0.f } |
Magic attack cut rate when guarding. | |
float | fireGuardCutRate { 0.f } |
Flame attack power cut rate when guarding. | |
float | thunGuardCutRate { 0.f } |
Electric shock attack power cut rate when guarding. | |
int | spEffectBehaviorId0 { -1 } |
Special effect ID 0 on attack hit. | |
int | spEffectBehaviorId1 { -1 } |
Special effect ID1 on attack hit. | |
int | spEffectBehaviorId2 { -1 } |
Special effect ID2 on attack hit. | |
int | residentSpEffectId { -1 } |
Resident special effect ID. | |
int | residentSpEffectId1 { -1 } |
Resident special effect ID1. | |
int | residentSpEffectId2 { -1 } |
Resident special effect ID2. | |
int | materialSetId { -1 } |
Material ID. | |
int | originEquipWep { -1 } |
Derivation source. | |
int | originEquipWep1 { -1 } |
Derivative source enhancement +1. | |
int | originEquipWep2 { -1 } |
Derivative source enhancement +2. | |
int | originEquipWep3 { -1 } |
Derivative source enhancement +3. | |
int | originEquipWep4 { -1 } |
Derivative source enhancement +4. | |
int | originEquipWep5 { -1 } |
Derivative source enhancement +5. | |
int | originEquipWep6 { -1 } |
Derivative source enhancement +6. | |
int | originEquipWep7 { -1 } |
Derivative source enhancement +7. | |
int | originEquipWep8 { -1 } |
Derivative source enhancement +8. | |
int | originEquipWep9 { -1 } |
Derivative source enhancement +9. | |
int | originEquipWep10 { -1 } |
Derivative source enhancement +10. | |
int | originEquipWep11 { -1 } |
Derivative source enhancement +11. | |
int | originEquipWep12 { -1 } |
Derivative source enhancement +12. | |
int | originEquipWep13 { -1 } |
Derivative source enhancement +13. | |
int | originEquipWep14 { -1 } |
Derivative source enhancement +14. | |
int | originEquipWep15 { -1 } |
Derivative source enhancement +15. | |
float | weakA_DamageRate { 1.f } |
Special attack A damage multiplier. | |
float | weakB_DamageRate { 1.f } |
Special attack B damage multiplier. | |
float | weakC_DamageRate { 1.f } |
Special attack C damage multiplier. | |
float | weakD_DamageRate { 1.f } |
Special attack D damage multiplier. | |
float | sleepGuardResist_MaxCorrect { 0.f } |
Sleep tolerance cut rate_maximum correction value. | |
float | madnessGuardResist_MaxCorrect { 0.f } |
Madness resistance cut rate_maximum correction value. | |
float | saWeaponDamage { 0.f } |
SA weapon attack power. | |
unsigned short | equipModelId { 0 } |
Equipment model number. | |
unsigned short | iconId { 0 } |
Icon ID. | |
unsigned short | durability { 100 } |
Durability. | |
unsigned short | durabilityMax { 100 } |
Maximum durability. | |
unsigned short | attackThrowEscape { 0 } |
Throw-through attack power basic value. | |
short | parryDamageLife { -1 } |
Parry occurrence time [frame]. | |
unsigned short | attackBasePhysics { 100 } |
Physical attack power basic value. | |
unsigned short | attackBaseMagic { 100 } |
Magic attack power basic value. | |
unsigned short | attackBaseFire { 100 } |
Fire attack power basic value. | |
unsigned short | attackBaseThunder { 100 } |
Electric shock attack power basic value. | |
unsigned short | attackBaseStamina { 100 } |
Stamina attack power. | |
short | guardAngle { 0 } |
Guard range [deg]. | |
float | saDurability { 0.f } |
SA durability value. | |
short | staminaGuardDef { 0 } |
Stamina defense when guarding. | |
short | reinforceTypeId { 0 } |
Enhanced type ID. | |
short | trophySGradeId { -1 } |
Trophy S grade ID. | |
short | trophySeqId { -1 } |
Trophy SEQ number. | |
short | throwAtkRate { 0 } |
Throw attack power multiplier. | |
short | bowDistRate { 0 } |
Bow distance correction [%]. | |
unsigned char | equipModelCategory { 7 } |
Equipment model type. | |
unsigned char | equipModelGender { 0 } |
Equipment model gender. | |
unsigned char | weaponCategory { 0 } |
Weapon category. | |
unsigned char | wepmotionCategory { 0 } |
Weapon motion category. | |
unsigned char | guardmotionCategory { 0 } |
Guard motion category. | |
unsigned char | atkMaterial { 0 } |
Attack material. | |
unsigned short | defSeMaterial1 { 0 } |
Defense SE Material 1. | |
unsigned char | correctType_Physics { 0 } |
Correction type (physical attack power) | |
unsigned char | spAttribute { 0 } |
Special attributes. | |
unsigned short | spAtkcategory { 0 } |
Special attack category. | |
unsigned char | wepmotionOneHandId { 0 } |
Weapon motion one-handed ID. | |
unsigned char | wepmotionBothHandId { 0 } |
Weapon motion two-handed ID. | |
unsigned char | properStrength { 0 } |
Equipment proper strength. | |
unsigned char | properAgility { 0 } |
Equipment proper agility. | |
unsigned char | properMagic { 0 } |
Equipment proper magic power. | |
unsigned char | properFaith { 0 } |
Equipment proper faith. | |
unsigned char | overStrength { 0 } |
Strength over start value. | |
unsigned char | attackBaseParry { 0 } |
Parry attack base value. | |
unsigned char | defenseBaseParry { 0 } |
Parry defense value. | |
unsigned char | guardBaseRepel { 0 } |
Flick defense basic value. | |
unsigned char | attackBaseRepel { 0 } |
Flick attack power basic value. | |
