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from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST Struct Reference

This struct was automatically generated from XML paramdefs. More...

#include <PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp>

Public Attributes

bool disableParam_NT: 1 { false }
 Do you remove it from the NT version output?
unsigned char disableParamReserve1: 7
 Reserve for package output 1.
unsigned char disableParamReserve2 [3]
 Reserve for package output 2.
int matchAreaId { 0 }
 Simple match area ID.
unsigned int multiPlayStartLimitEventFlagId { 0 }
 Multiplayer start limit event flag ID.
float otherDisableDistance { 0.f }
 Other distances that cannot be invaded by spirits.
unsigned int pcPositionSaveLimitEventFlagId { 0 }
 PC position save limit event flag ID.
unsigned int bossAreaId { 0 }
 Boss area ID.
short cultNpcWhiteGhostEntityId_byFree { -1 }
 NPC White Spirit Summon Ritual Summon NPC Entity ID Free Frame ID.
bool bMapGuradianRegion { false }
 Is it a map guardian area?
bool bYellowCostumeRegion: 1 { false }
 Is it the old man sign area of yellow robe?
bool multiPlayStartLimitEventFlagId_targetFlagState: 1 { true }
 Flag state to limit.
bool breakInLimitEventFlagId_1_targetFlagState: 1 { true }
 Flag state to limit.
bool whiteSignLimitEventFlagId_1_targetFlagState: 1 { true }
 Flag state to limit.
bool redSignLimitEventFlagId_1_targetFlagState: 1 { true }
 Flag state to limit.
bool breakInLimitEventFlagId_2_targetFlagState: 1 { true }
 Flag state to limit.
bool breakInLimitEventFlagId_3_targetFlagState: 1 { true }
 Flag state to limit.
bool whiteSignLimitEventFlagId_2_targetFlagState: 1 { true }
 Flag state to limit.
unsigned int warpItemUsePermitBonfireId_1 { 0 }
 Warp item permit bonfire ID1.
unsigned int warpItemUsePermitBonfireId_2 { 0 }
 Warp item permit bonfire ID2.
unsigned int warpItemUsePermitBonfireId_3 { 0 }
 Warp item permit bonfire ID3.
unsigned int warpItemUsePermitBonfireId_4 { 0 }
 Warp item permit bonfire ID4.
unsigned int warpItemUsePermitBonfireId_5 { 0 }
 Warp item permit bonfire ID5.
unsigned int warpItemProhibitionEventFlagId_1 { 0 }
 Warp item prohibited event flag ID1.
unsigned int warpItemProhibitionEventFlagId_2 { 0 }
 Warp item prohibited event flag ID2.
unsigned int warpItemProhibitionEventFlagId_3 { 0 }
 Warp item prohibited event flag ID3.
unsigned int warpItemProhibitionEventFlagId_4 { 0 }
 Warp item prohibited event flag ID4.
unsigned int warpItemProhibitionEventFlagId_5 { 0 }
 Warp Item Ban Event Flag ID 5.
bool enableBloodstain: 1 { true }
 Effective bloodstain / death illusion.
bool enableBloodMessage: 1 { true }
 Blood character valid.
bool enableGhost: 1 { true }
 Phantom effective.
bool dispMask00: 1 { false }
 Map display_display setting M00.
bool dispMask01: 1 { false }
 For map display_Display setting M01.
bool whiteSignLimitEventFlagId_3_targetFlagState: 1 { true }
 Flag state to limit.
bool redSignLimitEventFlagId_2_targetFlagState: 1 { true }
 Flag state to limit.
bool redSignLimitEventFlagId_3_targetFlagState: 1 { true }
 Flag state to limit.
bool isAutoIntrudePoint: 1 { false }
 Is it automatic generation of intrusion points?
unsigned int multiPlayHASHostLimitEventFlagId { 0 }
 Yellow robe's old man host restriction event flag.
float otherMaxDistance { 1000.f }
 Other ghost invasion range upper limit.
unsigned int signPuddleOpenEventFlagId { 0 }
 Sign pool release event flag ID.
unsigned char areaNo { 0 }
 Map display_area number (mXX_00_00_00)
unsigned char gridXNo { 0 }
 Map display_grid X number (m00_XX_00_00)
unsigned char gridZNo { 0 }
 Map display_grid Z number (m00_00_XX_00)
float posX { 0.f }
 _X coordinates for map display
float posY { 0.f }
 _Y coordinates for map display
float posZ { 0.f }
 _Z coordinates for map display
unsigned int breakInLimitEventFlagId_1 { 0 }
 Intrusion restriction event flag ID1.
unsigned int whiteSignLimitEventFlagId_1 { 0 }
 White sign limit event flag ID1.
unsigned int matchAreaSignCreateLimitEventFlagId { 0 }
 Sign accumulation registration restriction Event flag ID.
unsigned int signAimId_1 { 0 }
 Multipurpose ID 01.
unsigned int signAimId_2 { 0 }
 Multipurpose ID 02.
unsigned int signAimId_3 { 0 }
 Multipurpose ID 03.
unsigned int signAimId_4 { 0 }
 Multipurpose ID 04.
unsigned int signAimId_5 { 0 }
 Multipurpose ID 05.
unsigned int signAimId_6 { 0 }
 Multipurpose ID 06.
unsigned int signAimId_7 { 0 }
 Multipurpose ID 07.
unsigned int signAimId_8 { 0 }
 Multipurpose ID08.
unsigned int redSignLimitEventFlagId_1 { 0 }
 Red sign limit event flag ID1.
unsigned int breakInLimitEventFlagId_2 { 0 }
 Intrusion restriction event flag ID2.
unsigned int breakInLimitEventFlagId_3 { 0 }
 Intrusion restriction event flag ID3.
unsigned int whiteSignLimitEventFlagId_2 { 0 }
 White sign limit event flag ID2.
unsigned int whiteSignLimitEventFlagId_3 { 0 }
 White sign limit event flag ID3.
unsigned int redSignLimitEventFlagId_2 { 0 }
 Red sign limit event flag ID2.
unsigned int redSignLimitEventFlagId_3 { 0 }
 Red sign limit event flag ID3.
unsigned int bossId_1 { 0 }
 Area boss ID01.
unsigned int bossId_2 { 0 }
 Area boss ID02.
unsigned int bossId_3 { 0 }
 Area boss ID03.
unsigned int bossId_4 { 0 }
 Area boss ID04.
unsigned int bossId_5 { 0 }
 Area Boss ID 05.
unsigned int bossId_6 { 0 }
 Area Boss ID 06.
unsigned int bossId_7 { 0 }
 Area Boss ID 07.
unsigned int bossId_8 { 0 }
 Area boss ID08.
unsigned int bossId_9 { 0 }
 Area Boss ID 09.
unsigned int bossId_10 { 0 }
 Area boss ID 10.
unsigned int bossId_11 { 0 }
 In-area boss ID 11.
unsigned int bossId_12 { 0 }
 In-area boss ID 12.
unsigned int bossId_13 { 0 }
 Area boss ID 13.
unsigned int bossId_14 { 0 }
 Area boss ID14.
unsigned int bossId_15 { 0 }
 Area boss ID15.
unsigned int bossId_16 { 0 }
 Area boss ID 16.
unsigned int mapMenuUnlockEventId { 0 }
 Map display_event flag ID.

Detailed Description

This struct was automatically generated from XML paramdefs.

Member Data Documentation

◆ areaNo

unsigned char from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::areaNo { 0 }

Map display_area number (mXX_00_00_00)

Area number (mXX_00_00_00). Data for specifying the display position in the map menu

◆ bMapGuradianRegion

bool from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::bMapGuradianRegion { false }

Is it a map guardian area?

Whether to increase or decrease the frame of the map protection area

◆ bossAreaId

unsigned int from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::bossAreaId { 0 }

Boss area ID.

Areas with the same ID are treated as the same boss area.

◆ bossId_1

unsigned int from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::bossId_1 { 0 }

Area boss ID01.

Area boss ID. It is used to select the target boss when "Is the intrusion point automatically generated?" Is ○.

◆ bossId_10

unsigned int from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::bossId_10 { 0 }

Area boss ID 10.

Area boss ID. It is used to select the target boss when "Is the intrusion point automatically generated?" Is ○.

◆ bossId_11

unsigned int from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::bossId_11 { 0 }

In-area boss ID 11.

Area boss ID. It is used to select the target boss when "Is the intrusion point automatically generated?" Is ○.

◆ bossId_12

unsigned int from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::bossId_12 { 0 }

In-area boss ID 12.

Area boss ID. It is used to select the target boss when "Is the intrusion point automatically generated?" Is ○.

◆ bossId_13

unsigned int from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::bossId_13 { 0 }

Area boss ID 13.

Area boss ID. It is used to select the target boss when "Is the intrusion point automatically generated?" Is ○.

◆ bossId_14

unsigned int from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::bossId_14 { 0 }

Area boss ID14.

Area boss ID. It is used to select the target boss when "Is the intrusion point automatically generated?" Is ○.

◆ bossId_15

unsigned int from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::bossId_15 { 0 }

Area boss ID15.

Area boss ID. It is used to select the target boss when "Is the intrusion point automatically generated?" Is ○.

◆ bossId_16

unsigned int from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::bossId_16 { 0 }

Area boss ID 16.

Area boss ID. It is used to select the target boss when "Is the intrusion point automatically generated?" Is ○.

◆ bossId_2

unsigned int from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::bossId_2 { 0 }

Area boss ID02.

Area boss ID. It is used to select the target boss when "Is the intrusion point automatically generated?" Is ○.

◆ bossId_3

unsigned int from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::bossId_3 { 0 }

Area boss ID03.

Area boss ID. It is used to select the target boss when "Is the intrusion point automatically generated?" Is ○.

◆ bossId_4

unsigned int from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::bossId_4 { 0 }

Area boss ID04.

Area boss ID. It is used to select the target boss when "Is the intrusion point automatically generated?" Is ○.

◆ bossId_5

unsigned int from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::bossId_5 { 0 }

Area Boss ID 05.

Area boss ID. It is used to select the target boss when "Is the intrusion point automatically generated?" Is ○.

◆ bossId_6

unsigned int from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::bossId_6 { 0 }

Area Boss ID 06.

Area boss ID. It is used to select the target boss when "Is the intrusion point automatically generated?" Is ○.

◆ bossId_7

unsigned int from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::bossId_7 { 0 }

Area Boss ID 07.

Area boss ID. It is used to select the target boss when "Is the intrusion point automatically generated?" Is ○.

◆ bossId_8

unsigned int from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::bossId_8 { 0 }

Area boss ID08.

Area boss ID. It is used to select the target boss when "Is the intrusion point automatically generated?" Is ○.

◆ bossId_9

unsigned int from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::bossId_9 { 0 }

Area Boss ID 09.

Area boss ID. It is used to select the target boss when "Is the intrusion point automatically generated?" Is ○.

◆ breakInLimitEventFlagId_1_targetFlagState

bool from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::breakInLimitEventFlagId_1_targetFlagState

Flag state to limit.

Flag state that limits "intrusion restriction event flag ID1"

◆ breakInLimitEventFlagId_2_targetFlagState

bool from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::breakInLimitEventFlagId_2_targetFlagState

Flag state to limit.

Flag state that limits "intrusion restriction event flag ID2"

◆ breakInLimitEventFlagId_3_targetFlagState

bool from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::breakInLimitEventFlagId_3_targetFlagState

Flag state to limit.

Flag state that limits "intrusion restriction event flag ID3"

◆ cultNpcWhiteGhostEntityId_byFree

short from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::cultNpcWhiteGhostEntityId_byFree { -1 }

NPC White Spirit Summon Ritual Summon NPC Entity ID Free Frame ID.

NPC White Spirit Summon Ritual Summon The beginning of the free frame ID used as the NPC's entity ID

◆ disableParam_NT

bool from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::disableParam_NT

Do you remove it from the NT version output?

Parameters marked with ○ are excluded in the NT version package.

◆ dispMask00

bool from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::dispMask00

Map display_display setting M00.

Whether to display on map M00

◆ dispMask01

bool from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::dispMask01

For map display_Display setting M01.

Whether to display on map M01

◆ gridXNo

unsigned char from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::gridXNo { 0 }

Map display_grid X number (m00_XX_00_00)

Grid X number (m00_XX_00_00). Data for specifying the display position in the map menu

◆ gridZNo

unsigned char from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::gridZNo { 0 }

Map display_grid Z number (m00_00_XX_00)

Grid Z number (m00_00_XX_00). Data for specifying the display position in the map menu

◆ isAutoIntrudePoint

bool from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::isAutoIntrudePoint

Is it automatic generation of intrusion points?

