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Public Attributes | |
float | baseToughnessRecoverTime { 0.f } |
Basic toughness durability recovery time. | |
int | chrEventTrun_byLeft90 { 0 } |
Character event turning animation (90 ° left) | |
int | chrEventTrun_byRight90 { 0 } |
Character event turning animation (right 90 °) | |
int | chrEventTrun_byLeft180 { 0 } |
Character event turning animation (180 ° left) | |
int | chrEventTrun_byRight180 { 0 } |
Character event turning animation (right 180 °) | |
short | chrEventTrun_90TurnStartAngle { 0 } |
Character event turning 90 ° Animation start angle. | |
short | chrEventTrun_180TurnStartAngle { 0 } |
Character event turning 180 ° Animation start angle. | |
float | stealthAtkDamageRate { 0.f } |
Stealth attack damage multiplier. | |
float | flickDamageCutRateSuccessGurad { 0.f } |
Damage cut rate when the guard is successful when repelled. | |
float | npcTalkAnimBeginDiffAngle { 0.f } |
Difference angle to start playing NPC conversation animation. | |
float | npcTalkAnimEndDiffAngle { 0.f } |
Difference angle to stop animation playback of NPC conversation. | |
int | sleepCollectorItemActionButtonParamId { -1 } |
Nemuri Item Acquisition Range_Action Button Para ID. | |
float | allowUseBuddyItem_sfxInterval { 0.f } |
Buddy item permission_SFX occurrence interval [s]. | |
int | allowUseBuddyItem_sfxDmyPolyId { -1 } |
Buddy Item Permission_SFX Occurrence PC Damipoli ID. | |
int | allowUseBuddyItem_sfxDmyPolyId_horse { -1 } |
Buddy item permission_SFX generated horse Damipoli ID_when riding. | |
int | allowUseBuddyItem_sfxId { -1 } |
Buddy Item Permission_Occurrence SFXID. | |
float | onBuddySummon_inActivateRange_sfxInterval { 0.f } |
Buddy Summoning_Initial Range_SFX Occurrence Interval [s]. | |
int | onBuddySummon_inActivateRange_sfxDmyPolyId { -1 } |
Buddy Summoning_Initial Range_SFX Occurrence PC Damipoli ID. | |
int | onBuddySummon_inActivateRange_sfxDmyPolyId_horse { -1 } |
Buddy Summoning_Initial Range_SFX Generated Horse Damipoli ID_When Riding. | |
int | onBuddySummon_inActivateRange_sfxId { -1 } |
Buddy Summoning_Initial Range_Occurrence SFXID. | |
int | onBuddySummon_inActivateRange_spEffectId_pc { -1 } |
Buddy Summoning_Initial range Special effect ID_For PC. | |
int | onBuddySummon_inWarnRange_spEffectId_pc { -1 } |
Buddy Summoning_Warning Range Special Effect ID_For PC. | |
int | onBuddySummon_atBuddyUnsummon_spEffectId_pc { -1 } |
Buddy Summoning_Buddy Return Special Effect ID_For PC. | |
int | onBuddySummon_inWarnRange_spEffectId_buddy { -1 } |
Buddy Summoning_Warning Range Special Effect ID_For Buddy. | |
unsigned char | morningIngameHour { 0 } |
Morning in-game time (hours) | |
unsigned char | morningIngameMinute { 0 } |
Morning in-game time (minutes) | |
unsigned char | morningIngameSecond { 0 } |
Morning in-game time (seconds) | |
unsigned char | noonIngameHour { 0 } |
Daytime in-game time (hours) | |
unsigned char | noonIngameMinute { 0 } |
Daytime in-game time (minutes) | |
unsigned char | noonIngameSecond { 0 } |
Daytime in-game time (seconds) | |
unsigned char | nightIngameHour { 0 } |
Night in-game time (hours) | |
unsigned char | nightIngameMinute { 0 } |
Night in-game time (minutes) | |
unsigned char | nightIngameSecond { 0 } |
Night in-game time (seconds) | |
unsigned char | aiSightRateStart_Morning_Hour { 0 } |
AI visibility magnification_morning_start time (hour) | |
unsigned char | aiSightRateStart_Morning_Minute { 0 } |
AI visibility magnification_morning_start time (minutes) | |
unsigned char | aiSightRateStart_Noon_Hour { 0 } |
AI visibility magnification_day_start time (hour) | |
unsigned char | aiSightRateStart_Noon_Minute { 0 } |
AI visibility magnification_day_start time (minutes) | |
unsigned char | aiSightRateStart_Evening_Hour { 0 } |
AI visibility magnification_evening_start time (hour) | |
unsigned char | aiSightRateStart_Evening_Minute { 0 } |
AI visibility magnification_evening_start time (minutes) | |
unsigned char | aiSightRateStart_Night_Hour { 0 } |
AI visibility magnification_night_start time (hour) | |
unsigned char | aiSightRateStart_Night_Minute { 0 } |
AI visibility magnification_night_start time (minutes) | |
unsigned char | aiSightRateStart_Midnight_Hour { 0 } |
AI visibility magnification_midnight_start time (hour) | |
unsigned char | aiSightRateStart_Midnight_Minute { 0 } |
AI visibility magnification_midnight_start time (minutes) | |
unsigned char | saLargeDamageHitSfx_Threshold { 0 } |
SA large damage hit production SFX_ Occurrence condition SA damage threshold ratio [%]. | |
int | saLargeDamageHitSfx_SfxId { 0 } |
SA heavy damage hit production SFX_SFXID. | |
float | signCreatableDistFromSafePos { 0.f } |
Distance to create a sign away from a safe position [m]. | |
float | guestResummonDist { 0.f } |
Distance between host and guest where resummoning occurs [m]. | |
float | guestLeavingMessageDistMax { 0.f } |
Distance to notify the guest that they are about to leave the host [m]. | |
float | guestLeavingMessageDistMin { 0.f } |
Distance that allows guests to be re-notified that they are about to leave the host [m]. | |
float | guestLeaveSessionDist { 0.f } |
Maximum distance the guest can be away from the host [m]. | |
float | retryPointAreaRadius { -1.f } |
Retry area radius_default value (m) | |
int | sleepCollectorSpEffectId { -1 } |
Special effect ID that activates when Nemuri items can be acquired. | |
int | recoverBelowMaxHpCompletionNoticeSpEffectId { 0 } |
"Recover below HP maximum" Special effect completion notification Special effect ID | |
int | estusFlaskRecovery_AbsorptionProductionSfxId_byHp { 0 } |
HP Est absorption production SFXID. | |
int | estusFlaskRecovery_AbsorptionProductionSfxId_byMp { 0 } |
MP Est Absorption Production SFXID. | |
int | respawnSpecialEffectActiveCheckerSpEffectId { 0 } |
Special effect ID for determining the activation of the resurrection special effect. | |
int | onBuddySummon_inActivateRange_spEffectId_buddy { -1 } |
Buddy Summoning_Initial Range Special Effect ID_For Buddy. | |
float | estusFlaskRecovery_AddEstusTime { 0.f } |
Time from the start of est absorption SFX playback to the start of est addition processing. | |
float | defeatMultiModeEnemyOfSoulCorrectRate_byHost { 0.f } |
Soul correction value acquired when defeating enemies at multi time_host. | |
float | defeatMultiModeEnemyOfSoulCorrectRate_byTeamGhost { 0.f } |
Soul correction value acquired when defeating enemies at multi time_cooperative spirit. | |
float | defeatMultiModeBossOfSoulCorrectRate_byHost { 0.f } |
Soul correction value acquired when defeating the boss at the time of multi _ host. | |
float | defeatMultiModeBossOfSoulCorrectRate_byTeamGhost { 0.f } |
Soul correction value acquired when defeating the boss at the time of multi _ cooperation spirit. | |
unsigned short | enemyHpGaugeScreenOffset_byUp { 0 } |
Offset to prevent the HP gauge of the enemy character from being cut off on the screen. | |
unsigned short | playRegionCollectDist { 0 } |
Play area collection radius. | |
unsigned short | enemyDetectionSpEffect_ShootBulletDummypolyId { 0 } |
Bullet firing position during "enemy detection" Damipoli ID. | |
unsigned short | bigRuneGreaterDemonBreakInGoodsNum { 0 } |
Large Rune: Number of tools granted when the Greater Demon invades. | |
int | bigRuneGreaterDemonBreakInGoodsId { -1 } |
Large Rune: Greater Demon Invasion Tool Item ID. | |
int | rideJumpRegionDefaultSfxId { 0 } |
Large jump area SFXID. | |
float | saAttackRate_forVsRideAtk { 1.f } |
Common_Riding special attack magnification. | |
int | enemySpEffectIdAfterSleepCollectorItemLot { -1 } |
Special effects on the enemy side when drawing Nemuri items. | |
int | afterEndingMapUid { 0 } |
Map UID on hold. | |
unsigned int | afterEndingReturnPointEntityId { 0 } |
Return point when lap is on hold. | |
int | enemyDetectionSpEffect_BulletId_byCoopRing_RedHunter { 0 } |
Bullet ID_cooperation ring_red hunting fired during "enemy
detection". | |
int | enemyDetectionSpEffect_BulletId_byInvadeOrb_None { 0 } |
No bullet ID_invasion orb_ fired during "enemy detection". | |
unsigned int | tutorialFlagOnAccessDistView { 0 } |
For tutorial judgment: Event flag to turn on when accessing the distant view. | |
unsigned int | tutorialFlagOnAccessRetryPoint { 0 } |
For tutorial judgment: Event flag to turn on when accessing the retry point. | |
unsigned int | tutorialFlagOnGetGroupReward { 0 } |
For tutorial judgment: Event flag to turn on when group reward is entered after defeating a group. | |
unsigned int | tutorialFlagOnEnterRideJumpRegion { 0 } |
For tutorial judgment: Event flag to turn on when entering the riding big jump point. | |
float | tutorialCheckRideJumpRegionExpandRange { 0.f } |
For tutorial judgment: Expand the riding large jump point by ○ [m] to judge inside and outside. | |
int | retryPointActivatedPcAnimId { -1 } |
PC animation ID when retry point is activated. | |
float | retryPointActivatedDialogDelayTime { 0.f } |
Delay time of dialog display when retry point is started [seconds]. | |
int | retryPointActivatedDialogTextId { -1 } |
Text ID of the dialog when starting the retry point. | |
int | signPuddleOpenPcAnimId { -1 } |
PC animation ID at the time of sign accumulation startup. | |
float | signPuddleOpenDialogDelayTime { 0.f } |
Delay time of dialog display at startup of sign accumulation [seconds]. | |
int | activityOfDeadSpEffect_BulletId { 0 } |
Bullet ID when the "Activity of the Dead" special effect is activated. | |
int | activityOfDeadSpEffect_ShootBulletDummypolyId { 0 } |
Bullet generation position when the "Activity of the Dead" special effect is activated Damipoli ID. | |
float | activityOfDeadSpEffect_DeadFadeOutTime { 0.f } |
Fade out time of the corpse when the "Activity of the Dead" special effect is activated. | |
float | ignorNetStateSyncTime_ForThrow { 0.f } |
Time to ignore transitions due to network information at the start of throwing. | |
unsigned short | netPenaltyPointLanDisconnect { 0 } |
Multi-pre-penalty: LAN disconnection. | |
unsigned short | netPenaltyPointProfileSignout { 0 } |
Multi-pre-penalty: Profile sign-out. | |
unsigned short | netPenaltyPointReboot { 0 } |
Multi-pre-penalty: Power off. | |
unsigned short | netPnaltyPointSuspend { 0 } |
Multi-pre-penalty: Suspend / Pause. | |
float | netPenaltyForgiveItemLimitTime { 0.f } |
Multi-pre-penalty: Waiting time to start the generation (sale) of the bone of reason. | |
unsigned short | netPenaltyPointThreshold { 0 } |
Multi-pre-penalty: Penalty judgment points. | |
unsigned short | uncontrolledMoveThresholdTime { 0 } |
No operation judgment time. | |
int | enemyDetectionSpEffect_BulletId_byNpcEnemy { 0 } |
Bullet ID_hostile NPC / enemy character fired during "enemy
detection". | |
int | activityOfDeadTargetSearchSpEffect_OnHitSpEffect { 0 } |
Special effect ID to be applied to the target of "Activity target
search of the dead". | |
float | activityOfDeadTargetSearchSpEffect_MaxLength { 0.f } |
"Search for active targets of the dead" distance | |
float | sightRangeLowerPromiseRate { 0.f } |
Field of view_Minimum guaranteed distance [magnification conversion]. | |
short | saLargeDamageHitSfx_MinDamage { -1 } |
SA large damage hit production SFX_ Occurrence condition SA damage minimum required [pt]. | |
short | saLargeDamageHitSfx_ForceDamage { -1 } |
SA large damage hit production SFX_ Occurrence condition SA damage forced occurrence minimum value [pt]. | |
unsigned int | soloBreakInMaxPoint { 0 } |
Maximum solo intrusion point. | |
float | npcTalkTimeOutThreshold { 0.f } |
NPC conversation voice playback timeout time. | |
float | sendPlayLogIntervalTime { 0.f } |
Playlog transmission interval. | |
unsigned char | item370_MaxSfxNum { 0 } |
Maximum number of seven-colored stones installed. | |
unsigned char | chrActivateDist_forLeavePC { 0 } |
Distance allowed to activate during character deactivation [m]. | |
short | summonDataCoopMatchingLevelUpperAbs { 0 } |
Multi-weakening level correction factor 1. | |
short | summonDataCoopMatchingLevelUpperRel { 0 } |
Multi-weakening level correction factor 2. | |
short | summonDataCoopMatchingWepLevelMul { 0 } |
Multi-weapon maximum weapon correction factor. | |
int | pickUpBerserkerSignSpEffectBulletId { 0 } |
Bullet ID for the effect when picking up the Berserker sign. | |
int | succeedBerserkerSelfKillingEffectId { 0 } |
Berserker succeeds in killing PC by himself Special effect ID for directing. | |
unsigned char | machingLevelWhiteSignUpperRel { 0 } |
Level sync application coefficient of determination 1 white. | |
unsigned char | machingLevelWhiteSignUpperAbs { 0 } |
Level sync application coefficient of determination 2 white. | |
unsigned char | machingLevelRedSignUpperRel { 0 } |
Level sync application coefficient of determination 1 red. | |
unsigned char | machingLevelRedSignUpperAbs { 0 } |
Level sync application coefficient of determination 2 red. | |
unsigned char | machingWeaponLevelUpperWhiteSign_0 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 0 White. | |
unsigned char | machingWeaponLevelUpperWhiteSign_1 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 1 White. | |
unsigned char | machingWeaponLevelUpperWhiteSign_2 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 2 White. | |
unsigned char | machingWeaponLevelUpperWhiteSign_3 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 3 White. | |
unsigned char | machingWeaponLevelUpperWhiteSign_4 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 4 White. | |
unsigned char | machingWeaponLevelUpperWhiteSign_5 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 5 White. | |
unsigned char | machingWeaponLevelUpperWhiteSign_6 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 6 White. | |
unsigned char | machingWeaponLevelUpperWhiteSign_7 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 7 White. | |
unsigned char | machingWeaponLevelUpperWhiteSign_8 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 8 White. | |
unsigned char | machingWeaponLevelUpperWhiteSign_9 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 9 White. | |
unsigned char | machingWeaponLevelUpperWhiteSign_10 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 10 White. | |
unsigned char | machingWeaponLevelUpperRedSign_0 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 0 Red. | |
unsigned char | machingWeaponLevelUpperRedSign_1 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 1 Red. | |
unsigned char | machingWeaponLevelUpperRedSign_2 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 2 Red. | |
unsigned char | machingWeaponLevelUpperRedSign_3 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 3 Red. | |
unsigned char | machingWeaponLevelUpperRedSign_4 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 4 Red. | |
unsigned char | machingWeaponLevelUpperRedSign_5 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 5 Red. | |
unsigned char | machingWeaponLevelUpperRedSign_6 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 6 Red. | |
unsigned char | machingWeaponLevelUpperRedSign_7 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 7 Red. | |
unsigned char | machingWeaponLevelUpperRedSign_8 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 8 Red. | |
unsigned char | machingWeaponLevelUpperRedSign_9 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 9 Red. | |
unsigned char | machingWeaponLevelUpperRedSign_10 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 10 Red. | |
unsigned char | autoInvadePoint_generateDist { 40 } |
Automatic placement interval of intrusion points. | |
unsigned char | autoInvadePoint_cancelDist { 20 } |
Intrusion point automatic placement cancellation range. | |
float | sendGlobalEventLogIntervalTime { 0.f } |
Global event log transmission interval. | |
unsigned short | addSoloBreakInPoint_White { 0 } |
Solo intrusion point addition value_white sign. | |
unsigned short | addSoloBreakInPoint_Black { 0 } |
Solo intrusion point addition value_red sign. | |
unsigned short | addSoloBreakInPoint_ForceJoin { 0 } |
Solo intrusion point addition value_intrusion. | |
unsigned short | addSoloBreakInPoint_VisitorGuardian { 0 } |
Solo intrusion point addition value_Map guardian visit. | |
unsigned short | addSoloBreakInPoint_VisitorRedHunter { 0 } |
Solo intrusion point addition value_Red Scare visit. | |
unsigned char | invincibleTimer_forNetPC_initSync { 0 } |
Invincible timer for initial sync PC. | |
unsigned char | invincibleTimer_forNetPC { 10 } |
Invincible timer for non-initial sync PCs. | |
float | redHunter_HostBossAreaGetSoulRate { 0.f } |
[Red Scare] Soul rate received when the host passes through the white door | |
int | ghostFootprintDecalParamId { 0 } |
Decal parameter ID of the trace of wandering illusion. | |
float | leaveAroundHostWarningTime { 0.f } |
Counting time for warning message display outside the multiplayer limit [seconds]. | |
int | hostModeCostItemId { 0 } |
Hosting cost Item ID. | |
float | aIJump_DecelerateParam { 0.f } |
AI jump deceleration parameter. | |
float | buddyDisappearDelaySec { 0.f } |
Buddy Instance Deletion Guarantee Time. | |
float | aIJump_AnimYMoveCorrectRate_onJumpOff { 0.f } |
AI jump jumping Y movement amount correction factor. | |
float | stealthSystemSightRate_NotInStealthRigid_NotSightHide_StealthMode |
Stealth visibility magnification_Crouching without stealth effect. | |
float | stealthSystemSightRate_NotInStealthRigid_SightHide_NotStealthMode |
Stealth visibility magnification_Standing in stealth ray shielded area. | |
float | stealthSystemSightRate_NotInStealthRigid_SightHide_StealthMode { 1.f } |
Stealth visibility magnification_Crouching in stealth ray shielded area. | |
float | stealthSystemSightRate_InStealthRigid_NotSightHide_NotStealthMode |
Stealth visibility magnification_Standing within a stealth hit. | |
float | stealthSystemSightRate_InStealthRigid_NotSightHide_StealthMode { 1.f } |
Stealth visibility magnification_Crouching within a stealth hit. | |
float | stealthSystemSightRate_InStealthRigid_SightHide_NotStealthMode { 1.f } |
Stealth visibility magnification_Stealth ray shielded area + standing in stealth hit. | |
float | stealthSystemSightRate_InStealthRigid_SightHide_StealthMode { 1.f } |
Stealth visibility magnification_Stealth ray shielded area + crouching in stealth hit. | |
int | msbEventGeomTreasureInfo_actionButtonParamId_corpse { 0 } |
Treasure corpse default action button parameter ID. | |
int | msbEventGeomTreasureInfo_itemGetAnimId_corpse { 0 } |
Anime ID when acquiring the default item of the treasure corpse. | |
int | msbEventGeomTreasureInfo_actionButtonParamId_box { 0 } |
Treasure chest default action button parameter ID. | |
int | msbEventGeomTreasureInfo_itemGetAnimId_box { 0 } |
Anime ID when acquiring the default item of the treasure box. | |
int | msbEventGeomTreasureInfo_actionButtonParamId_shine { 0 } |
Item light default action button parameter ID. | |
int | msbEventGeomTreasureInfo_itemGetAnimId_shine { 0 } |
Item Hikari's default item acquisition animation ID. | |
int | signPuddleAssetId { 0 } |
Sign pool: Asset ID. | |
int | signPuddleAppearDmypolyId0 { 0 } |
Sign accumulation: Sign appearance Damipoli 0. | |
int | signPuddleAppearDmypolyId1 { 0 } |
Sign accumulation: Sign appearance Damipoli 1. | |
int | signPuddleAppearDmypolyId2 { 0 } |
Sign accumulation: Sign appearance Damipoli 2. | |
int | signPuddleAppearDmypolyId3 { 0 } |
Sign accumulation: Sign appearance Damipoli 3. | |
float | fallDamageRate_forRidePC { 1.f } |
Rider's fall damage multiplier correction_for PC. | |
float | fallDamageRate_forRideNPC { 1.f } |
Rider's Fall Damage Multiplier Correction_for NPCs. | |
int | OldMonkOfYellow_CreateSignSpEffectId { 0 } |
Special effect ID when creating the old man sign of yellow robe. | |
float | StragglerActivateDist { 0.f } |
Defeated soldier activation distance. | |
int | SpEffectId_EnableUseItem_StragglerActivate { -1 } |
Permission to use defeated soldier items_Special effects for PC. | |
int | SpEffectId_StragglerWakeUp { -1 } |
Activate defeated soldiers_Special effects for defeated soldier characters. | |
int | SpEffectId_StragglerTarget { -1 } |
Defeated soldiers_Special effects for subjugation targets. | |
int | SpEffectId_StragglerOppose { -1 } |
Defeated soldiers_Special effects after hostility. | |
float | buddyWarp_TriggerTimeRayBlocked { 10.f } |
Time for a buddy to warp a player with a ray block [s]. | |
float | buddyWarp_TriggerDistToPlayer { 25.f } |
Distance at which the buddy warps the player at a straight line distance [m]. | |
float | buddyWarp_ThresholdTimePathStacked { 5.f } |
Time to judge that the buddy is stuck in the pass movement [s]. | |
float | buddyWarp_ThresholdRangePathStacked { 1.f } |
Distance [m] that the buddy considers to be clogged with a pass move. | |
float | aiSightRate_morning { 1.f } |
[Morning] AI visibility magnification | |
float | aiSightRate_noonA { 1.f } |
[Day] AI visibility magnification | |
float | buddyPassThroughTriggerTime { 0.5f } |
Time when the buddy and the player collide and start slipping through [s]. | |
float | aiSightRate_evening { 1.f } |
[Evening] AI visibility magnification | |
float | aiSightRate_night { 1.f } |
[Night] AI visibility magnification | |
float | aiSightRate_midnightA { 1.f } |
[Midnight] AI visibility magnification | |
float | aiSightRate_sunloss_light { 1.f } |
AI visibility magnification_place where the sun cannot be seen (bright) | |
float | aiSightRate_sunloss_dark { 1.f } |
AI visibility magnification_place where the sun cannot be seen (darkness) | |
float | aiSightRate_sunloss_veryDark { 1.f } |
AI visibility magnification_place where the sun cannot be seen (total darkness) | |
float | stealthSystemSightAngleReduceRate_NotInStealthRigid_NotSightHide_StealthMode |
Stealth view angle attenuation factor_ crouching without stealth effect. | |
float | stealthSystemSightAngleReduceRate_NotInStealthRigid_SightHide_NotStealthMode |
Stealth view angle attenuation rate_Standing in stealth ray shielded area. | |
float | stealthSystemSightAngleReduceRate_NotInStealthRigid_SightHide_StealthMode |
Stealth visibility angle attenuation _ crouching in stealth ray shielded area. | |
float | stealthSystemSightAngleReduceRate_InStealthRigid_NotSightHide_NotStealthMode |
Stealth view angle attenuation rate_Standing within stealth hit. | |
float | stealthSystemSightAngleReduceRate_InStealthRigid_NotSightHide_StealthMode |
Stealth field of view angle attenuation rate_ crouching within stealth hit. | |
float | stealthSystemSightAngleReduceRate_InStealthRigid_SightHide_NotStealthMode |