signed char | guardCutCancelRate { 0 } |
Guard cut invalidation magnification. | |
signed char | guardLevel { 0 } |
Guard level. | |
signed char | slashGuardCutRate { 0 } |
Slash attack cut rate. | |
signed char | blowGuardCutRate { 0 } |
Batter attack cut rate. | |
signed char | thrustGuardCutRate { 0 } |
Puncture attack cut rate. | |
signed char | poisonGuardResist { 0 } |
Poison resistance cut rate. | |
signed char | diseaseGuardResist { 0 } |
Epidemic attack cut rate. | |
signed char | bloodGuardResist { 0 } |
Bleeding attack cut rate. | |
signed char | curseGuardResist { 0 } |
Curse attack cut rate. | |
unsigned char | atkAttribute { 0 } |
Physical attribute 1. | |
bool | rightHandEquipable: 1 { false } |
Right hand equipment. | |
bool | leftHandEquipable: 1 { false } |
Left hand equipment. | |
bool | bothHandEquipable: 1 { false } |
Two-handed equipment. | |
bool | arrowSlotEquipable: 1 { false } |
Bow and arrow bullet equipment. | |
bool | boltSlotEquipable: 1 { false } |
Crossbow bullet equipment. | |
bool | enableGuard: 1 { false } |
Can be guarded. | |
bool | enableParry: 1 { false } |
Parry possible. | |
bool | enableMagic: 1 { false } |
Magical possible. | |
bool | enableSorcery: 1 { false } |
Can be spelled. | |
bool | enableMiracle: 1 { false } |
Miracle possible. | |
bool | enableVowMagic: 1 { false } |
Pledge magic possible. | |
bool | isNormalAttackType: 1 { false } |
Normal. | |
bool | isBlowAttackType: 1 { false } |
Batter. | |
bool | isSlashAttackType: 1 { false } |
Slashing. | |
bool | isThrustAttackType: 1 { false } |
Piercing. | |
bool | isEnhance: 1 { false } |
Is it possible to enchant? | |
bool | isHeroPointCorrect: 1 { false } |
Is there a humanity correction? | |
bool | isCustom: 1 { false } |
Can it be strengthened? | |
bool | disableBaseChangeReset: 1 { false } |
Is job change reset prohibited? | |
bool | disableRepair: 1 { false } |
Is repair prohibited? | |
bool | isDarkHand: 1 { false } |
Is it a dark hand? | |
bool | simpleModelForDlc: 1 { false } |
Is there a simple model for DLC? | |
bool | lanternWep: 1 { false } |
Lantern weapon. | |
bool | isVersusGhostWep: 1 { false } |
Anti-spirit weapon. | |
unsigned char | baseChangeCategory: 6 { 0 } |
Weapon career change category. | |
bool | isDragonSlayer: 1 { false } |
Is it a dragon hunt? | |
bool | isDeposit: 1 { false } |
Can i deposit. | |
bool | disableMultiDropShare: 1 { false } |
Is multi-drop sharing prohibited? | |
bool | isDiscard: 1 { false } |
Can you throw it away. | |
bool | isDrop: 1 { false } |
Can you put it on the spot. | |
bool | showLogCondType: 1 { true } |
Acquisition log display condition. | |
bool | enableThrow: 1 { false } |
Can be thrown. | |
unsigned char | showDialogCondType: 2 { 2 } |
Acquisition dialog display condition. | |
bool | disableGemAttr: 1 { false } |
Is it prohibited to change the magic stone attribute? | |
unsigned short | defSfxMaterial1 { 0 } |
Defensive SFX Material 1. | |
unsigned char | wepCollidableType0 { 1 } |
Weapon collaborative setting. | |
unsigned char | wepCollidableType1 { 1 } |
Weapon 1 collaborative setting. | |
unsigned char | postureControlId_Right { 0 } |
Attitude control ID (right hand) | |
unsigned char | postureControlId_Left { 0 } |
Attitude control ID (left hand) | |
int | traceSfxId0 { -1 } |
Sword Flash SfxID_0. | |
int | traceDmyIdHead0 { -1 } |
Root Sword Flash Damipoli ID_0. | |
int | traceDmyIdTail0 { -1 } |
Sword tip sword flash Damipoli ID_0. | |
int | traceSfxId1 { -1 } |
Sword Flash SfxID_1. | |
int | traceDmyIdHead1 { -1 } |
Root Sword Flash Damipoli ID_1. | |
int | traceDmyIdTail1 { -1 } |
Sword tip sword flash Damipoli ID_1. | |
int | traceSfxId2 { -1 } |
Sword Flash SfxID_2. | |
int | traceDmyIdHead2 { -1 } |
Root Sword Flash Damipoli ID_2. | |
int | traceDmyIdTail2 { -1 } |
Sword tip sword flash Damipoli ID_2. | |
int | traceSfxId3 { -1 } |
Sword Flash SfxID_3. | |
int | traceDmyIdHead3 { -1 } |
Root Sword Flash Damipoli ID_3. | |
int | traceDmyIdTail3 { -1 } |
Sword tip sword flash Damipoli ID_3. | |
int | traceSfxId4 { -1 } |
Sword Flash SfxID_4. | |
int | traceDmyIdHead4 { -1 } |
Root Sword Flash Damipoli ID_4. | |
int | traceDmyIdTail4 { -1 } |
Sword tip sword flash Damipoli ID_4. | |
int | traceSfxId5 { -1 } |
Sword Flash SfxID_5. | |
int | traceDmyIdHead5 { -1 } |
Root Sword Flash Damipoli ID_5. | |
int | traceDmyIdTail5 { -1 } |
Sword tip sword flash Damipoli ID_5. | |
int | traceSfxId6 { -1 } |
Sword Flash SfxID_6. | |
int | traceDmyIdHead6 { -1 } |
Root Sword Flash Damipoli ID_6. | |
int | traceDmyIdTail6 { -1 } |
Sword tip sword flash Damipoli ID_6. | |
int | traceSfxId7 { -1 } |
Sword Flash SfxID_7. | |
int | traceDmyIdHead7 { -1 } |
Root Sword Flash Damipoli ID_7. | |
int | traceDmyIdTail7 { -1 } |
Sword tip sword flash Damipoli ID_7. | |
unsigned short | defSfxMaterial2 { 0 } |
Defensive SFX Material 2. | |
unsigned short | defSeMaterial2 { 0 } |
Defense SE Material 2. | |
int | absorpParamId { -1 } |
Suction position Id. | |
float | toughnessCorrectRate { 0.f } |
Toughness correction factor. | |
bool | isValidTough_ProtSADmg: 1 { false } |
Is the armor SA damage multiplier valid even at the initial value? | |
bool | isDualBlade: 1 { false } |
Is it a twin sword? | |
bool | isAutoEquip: 1 { false } |
Is it possible to load automatically? | |
bool | isEnableEmergencyStep: 1 { false } |
Is emergency avoidance possible? | |
bool | invisibleOnRemo: 1 { false } |
Is it hidden during cutscenes? | |
unsigned char | correctType_Magic { 0 } |
Correction type (magic attack power) | |
unsigned char | correctType_Fire { 0 } |
Correction type (flame attack power) | |
unsigned char | correctType_Thunder { 0 } |
Correction type (lightning attack power) | |
float | weakE_DamageRate { 1.f } |
Special attack E damage multiplier. | |
float | weakF_DamageRate { 1.f } |
Special attack F damage multiplier. | |
float | darkGuardCutRate { 0.f } |
Dark attack power cut rate when guarding. | |
unsigned short | attackBaseDark { 0 } |
Dark attack power basic value. | |
unsigned char | correctType_Dark { 0 } |
Correction type (dark attack power) | |
unsigned char | correctType_Poison { 0 } |
Correction type (poison attack power) | |
unsigned char | sortGroupId { 255 } |
Sort item type ID. | |
unsigned char | atkAttribute2 { 0 } |
Physical attribute 2. | |
signed char | sleepGuardResist { 0 } |
Sleep attack cut rate. | |
signed char | madnessGuardResist { 0 } |
Mad attack cut rate. | |
unsigned char | correctType_Blood { 0 } |
Correction type (bleeding attack power) | |
unsigned char | properLuck { 0 } |
Equipment proper luck. | |
signed char | freezeGuardResist { 0 } |
Cold attack cut rate. | |
unsigned char | autoReplenishType { 0 } |
Automatic replenishment type. | |
int | swordArtsParamId { 0 } |
Arts parameter ID. | |
float | correctLuck { 0.f } |
Luck correction. | |
unsigned int | arrowBoltEquipId { 0 } |
Equipment ID for quiver (magazine) display model. | |
unsigned char | DerivationLevelType { 0 } |
Level setting at the time of reduction. | |
unsigned char | enchantSfxSize { 0 } |
Enchantment Sfx size. | |
unsigned short | wepType { 0 } |
Weapon type. | |
float | physGuardCutRate_MaxCorrect { 0.f } |
Physical attack cut rate when guarding_maximum correction value. | |
float | magGuardCutRate_MaxCorrect { 0.f } |
Magic attack cut rate when guarding_maximum correction value. | |
float | fireGuardCutRate_MaxCorrect { 0.f } |
Flame attack power cut rate when guarding_maximum correction value. | |
float | thunGuardCutRate_MaxCorrect { 0.f } |
Electric shock attack power cut rate when guarding_maximum correction value. | |
float | darkGuardCutRate_MaxCorrect { 0.f } |
Darkness attack power cut rate when guarding_maximum correction value. | |
float | poisonGuardResist_MaxCorrect { 0.f } |
Poison resistance cut rate_maximum correction value. | |
float | diseaseGuardResist_MaxCorrect { 0.f } |
Epidemic resistance cut rate_maximum correction value. | |
float | bloodGuardResist_MaxCorrect { 0.f } |
Bleeding resistance cut rate_maximum correction value. | |
float | curseGuardResist_MaxCorrect { 0.f } |
Curse resistance cut rate_maximum correction value. | |
float | freezeGuardResist_MaxCorrect { 0.f } |
Cold resistance cut rate_maximum correction value. | |
float | staminaGuardDef_MaxCorrect { 0.f } |
Stamina defense when guarding_maximum correction value. | |
int | residentSfxId_1 { -1 } |
Resident SfxId1. | |
int | residentSfxId_2 { -1 } |
Resident SfxId2. | |
int | residentSfxId_3 { -1 } |
Resident SfxId3. | |
int | residentSfxId_4 { -1 } |
Resident SfxId4. | |
int | residentSfx_DmyId_1 { -1 } |
Resident Sfx Damipoli Id1. | |
int | residentSfx_DmyId_2 { -1 } |
Resident Sfx Damipoli Id2. | |
int | residentSfx_DmyId_3 { -1 } |
Resident Sfx Damipoli Id3. | |
int | residentSfx_DmyId_4 { -1 } |
Resident Sfx Damipoli Id4. | |
float | staminaConsumptionRate { 1.f } |
Stamina consumption ratio. | |
float | vsPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Physics { 1.f } |
Physical damage correction factor against player. | |
float | vsPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Magic { 1.f } |
Anti-player magic damage correction factor. | |
float | vsPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Fire { 1.f } |
Anti-player flame damage correction factor. | |
float | vsPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Thunder { 1.f } |
Anti-player lightning damage correction factor. | |
float | vsPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Dark { 1.f } |
Against player darkness damage correction factor. | |
float | vsPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Poison { 1.f } |
Anti-player poison damage correction factor. | |
float | vsPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Blood { 1.f } |
Anti-player bleeding damage correction factor. | |
float | vsPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Freeze { 1.f } |
Anti-player cold damage correction factor. | |
int | attainmentWepStatusStr { -1 } |
Weapon ability release status value: Strength. | |
int | attainmentWepStatusDex { -1 } |
Weapon ability release status value: Skill. | |
int | attainmentWepStatusMag { -1 } |
Weapon ability release status value: reason. | |
int | attainmentWepStatusFai { -1 } |
Weapon ability release status value: Faith. | |
int | attainmentWepStatusLuc { -1 } |
Weapon ability release status value: Luck. | |
int | attackElementCorrectId { 0 } |
Attack attribute correction ID. | |
int | saleValue { -1 } |
Selling price. | |
unsigned char | reinforceShopCategory { 0 } |
Enhanced shop category. | |
unsigned char | maxArrowQuantity { 1 } |
Maximum number of arrows. | |
bool | residentSfx_1_IsVisibleForHang: 1 { false } |
Resident SFX1 Whether to display at the time of sword delivery. | |
bool | residentSfx_2_IsVisibleForHang: 1 { false } |
Whether to display when resident SFX2 sword is delivered. | |
bool | residentSfx_3_IsVisibleForHang: 1 { false } |
Whether to display when resident SFX3 sword is delivered. | |
bool | residentSfx_4_IsVisibleForHang: 1 { false } |
Whether to display when resident SFX4 sword is delivered. | |
bool | isSoulParamIdChange_model0: 1 { true } |
Model_0 Is it possible to replace the Soul Param ID? | |
bool | isSoulParamIdChange_model1: 1 { true } |
Is it possible to replace the model _1 Soul Param ID? | |
bool | isSoulParamIdChange_model2: 1 { true } |
Model_2 Soul Param ID can be replaced? | |
bool | isSoulParamIdChange_model3: 1 { true } |
Model_3 Is it possible to replace the Soul Param ID? | |
signed char | wepSeIdOffset { 0 } |
Weapon SEID offset value. | |
int | baseChangePrice { 0 } |
Evolution price. | |
short | levelSyncCorrectId { -1 } |
Level sync correction ID. | |
unsigned char | correctType_Sleep { 0 } |
Correction type (sleep attack power) | |
unsigned char | correctType_Madness { 0 } |
Correction type (mad attack power) | |
unsigned char | rarity { 0 } |
Rarity. | |
unsigned char | gemMountType { 0 } |
Is it possible to attach magic stones? | |
unsigned short | wepRegainHp { 0 } |
Weapon regain amount. | |
int | spEffectMsgId0 { -1 } |
Effect text ID 00. | |
int | spEffectMsgId1 { -1 } |
Effect text ID 01. | |
int | spEffectMsgId2 { -1 } |
Effect text ID 02. | |
int | originEquipWep16 { -1 } |
Derivative source enhancement +16. | |
int | originEquipWep17 { -1 } |
Derivative source enhancement +17. | |
int | originEquipWep18 { -1 } |
Derivative source enhancement +18. | |
int | originEquipWep19 { -1 } |
Derivative source enhancement +19. | |
int | originEquipWep20 { -1 } |
Derivative source enhancement +20. | |
int | originEquipWep21 { -1 } |
Derivative source enhancement +21. | |
int | originEquipWep22 { -1 } |
Derivative source enhancement +22. | |
int | originEquipWep23 { -1 } |
Derivative source enhancement +23. | |
int | originEquipWep24 { -1 } |
Derivative source enhancement +24. | |
int | originEquipWep25 { -1 } |
Derivative source enhancement +25. | |
float | vsPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Sleep { 1.f } |
Anti-player sleep damage correction factor. | |
float | vsPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Madness { 1.f } |
Anti-player mad damage correction factor. | |
float | saGuardCutRate { 0.f } |
SA attack cut rate when guarding. | |
unsigned char | defMaterialVariationValue { 0 } |
Defensive material variation value. | |
unsigned char | spAttributeVariationValue { 0 } |
Special attribute variation value. | |
short | stealthAtkRate { 0 } |
Stealth attack power multiplier. | |
float | vsPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Disease { 1.f } |
Anti-player plague damage correction factor. | |
float | vsPlayerDmgCorrectRate_Curse { 1.f } |
Anti-player curse damage correction factor. | |
unsigned char | restrictSpecialSwordArt { 0 } |
restrictSpecialSwordArt | |
This struct was automatically generated from XML paramdefs.
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::absorpParamId { -1 } |
Suction position Id.
Weapon adsorption position parameter Id. This value determines the position where the weapon is attracted (-1: Refer to the value written directly in the old source code).
Equipment ID for quiver (magazine) display model.
Equipment number of the quiver (magazine) display model. In the case of a bow, it is displayed as a quiver, and in the case of a crossbow, it is displayed as a magazine.
bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::arrowSlotEquipable |
Bow and arrow bullet equipment.
Is it possible to equip a bow bullet?
Attack material.
Attack material used from attack para
Dark attack power basic value.
Basic value of darkness attack that damages the enemy's HP
Fire attack power basic value.
Basic value of fire attribute attack that damages the enemy's HP
Magic attack power basic value.
Basic value of magic attribute attack that damages the enemy's HP
Parry attack base value.
Basic value to defeat the enemy's parry
Physical attack power basic value.
Basic value of physical attribute attack that damages the enemy's HP
Flick attack power basic value.
Guard Used to determine whether or not to be repelled when attacking an enemy
Stamina attack power.
Stamina attack power against the enemy
Electric shock attack power basic value.
Basic value of electric shock attribute attack that damages the enemy's HP
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::attackElementCorrectId { 0 } |
Attack attribute correction ID.
ID of the parameter that corrects the attack attribute
Throw-through attack power basic value.
Basic value of throw-through attack power
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::attainmentWepStatusDex { -1 } |
Weapon ability release status value: Skill.
To change the R2 attack into a special action when the status is X or higher when using a specific weapon.
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::attainmentWepStatusFai { -1 } |
Weapon ability release status value: Faith.
This is to change the R2 attack into a special action when the status is X or higher when using a specific weapon.
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::attainmentWepStatusLuc { -1 } |
Weapon ability release status value: Luck.
This is to change the R2 attack into a special action when the status is X or higher when using a specific weapon.
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::attainmentWepStatusMag { -1 } |
Weapon ability release status value: reason.
To change the R2 attack into a special action when the status is X or higher when using a specific weapon.
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::attainmentWepStatusStr { -1 } |
Weapon ability release status value: Strength.
To change the R2 attack into a special action when the status is X or higher when using a specific weapon.
Automatic replenishment type.
Controls whether or not to automatically replenish and default settings
Weapon career change category.
Weapon career change category. Used to display the attribute icon.
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::behaviorVariationId { 0 } |
Behavior variation ID.
Used when determining the action parameter ID to be referenced during an attack
Bleeding attack cut rate.
How much to cut the attack power (set as a special effect parameter) to make bleeding
Bleeding resistance cut rate_maximum correction value.
Maximum value of cut rate correction value for attack power against bleeding (set as special effect parameter)
Batter attack cut rate.
Looking at the attack type, what percentage of the damage of the hit attribute is cut? Specify
bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::boltSlotEquipable |
Crossbow bullet equipment.
Is it possible to equip a crossbow bullet?
bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::bothHandEquipable |
Two-handed equipment.
Is it possible to equip with both hands?
short from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::bowDistRate { 0 } |
Bow distance correction [%].
Up% to extend the flight distance
Agility correction.
Charapara correction value.
Faith correction.
Charapara correction value.
Luck correction.
Charapara correction value.
Magic correction.
Charapara correction value.
Strength correction.
Charapara correction value.
Correction type (bleeding attack power)
Determine the type of bleeding attack power correction graph with primary parameters
Correction type (dark attack power)
Determine the type of darkness attack power correction graph with primary parameters
Correction type (flame attack power)
Determine the type of flame attack power correction graph with primary parameters
Correction type (mad attack power)
Determining the type of mad attack power correction graph with primary parameters
Correction type (magic attack power)
Determining the type of magic attack power correction graph with primary parameters
Correction type (physical attack power)
Correcting physical attack power by primary parameters Determines the type of graph
Correction type (poison attack power)
Determining the type of poison attack power correction graph with primary parameters
Correction type (sleep attack power)
Determine the type of sleep attack correction graph with primary parameters
Correction type (lightning attack power)
Determine the type of lightning attack power correction graph with primary parameters
Curse attack cut rate.
How much to cut the attack power (set as a special effect parameter) to curse
Curse resistance cut rate_maximum correction value.
Maximum value of cut rate correction value for attack power against curse (set as special effect parameter)
Dark attack power cut rate when guarding.
How much to cut the dark attack?
Darkness attack power cut rate when guarding_maximum correction value.
Maximum value of correction value of damage darkness cut rate when guarding
Parry defense value.
Used to judge whether to be a parry or a guard at the time of parry judgment
Defensive material variation value.
It is a value used to divide the damage SFX and SE into variations in combination with the defense material used when guarding. SEQ16473
Defense SE Material 1.
Defense SE material used from attack para 1
Defense SE Material 2.
Defense SE material used from attack para 2
Defensive SFX Material 1.
Defensive SFX material used from attack para 1
Defensive SFX Material 2.
Defensive SFX material used from attack para 2
Level setting at the time of reduction.
Type of how to set the enhancement level when returning or deriving a weapon
bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::disableParam_NT |
Do you remove it from the NT version output?
Parameters marked with ○ are excluded in the NT version package.
Epidemic attack cut rate.
How much to cut the attack power (set as a special effect parameter) to make it a plague
Epidemic resistance cut rate_maximum correction value.
Maximum value of cut rate correction value for attack power against plague (set as special effect parameter)
Initial durability.
Maximum durability.
New durability.
bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::enableGuard |
Can be guarded.
Guard with L1 when equipped with left hand
bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::enableMagic |
Magical possible.
Activates magic when attacking
bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::enableMiracle |
Miracle possible.
Miracle activated when attacking
bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::enableParry |
Parry possible.
Parry with L2 when equipped with left hand
bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::enableSorcery |
Can be spelled.
Cast magic when attacking
bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::enableThrow |
Can be thrown.
Whether it is a throwable weapon
bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::enableVowMagic |
Pledge magic possible.
Activates pledge magic when attacking
Enchantment Sfx size.
Value offset to enchantment SfxId
Equipment model type.
Equipment model type.
Equipment model gender.
Gender of equipment model.
Equipment model number.
Equipment model number.
Flame attack power cut rate when guarding.
How much to cut the fire attack?
Flame attack power cut rate when guarding_maximum correction value.
Maximum value of correction value of damage flame cut rate when guarding
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::fixPrice { 0 } |
Repair price.
Basic repair price
Cold attack cut rate.
How much to cut the attack power (set to the special effect parameter) to cool down
Cold resistance cut rate_maximum correction value.
Maximum value of cut rate correction value for attack power against cold air (set as special effect parameter)
short from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::guardAngle { 0 } |
Guard range [deg].
Defense occurrence range angle when guarding weapons
Flick defense basic value.
Used to determine if it will pop when guarding an enemy attack
Guard cut invalidation magnification.
Magnification that invalidates the opponent's guard cut. -100 is completely invalid. Double the defense effect of the opponent at 100.
Guard level.
When guarding, which guard motion will the enemy attack? Decide
bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::isAutoEquip |
Is it possible to load automatically?
Only valid for arrows and bolts. Whether to automatically equip this weapon if the target equipment slot is empty when picking up this weapon
bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::isBlowAttackType |
Attack type for menu display. Is it a blow?
bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::isCustom |
Can it be strengthened?
Listed in the enhancement target list at the enhancement shop (may be deleted due to specification changes?)
bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::isDeposit |
Can i deposit.
Can you leave it in the warehouse?
bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::isDiscard |
Can you throw it away.
Can you throw away the item? TRUE = thrown away
bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::isDragonSlayer |
Is it a dragon hunt?
Is it a dragon hunting weapon?
bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::isDrop |
Can you put it on the spot.
Can I put the item on the spot? TRUE = can be placed
bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::isDualBlade |
Is it a twin sword?
Is this weapon a twin sword?
bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::isEnableEmergencyStep |
Is emergency avoidance possible?
Is it an emergency avoidable weapon? Pass it to the behavior script.
bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::isEnhance |
Is it possible to enchant?
Can it be strengthened with pine fat?
bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::isHeroPointCorrect |
Is there a humanity correction?
Is there an attack power correction by human nature?
bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::isNormalAttackType |
Attack type for menu display. Is it normal?
bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::isSlashAttackType |
Attack type for menu display. Is it a slash?
bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::isSoulParamIdChange_model0 |
Model_0 Is it possible to replace the Soul Param ID?
Whether the vfx parameter "Soul Param ID for Weapon Enchantment" and "Invisible Weapon for Weapon Enchantment" settings are applied
bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::isSoulParamIdChange_model1 |
Is it possible to replace the model _1 Soul Param ID?
Whether the vfx parameter "Soul Param ID for Weapon Enchantment" and "Invisible Weapon for Weapon Enchantment" settings are applied
bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::isSoulParamIdChange_model2 |
Model_2 Soul Param ID can be replaced?
Whether the vfx parameter "Soul Param ID for Weapon Enchantment" and "Invisible Weapon for Weapon Enchantment" settings are applied
bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::isSoulParamIdChange_model3 |
Model_3 Is it possible to replace the Soul Param ID?
Whether the vfx parameter "Soul Param ID for Weapon Enchantment" and "Invisible Weapon for Weapon Enchantment" settings are applied
bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::isThrustAttackType |
Attack type for menu display. Is it a piercing?
bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::isValidTough_ProtSADmg |
Is the armor SA damage multiplier valid even at the initial value?
Whether the toughness calculation is performed even if the armor SA is the initial value. Check the toughness specification .xlsx for details
bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::isVersusGhostWep |
Anti-spirit weapon.
NPC Para's "spirit body" will now hit the opponent of ○. Also, the attack para "Is it a ghost attack?" Will be able to guard the attack of ○.
bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::lanternWep |
Lantern weapon.
Is it a lantern weapon?
bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::leftHandEquipable |
Left hand equipment.
Is it possible to equip it with the left hand?
Mad attack cut rate.
How much to cut the attack power (set to the special effect parameter) that makes you go mad
Madness resistance cut rate_maximum correction value.
Maximum value of cut rate correction value for attack power against madness (set as special effect parameter)
Magic attack cut rate when guarding.
If it is not a guard attack, enter 0
Magic attack cut rate when guarding_maximum correction value.
Maximum value of correction value of damage magic cut rate when guarding
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::materialSetId { -1 } |
Material ID.
Material parameter ID required for weapon enhancement
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::originEquipWep { -1 } |
Derivation source.
This weapon's enhancement source weapon ID
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::originEquipWep1 { -1 } |
Derivative source enhancement +1.
This weapon's enhancement source weapon ID1
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::originEquipWep10 { -1 } |
Derivative source enhancement +10.
This weapon's enhancement source weapon ID 10
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::originEquipWep11 { -1 } |
Derivative source enhancement +11.
This weapon's enhancement source weapon ID 11
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::originEquipWep12 { -1 } |
Derivative source enhancement +12.
This weapon's enhancement source weapon ID 12
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::originEquipWep13 { -1 } |
Derivative source enhancement +13.
This weapon's enhancement source weapon ID 13
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::originEquipWep14 { -1 } |
Derivative source enhancement +14.
This weapon's enhancement source weapon ID14
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::originEquipWep15 { -1 } |
Derivative source enhancement +15.
This weapon's enhancement source weapon ID 15
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::originEquipWep16 { -1 } |
Derivative source enhancement +16.
This weapon's enhancement source weapon ID 16
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::originEquipWep17 { -1 } |
Derivative source enhancement +17.
This weapon's enhancement source weapon ID 17
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::originEquipWep18 { -1 } |
Derivative source enhancement +18.
This weapon's enhancement source weapon ID18
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::originEquipWep19 { -1 } |
Derivative source enhancement +19.
This weapon's enhancement source weapon ID 19
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::originEquipWep2 { -1 } |
Derivative source enhancement +2.
This weapon's enhancement source weapon ID2
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::originEquipWep20 { -1 } |
Derivative source enhancement +20.
This weapon's enhancement source weapon ID 20
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::originEquipWep21 { -1 } |
Derivative source enhancement +21.
This weapon's enhancement source weapon ID21
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::originEquipWep22 { -1 } |
Derivative source enhancement +22.
This weapon's enhancement source weapon ID 22
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::originEquipWep23 { -1 } |
Derivative source enhancement +23.
This weapon's enhancement source weapon ID 23
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::originEquipWep24 { -1 } |
Derivative source enhancement +24.
This weapon's enhancement source weapon ID 24
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::originEquipWep25 { -1 } |
Derivative source enhancement +25.
This weapon's enhancement source weapon ID 25
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::originEquipWep3 { -1 } |
Derivative source enhancement +3.
This weapon's enhancement source weapon ID3
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::originEquipWep4 { -1 } |
Derivative source enhancement +4.
This weapon's enhancement source weapon ID 4
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::originEquipWep5 { -1 } |
Derivative source enhancement +5.
This weapon's enhancement source weapon ID 5
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::originEquipWep6 { -1 } |
Derivative source enhancement +6.
This weapon's enhancement source weapon ID 6
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::originEquipWep7 { -1 } |
Derivative source enhancement +7.
This weapon's enhancement source weapon ID 7
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::originEquipWep8 { -1 } |
Derivative source enhancement +8.
This weapon's enhancement source weapon ID8
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::originEquipWep9 { -1 } |
Derivative source enhancement +9.
This weapon's enhancement source weapon ID 9
short from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::parryDamageLife { -1 } |
Parry occurrence time [frame].
Limit the life of parry damage. It does not last longer than it is set in TimeAct.
Physical attack cut rate when guarding.
Set the damage cut rate when guarding for each attack
Physical attack cut rate when guarding_maximum correction value.
Maximum damage physical cut rate correction value when guarding
Poison resistance cut rate.
How much to cut the attack power to poison (set to the special effect parameter)
Poison resistance cut rate_maximum correction value.
Maximum value of cut rate correction value for attack power against poison (set as special effect parameter)
Equipment proper agility.
Equipment appropriate value.
Equipment proper faith.
Equipment appropriate value.
Equipment proper luck.
Equipment appropriate value.
Equipment proper magic power.
Equipment appropriate value.
Equipment proper strength.
Equipment appropriate value.
Rarity used in item acquisition logs
bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::residentSfx_1_IsVisibleForHang |
Resident SFX1 Whether to display at the time of sword delivery.
If "Do you want to display when resident SFX1 is delivered?" Is true, hide the SFX set to "resident SFX ID1" when the weapon is delivered.
bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::residentSfx_2_IsVisibleForHang |
Whether to display when resident SFX2 sword is delivered.
If "Do you want to display when resident SFX2 is delivered?" Is true, hide the SFX set to "resident SFX ID2" when the weapon is delivered.
bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::residentSfx_3_IsVisibleForHang |
Whether to display when resident SFX3 sword is delivered.
If "Do you want to display when resident SFX3 is delivered?" Is true, hide the SFX set to "resident SFX ID3" when the weapon is delivered.
bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::residentSfx_4_IsVisibleForHang |
Whether to display when resident SFX4 sword is delivered.
If "Do you want to display when resident SFX4 is delivered?" Is true, hide the SFX set to "resident SFX ID 4" when the weapon is delivered.
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::residentSpEffectId { -1 } |
Resident special effect ID.
Resident special effect ID0
bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::rightHandEquipable |
Right hand equipment.
Is it possible to equip it with the right hand?
SA durability value.
Additional SA durability used during attack motion
SA attack cut rate when guarding.
SA damage cut rate when guard is successful
SA weapon attack power.
Super Armor Basic Attack Power
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::sellValue { 0 } |
Sale price.
Selling price
Acquisition dialog display condition.
Whether to display it in the item acquisition dialog when acquiring an item (not entered: new only)
bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::showLogCondType |
Acquisition log display condition.
Whether to display in the item acquisition log when acquiring the item (not entered: ○)
Slash attack cut rate.
Looking at the attack type, what percentage of the damage of the slashing attribute is cut? Specify
Sleep attack cut rate.
How much to cut the attack power (set as a special effect parameter) to sleep
Sleep tolerance cut rate_maximum correction value.
Maximum value of cut rate correction value for attack power against sleep (set as special effect parameter)
Sort item type ID.
Sort item type ID. In the sort "Item type order", the same ID is displayed together as the same group.
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::sortId { 0 } |
Sort ID.
Sort ID (-1: Do not collect) (7 digits is the limit in s32 to add the enhancement level in the program)
Special attack category.
Special attack category (possible from 50 to 999)
Special attributes.
Weapon special attribute value
Special attribute variation value.
It is a value used to give variation to abnormal state SFX, SE, etc. in combination with the special attribute of the weapon. SEQ16473
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::spEffectBehaviorId0 { -1 } |
Special effect ID 0 on attack hit.
Register when adding special effects to weapons
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::spEffectBehaviorId1 { -1 } |
Special effect ID1 on attack hit.
Register when adding special effects to weapons
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::spEffectBehaviorId2 { -1 } |
Special effect ID2 on attack hit.
Register when adding special effects to weapons
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::spEffectMsgId0 { -1 } |
Effect text ID 00.
Effect text ID 00 (Weapon_Effect). Weapon-specific effect text to display in status
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::spEffectMsgId1 { -1 } |
Effect text ID 01.
Effect text ID 01 (Weapon_Effect). Weapon-specific effect text to display in status
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::spEffectMsgId2 { -1 } |
Effect text ID 02.
Effect text ID 02 (Weapon_Effect). Weapon-specific effect text to display in status
short from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::staminaGuardDef { 0 } |
Stamina defense when guarding.
Defense against enemy stamina attacks when guarding successfully
Stamina defense when guarding_maximum correction value.
When the guard is successful, the maximum value of the defense power correction value against the enemy's stamina attack
Puncture attack cut rate.
Looking at the attack type, what percentage of the damage of the piercing attribute is cut? Specify
Electric shock attack power cut rate when guarding.
How much to cut the electric shock attack?
Electric shock attack power cut rate when guarding_maximum correction value.
