268 unsigned char unknown_0x45_1: 1 { 0 };
270 unsigned char pad1: 6;
272 unsigned char pad2[2];
324 unsigned char pad4[1];
598 unsigned char pad5[32];
605 "PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST paramdef size does not match detected size");
This struct was automatically generated from XML paramdefs.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:10
float posY
_Y coordinates for map display
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:341
bool enableBloodMessage
Blood character valid.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:217
unsigned int bossAreaId
Boss area ID.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:62
unsigned int warpItemProhibitionEventFlagId_3
Warp item prohibited event flag ID3.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:191
unsigned int bossId_13
Area boss ID 13.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:564
unsigned int redSignLimitEventFlagId_1
Red sign limit event flag ID1.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:430
bool breakInLimitEventFlagId_1_targetFlagState
Flag state to limit.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:96
float posZ
_Z coordinates for map display
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:349
int matchAreaId
Simple match area ID.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:31
unsigned char gridXNo
Map display_grid X number (m00_XX_00_00)
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:314
unsigned int multiPlayHASHostLimitEventFlagId
Yellow robe's old man host restriction event flag.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:281
bool enableBloodstain
Effective bloodstain / death illusion.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:212
unsigned int breakInLimitEventFlagId_1
Intrusion restriction event flag ID1.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:354
unsigned int whiteSignLimitEventFlagId_1
White sign limit event flag ID1.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:359
bool disableParam_NT
Do you remove it from the NT version output?
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:16
unsigned int whiteSignLimitEventFlagId_2
White sign limit event flag ID2.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:445
unsigned int matchAreaSignCreateLimitEventFlagId
Sign accumulation registration restriction Event flag ID.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:369
bool redSignLimitEventFlagId_2_targetFlagState
Flag state to limit.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:250
unsigned int warpItemUsePermitBonfireId_5
Warp item permit bonfire ID5.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:167
unsigned int warpItemUsePermitBonfireId_2
Warp item permit bonfire ID2.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:146
float otherDisableDistance
Other distances that cannot be invaded by spirits.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:46
unsigned int breakInLimitEventFlagId_2
Intrusion restriction event flag ID2.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:435
unsigned int bossId_8
Area boss ID08.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:524
bool redSignLimitEventFlagId_3_targetFlagState
Flag state to limit.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:257
unsigned int signPuddleOpenEventFlagId
Sign pool release event flag ID.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:298
unsigned int signAimId_5
Multipurpose ID 05.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:404
unsigned int breakInLimitEventFlagId_3
Intrusion restriction event flag ID3.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:440
bool bYellowCostumeRegion
Is it the old man sign area of yellow robe?
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:82
bool enableGhost
Phantom effective.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:222
bool whiteSignLimitEventFlagId_3_targetFlagState
Flag state to limit.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:243
unsigned int bossId_16
Area boss ID 16.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:588
unsigned int multiPlayStartLimitEventFlagId
Multiplayer start limit event flag ID.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:36
unsigned int bossId_7
Area Boss ID 07.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:516
float otherMaxDistance
Other ghost invasion range upper limit.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:291
short cultNpcWhiteGhostEntityId_byFree
NPC White Spirit Summon Ritual Summon NPC Entity ID Free Frame ID.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:70
unsigned int warpItemProhibitionEventFlagId_2
Warp item prohibited event flag ID2.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:183
bool redSignLimitEventFlagId_1_targetFlagState
Flag state to limit.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:110
bool breakInLimitEventFlagId_3_targetFlagState
Flag state to limit.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:124
unsigned int signAimId_8
Multipurpose ID08.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:425
unsigned int signAimId_1
Multipurpose ID 01.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:376
unsigned int bossId_12
In-area boss ID 12.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:556
unsigned int signAimId_6
Multipurpose ID 06.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:411
unsigned int mapMenuUnlockEventId
Map display_event flag ID.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:596
unsigned int warpItemUsePermitBonfireId_4
Warp item permit bonfire ID4.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:160
unsigned int signAimId_7
Multipurpose ID 07.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:418
bool bMapGuradianRegion
Is it a map guardian area?
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:77
unsigned int bossId_15
Area boss ID15.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:580
unsigned char areaNo
Map display_area number (mXX_00_00_00)
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:306
unsigned int bossId_2
Area boss ID02.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:476
unsigned int bossId_14
Area boss ID14.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:572
bool whiteSignLimitEventFlagId_1_targetFlagState
Flag state to limit.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:103
unsigned char disableParamReserve2[3]
Reserve for package output 2.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:26
unsigned int redSignLimitEventFlagId_2
Red sign limit event flag ID2.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:455
unsigned int warpItemProhibitionEventFlagId_1
Warp item prohibited event flag ID1.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:175
unsigned int signAimId_3
Multipurpose ID 03.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:390
unsigned int bossId_5
Area Boss ID 05.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:500
unsigned int bossId_3
Area boss ID03.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:484
unsigned int bossId_10
Area boss ID 10.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:540
unsigned int warpItemUsePermitBonfireId_1
Warp item permit bonfire ID1.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:139
bool isAutoIntrudePoint
Is it automatic generation of intrusion points?
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:266
bool multiPlayStartLimitEventFlagId_targetFlagState
Flag state to limit.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:89
unsigned int bossId_4
Area boss ID04.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:492
unsigned int bossId_1
Area boss ID01.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:468
unsigned int pcPositionSaveLimitEventFlagId
PC position save limit event flag ID.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:55
unsigned int bossId_9
Area Boss ID 09.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:532
bool whiteSignLimitEventFlagId_2_targetFlagState
Flag state to limit.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:131
unsigned int signAimId_2
Multipurpose ID 02.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:383
unsigned char disableParamReserve1
Reserve for package output 1.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:21
unsigned int warpItemProhibitionEventFlagId_4
Warp item prohibited event flag ID4.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:199
unsigned int bossId_11
In-area boss ID 11.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:548
bool breakInLimitEventFlagId_2_targetFlagState
Flag state to limit.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:117
unsigned int whiteSignLimitEventFlagId_3
White sign limit event flag ID3.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:450
unsigned int bossId_6
Area Boss ID 06.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:508
unsigned int redSignLimitEventFlagId_3
Red sign limit event flag ID3.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:460
float posX
_X coordinates for map display
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:332
unsigned int signAimId_4
Multipurpose ID 04.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:397
unsigned int warpItemUsePermitBonfireId_3
Warp item permit bonfire ID3.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:153
bool dispMask00
Map display_display setting M00.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:229
unsigned char gridZNo
Map display_grid Z number (m00_00_XX_00)
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:322
bool dispMask01
For map display_Display setting M01.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:236
unsigned int warpItemProhibitionEventFlagId_5
Warp Item Ban Event Flag ID 5.
Definition PLAY_REGION_PARAM_ST.hpp:207