Is it an intrusion point automatic generation? If it is set to ○, the intrusion position is searched by the automatically generated logic for the intrusion point.

◆ mapMenuUnlockEventId

unsigned int from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::mapMenuUnlockEventId { 0 }

Map display_event flag ID.

Map display_event flag ID (0: always displayed). Only when this event flag is set, it will be displayed in a lively manner in the map menu.

◆ matchAreaSignCreateLimitEventFlagId

unsigned int from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::matchAreaSignCreateLimitEventFlagId { 0 }

Sign accumulation registration restriction Event flag ID.

Sign accumulation registration restriction Event flag ID (Flag ON: Sign accumulation registration is permitted Flag OFF: Sign accumulation registration is prohibited 0: Sign accumulation registration is always permitted)

◆ multiPlayHASHostLimitEventFlagId

unsigned int from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::multiPlayHASHostLimitEventFlagId { 0 }

Yellow robe's old man host restriction event flag.

Yellow Coat Host Restriction Event Flag: When this flag is turned on, multiplayer as a host of Yellow Coat is prohibited. It is assumed that the block clear flag will be inserted. 0: No limit

◆ multiPlayStartLimitEventFlagId_targetFlagState

bool from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::multiPlayStartLimitEventFlagId_targetFlagState

Flag state to limit.

Flag state that limits "multiplayer start restriction event flag ID"

◆ otherDisableDistance

float from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::otherDisableDistance { 0.f }

Other distances that cannot be invaded by spirits.

Other distances that cannot be invaded by spirits. The intrusion position is searched for the intrusion points within the "other ghost invasion impossible distance" to the "other ghost invasion range upper limit" from the host position.

◆ otherMaxDistance

float from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::otherMaxDistance { 1000.f }

Other ghost invasion range upper limit.

Other ghost invasion range upper limit. The intrusion position is searched for the intrusion points within the "other ghost invasion impossible distance" to the "other ghost invasion range upper limit" from the host position.

◆ pcPositionSaveLimitEventFlagId

unsigned int from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::pcPositionSaveLimitEventFlagId { 0 }

PC position save limit event flag ID.

PC position save restriction event flag ID (flag ON: PC position save valid flag OFF: PC position save invalid 0: PC position save always valid)

◆ posX

float from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::posX { 0.f }

_X coordinates for map display

X coordinates (relative coordinates from the specified map). Data for specifying the display position in the map menu

◆ posY

float from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::posY { 0.f }

_Y coordinates for map display

Y coordinates (relative coordinates from the specified map). Data for specifying the display position in the map menu. Not actually used, but keep XYZ aligned

◆ posZ

float from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::posZ { 0.f }

_Z coordinates for map display

Z coordinates (relative coordinates from the specified map). Data for specifying the display position in the map menu

◆ redSignLimitEventFlagId_1_targetFlagState

bool from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::redSignLimitEventFlagId_1_targetFlagState

Flag state to limit.

Flag state that limits "red sign limit event flag ID1"

◆ redSignLimitEventFlagId_2_targetFlagState

bool from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::redSignLimitEventFlagId_2_targetFlagState

Flag state to limit.

Flag state that limits "red sign limit event flag ID2"

◆ redSignLimitEventFlagId_3_targetFlagState

bool from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::redSignLimitEventFlagId_3_targetFlagState

Flag state to limit.

Flag state that limits "red sign limit event flag ID3"

◆ signAimId_1

unsigned int from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::signAimId_1 { 0 }

Multipurpose ID 01.

Multi-purpose ID to be displayed in the list when setting the purpose

◆ signAimId_2

unsigned int from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::signAimId_2 { 0 }

Multipurpose ID 02.

Multi-purpose ID to be displayed in the list when setting the purpose

◆ signAimId_3

unsigned int from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::signAimId_3 { 0 }

Multipurpose ID 03.

Multi-purpose ID to be displayed in the list when setting the purpose

◆ signAimId_4

unsigned int from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::signAimId_4 { 0 }

Multipurpose ID 04.