Maximum value of correction value of damage electric shock cut rate when guarding
Toughness correction factor.
It is a magnification that corrects the basic value of toughness.
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::traceDmyIdHead0 { -1 } |
Root Sword Flash Damipoli ID_0.
Sword flash root Damipoli ID_0 (-1 invalid)
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::traceDmyIdHead1 { -1 } |
Root Sword Flash Damipoli ID_1.
Sword Flash Root Damipoli ID_1 (-1 invalid)
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::traceDmyIdHead2 { -1 } |
Root Sword Flash Damipoli ID_2.
Sword Flash Root Damipoli ID_2 (-1 invalid)
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::traceDmyIdHead3 { -1 } |
Root Sword Flash Damipoli ID_3.
Sword flash root Damipoli ID_3 (-1 invalid)
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::traceDmyIdHead4 { -1 } |
Root Sword Flash Damipoli ID_4.
Sword flash root Damipoli ID_4 (-1 invalid)
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::traceDmyIdHead5 { -1 } |
Root Sword Flash Damipoli ID_5.
Sword Flash Root Damipoli ID_5 (-1 invalid)
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::traceDmyIdHead6 { -1 } |
Root Sword Flash Damipoli ID_6.
Sword Flash Root Damipoli ID_6 (-1 invalid)
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::traceDmyIdHead7 { -1 } |
Root Sword Flash Damipoli ID_7.
Sword Flash Root Damipoli ID_7 (-1 invalid)
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::traceDmyIdTail0 { -1 } |
Sword tip sword flash Damipoli ID_0.
Sword Flash Sword Tip Damipoli ID_0
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::traceDmyIdTail1 { -1 } |
Sword tip sword flash Damipoli ID_1.
Sword Flash Sword Tip Damipoli ID_1
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::traceDmyIdTail2 { -1 } |
Sword tip sword flash Damipoli ID_2.
Sword Flash Sword Tip Damipoli ID_2
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::traceDmyIdTail3 { -1 } |
Sword tip sword flash Damipoli ID_3.
Sword Flash Sword Tip Damipoli ID_3
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::traceDmyIdTail4 { -1 } |
Sword tip sword flash Damipoli ID_4.
Sword Flash Sword Tip Damipoli ID_4
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::traceDmyIdTail5 { -1 } |
Sword tip sword flash Damipoli ID_5.
Sword Flash Sword Tip Damipoli ID_5
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::traceDmyIdTail6 { -1 } |
Sword tip sword flash Damipoli ID_6.
Sword Flash Sword Tip Damipoli ID_6
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::traceDmyIdTail7 { -1 } |
Sword tip sword flash Damipoli ID_7.
Sword Flash Sword Tip Damipoli ID_7
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::traceSfxId0 { -1 } |
Sword Flash SfxID_0.
Sword flash SfxID_0 (-1 invalid)
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::traceSfxId1 { -1 } |
Sword Flash SfxID_1.
Sword flash SfxID_1 (-1 invalid)
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::traceSfxId2 { -1 } |
Sword Flash SfxID_2.
Sword flash SfxID_2 (-1 invalid)
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::traceSfxId3 { -1 } |
Sword Flash SfxID_3.
Sword Flash SfxID_3 (-1 invalid)
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::traceSfxId4 { -1 } |
Sword Flash SfxID_4.
Sword Flash SfxID_4 (-1 invalid)
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::traceSfxId5 { -1 } |
Sword Flash SfxID_5.
Sword Flash SfxID_5 (-1 invalid)
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::traceSfxId6 { -1 } |
Sword Flash SfxID_6.
Sword Flash SfxID_6 (-1 invalid)
int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::traceSfxId7 { -1 } |
Sword Flash SfxID_7.
Sword Flash SfxID_7 (-1 invalid)
short from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::trophySeqId { -1 } |
Trophy SEQ number.
Trophy SEQ number (13-29)
short from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST::trophySGradeId { -1 } |
Trophy S grade ID.
Is it related to the trophy system?
Anti-player bleeding damage correction factor.
Only attacks on the player will correct the damage done.
Anti-player curse damage correction factor.
Only attacks on the player will correct the damage done.
Against player darkness damage correction factor.
Only attacks on the player will correct the damage done.
Anti-player plague damage correction factor.
Only attacks on the player will correct the damage done.
Anti-player flame damage correction factor.
Only attacks on the player will correct the damage done.
Anti-player cold damage correction factor.
Only attacks on the player will correct the damage done.
Anti-player mad damage correction factor.
Only attacks on the player will correct the damage done.
Anti-player magic damage correction factor.
Only attacks on the player will correct the damage done.
Physical damage correction factor against player.
Only attacks on the player will correct the damage done.
Anti-player poison damage correction factor.
Only attacks on the player will correct the damage done.
Anti-player sleep damage correction factor.
Only attacks on the player will correct the damage done.
Anti-player lightning damage correction factor.
Only attacks on the player will correct the damage done.
Wandering equipment ID.
Replacement equipment ID for wandering ghosts.
Special attack A damage multiplier.
Damage multiplier for special attack A
Special attack B damage multiplier.
Damage multiplier for special attack B
Special attack C damage multiplier.
Damage multiplier for special attack C
Special attack D damage multiplier.
Damage multiplier for special attack D
Special attack E damage multiplier.
Damage multiplier for special attack E
Special attack F damage multiplier.
Damage multiplier for special attack F
Weapon category.
Weapon category.
Weapon motion two-handed ID.
Basic motion ID when equipped with both hands.
Weapon motion category.
Weapon motion category.
Weapon motion one-handed ID.
Basic motion ID when equipped with one hand.
Weapon SEID offset value.
SEID offset value
Weapon type.
Weapon type. Used for linking text and magic stones (* It is now used for other than text)