Stealth view angle attenuation rate_Stealth ray shielded area + standing in stealth hit. | |
float | stealthSystemSightAngleReduceRate_InStealthRigid_SightHide_StealthMode |
Stealth view angle attenuation rate_Stealth ray shielded area + crouching in stealth hit. | |
unsigned char | weatherLotConditionStart_Morning_Hour { 7 } |
Weather lottery conditions_morning_start time_hour. | |
unsigned char | weatherLotConditionStart_Morning_Minute { 0 } |
Weather lottery conditions_morning_start time_minutes. | |
unsigned char | weatherLotConditionStart_Day_Hour { 12 } |
Weather lottery conditions_day_start time_hour. | |
unsigned char | weatherLotConditionStart_Day_Minute { 0 } |
Weather lottery conditions_day_start time_minutes. | |
unsigned char | weatherLotConditionStart_Evening_Hour { 17 } |
Weather lottery conditions_evening_start time_hour. | |
unsigned char | weatherLotConditionStart_Evening_Minute { 0 } |
Weather lottery conditions_evening_start time_minutes. | |
unsigned char | weatherLotConditionStart_Night_Hour { 19 } |
Weather lottery conditions_night_start time_hour. | |
unsigned char | weatherLotConditionStart_Night_Minute { 0 } |
Weather lottery conditions_night_start time_minutes. | |
unsigned char | weatherLotConditionStart_DayBreak_Hour { 5 } |
Weather lottery conditions_dawn_start time_hour. | |
unsigned char | weatherLotConditionStart_DayBreak_Minute { 0 } |
Weather lottery conditions_dawn_start time_minutes. | |
unsigned char | weatherLotCondition_reserved [2] |
Weather lottery conditions_reservation. | |
unsigned char | pclightScaleChangeStart_Hour { 18 } |
Player Light intensity scale change time zone_start time_hour. | |
unsigned char | pclightScaleChangeStart_Minute { 0 } |
Player Light intensity scale change time zone_start time_minute. | |
unsigned char | pclightScaleChangeEnd_Hour { 5 } |
Player Light intensity scale change time zone_end time_hour. | |
unsigned char | pclightScaleChangeEnd_Minute { 0 } |
Player Light intensity scale change time zone_end time_minute. | |
float | pclightScaleByTimezone { 1.f } |
Time zone Player light intensity scale change value. | |
int | bigRuneGreaterDemon_SummonBuddySpecialEffectId_Buddy { -1 } |
Large Rune: Greater Demon Buddy Summon Buddy Special Effect ID. | |
int | bigRuneGreaterDemon_SummonBuddySpecialEffectId_Pc { -1 } |
Large Rune: Special effect ID given to PC when summoning Greater Demon Buddy. | |
int | homeBonfireParamId { 0 } |
Base Bonfire Warp ID. | |
unsigned char | machingWeaponLevelUpperWhiteSign_11 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 11 White. | |
unsigned char | machingWeaponLevelUpperWhiteSign_12 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 12 White. | |
unsigned char | machingWeaponLevelUpperWhiteSign_13 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 13 White. | |
unsigned char | machingWeaponLevelUpperWhiteSign_14 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 14 White. | |
unsigned char | machingWeaponLevelUpperWhiteSign_15 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 15 White. | |
unsigned char | machingWeaponLevelUpperWhiteSign_16 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 16 White. | |
unsigned char | machingWeaponLevelUpperWhiteSign_17 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 17 White. | |
unsigned char | machingWeaponLevelUpperWhiteSign_18 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 18 White. | |
unsigned char | machingWeaponLevelUpperWhiteSign_19 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 19 White. | |
unsigned char | machingWeaponLevelUpperWhiteSign_20 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 20 White. | |
unsigned char | machingWeaponLevelUpperWhiteSign_21 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 21 White. | |
unsigned char | machingWeaponLevelUpperWhiteSign_22 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 22 White. | |
unsigned char | machingWeaponLevelUpperWhiteSign_23 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 23 White. | |
unsigned char | machingWeaponLevelUpperWhiteSign_24 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 24 White. | |
unsigned char | machingWeaponLevelUpperWhiteSign_25 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 25 White. | |
unsigned char | machingWeaponLevelUpperRedSign_11 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 11 Red. | |
unsigned char | machingWeaponLevelUpperRedSign_12 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 12 Red. | |
unsigned char | machingWeaponLevelUpperRedSign_13 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 13 Red. | |
unsigned char | machingWeaponLevelUpperRedSign_14 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 14 Red. | |
unsigned char | machingWeaponLevelUpperRedSign_15 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 15 Red. | |
unsigned char | machingWeaponLevelUpperRedSign_16 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 16 Red. | |
unsigned char | machingWeaponLevelUpperRedSign_17 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 17 Red. | |
unsigned char | machingWeaponLevelUpperRedSign_18 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 18 Red. | |
unsigned char | machingWeaponLevelUpperRedSign_19 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 19 Red. | |
unsigned char | machingWeaponLevelUpperRedSign_20 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 20 Red. | |
unsigned char | machingWeaponLevelUpperRedSign_21 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 21 Red. | |
unsigned char | machingWeaponLevelUpperRedSign_22 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 22 Red. | |
unsigned char | machingWeaponLevelUpperRedSign_23 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 23 Red. | |
unsigned char | machingWeaponLevelUpperRedSign_24 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 24 Red. | |
unsigned char | machingWeaponLevelUpperRedSign_25 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 25 Red. | |
unsigned char | menuTimezoneStart_Morning_Hour { 7 } |
Menu time zone display_morning_start time_hour. | |
unsigned char | menuTimezoneStart_Morning_Minute { 0 } |
Menu time zone display_morning_start time_minute. | |
unsigned char | menuTimezoneStart_Day1_Hour { 12 } |
Menu time zone display_day 1_start time_hour. | |
unsigned char | menuTimezoneStart_Day1_Minute { 0 } |
Time zone display for menu_Lunch 1_Start time_Minute. | |
unsigned char | menuTimezoneStart_Day2_Hour { 12 } |
Menu time zone display_day 2_start time_hour. | |
unsigned char | menuTimezoneStart_Day2_Minute { 0 } |
Time zone display for menu_Lunch 2_Start time_Minute. | |
unsigned char | menuTimezoneStart_Evening_Hour { 17 } |
Menu time zone display_evening_start time_hour. | |
unsigned char | menuTimezoneStart_Evening_Minute { 0 } |
Menu time zone display_evening_start time_minute. | |
unsigned char | menuTimezoneStart_Night_Hour { 19 } |
Menu time zone display_night_start time_hour. | |
unsigned char | menuTimezoneStart_Night_Minute { 0 } |
Menu time zone display_night_start time_minute. | |
unsigned char | menuTimezoneStart_Midnight_Hour { 5 } |
Menu time zone display_midnight_start time_hour. | |
unsigned char | menuTimezoneStart_Midnight_Minute { 0 } |
Menu time zone display_midnight_start time_minute. | |
unsigned short | remotePlayerThreatLvNotify_ThreatLv { 0 } |
Network PC threat level notification_threat level. | |
float | remotePlayerThreatLvNotify_NotifyDist { 0.f } |
Network PC threat level notification_notification distance [m]. | |
float | remotePlayerThreatLvNotify_EndNotifyDist { 0.f } |
Network PC threat level notification_notification end distance [m]. | |
float | worldMapPointDiscoveryExpandRange { 0.f } |
Default extended distance of map point discovery area [m]. | |
float | worldMapPointReentryExpandRange { 0.f } |
Map point participation area default extended distance [m]. | |
unsigned short | remotePlayerThreatLvNotify_NotifyTime { 0 } |
Network PC threat level notification_Notification time [seconds]. | |
unsigned short | breakIn_A_rebreakInGoodsNum { 0 } |
Number of "re-invasion items" to be given at the time of intrusion: Intrusion item_Greater system (ID102) | |
int | breakIn_A_rebreakInGoodsId { -1 } |
Tool item ID of "re-invasion item" given at the time of intrusion: Invasion item_Greater system (ID102) | |
int | rideJumpoff_SfxId { -1 } |
Big jump to get off _ sky SFXID. | |
float | rideJumpoff_SfxHeightOffset { 0.f } |
Big jump to get off_SFX base point offset in the sky. | |
int | rideJumpoff_SpEffectId { -1 } |
In the big jump area to get off _ Special effect ID for PC horse. | |
int | rideJumpoff_SpEffectIdPc { -1 } |
Special effect ID applied to _PC in the large jump area to get off. | |
unsigned int | unlockExchangeMenuEventFlagId { 0 } |
Main menu_Item creation_Open event flag. | |
unsigned int | unlockMessageMenuEventFlagId { 0 } |
Main menu_message_open event flag. | |
unsigned short | breakInOnce_A_rebreakInGoodsNum { 0 } |
Number of "re-invasion items" to be given at the time of intrusion: Intrusion item_Greater disposable (ID111) | |
unsigned short | breakIn_B_rebreakInGoodsNum { 0 } |
Number of "re-invasion items" to be given at the time of invasion: Invasion item_Volcano building system (ID112) | |
int | breakInOnce_A_rebreakInGoodsId { -1 } |
Tool item ID of "re-invasion item" given at the time of intrusion: Invasion item_Greater disposable (ID111) | |
int | breakIn_B_rebreakInGoodsId { -1 } |
Tool item ID of "re-invasion item" given at the time of invasion: Invasion item_Volcano building system (ID112) | |
float | actionButtonInputCancelTime { -1.f } |
Time to disable action button operation by holding down the action button. | |
float | blockClearBonusDelayTime { 7.f } |
Clear bonus acquisition delay time after boss defeat processing. | |
float | bonfireCheckEnemyRange { -1.f } |
[Unused] (Refer to SEQ25048) Distance from the PC to determine the bonfire invalidation by the enemy [m] | |
unsigned char | endPad [108] |
endPad | |
This struct was automatically generated from XML paramdefs.
int from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::activityOfDeadSpEffect_BulletId { 0 } |
Bullet ID when the "Activity of the Dead" special effect is activated.
Bullet ID fired when the "Activity of the Dead" special effect is activated
Fade out time of the corpse when the "Activity of the Dead" special effect is activated.
Fade time when the corpse fades out when the "Activity of the Dead" special effect is activated
int from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::activityOfDeadSpEffect_ShootBulletDummypolyId { 0 } |
Bullet generation position when the "Activity of the Dead" special effect is activated Damipoli ID.
Damipoli ID at the position where the bullet is generated when the "Activity of the Dead" special effect is activated
float from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::activityOfDeadTargetSearchSpEffect_MaxLength { 0.f } |
"Search for active targets of the dead" distance
Maximum searchable distance
int from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::activityOfDeadTargetSearchSpEffect_OnHitSpEffect { 0 } |
Special effect ID to be applied to the target of "Activity target search of the dead".
Special effects applied to the searched target
int from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::afterEndingMapUid { 0 } |
Map UID on hold.
Map UID on hold for lap, enter in 8 digits (example ... m60_42_36_00-> 60423600)
Return point when lap is on hold.
Entity ID of return point on hold
AI jump deceleration parameter.
Deceleration parameters for AI jump (0.0: constant velocity motion, 1.0: maximum deceleration, speed 0 at target point)
Basic toughness durability recovery time.
This is the basic value of toughness recovery time. (Seconds)
[Unused] (Refer to SEQ25048) Distance from the PC to determine the bonfire invalidation by the enemy [m]
[Unused] (Refer to SEQ25048) Distance from PC to bonfire that determines invalidation of bonfire by enemy [m] (0 or less: PC distance is not checked. Checked at all distances)
Buddy Instance Deletion Guarantee Time.
The time from the death flag to the actual disappearance of the instance
Time to judge that the buddy is stuck in the pass movement [s].
Judgment time when the buddy is stuck in the pass movement [s]
Distance allowed to activate during character deactivation [m].
Distance allowed to activate during character deactivation (valid only for open placement characters)
short from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::chrEventTrun_180TurnStartAngle { 0 } |
Character event turning 180 ° Animation start angle.
The starting angle of the angle to which the 180 ° swivel animation for the "Character Swirl" event is applied.
short from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::chrEventTrun_90TurnStartAngle { 0 } |
Character event turning 90 ° Animation start angle.
The starting angle of the angle to which the 90 ° swivel animation for the "Character Swirl" event is applied. If the event starts at an angle smaller than this angle, a system turn will occur.
int from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::chrEventTrun_byLeft180 { 0 } |
Character event turning animation (180 ° left)
This is a 180 ° left turn animation for the "Character Turn" event.
int from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::chrEventTrun_byLeft90 { 0 } |
Character event turning animation (90 ° left)
This is a 90 ° left turn animation for the "Character Turn" event.
int from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::chrEventTrun_byRight180 { 0 } |
Character event turning animation (right 180 °)
This is a 180 ° right turn animation for the "Character Turn" event.
int from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::chrEventTrun_byRight90 { 0 } |
Character event turning animation (right 90 °)
This is a 90 ° right turn animation for the "Character Turn" event.
float from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::defeatMultiModeBossOfSoulCorrectRate_byHost { 0.f } |
Soul correction value acquired when defeating the boss at the time of multi _ host.
Correction value of the amount of soul acquired by the host when defeating the boss in multiplayer
float from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::defeatMultiModeBossOfSoulCorrectRate_byTeamGhost { 0.f } |
Soul correction value acquired when defeating the boss at the time of multi _ cooperation spirit.
Correction value of the amount of soul acquired when the boss is defeated in multiplayer
float from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::defeatMultiModeEnemyOfSoulCorrectRate_byHost { 0.f } |
Soul correction value acquired when defeating enemies at multi time_host.
Correction value of the amount of soul acquired by the host when defeating a normal enemy in multiplayer
float from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::defeatMultiModeEnemyOfSoulCorrectRate_byTeamGhost { 0.f } |
Soul correction value acquired when defeating enemies at multi time_cooperative spirit.
Correction value of the amount of soul acquired by cooperating spirits when defeating a normal enemy in multiplayer
int from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::enemyDetectionSpEffect_BulletId_byCoopRing_RedHunter { 0 } |
Bullet ID_cooperation ring_red hunting fired during "enemy detection".
Bullet ID to fly depending on enemy power / type (also used for multi-automatic firing)
int from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::enemyDetectionSpEffect_BulletId_byInvadeOrb_None { 0 } |
No bullet ID_invasion orb_ fired during "enemy detection".
Bullet ID to fly depending on enemy power / type (also used for multi-automatic firing)
int from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::enemyDetectionSpEffect_BulletId_byNpcEnemy { 0 } |
Bullet ID_hostile NPC / enemy character fired during "enemy detection".
Bullet ID to shoot to hostile NPCs / enemy characters when hostility detection fails
unsigned short from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::enemyDetectionSpEffect_ShootBulletDummypolyId { 0 } |
Bullet firing position during "enemy detection" Damipoli ID.
Detect bullet firing position Damipoli ID
Offset to prevent the HP gauge of the enemy character from being cut off on the screen.
Offset value [pixel] (FullHD standard) that fits in the screen when the enemy's HP gauge is cut off on the screen
int from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::estusFlaskRecovery_AbsorptionProductionSfxId_byHp { 0 } |
HP Est absorption production SFXID.
Absorption effect SFXID when recovering the number of times the HP Est bottle has been used when defeating an intruder
int from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::estusFlaskRecovery_AbsorptionProductionSfxId_byMp { 0 } |
MP Est Absorption Production SFXID.
Absorption effect SFXID when recovering the number of times the MP Est bottle has been used when defeating an intruder
Damage cut rate when the guard is successful when repelled.
Damage cut rate when the guard is successful when repelled. Multiply the final damage
int from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::ghostFootprintDecalParamId { 0 } |
Decal parameter ID of the trace of wandering illusion.
Decal parameter ID of the trace that the wandering illusion puts out while moving
Maximum distance the guest can be away from the host [m].
Maximum distance [m] that a guest can leave the host. If a certain period of time elapses while the distance is longer than this distance, the session will be withdrawn.
Distance to notify the guest that they are about to leave the host [m].
Distance [m] to notify the guest that they are about to leave the host. Notify me when I'm farther than this distance.
Distance that allows guests to be re-notified that they are about to leave the host [m].
Distance [m] that allows the guest to be re-notified that they are about to leave the host. Do not re-notify until closer than this distance.
int from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::homeBonfireParamId { 0 } |
Base Bonfire Warp ID.
Base bonfire bonfire warp parameter ID
int from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::hostModeCostItemId { 0 } |
Hosting cost Item ID.
ID of the cost item consumed when hosting is turned on
Counting time for warning message display outside the multiplayer limit [seconds].
If this count time elapses while you are out of the multiplayer limit distance, the multiplayer will be disbanded.
Level sync application coefficient of determination 2 red.
Soul level coefficient of whether to apply level sync
Level sync application coefficient of determination 1 red.
Soul level coefficient of whether to apply level sync
Level sync application coefficient of determination 2 white.
Soul level coefficient of whether to apply level sync
Level sync application coefficient of determination 1 white.
Soul level coefficient of whether to apply level sync
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 0 Red.
Maximum weapon enhancement level factor for whether to apply level sync
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 1 Red.
Maximum weapon enhancement level factor for whether to apply level sync
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 10 Red.
Maximum weapon enhancement level factor for whether to apply level sync
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 11 Red.
Maximum weapon enhancement level factor for whether to apply level sync
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 12 Red.
Maximum weapon enhancement level factor for whether to apply level sync
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 13 Red.
Maximum weapon enhancement level factor for whether to apply level sync
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 14 Red.
Maximum weapon enhancement level factor for whether to apply level sync
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 15 Red.
Maximum weapon enhancement level factor for whether to apply level sync
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 16 Red.
Maximum weapon enhancement level factor for whether to apply level sync
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 17 Red.
Maximum weapon enhancement level factor for whether to apply level sync
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 18 Red.
Maximum weapon enhancement level factor for whether to apply level sync
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 19 Red.
Maximum weapon enhancement level factor for whether to apply level sync
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 2 Red.
Maximum weapon enhancement level factor for whether to apply level sync
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 20 Red.
Maximum weapon enhancement level factor for whether to apply level sync
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 21 Red.
Maximum weapon enhancement level factor for whether to apply level sync
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 22 Red.
Maximum weapon enhancement level factor for whether to apply level sync
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 23 Red.
Maximum weapon enhancement level factor for whether to apply level sync
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 24 Red.
Maximum weapon enhancement level factor for whether to apply level sync
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 25 Red.
Maximum weapon enhancement level factor for whether to apply level sync
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 3 Red.
Maximum weapon enhancement level factor for whether to apply level sync
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 4 Red.
Maximum weapon enhancement level factor for whether to apply level sync
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 5 Red.
Maximum weapon enhancement level factor for whether to apply level sync
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 6 Red.
Maximum weapon enhancement level factor for whether to apply level sync
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 7 Red.
Maximum weapon enhancement level factor for whether to apply level sync
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 8 Red.
Maximum weapon enhancement level factor for whether to apply level sync
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 9 Red.
Maximum weapon enhancement level factor for whether to apply level sync
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 0 White.
Maximum weapon enhancement level factor for whether to apply level sync
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 1 White.
Maximum weapon enhancement level factor for whether to apply level sync
unsigned char from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::machingWeaponLevelUpperWhiteSign_10 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 10 White.
Maximum weapon enhancement level factor for whether to apply level sync
unsigned char from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::machingWeaponLevelUpperWhiteSign_11 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 11 White.
Maximum weapon enhancement level factor for whether to apply level sync
unsigned char from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::machingWeaponLevelUpperWhiteSign_12 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 12 White.
Maximum weapon enhancement level factor for whether to apply level sync
unsigned char from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::machingWeaponLevelUpperWhiteSign_13 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 13 White.
Maximum weapon enhancement level factor for whether to apply level sync
unsigned char from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::machingWeaponLevelUpperWhiteSign_14 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 14 White.
Maximum weapon enhancement level factor for whether to apply level sync
unsigned char from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::machingWeaponLevelUpperWhiteSign_15 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 15 White.
Maximum weapon enhancement level factor for whether to apply level sync
unsigned char from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::machingWeaponLevelUpperWhiteSign_16 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 16 White.
Maximum weapon enhancement level factor for whether to apply level sync
unsigned char from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::machingWeaponLevelUpperWhiteSign_17 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 17 White.
Maximum weapon enhancement level factor for whether to apply level sync
unsigned char from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::machingWeaponLevelUpperWhiteSign_18 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 18 White.
Maximum weapon enhancement level factor for whether to apply level sync
unsigned char from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::machingWeaponLevelUpperWhiteSign_19 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 19 White.
Maximum weapon enhancement level factor for whether to apply level sync
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 2 White.
Maximum weapon enhancement level factor for whether to apply level sync
unsigned char from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::machingWeaponLevelUpperWhiteSign_20 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 20 White.
Maximum weapon enhancement level factor for whether to apply level sync
unsigned char from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::machingWeaponLevelUpperWhiteSign_21 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 21 White.
Maximum weapon enhancement level factor for whether to apply level sync
unsigned char from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::machingWeaponLevelUpperWhiteSign_22 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 22 White.
Maximum weapon enhancement level factor for whether to apply level sync
unsigned char from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::machingWeaponLevelUpperWhiteSign_23 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 23 White.
Maximum weapon enhancement level factor for whether to apply level sync
unsigned char from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::machingWeaponLevelUpperWhiteSign_24 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 24 White.
Maximum weapon enhancement level factor for whether to apply level sync
unsigned char from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::machingWeaponLevelUpperWhiteSign_25 { 0 } |
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 25 White.
Maximum weapon enhancement level factor for whether to apply level sync
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 3 White.
Maximum weapon enhancement level factor for whether to apply level sync
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 4 White.
Maximum weapon enhancement level factor for whether to apply level sync
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 5 White.
Maximum weapon enhancement level factor for whether to apply level sync
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 6 White.
Maximum weapon enhancement level factor for whether to apply level sync
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 7 White.
Maximum weapon enhancement level factor for whether to apply level sync
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 8 White.
Maximum weapon enhancement level factor for whether to apply level sync
Level Sync Applicability Judgment Maximum Weapon Enhancement Level Coefficient 9 White.
Maximum weapon enhancement level factor for whether to apply level sync
Menu time zone display_day 1_start time_hour.
Menu time zone display_day 1_start time_hour (SEQ22108)
Time zone display for menu_Lunch 1_Start time_Minute.
Menu time zone display_day 1_start time_minute (SEQ22108)
Menu time zone display_day 2_start time_hour.
Menu time zone display_day 2_start time_hour (SEQ22108)
Time zone display for menu_Lunch 2_Start time_Minute.
Time zone display for menu_Lunch 2_Start time_Minute (SEQ22108)
Menu time zone display_evening_start time_hour.
Menu time zone display_evening_start time_hour (SEQ22108)
Menu time zone display_evening_start time_minute.
Menu time zone display_evening_start time_minute (SEQ22108)
Menu time zone display_midnight_start time_hour.
Menu time zone display_midnight_start time_hour (SEQ22108)
Menu time zone display_midnight_start time_minute.
Menu time zone display_midnight_start time_minute (SEQ22108)
Menu time zone display_morning_start time_hour.
Menu time zone display_morning_start time_hour (SEQ22108)
Menu time zone display_morning_start time_minute.
Menu time zone display_morning_start time_minute (SEQ22108)
Menu time zone display_night_start time_hour.
Menu time zone display_night_start time_hour (SEQ22108)
Menu time zone display_night_start time_minute.
Menu time zone display_night_start time_minute (SEQ22108)
Morning in-game time (hours)
Morning in-game time (hours). Used in conversation.
Morning in-game time (minutes)
Morning in-game time (minutes). Used in conversation.
Morning in-game time (seconds)
Morning in-game time (seconds). Used in conversation.
int from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::msbEventGeomTreasureInfo_actionButtonParamId_box { 0 } |
Treasure chest default action button parameter ID.
Default action button parameter ID when "Treasure chest" is selected in the treasure chest type of treasure chest information for OBJ of MapStudio event
int from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::msbEventGeomTreasureInfo_actionButtonParamId_corpse { 0 } |
Treasure corpse default action button parameter ID.
Default action button parameter ID when "Treasure corpse" is selected in the treasure box type of treasure box information for OBJ of MapStudio event
int from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::msbEventGeomTreasureInfo_actionButtonParamId_shine { 0 } |
Item light default action button parameter ID.
Default action button parameter ID when "Item light" is selected in the treasure chest type of treasure chest information for OBJ of MapStudio event
int from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::msbEventGeomTreasureInfo_itemGetAnimId_box { 0 } |
Anime ID when acquiring the default item of the treasure box.
When "Treasure chest" is selected in the treasure chest type of the treasure chest information for OBJ of the MapStudio event, the default item acquisition animation ID
int from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::msbEventGeomTreasureInfo_itemGetAnimId_corpse { 0 } |
Anime ID when acquiring the default item of the treasure corpse.
When "Treasure corpse" is selected in the treasure box type of the treasure box information for OBJ of the MapStudio event, the default item is acquired. Animation ID
int from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::msbEventGeomTreasureInfo_itemGetAnimId_shine { 0 } |
Item Hikari's default item acquisition animation ID.
When "Item Hikari" is selected as the treasure chest type of the treasure chest information for OBJ of the MapStudio event, the default item acquisition animation ID
Multi-pre-penalty: Waiting time to start the generation (sale) of the bone of reason.
Multi-pre-penalty: Waiting time (seconds) to start the generation (sale) of the bone of reason
Night in-game time (hours)
Night in-game time (hours). Used in conversation.
Night in-game time (minutes)
Night in-game time (minutes). Used in conversation.
Night in-game time (seconds)
Night in-game time (seconds). Used in conversation.
Daytime in-game time (hours)
Daytime in-game time (hours). Used in conversation.
Daytime in-game time (minutes)
Daytime in-game time (minutes). Used in conversation.
Daytime in-game time (seconds)
Daytime in-game time (seconds). Used in conversation.
Difference angle to start playing NPC conversation animation.
This is the difference angle at which the animation playback of the motion during the conversation of the NPC conversation starts.
Difference angle to stop animation playback of NPC conversation.
This is the difference angle at which the animation playback of the motion during the conversation of the NPC conversation is stopped.
NPC conversation voice playback timeout time.
Voice playback timeout for NPC conversations. If voice playback does not end after this time, proceed to the next message.
Time zone Player light intensity scale change value.
Time zone Player light intensity scale change value (SEQ16562)
Player Light intensity scale change time zone_end time_hour.
Player Light intensity scale change time zone_end time_hour (SEQ16562)
Player Light intensity scale change time zone_end time_minute.
Player Light Intensity Scale Change Time Zone_End Time_Minute (SEQ16562)
Player Light intensity scale change time zone_start time_hour.
Player Light Intensity Scale Change Time Zone_Start Time_Hour (SEQ16562)
Player Light intensity scale change time zone_start time_minute.
Player Light Intensity Scale Change Time Zone_Start Time_Minute (SEQ16562)
int from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::pickUpBerserkerSignSpEffectBulletId { 0 } |
Bullet ID for the effect when picking up the Berserker sign.
Bullet ID when generating a bullet for special effects at the sign position
Play area collection radius.
Collection radius of the play area around the PC
int from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::recoverBelowMaxHpCompletionNoticeSpEffectId { 0 } |
"Recover below HP maximum" Special effect completion notification Special effect ID
ID of the special effect that notifies that "Recovery below HP maximum" is completed. Mainly used for multi synchronization.
[Red Scare] Soul rate received when the host passes through the white door
Soul that you can get red hunting when the host passes through the white door = Soul required for red hunting to change from the previous Lv to the current Lv * This magnification
Network PC threat level notification_notification end distance [m].
Network PC threat level notification_notification end distance [m] (SEQ21950)
Network PC threat level notification_notification distance [m].
Network PC Threat Level Notification_Notification Distance [m] (SEQ21950)
unsigned short from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::remotePlayerThreatLvNotify_NotifyTime { 0 } |
Network PC threat level notification_Notification time [seconds].
Network PC Threat Level Notification_Notification Time [seconds] (SEQ21950)
unsigned short from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::remotePlayerThreatLvNotify_ThreatLv { 0 } |
Network PC threat level notification_threat level.
Network PC Threat Level Notification_Threat Level (SEQ21950)
int from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::respawnSpecialEffectActiveCheckerSpEffectId { 0 } |
Special effect ID for determining the activation of the resurrection special effect.
ID of the special effect that notifies that the resurrection special effect has been activated. Mainly used for multi synchronization.
int from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::retryPointActivatedDialogTextId { -1 } |
Text ID of the dialog when starting the retry point.
The text ID of the dialog when the retry point is started. Set the text in EventText_ForMap.xlsm. If it is -1, the dialog is not displayed.
int from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::retryPointActivatedPcAnimId { -1 } |
PC animation ID when retry point is activated.
PC animation ID when retry point is started. If it is -1, it will not be played.
Retry area radius_default value (m)
Retry area radius_default value (m). It is used as the default value when the radius and area are not set in the event type "Retry Point" of MapStudio.
int from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::rideJumpoff_SpEffectIdPc { -1 } |
Special effect ID applied to _PC in the large jump area to get off.
Special effect ID for _PC in the big jump area to get off
int from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::rideJumpRegionDefaultSfxId { 0 } |
Large jump area SFXID.
SFX ID in the riding large jump area
Common_Riding special attack magnification.
Magnification to be corrected at the time of riding special attack
Global event log transmission interval.
Interval to send global event log to server
Playlog transmission interval.
Interval to send item usage log etc. to the server
Distance to create a sign away from a safe position [m].
Distance at which you can create a sign away from the last safe position on your PC [m]
int from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::signPuddleAppearDmypolyId0 { 0 } |
Sign accumulation: Sign appearance Damipoli 0.
Damipoli used to determine the display position of the sign in the sign pool
int from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::signPuddleAppearDmypolyId1 { 0 } |
Sign accumulation: Sign appearance Damipoli 1.
Damipoli used to determine the display position of the sign in the sign pool
int from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::signPuddleAppearDmypolyId2 { 0 } |
Sign accumulation: Sign appearance Damipoli 2.
Damipoli used to determine the display position of the sign in the sign pool
int from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::signPuddleAppearDmypolyId3 { 0 } |
Sign accumulation: Sign appearance Damipoli 3.
Damipoli used to determine the display position of the sign in the sign pool
int from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::signPuddleAssetId { 0 } |
Sign pool: Asset ID.
Assets used for sign collection
int from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::signPuddleOpenPcAnimId { -1 } |
PC animation ID at the time of sign accumulation startup.
PC animation ID at the time of sign accumulation startup. If it is -1, it will not be played.
int from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::sleepCollectorItemActionButtonParamId { -1 } |
Nemuri Item Acquisition Range_Action Button Para ID.
Nemuri Item Acquisition Range_Action Button Para ID. TAE flag Used as the default value when not overwriting with "Event> Nemuri item registration".
int from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::sleepCollectorSpEffectId { -1 } |
Special effect ID that activates when Nemuri items can be acquired.
A special effect ID that activates when a Nemuri item can be acquired. TAE flag Used as the default value when not overwriting with "Event> Nemuri item registration".
Maximum solo intrusion point.
Maximum solo intrusion point. When this value is exceeded, it will be invaded solo.
float from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::stealthSystemSightAngleReduceRate_InStealthRigid_NotSightHide_NotStealthMode |
Stealth view angle attenuation rate_Standing within stealth hit.
float from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::stealthSystemSightAngleReduceRate_InStealthRigid_NotSightHide_StealthMode |
Stealth field of view angle attenuation rate_ crouching within stealth hit.
Stealth view angle attenuation rate_ crouching within stealth hit
float from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::stealthSystemSightAngleReduceRate_InStealthRigid_SightHide_NotStealthMode |
Stealth view angle attenuation rate_Stealth ray shielded area + standing in stealth hit.
float from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::stealthSystemSightAngleReduceRate_InStealthRigid_SightHide_StealthMode |
Stealth view angle attenuation rate_Stealth ray shielded area + crouching in stealth hit.
float from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::stealthSystemSightAngleReduceRate_NotInStealthRigid_NotSightHide_StealthMode |
Stealth view angle attenuation factor_ crouching without stealth effect.
float from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::stealthSystemSightAngleReduceRate_NotInStealthRigid_SightHide_NotStealthMode |
Stealth view angle attenuation rate_Standing in stealth ray shielded area.
float from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::stealthSystemSightAngleReduceRate_NotInStealthRigid_SightHide_StealthMode |
Stealth visibility angle attenuation _ crouching in stealth ray shielded area.
float from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::stealthSystemSightRate_InStealthRigid_NotSightHide_NotStealthMode |
Stealth visibility magnification_Standing within a stealth hit.
float from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::stealthSystemSightRate_NotInStealthRigid_NotSightHide_StealthMode |
Stealth visibility magnification_Crouching without stealth effect.
float from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::stealthSystemSightRate_NotInStealthRigid_SightHide_NotStealthMode |
Stealth visibility magnification_Standing in stealth ray shielded area.
int from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::succeedBerserkerSelfKillingEffectId { 0 } |
Berserker succeeds in killing PC by himself Special effect ID for directing.
Special effect to play a special effect when Berserker succeeds in killing the PC by himself
short from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::summonDataCoopMatchingLevelUpperAbs { 0 } |
Multi-weakening level correction factor 1.
Weakened stats when multiplayer. Host level addition correction
short from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::summonDataCoopMatchingLevelUpperRel { 0 } |
Multi-weakening level correction factor 2.
Weakened stats when multiplayer. Host level magnification correction
short from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::summonDataCoopMatchingWepLevelMul { 0 } |
Multi-weapon maximum weapon correction factor.
Weakened stats when multiplayer. Maximum weapon enhancement level correction
For tutorial judgment: Expand the riding large jump point by ○ [m] to judge inside and outside.
For tutorial judgment: The riding large jump point is expanded by ○ [m] to judge inside and outside. ○ Set the value of [m] here.
No operation judgment time.
It is for leaving people who have not operated for a certain period of time in multiplayer. The unit is seconds.
Main menu_Item creation_Open event flag.
Main menu → Event flag to unlock the item creation menu
Main menu_message_open event flag.
Main menu → Event flag to unlock the message menu
Weather lottery conditions_reservation.
Weather lottery conditions_day_start time_hour.
Weather lottery conditions_day_start time_hour (SEQ09371)
unsigned char from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::weatherLotConditionStart_Day_Minute { 0 } |
Weather lottery conditions_day_start time_minutes.
Weather lottery conditions_day_start time_minutes (SEQ09371)
unsigned char from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::weatherLotConditionStart_DayBreak_Hour { 5 } |
Weather lottery conditions_dawn_start time_hour.
Weather lottery conditions_dawn_start time_hour (SEQ09371)
unsigned char from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::weatherLotConditionStart_DayBreak_Minute { 0 } |
Weather lottery conditions_dawn_start time_minutes.
Weather lottery conditions_dawn_start time_minutes (SEQ09371)
unsigned char from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::weatherLotConditionStart_Evening_Hour { 17 } |
Weather lottery conditions_evening_start time_hour.
Weather lottery conditions_evening_start time_hour (SEQ09371)
unsigned char from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::weatherLotConditionStart_Evening_Minute { 0 } |
Weather lottery conditions_evening_start time_minutes.
Weather lottery conditions_evening_start time_minutes (SEQ09371)
unsigned char from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::weatherLotConditionStart_Morning_Hour { 7 } |
Weather lottery conditions_morning_start time_hour.
Weather lottery conditions_morning_start time_hour (SEQ09371)
unsigned char from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::weatherLotConditionStart_Morning_Minute { 0 } |
Weather lottery conditions_morning_start time_minutes.
Weather lottery conditions_morning_start time_minutes (SEQ09371)
unsigned char from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::weatherLotConditionStart_Night_Hour { 19 } |
Weather lottery conditions_night_start time_hour.
Weather lottery conditions_night_start time_hour (SEQ09371)
unsigned char from::paramdef::GAME_SYSTEM_COMMON_PARAM_ST::weatherLotConditionStart_Night_Minute { 0 } |
Weather lottery conditions_night_start time_minutes.
Weather lottery conditions_night_start time_minutes (SEQ09371)
Default extended distance of map point discovery area [m].
The default extended distance for the map point discovery area. When the "discovery area overwrite area" of the map point is invalid (-1), the discovery area is generated by expanding from its own area. Its extended distance
Map point participation area default extended distance [m].
The default extended distance for the map point's entry area. When the "participation area overwrite area" of the map point is invalid (-1), the participation area is generated by expanding from its own area. Its extended distance