Multi-purpose ID to be displayed in the list when setting the purpose

◆ signAimId_5

unsigned int from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::signAimId_5 { 0 }

Multipurpose ID 05.

Multi-purpose ID to be displayed in the list when setting the purpose

◆ signAimId_6

unsigned int from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::signAimId_6 { 0 }

Multipurpose ID 06.

Multi-purpose ID to be displayed in the list when setting the purpose

◆ signAimId_7

unsigned int from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::signAimId_7 { 0 }

Multipurpose ID 07.

Multi-purpose ID to be displayed in the list when setting the purpose

◆ signAimId_8

unsigned int from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::signAimId_8 { 0 }

Multipurpose ID08.

Multi-purpose ID to be displayed in the list when setting the purpose

◆ signPuddleOpenEventFlagId

unsigned int from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::signPuddleOpenEventFlagId { 0 }

Sign pool release event flag ID.

Sign accumulation release event flag ID

◆ warpItemProhibitionEventFlagId_1

unsigned int from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::warpItemProhibitionEventFlagId_1 { 0 }

Warp item prohibited event flag ID1.

Event flag ID 1 to determine the prohibition of warp items. Warp item permission Higher priority than judgment by bonfire ID

◆ warpItemProhibitionEventFlagId_2

unsigned int from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::warpItemProhibitionEventFlagId_2 { 0 }

Warp item prohibited event flag ID2.

Event flag ID 2 to determine the prohibition of warp items. Warp item permission Higher priority than judgment by bonfire ID

◆ warpItemProhibitionEventFlagId_3

unsigned int from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::warpItemProhibitionEventFlagId_3 { 0 }

Warp item prohibited event flag ID3.

Event flag ID 3 to determine the prohibition of warp items. Warp item permission Higher priority than judgment by bonfire ID

◆ warpItemProhibitionEventFlagId_4

unsigned int from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::warpItemProhibitionEventFlagId_4 { 0 }

Warp item prohibited event flag ID4.

Event flag ID 4 to determine the prohibition of warp items. Warp item permission Higher priority than judgment by bonfire ID

◆ warpItemProhibitionEventFlagId_5

unsigned int from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::warpItemProhibitionEventFlagId_5 { 0 }

Warp Item Ban Event Flag ID 5.

Event flag ID 5 to determine the prohibition of warp items. Warp item permission Higher priority than judgment by bonfire ID

◆ warpItemUsePermitBonfireId_1

unsigned int from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::warpItemUsePermitBonfireId_1 { 0 }

Warp item permit bonfire ID1.

Bonfire entity ID1 used to determine whether to allow the use of warp items

◆ warpItemUsePermitBonfireId_2

unsigned int from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::warpItemUsePermitBonfireId_2 { 0 }

Warp item permit bonfire ID2.

Bonfire entity ID 2 used to determine permission to use warp items

◆ warpItemUsePermitBonfireId_3

unsigned int from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::warpItemUsePermitBonfireId_3 { 0 }

Warp item permit bonfire ID3.

Bonfire entity ID 3 used to determine permission to use warp items

◆ warpItemUsePermitBonfireId_4

unsigned int from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::warpItemUsePermitBonfireId_4 { 0 }

Warp item permit bonfire ID4.

Bonfire entity ID 4 used to determine permission to use warp items

◆ warpItemUsePermitBonfireId_5

unsigned int from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::warpItemUsePermitBonfireId_5 { 0 }

Warp item permit bonfire ID5.

Bonfire entity ID 5 used to determine permission to use warp items

◆ whiteSignLimitEventFlagId_1_targetFlagState

bool from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::whiteSignLimitEventFlagId_1_targetFlagState

Flag state to limit.

Flag state that limits "white sign restriction event flag ID1"

◆ whiteSignLimitEventFlagId_2_targetFlagState

bool from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::whiteSignLimitEventFlagId_2_targetFlagState

Flag state to limit.

Flag state that limits "white sign restriction event flag ID2"

◆ whiteSignLimitEventFlagId_3_targetFlagState

bool from::paramdef::PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST::whiteSignLimitEventFlagId_3_targetFlagState

Flag state to limit.

Flag state that limits "white sign restriction event flag ID3"

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: