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from::paramdef::BEHAVIOR_PARAM_ST Struct Reference

This struct was automatically generated from XML paramdefs. More...

#include <BEHAVIOR_PARAM_ST.hpp>

Public Attributes

int variationId { 0 }
 Behavior variation ID.
int behaviorJudgeId { 0 }
 Action judgment ID.
unsigned char ezStateBehaviorType_old { 0 }
 For ID rules.
unsigned char refType { 0 }
 Reference ID type.
int refId { -1 }
 Reference ID.
float consumeSA { 0.f }
 Consumption SA.
int stamina { 0 }
 Consumption stamina.
int consumeDurability { 0 }
 Weapon durability consumption (only when using missiles)
unsigned char category { 0 }
unsigned char heroPoint { 0 }
 Consumer nature.

Detailed Description

This struct was automatically generated from XML paramdefs.

Member Data Documentation

◆ behaviorJudgeId

int from::paramdef::BEHAVIOR_PARAM_ST::behaviorJudgeId { 0 }

Action judgment ID.

Used when calculating the ID for attack parameters. This ID matches the action judgment ID entered in TimeActEditor. It is not used directly on the actual machine.

◆ category

unsigned char from::paramdef::BEHAVIOR_PARAM_ST::category { 0 }


Since there are effects (enchantment weapons, etc.) whose parameters fluctuate depending on skills, magic, items, etc., set each action so that the determined effect can correspond to the effect such as "power up only weapon attack". Set "None" for items that do not need to be set, such as varistor.

◆ consumeDurability

int from::paramdef::BEHAVIOR_PARAM_ST::consumeDurability { 0 }

Weapon durability consumption (only when using missiles)

Set the durability of weapons consumed during action.

◆ consumeSA

float from::paramdef::BEHAVIOR_PARAM_ST::consumeSA { 0.f }

Consumption SA.

Set the amount of SA consumed during action.

◆ ezStateBehaviorType_old

unsigned char from::paramdef::BEHAVIOR_PARAM_ST::ezStateBehaviorType_old { 0 }

For ID rules.

For ID calculation rules

◆ heroPoint

unsigned char from::paramdef::BEHAVIOR_PARAM_ST::heroPoint { 0 }

Consumer nature.

Set the amount of humanity consumed during action

◆ refId

int from::paramdef::BEHAVIOR_PARAM_ST::refId { -1 }

Reference ID.

It can be used properly according to the attack power, missile, ID of special effect parameter, and refType.

◆ refType

unsigned char from::paramdef::BEHAVIOR_PARAM_ST::refType { 0 }

Reference ID type.

Specify the reference ID so that it is correct.

◆ stamina

int from::paramdef::BEHAVIOR_PARAM_ST::stamina { 0 }

Consumption stamina.

Set the amount of stamina consumed during action.

◆ variationId

int from::paramdef::BEHAVIOR_PARAM_ST::variationId { 0 }

Behavior variation ID.

Used when calculating the ID for attack parameters. It is not used directly on the actual machine.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: