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from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST Struct Reference

This struct was automatically generated from XML paramdefs. More...

#include <NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp>

Public Attributes

bool disableParam_NT: 1 { false }
 Do you remove it from the NT version output?
unsigned char disableParamReserve1: 7
 Reserve for package output 1.
unsigned char disableParamReserve2 [3]
 Reserve for package output 2.
int behaviorVariationId { 0 }
 Behavior variation ID.
int resistCorrectId_poison { -1 }
 Poison resistance correction rule ID.
int nameId { -1 }
 NPC name ID.
float turnVellocity { 0.f }
 Turning speed [deg / sec].
float hitHeight { 0.f }
 Height per map [m].
float hitRadius { 0.f }
 Radius per map [m].
unsigned int weight { 0 }
 Weight [kg].
float hitYOffset { 0.f }
 Display position Y offset [m].
unsigned int hp { 0 }
unsigned int mp { 0 }
unsigned int getSoul { 0 }
int itemLotId_enemy { -1 }
 Item lottery ID_for enemies.
int itemLotId_map { -1 }
 Item lottery ID_for map.
float maxAnkleRollAngle { -1.f }
 FootIK Ankle limit angle_roll.
unsigned char chrHitGroupAndNavimesh { 0 }
 Per group and used navigation mesh.
unsigned char faceIconId { 0 }
 NPC face image ID.
short deactivateDist { -1 }
 Deactivate distance setting [m].
unsigned int chrActivateConditionParamId { 0 }
 Character appearance condition Para.
float footIkErrorHeightLimit { 0.f }
 FootIK Appearance up / down limit.
int humanityLotId { -1 }
 Human nature lottery ID.
int spEffectID0 { -1 }
 Resident special effect 0.
int spEffectID1 { -1 }
 Resident special effect 1.
int spEffectID2 { -1 }
 Resident special effect 2.
int spEffectID3 { -1 }
 Resident special effect 3.
int spEffectID4 { -1 }
 Resident special effect 4.
int spEffectID5 { -1 }
 Resident special effect 5.
int spEffectID6 { -1 }
 Resident special effect 6.
int spEffectID7 { -1 }
 Resident special effect 7.
int GameClearSpEffectID { -1 }
 Special effect ID for lap bonus.
float physGuardCutRate { 0.f }
 Physical attack cut rate [%].
float magGuardCutRate { 0.f }
 Magic attack cut rate [%].
float fireGuardCutRate { 0.f }
 Flame attack power cut rate [%].
float thunGuardCutRate { 0.f }
 Electric shock attack power cut rate [%].
int animIdOffset { 0 }
 Anime ID offset 1.
short lockGazePoint0 { -1 }
 Gaze point of Rock Damipoli 0.
short lockGazePoint1 { -1 }
 Gaze point of Rock Damipoli 1.
short lockGazePoint2 { -1 }
 Gaze point of Rock Damipoli 2.
short lockGazePoint3 { -1 }
 Gaze point of Rock Damipoli 3.
short lockGazePoint4 { -1 }
 Gaze point of Rock Damipoli 4.
short lockGazePoint5 { -1 }
 Gaze point of Rock Damipoli 5.
float networkWarpDist { 0.f }
 Network warp judgment distance [m / sec].
int dbgBehaviorR1 { -1 }
int dbgBehaviorL1 { -1 }
int dbgBehaviorR2 { -1 }
int dbgBehaviorL2 { -1 }
int dbgBehaviorRL { -1 }
int dbgBehaviorRR { -1 }
 ○ ○
int dbgBehaviorRD { -1 }
int dbgBehaviorRU { -1 }
int dbgBehaviorLL { -1 }
int dbgBehaviorLR { -1 }
int dbgBehaviorLD { -1 }
int dbgBehaviorLU { -1 }
int animIdOffset2 { 0 }
 Anime ID offset 2.
float partsDamageRate1 { 1.f }
 Damage group 1 Damage multiplier.
float partsDamageRate2 { 1.f }
 Damage group 2 Damage multiplier.
float partsDamageRate3 { 1.f }
 Damage group 3 Damage multiplier.
float partsDamageRate4 { 1.f }
 Damage group 4 damage multiplier.
float partsDamageRate5 { 1.f }
 Damage group 5 damage multiplier.
float partsDamageRate6 { 1.f }
 Damage group 6 damage multiplier.
float partsDamageRate7 { 1.f }
 Damage group 7 Damage multiplier.
float partsDamageRate8 { 1.f }
 Damage group 8 damage multiplier.
float weakPartsDamageRate { 1.f }
 Weak point damage ratio.
float superArmorRecoverCorrection { 0.f }
 SA recovery time correction value.
float superArmorBrakeKnockbackDist { 0.f }
 Knockback distance at SA break.
unsigned short stamina { 0 }
unsigned short staminaRecoverBaseVel { 0 }
 Stamina recovery basic speed [point / s].
unsigned short def_phys { 0 }
 Physical defense.
short def_slash { 0 }
 Slash defense [%].
short def_blow { 0 }
 Blow defense [%].
short def_thrust { 0 }
 Puncture defense [%].
unsigned short def_mag { 0 }
 Magic defense.
unsigned short def_fire { 0 }
 Fire defense.
unsigned short def_thunder { 0 }
 Electric shock defense.
unsigned short defFlickPower { 0 }
 Repellent defense.
unsigned short resist_poison { 0 }
 Poison resistance.
unsigned short resist_desease { 0 }
 Epidemic resistance.
unsigned short resist_blood { 0 }
 Bleeding resistance.
unsigned short resist_curse { 0 }
 Curse resistance.
short ghostModelId { -1 }
 Replacement model ID for wandering ghost.
short normalChangeResouceId { -1 }
 Normal replacement resource ID.
short guardAngle { 0 }
 Guard range [deg].
short slashGuardCutRate { 0 }
 Slash attack cut rate [%].
short blowGuardCutRate { 0 }
 Batter attack cut rate [%].
short thrustGuardCutRate { 0 }
 Puncture attack cut rate [%].
short lockGazePoint6 { -1 }
 Gaze point of Rock Damipoli 6.
short normalChangeTexChrId { -1 }
 Normal replacement texture character ID.
unsigned short dropType { 0 }
 Display format of drop items.
unsigned char knockbackRate { 0 }
 Knockback cut rate [%].
unsigned char knockbackParamId { 0 }
 Knockback parameter ID.
unsigned char fallDamageDump { 0 }
 Fall damage reduction correction [%].
unsigned char staminaGuardDef { 0 }
 Stamina attack cut rate [%].
unsigned short resist_sleep { 0 }
 Sleep tolerance.
unsigned short resist_madness { 0 }
 Madness resistance.
signed char sleepGuardResist { 0 }
 Sleep attack cut rate [%].
signed char madnessGuardResist { 0 }
 Mad attack cut rate [%].
short lockGazePoint7 { -1 }
 Gaze point of Rock Damipoli 7.
unsigned char mpRecoverBaseVel { 0 }
 MP recovery basic speed [% / s].
unsigned char flickDamageCutRate { 0 }
 Damage attenuation rate when repelling [%].
signed char defaultLodParamId { -1 }
 Default LOD Param ID.
signed char drawType { 0 }
 Drawing type.
unsigned char npcType { 0 }
 NPC type.
unsigned char teamType { 0 }
 Team type.
unsigned char moveType { 0 }
 Movement type.
unsigned char lockDist { 0 }
 Lock distance.
unsigned short materialSe_Weak1 { 0 }
 Weakness defense material 1 [SE].
unsigned short materialSfx_Weak1 { 0 }
 Weakness protection material 1 [SFX].
unsigned char partsDamageType { 0 }
 Part damage application attack.
unsigned char vowType { 0 }
signed char guardLevel { 0 }
 Guard level.
unsigned char burnSfxType { 0 }
 Combustion SFX type.
signed char poisonGuardResist { 0 }
 Poison resistance cut rate [%].
signed char diseaseGuardResist { 0 }
 Epidemic attack cut rate [%].
signed char bloodGuardResist { 0 }
 Bleeding attack cut rate [%].
signed char curseGuardResist { 0 }
 Curse attack cut rate [%].
unsigned char parryAttack { 0 }
 Parry attack power.
unsigned char parryDefence { 0 }
 Parry defense.
unsigned char sfxSize { 0 }
 SFX size.
unsigned char pushOutCamRegionRadius { 12 }
 Camera extrusion area radius [m].
unsigned char hitStopType { 0 }
 Do you want to hit stop.
unsigned char ladderEndChkOffsetTop { 15 }
 Ladder top termination offset [1 / 10m].
unsigned char ladderEndChkOffsetLow { 8 }
 Ladder bottom termination offset [1 / 10m].
bool useRagdollCamHit: 1 { false }
 Ragdoll per camera hit.
bool disableClothRigidHit: 1 { false }
 Disable cross-rigid hits.
bool useUndulationAddAnimFB: 1 { false }
 Whether to use front and back undulation addition.
bool isWeakA: 1 { false }
 Is it special attack A?
bool isGhost: 1 { false }
 Is it a ghost?
bool isNoDamageMotion: 1 { false }
 No damage motion when damage is 0.
bool isUnduration: 1 { false }
 Do you adjust the angle to the undulations?
bool isChangeWanderGhost: 1 { false }
 Will it be a wandering ghost?
bool modelDispMask0: 1 { false }
 Model display mask 0.
bool modelDispMask1: 1 { false }
 Model display mask 1.
bool modelDispMask2: 1 { false }
 Model display mask 2.
bool modelDispMask3: 1 { false }
 Model display mask 3.
bool modelDispMask4: 1 { false }
 Model display mask 4.
bool modelDispMask5: 1 { false }
 Model display mask 5.
bool modelDispMask6: 1 { false }
 Model display mask 6.
bool modelDispMask7: 1 { false }
 Model display mask 7.
bool modelDispMask8: 1 { false }
 Model display mask 8.
bool modelDispMask9: 1 { false }
 Model display mask 9.
bool modelDispMask10: 1 { false }
 Model display mask 10.
bool modelDispMask11: 1 { false }
 Model display mask 11.
bool modelDispMask12: 1 { false }
 Model display mask 12.
bool modelDispMask13: 1 { false }
 Model display mask 13.
bool modelDispMask14: 1 { false }
 Model display mask 14.
bool modelDispMask15: 1 { false }
 Model display mask 15.
bool isEnableNeckTurn: 1 { false }
 Whether to enable swinging.
bool disableRespawn: 1 { false }
 Is it prohibited to respond?
bool isMoveAnimWait: 1 { false }
 Do you wait for mobile animation?
bool isCrowd: 1 { false }
 Whether to reduce crowd processing.
bool isWeakB: 1 { false }
 Is it special attack B?
bool isWeakC: 1 { false }
 Is it special attack C?
bool isWeakD: 1 { false }
 Is it special attack D?
bool doesAlwaysUseSpecialTurn: 1 { false }
 Do you always make a special turn?
bool isRideAtkTarget: 1 { false }
 Is it a riding special attack?
bool isEnableStepDispInterpolate: 1 { false }
 Whether to use step-over display interpolation.
bool isStealthTarget: 1 { true }
 Is it a stealth attack target?
bool disableInitializeDead: 1 { false }
 No initial death.
bool isHitRumble: 1 { false }
 Does it vibrate when hit?
bool isSmoothTurn: 1 { true }
 Does it turn smoothly?
bool isWeakE: 1 { false }
 Is it special attack E?
bool isWeakF: 1 { false }
 Is it special attack F?
bool modelDispMask16: 1 { false }
 Model display mask 16.
bool modelDispMask17: 1 { false }
 Model display mask 17.
bool modelDispMask18: 1 { false }
 Model display mask 18.
bool modelDispMask19: 1 { false }
 Model display mask 19.
bool modelDispMask20: 1 { false }
 Model display mask 20.
bool modelDispMask21: 1 { false }
 Model display mask 21.
bool modelDispMask22: 1 { false }
 Model display mask 22.
bool modelDispMask23: 1 { false }
 Model display mask 23.
bool modelDispMask24: 1 { false }
 Model display mask 24.
bool modelDispMask25: 1 { false }
 Model display mask 25.
bool modelDispMask26: 1 { false }
 Model display mask 26.
bool modelDispMask27: 1 { false }
 Model display mask 27.
bool modelDispMask28: 1 { false }
 Model display mask 28.
bool modelDispMask29: 1 { false }
 Model display mask 29.
bool modelDispMask30: 1 { false }
 Model display mask 30.
bool modelDispMask31: 1 { false }
 Model display mask 31.
float itemSearchRadius { 0.f }
 Drop item radius correction.
float chrHitHeight { 0.f }
 Height per character [m].
float chrHitRadius { 0.f }
 Radius per character [m].
unsigned char specialTurnType { 0 }
 Special turning type.
bool isSoulGetByBoss: 1 { false }
 Do you get a boss in soul?
bool isBulletOwner_byObject: 1 { false }
 Is it a bullet owner treated as an object?
bool isUseLowHitFootIk: 1 { false }
 Do you use low hit FootIK?
bool isCalculatePvPDamage: 1 { false }
 Whether to apply PvP damage compensation control.
bool isHostSyncChr: 1 { false }
 Can only be activated when active in the host world.
bool isSkipWeakDamageAnim: 1 { false }
 Do you want to skip the weakness animation?
bool isKeepHitOnRide: 1 { false }
 When riding, do you enable the capsule around the rider?
bool isSpCollide: 1 { false }
 Is it a special character?
unsigned short def_dark { 0 }
 Dark defense.
unsigned int threatLv { 1 }
 Threat level.
float specialTurnDistanceThreshold { 4.f }
 Threshold for special turning distance [m].
int autoFootEffectSfxId { -1 }
 Foot effect identifier.
unsigned short materialSe1 { 0 }
 Defensive material 1 [SE].
unsigned short materialSfx1 { 0 }
 Defensive material 1 [SFX].
unsigned short materialSe_Weak2 { 0 }
 Weakness defense material 2 [SE].
unsigned short materialSfx_Weak2 { 0 }
 Weakness protection material 2 [SFX].
unsigned short materialSe2 { 0 }
 Defensive material 2 [SE].
unsigned short materialSfx2 { 0 }
 Defensive material 2 [SFX].
int spEffectID8 { -1 }
 Resident special effect 8.
int spEffectID9 { -1 }
 Resident special effect 9.
int spEffectID10 { -1 }
 Resident special effect 10.
int spEffectID11 { -1 }
 Resident special effects 11.
int spEffectID12 { -1 }
 Resident special effect 12.
int spEffectID13 { -1 }
 Resident special effect 13.
int spEffectID14 { -1 }
 Resident special effect 14.
int spEffectID15 { -1 }
 Resident special effects 15.
int autoFootEffectDecalBaseId1 { -1 }
 Foot decal identifier 1.
unsigned int toughness { 0 }
float toughnessRecoverCorrection { 0.f }
 Toughness recovery time correction value.
float neutralDamageCutRate { 1.f }
 Non-attribute damage multiplier.
float slashDamageCutRate { 1.f }
 Slash damage multiplier.
float blowDamageCutRate { 1.f }
 Batter damage multiplier.
float thrustDamageCutRate { 1.f }
 Puncture damage ratio.
float magicDamageCutRate { 1.f }
 Magic damage multiplier.
float fireDamageCutRate { 1.f }
 Flame damage multiplier.
float thunderDamageCutRate { 1.f }
 Electric shock damage ratio.
float darkDamageCutRate { 1.f }
 Dark damage multiplier.
float darkGuardCutRate { 0.f }
 Dark attack power cut rate [%].
signed char clothUpdateOffset { 0 }
 Cross update priority offset [m].
unsigned char npcPlayerWeightType { 0 }
 Weight setting for NPC players.
short normalChangeModelId { -1 }
 Normal time replacement model ID.
short normalChangeAnimChrId { -1 }
 Normal replacement anime character ID.
unsigned short paintRenderTargetSize { 256 }
 Paint render target size [pix].
int resistCorrectId_disease { -1 }
 Epidemic resistance correction rule ID.
int phantomShaderId { -1 }
 Applicable shader ID.
int multiPlayCorrectionParamId { -1 }
 Multiplayer correction parameter ID.
float maxAnklePitchAngle { -1.f }
 FootIK Ankle limit angle_pitch.
unsigned short resist_freeze { 0 }
 Cold resistance.
signed char freezeGuardResist { 0 }
 Cold attack cut rate [%].
int lockCameraParamId { -1 }
 Lock camera parameter ID.
int spEffectID16 { -1 }
 Resident special effects 16.
int spEffectID17 { -1 }
 Resident special effects 17.
int spEffectID18 { -1 }
 Resident special effects 18.
int spEffectID19 { -1 }
 Resident special effects 19.
int spEffectID20 { -1 }
 Resident special effect 20.
int spEffectID21 { -1 }
 Resident special effect 21.
int spEffectID22 { -1 }
 Resident special effect 22.
int spEffectID23 { -1 }
 Resident special effect 23.
int spEffectID24 { -1 }
 Resident special effect 24.
int spEffectID25 { -1 }
 Resident special effects 25.
int spEffectID26 { -1 }
 Resident special effect 26.
int spEffectID27 { -1 }
 Resident special effect 27.
int spEffectID28 { -1 }
 Resident special effects 28.
int spEffectID29 { -1 }
 Resident special effect 29.
int spEffectID30 { -1 }
 Resident special effect 30.
int spEffectID31 { -1 }
 Resident special effects 31.
float disableLockOnAng { 0.f }
 Central angle of lockable area [deg].
signed char clothOffLodLevel { -1 }
 Cross OffLOD level.
bool isUseFootIKNormalByUnduration: 1 { false }
 Whether to use FootIK results to match undulations.
bool attachHitInitializeDead: 1 { false }
 Whether to ground the capsule at the time of initial death.
bool excludeGroupRewardCheck: 1 { false }
 Do you want to remove it from the group reward judgment?
bool enableAILockDmyPoly_212: 1 { true }
 Is Rock Damipoli (for Enemy) 212 Effective?
bool enableAILockDmyPoly_213: 1 { true }
 Is Rock Damipoli (for Enemy) 213 Effective?
bool enableAILockDmyPoly_214: 1 { true }
 Is Rock Damipoli (for Enemy) 214 Effective?
bool disableActivateOpen_xb1: 1 { false }
 Excluded from open_XB1.
bool disableActivateLegacy_xb1: 1 { false }
 Excluded from Legacy_XB1.
short estusFlaskRecoveryParamId { -1 }
 HP Est Bottle / MP Est Bottle Recovery Number Parameter ID.
int roleNameId { -1 }
 Role name text ID.
unsigned short estusFlaskLotPoint { 0 }
 HP & MP Est Bottle Recovery Lottery Probability.
unsigned short hpEstusFlaskLotPoint { 0 }
 HP Est Bottle Recovery Lottery Probability.
unsigned short mpEstusFlaskLotPoint { 0 }
 MP Est Bottle Recovery Lottery Probability.
unsigned short estusFlaskRecovery_failedLotPointAdd { 0 }
 HP & MP Est Bottle Recovery Addition lottery probability at the time of defeat.
unsigned short hpEstusFlaskRecovery_failedLotPointAdd { 0 }
 HP Est Bottle Recovery Addition lottery probability at the time of defeat.
unsigned short mpEstusFlaskRecovery_failedLotPointAdd { 0 }
 MP est bottle recovery Addition lottery probability at the time of defeat.
int WanderGhostPhantomId { -1 }
 Will you be a wandering ghost using a phantom shader?
float hearingHeadSize { -1.f }
 Hearing head size [m].
short SoundBankId { -1 }
 Sound bank ID.
unsigned char forwardUndulationLimit { 0 }
 Maximum anteroposterior angle to match undulations.
unsigned char sideUndulationLimit { 0 }
 Maximum left-right angle to match undulations.
float deactiveMoveSpeed { 0.f }
 Platoon Deactive Movement Speed [m / s].
float deactiveMoveDist { 0.f }
 Distance to switch to platoon deactive movement [m].
float enableSoundObjDist { 48.f }
 Sound source effective distance [m].
float undulationCorrectGain { 0.1f }
 Correction gain value to match undulations.
short autoFootEffectDecalBaseId2 { -1 }
 Foot decal identifier 2.
short autoFootEffectDecalBaseId3 { -1 }
 Foot decal identifier 3.
short RetargetReferenceChrId { -1 }
 Retarget reference character ID.
short SfxResBankId { -1 }
 SFX resource bank ID.
float updateActivatePriolity { 1.f }
 Update and activate priorities.
unsigned char chrNavimeshFlag_Alive { 0 }
 Pre-death navigation mesh flag.
unsigned char chrNavimeshFlag_Dead { 0 }
 Post-mortem navigation mesh flag.
bool isConsideredUndead { false }
unsigned char wheelRotType { 0 }
 Wheel control type.
float wheelRotRadius { 0.f }
 Wheel radius.
float retargetMoveRate { 1.f }
 Retarget movement amount magnification.
float ladderWarpOffset { 0.f }
 Ladder warp position offset.
int loadAssetId { -1 }
 Load asset ID.
int overlapCameraDmypolyId { -1 }
 Overlap camera target lock Damipoli ID.
int residentMaterialExParamId00 { -1 }
 Resident Material Expansion Para ID0.
int residentMaterialExParamId01 { -1 }
 Resident Material Expansion Para ID1.
int residentMaterialExParamId02 { -1 }
 Resident Material Expansion Para ID2.
int residentMaterialExParamId03 { -1 }
 Resident Material Expansion Para ID3.
int residentMaterialExParamId04 { -1 }
 Resident Material Expansion Para ID4.
int sleepCollectorItemLotId_enemy { -1 }
 Item lottery ID_for enemies.
int sleepCollectorItemLotId_map { -1 }
 Nemuri item lottery ID_for map.
float footIkErrorOnGain { 0.1f }
 FootIK Appearance height correction ON gain value.
float footIkErrorOffGain { 0.4f }
 FootIK Appearance height correction OFF gain value.
short SoundAddBankId { -1 }
 Additional sound bank ID.
unsigned char materialVariationValue { 0 }
 Defensive material variation value.
unsigned char materialVariationValue_Weak { 0 }
 Weakness defense material variation value.
float superArmorDurability { 0.f }
 SA endurance.
float saRecoveryRate { 1.f }
 SA recovery speed correction value.
float saGuardCutRate { 0.f }
 SA attack cut rate [%].
int resistCorrectId_blood { -1 }
 Bleeding resistance correction rule ID.
int resistCorrectId_curse { -1 }
 Curse resistance correction rule ID.
int resistCorrectId_freeze { -1 }
 Cold resistance correction rule ID.
int resistCorrectId_sleep { -1 }
 Sleep tolerance correction rule ID.
int resistCorrectId_madness { -1 }
 Madness resistance correction rule ID.
unsigned int chrDeadTutorialFlagId { 0 }
 Character death tutorial judgment flag ID.
float stepDispInterpolateTime { 0.5f }
 Step crossing display interpolation time.
float stepDispInterpolateTriggerValue { 0.6f }
 Step crossing display activation judgment value.
float lockScoreOffset { 0.f }
 Lock score correction value.
int dlcGameClearSpEffectID { 0 }

Detailed Description

This struct was automatically generated from XML paramdefs.

Member Data Documentation

◆ animIdOffset

int from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::animIdOffset { 0 }

Anime ID offset 1.

All animations will be played with IDs shifted by this number. If not, the original anime ID is referenced.

◆ animIdOffset2

int from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::animIdOffset2 { 0 }

Anime ID offset 2.

All animations will be played with IDs shifted by this number. If not, the animation ID of the animation ID offset 1 is referred to.

◆ autoFootEffectDecalBaseId1

int from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::autoFootEffectDecalBaseId1 { -1 }

Foot decal identifier 1.

Decal to be attached when a foot effect occurs. Floor material is also taken into consideration

◆ autoFootEffectDecalBaseId2

short from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::autoFootEffectDecalBaseId2 { -1 }

Foot decal identifier 2.

Decal to be attached when a foot effect occurs. Floor material is also taken into consideration

◆ autoFootEffectDecalBaseId3

short from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::autoFootEffectDecalBaseId3 { -1 }

Foot decal identifier 3.

Decal to be attached when a foot effect occurs. Floor material is also taken into consideration

◆ autoFootEffectSfxId

int from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::autoFootEffectSfxId { -1 }

Foot effect identifier.

The SFX identifier used in the automatic foot effect. (ZZZ of XYYZZZ)

◆ behaviorVariationId

int from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::behaviorVariationId { 0 }

Behavior variation ID.

Variation ID used when calculating the action ID.

◆ bloodGuardResist

signed char from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::bloodGuardResist { 0 }

Bleeding attack cut rate [%].

How much to cut the attack power (set as a special effect parameter) to make bleeding

◆ blowDamageCutRate

float from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::blowDamageCutRate { 1.f }

Batter damage multiplier.

Batter damage multiplier. The final damage value is the value obtained by multiplying the damage calculation result by this value.

◆ blowGuardCutRate

short from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::blowGuardCutRate { 0 }

Batter attack cut rate [%].

Looking at the attack type, what percentage of the damage of the hit attribute is cut? Specify

◆ burnSfxType

unsigned char from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::burnSfxType { 0 }

Combustion SFX type.

SFX type at the time of combustion

◆ chrActivateConditionParamId

unsigned int from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::chrActivateConditionParamId { 0 }

Character appearance condition Para.

Character appearance condition parameter ID

◆ chrDeadTutorialFlagId

unsigned int from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::chrDeadTutorialFlagId { 0 }

Character death tutorial judgment flag ID.

Event flag ID for the tutorial when the character is defeated for the first time. Flag ON when the character dies.

◆ chrHitGroupAndNavimesh

unsigned char from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::chrHitGroupAndNavimesh { 0 }

Per group and used navigation mesh.

Set the hit judgment with other characters (If you hit the ragdoll, other characters will hit the ragdoll)

◆ chrHitHeight

float from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::chrHitHeight { 0.f }

Height per character [m].

The height of the capsule per character.

◆ chrHitRadius

float from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::chrHitRadius { 0.f }

Radius per character [m].

Radius of capsule per character.

◆ chrNavimeshFlag_Alive

unsigned char from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::chrNavimeshFlag_Alive { 0 }

Pre-death navigation mesh flag.

Flag the value of the touching Nav Mesh while the character is alive. Does not follow the movement.

◆ chrNavimeshFlag_Dead

unsigned char from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::chrNavimeshFlag_Dead { 0 }

Post-mortem navigation mesh flag.

Flag the value on the touching Nav Mesh while the character is dying. Does not follow the movement.

◆ clothOffLodLevel

signed char from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::clothOffLodLevel { -1 }

Cross OffLOD level.

Set the LOD level to turn off cross processing

◆ curseGuardResist

signed char from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::curseGuardResist { 0 }

Curse attack cut rate [%].

How much to cut the attack power (set as a special effect parameter) to make a curse

◆ darkDamageCutRate

float from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::darkDamageCutRate { 1.f }

Dark damage multiplier.

Dark damage multiplier. The final damage value is the value obtained by multiplying the damage calculation result by this value.

◆ darkGuardCutRate

float from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::darkGuardCutRate { 0.f }

Dark attack power cut rate [%].

How much to cut the dark attack?

◆ dbgBehaviorL1

int from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::dbgBehaviorL1 { -1 }


Register the ID from the action parameter tool and specify the action.

◆ dbgBehaviorL2

int from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::dbgBehaviorL2 { -1 }


Register the ID from the action parameter tool and specify the action.

◆ dbgBehaviorLD

int from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::dbgBehaviorLD { -1 }

Register the ID from the action parameter tool and specify the action.

◆ dbgBehaviorLL

int from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::dbgBehaviorLL { -1 }

Register the ID from the action parameter tool and specify the action.

◆ dbgBehaviorLR

int from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::dbgBehaviorLR { -1 }

Register the ID from the action parameter tool and specify the action.

◆ dbgBehaviorLU

int from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::dbgBehaviorLU { -1 }

Register the ID from the action parameter tool and specify the action.

◆ dbgBehaviorR1

int from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::dbgBehaviorR1 { -1 }


Register the ID from the action parameter tool and specify the action.

◆ dbgBehaviorR2

int from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::dbgBehaviorR2 { -1 }


Register the ID from the action parameter tool and specify the action.

◆ dbgBehaviorRD

int from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::dbgBehaviorRD { -1 }


Register the ID from the action parameter tool and specify the action.

◆ dbgBehaviorRL

int from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::dbgBehaviorRL { -1 }

Register the ID from the action parameter tool and specify the action.

◆ dbgBehaviorRR

int from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::dbgBehaviorRR { -1 }

○ ○

Register the ID from the action parameter tool and specify the action.

◆ dbgBehaviorRU

int from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::dbgBehaviorRU { -1 }

Register the ID from the action parameter tool and specify the action.

◆ deactivateDist

short from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::deactivateDist { -1 }

Deactivate distance setting [m].

Distance at which the character is deactivated (valid only for open placement characters)

◆ def_blow

short from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::def_blow { 0 }

Blow defense [%].

Look at the attack attribute, and if it is a hit attribute, reduce the defense power.

◆ def_dark

unsigned short from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::def_dark { 0 }

Dark defense.

Damage reduction base value for dark attacks.

◆ def_fire

unsigned short from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::def_fire { 0 }

Fire defense.

Damage reduction base value against fire attack.

◆ def_mag

unsigned short from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::def_mag { 0 }

Magic defense.

Damage reduction base value for magic attacks.

◆ def_phys

unsigned short from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::def_phys { 0 }

Physical defense.

Damage reduction base value for physical attacks.

◆ def_slash

short from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::def_slash { 0 }

Slash defense [%].

Look at the attack attribute, and if it is a slash attribute, reduce the defense power.

◆ def_thrust

short from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::def_thrust { 0 }

Puncture defense [%].

Look at the attack attribute, and if it is a piercing attribute, reduce the defense power.

◆ def_thunder

unsigned short from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::def_thunder { 0 }

Electric shock defense.

Damage reduction base value against electric shock attack.

◆ defaultLodParamId

signed char from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::defaultLodParamId { -1 }

Default LOD Param ID.

Default LOD Param ID (-1: None)

◆ defFlickPower

unsigned short from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::defFlickPower { 0 }

Repellent defense.

Used to determine the repelling of enemy attacks. // It is intended to be repelled by normal attacks other than guards. // Enemies with a hard skin can be repelled without doing anything ... It doesn't matter if it is a normal enemy.

◆ disableClothRigidHit

bool from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::disableClothRigidHit

Disable cross-rigid hits.

If you want to prevent the cross rigid from hitting you ○

◆ disableInitializeDead

bool from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::disableInitializeDead

No initial death.

If you do not make an initial death, TRUE, even if you kill and save it, the corpse will not be reproduced.

◆ disableLockOnAng

float from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::disableLockOnAng { 0.f }

Central angle of lockable area [deg].

Create a conical lock-on non-lockable area beneath the enemy. The angle of the size of the cone. Can be changed temporarily from TAE

◆ disableParam_NT

bool from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::disableParam_NT

Do you remove it from the NT version output?

Parameters marked with ○ are excluded in the NT version package.

◆ disableRespawn

bool from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::disableRespawn

Is it prohibited to respond?

Do you ban respawn?

◆ diseaseGuardResist

signed char from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::diseaseGuardResist { 0 }

Epidemic attack cut rate [%].

How much to cut the attack power (set as a special effect parameter) to make it a plague

◆ doesAlwaysUseSpecialTurn

bool from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::doesAlwaysUseSpecialTurn

Do you always make a special turn?

Always execute a special turn (even if there is no navigation mesh at the turn destination, the special turn is continuously executed)

◆ dropType

unsigned short from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::dropType { 0 }

Display format of drop items.

Display method when dropping an item (corpse emission or item display)

◆ enableSoundObjDist

float from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::enableSoundObjDist { 48.f }

Sound source effective distance [m].

The distance from the player for which the character sound source is valid. -1: Effective at all distances

◆ estusFlaskLotPoint

unsigned short from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::estusFlaskLotPoint { 0 }

HP & MP Est Bottle Recovery Lottery Probability.

HP / MP est recovery probability when defeating an enemy. The numerator is obtained from the NPC para with 10000 as the denominator.

◆ estusFlaskRecovery_failedLotPointAdd

unsigned short from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::estusFlaskRecovery_failedLotPointAdd { 0 }

HP & MP Est Bottle Recovery Addition lottery probability at the time of defeat.

Next time probability increase value when you miss the HP / MP est recovery lottery. Addition value of numerator.

◆ estusFlaskRecoveryParamId

short from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::estusFlaskRecoveryParamId { -1 }

HP Est Bottle / MP Est Bottle Recovery Number Parameter ID.

When the character dies, the data ID of the est usage count recovery parameter .xlsm, which is the same as the value, is acquired and the est bottle is recovered. Unused if -1

◆ excludeGroupRewardCheck

bool from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::excludeGroupRewardCheck

Do you want to remove it from the group reward judgment?

Group reward: In the judgment of "all dead", characters with this parameter ○ are excluded from the judgment.

◆ faceIconId

unsigned char from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::faceIconId { 0 }

NPC face image ID.

NPC face image ID (0: invalid value (default)). Specify the ID of the face image to be displayed in the "Sign browsing menu", "Kick menu", etc. If it is an invalid value, the dress-up model is displayed.

◆ fireDamageCutRate

float from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::fireDamageCutRate { 1.f }

Flame damage multiplier.

Flame damage multiplier. The final damage value is the value obtained by multiplying the damage calculation result by this value.

◆ fireGuardCutRate

float from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::fireGuardCutRate { 0.f }

Flame attack power cut rate [%].

How much to cut the fire attack?

◆ flickDamageCutRate

unsigned char from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::flickDamageCutRate { 0 }

Damage attenuation rate when repelling [%].

Set a value to attenuate damage when repelling an attack

◆ forwardUndulationLimit

unsigned char from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::forwardUndulationLimit { 0 }

Maximum anteroposterior angle to match undulations.

The upper limit angle when adjusting the front-back angle to the undulation. If the total length is long, it is better to set it lower.

◆ freezeGuardResist

signed char from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::freezeGuardResist { 0 }

Cold attack cut rate [%].

How much to cut the attack power against cold air (set as a special effect parameter)

◆ getSoul

unsigned int from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::getSoul { 0 }


The amount of soul that a character can get at the time of death.

◆ ghostModelId

short from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::ghostModelId { -1 }

Replacement model ID for wandering ghost.

Replacement model when wandering ghost, texture ID

◆ guardAngle

short from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::guardAngle { 0 }

Guard range [deg].

Defense range angle when guarding weapons. Pending

◆ guardLevel

signed char from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::guardLevel { 0 }

Guard level.

When guarding, which guard motion will the enemy attack? Decide

◆ hearingHeadSize

float from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::hearingHeadSize { -1.f }

Hearing head size [m].

The offset size to be set instead of the capsule offset at the time of hearing judgment. Use this value as an offset only if it is set to 0 or higher.

◆ hitHeight

float from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::hitHeight { 0.f }

Height per map [m].

The height of the capsule per character.

◆ hitRadius

float from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::hitRadius { 0.f }

Radius per map [m].

Radius of capsule per character.

◆ hitStopType

unsigned char from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::hitStopType { 0 }

Do you want to hit stop.

Setting whether to perform hit stop processing

◆ hitYOffset

float from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::hitYOffset { 0.f }

Display position Y offset [m].

Offset of the model display position in the Y (height) direction. It can be floated from the hit position.

◆ hp

unsigned int from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::hp { 0 }


Death grace.

◆ hpEstusFlaskLotPoint

unsigned short from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::hpEstusFlaskLotPoint { 0 }

HP Est Bottle Recovery Lottery Probability.

Recovery probability of MP Est when defeating an enemy. The numerator is obtained from the NPC para with 10000 as the denominator.

◆ hpEstusFlaskRecovery_failedLotPointAdd

unsigned short from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::hpEstusFlaskRecovery_failedLotPointAdd { 0 }

HP Est Bottle Recovery Addition lottery probability at the time of defeat.

The next probability increase value when you miss the HP Est Recovery Lottery. Addition value of numerator.

◆ humanityLotId

int from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::humanityLotId { -1 }

Human nature lottery ID.

Specify the lottery ID of human nature to be acquired at the time of death

◆ isBulletOwner_byObject

bool from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::isBulletOwner_byObject

Is it a bullet owner treated as an object?

If you become the owner of a bullet, a flag that applies the object's damage calculation related to the bullet. Used for damage correction by power.

◆ isCalculatePvPDamage

bool from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::isCalculatePvPDamage

Whether to apply PvP damage compensation control.

Decide whether to calculate damage as a "player" when calculating damage. If it is invalid, it is treated as an "enemy".

◆ isChangeWanderGhost

bool from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::isChangeWanderGhost

Will it be a wandering ghost?

Will it be a wandering ghost when the player is a client?

◆ isCrowd

bool from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::isCrowd

Whether to reduce crowd processing.

Do you want to reduce the processing load during crowds? For babies (preferably phalanx)

◆ isEnableNeckTurn

bool from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::isEnableNeckTurn

Whether to enable swinging.

Do you want to enable the swing set in Param Weaver?

◆ isGhost

bool from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::isGhost

Is it a ghost?

The opponent's attack will be able to slip through. The attack hits only when the "anti-spirit weapon" of the weapon para is attacked with the weapon of ○. Be careful not to confuse it with a wandering ghost

◆ isHitRumble

bool from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::isHitRumble

Does it vibrate when hit?

TRUE if it vibrates when hit. Use when you want to change from a normal hit stop, such as a dead person.

◆ isKeepHitOnRide

bool from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::isKeepHitOnRide

When riding, do you enable the capsule around the rider?

When riding on a character with this parameter ○, the character's Atari remains while riding.

◆ isMoveAnimWait

bool from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::isMoveAnimWait

Do you wait for mobile animation?

Do you want to play the moving animation until the animation is over? (Like a mayfly dragon.)

◆ isNoDamageMotion

bool from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::isNoDamageMotion

No damage motion when damage is 0.

Do you not play the damage motion when the damage is 0?

◆ isRideAtkTarget

bool from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::isRideAtkTarget

Is it a riding special attack?

Will you be the target of a riding special attack (if you are riding)?

◆ isSkipWeakDamageAnim

bool from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::isSkipWeakDamageAnim

Do you want to skip the weakness animation?

Weakness damage Whether to skip animation playback. "Part damage rate" and "defense material" are treated as weak points just by not playing the animation.

◆ isSmoothTurn

bool from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::isSmoothTurn

Does it turn smoothly?

Whether to perform interpolation when turning between nodes in route movement

◆ isUnduration

bool from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::isUnduration

Do you adjust the angle to the undulations?

Do you match the back and forth rotation of the character with the undulations of the ground? Cannot be used for flying characters

◆ isUseFootIKNormalByUnduration

bool from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::isUseFootIKNormalByUnduration

Whether to use FootIK results to match undulations.

Do you use the FootIK result to match your character to the undulations of the ground? Cannot be used for flying characters

◆ isUseLowHitFootIk

bool from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::isUseLowHitFootIk

Do you use low hit FootIK?

Whether to use the FootIk filter for low hits

◆ isWeakA

bool from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::isWeakA

Is it special attack A?

Special attack A? Special attack A damage multiplier will be included in the calculation

◆ isWeakB

bool from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::isWeakB

Is it special attack B?

Special attack B? Special attack B damage multiplier will be included in the calculation

◆ isWeakC

bool from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::isWeakC

Is it special attack C?

Special attack C? Special attack C damage multiplier will be included in the calculation

◆ isWeakD

bool from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::isWeakD

Is it special attack D?

Special attack D? Special attack D damage multiplier will be included in the calculation

◆ isWeakE

bool from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::isWeakE

Is it special attack E?

Special attack E? Special attack E damage multiplier will be included in the calculation

◆ isWeakF

bool from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::isWeakF

Is it special attack F?

Special attack F? Special attack F damage multiplier will be included in the calculation

◆ itemLotId_enemy

int from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::itemLotId_enemy { -1 }

Item lottery ID_for enemies.

Specify the lottery ID_for enemies of the item to be acquired at the time of death. Please set only one of them.

◆ itemLotId_map

int from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::itemLotId_map { -1 }

Item lottery ID_for map.

Specify for the lottery ID_map of the item to be acquired at the time of death. Please set only one of them.

◆ itemSearchRadius

float from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::itemSearchRadius { 0.f }

Drop item radius correction.

Radius to be added as a correction to the cylinder radius of normal Item search judgment (applicable to enemy drop items. Used for large characters etc.)

◆ knockbackParamId

unsigned char from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::knockbackParamId { 0 }

Knockback parameter ID.

Set the parameter ID used for knockback

◆ knockbackRate

unsigned char from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::knockbackRate { 0 }

Knockback cut rate [%].

Decrease value when receiving knockback damage / Specifically, cut the initial knockback speed of the attacking side

◆ ladderEndChkOffsetLow

unsigned char from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::ladderEndChkOffsetLow { 8 }

Ladder bottom termination offset [1 / 10m].

Lower side of ladder end judgment offset

◆ ladderEndChkOffsetTop

unsigned char from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::ladderEndChkOffsetTop { 15 }

Ladder top termination offset [1 / 10m].

Upper side of the ladder end judgment offset

◆ ladderWarpOffset

float from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::ladderWarpOffset { 0.f }

Ladder warp position offset.

Offsets along the Damipoly Z-axis at the specified value. Both positive and negative numbers can be specified.

◆ loadAssetId

int from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::loadAssetId { -1 }

Load asset ID.

Asset ID to be read in connection with character loading (for dynamic generation of characters, etc.).

◆ lockCameraParamId

int from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::lockCameraParamId { -1 }

Lock camera parameter ID.

The ID of the lock camera parameter applied to the camera when locked on. Highest priority. Unused if -1

◆ lockDist

unsigned char from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::lockDist { 0 }

Lock distance.

Lock-on distance [m]

◆ lockGazePoint0

short from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::lockGazePoint0 { -1 }

Gaze point of Rock Damipoli 0.

Gaze at the Damipoli specified when locking the Lock-on Damipoly 22X (-1: Invalid)

◆ lockGazePoint1

short from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::lockGazePoint1 { -1 }

Gaze point of Rock Damipoli 1.

Gaze at the Damipoli specified when locking the Lock-on Damipoly 22X (-1: Invalid)

◆ lockGazePoint2

short from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::lockGazePoint2 { -1 }

Gaze point of Rock Damipoli 2.

Gaze at the Damipoli specified when locking the Lock-on Damipoly 22X (-1: Invalid)

◆ lockGazePoint3

short from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::lockGazePoint3 { -1 }

Gaze point of Rock Damipoli 3.

Gaze at the Damipoli specified when locking the Lock-on Damipoly 22X (-1: Invalid)

◆ lockGazePoint4

short from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::lockGazePoint4 { -1 }

Gaze point of Rock Damipoli 4.

Gaze at the Damipoli specified when locking the Lock-on Damipoly 22X (-1: Invalid)

◆ lockGazePoint5

short from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::lockGazePoint5 { -1 }

Gaze point of Rock Damipoli 5.

Gaze at the Damipoli specified when locking the Lock-on Damipoly 22X (-1: Invalid)

◆ lockGazePoint6

short from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::lockGazePoint6 { -1 }

Gaze point of Rock Damipoli 6.

Gaze at the Damipoli specified when locking the Lock-on Damipoly 22X (-1: Invalid)

◆ lockGazePoint7

short from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::lockGazePoint7 { -1 }

Gaze point of Rock Damipoli 7.

Gaze at the Damipoli specified when locking the Lock-on Damipoly 22X (-1: Invalid)

◆ madnessGuardResist

signed char from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::madnessGuardResist { 0 }

Mad attack cut rate [%].

How much to cut the attack power against madness (set as a special effect parameter)

◆ magGuardCutRate

float from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::magGuardCutRate { 0.f }

Magic attack cut rate [%].

If it is not a guard attack, enter 0

◆ magicDamageCutRate

float from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::magicDamageCutRate { 1.f }

Magic damage multiplier.

Magic damage multiplier. The final damage value is the value obtained by multiplying the damage calculation result by this value.

◆ materialSe1

unsigned short from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::materialSe1 { 0 }

Defensive material 1 [SE].

Determine the SE that sounds when damaged. 1. It is OK to set it by appearance.

◆ materialSe2

unsigned short from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::materialSe2 { 0 }

Defensive material 2 [SE].

Determine the SE that sounds when damaged. 2. It is OK to set it by appearance.

◆ materialSe_Weak1

unsigned short from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::materialSe_Weak1 { 0 }

Weakness defense material 1 [SE].

Determines the SE that sounds when the weak point is damaged. 1

◆ materialSe_Weak2

unsigned short from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::materialSe_Weak2 { 0 }

Weakness defense material 2 [SE].

Determines the SE that sounds when the weak point is damaged. 2

◆ materialSfx1

unsigned short from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::materialSfx1 { 0 }

Defensive material 1 [SFX].

Determine the SFX that occurs when you take damage. 1. It is OK to set it by appearance.

◆ materialSfx2

unsigned short from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::materialSfx2 { 0 }

Defensive material 2 [SFX].

Determine the SFX that occurs when you take damage. 2. It is OK to set it by appearance.

◆ materialSfx_Weak1

unsigned short from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::materialSfx_Weak1 { 0 }

Weakness protection material 1 [SFX].

Determines the SFX that occurs when the weak point is damaged. 1

◆ materialSfx_Weak2

unsigned short from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::materialSfx_Weak2 { 0 }

Weakness protection material 2 [SFX].

Determines the SFX that occurs when the weak point is damaged. 2

◆ materialVariationValue

unsigned char from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::materialVariationValue { 0 }

Defensive material variation value.

It is a value used in combination with the defense material to classify abnormal conditions, damage SFX, and SE. SEQ16473

◆ materialVariationValue_Weak

unsigned char from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::materialVariationValue_Weak { 0 }

Weakness defense material variation value.

It is a value used for variation of abnormal condition, damage SFX, SE in combination with weak point defense material. SEQ16473

◆ maxAnklePitchAngle

float from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::maxAnklePitchAngle { -1.f }

FootIK Ankle limit angle_pitch.

FootIK Ankle pitch limit angle (-1: no limit). If you have not set Foot End L S in HAT, this angle is used in common with rolls.

◆ maxAnkleRollAngle

float from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::maxAnkleRollAngle { -1.f }

FootIK Ankle limit angle_roll.

FootIK Ankle roll limit angle (-1: no limit)

◆ modelDispMask0

bool from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::modelDispMask0

Model display mask 0.

Displays the model corresponding to the display mask.

◆ modelDispMask1

bool from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::modelDispMask1

Model display mask 1.

Displays the model corresponding to the display mask.

◆ modelDispMask10

bool from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::modelDispMask10

Model display mask 10.

Displays the model corresponding to the display mask.

◆ modelDispMask11

bool from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::modelDispMask11

Model display mask 11.

Displays the model corresponding to the display mask.

◆ modelDispMask12

bool from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::modelDispMask12

Model display mask 12.

Displays the model corresponding to the display mask.

◆ modelDispMask13

bool from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::modelDispMask13

Model display mask 13.

Displays the model corresponding to the display mask.

◆ modelDispMask14

bool from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::modelDispMask14

Model display mask 14.

Displays the model corresponding to the display mask.

◆ modelDispMask15

bool from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::modelDispMask15

Model display mask 15.

Displays the model corresponding to the display mask.

◆ modelDispMask16

bool from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::modelDispMask16

Model display mask 16.

Displays the model corresponding to the display mask.

◆ modelDispMask17

bool from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::modelDispMask17

Model display mask 17.

Displays the model corresponding to the display mask.

◆ modelDispMask18

bool from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::modelDispMask18

Model display mask 18.

Displays the model corresponding to the display mask.

◆ modelDispMask19

bool from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::modelDispMask19

Model display mask 19.

Displays the model corresponding to the display mask.

◆ modelDispMask2

bool from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::modelDispMask2

Model display mask 2.

Displays the model corresponding to the display mask.

◆ modelDispMask20

bool from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::modelDispMask20

Model display mask 20.

Displays the model corresponding to the display mask.

◆ modelDispMask21

bool from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::modelDispMask21

Model display mask 21.

Displays the model corresponding to the display mask.

◆ modelDispMask22

bool from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::modelDispMask22

Model display mask 22.

Displays the model corresponding to the display mask.

◆ modelDispMask23

bool from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::modelDispMask23

Model display mask 23.

Displays the model corresponding to the display mask.

◆ modelDispMask24

bool from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::modelDispMask24

Model display mask 24.

Displays the model corresponding to the display mask.

◆ modelDispMask25

bool from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::modelDispMask25

Model display mask 25.

Displays the model corresponding to the display mask.

◆ modelDispMask26

bool from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::modelDispMask26

Model display mask 26.

Displays the model corresponding to the display mask.

◆ modelDispMask27

bool from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::modelDispMask27

Model display mask 27.

Displays the model corresponding to the display mask.

◆ modelDispMask28

bool from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::modelDispMask28

Model display mask 28.

Displays the model corresponding to the display mask.

◆ modelDispMask29

bool from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::modelDispMask29

Model display mask 29.

Displays the model corresponding to the display mask.

◆ modelDispMask3

bool from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::modelDispMask3

Model display mask 3.

Displays the model corresponding to the display mask.

◆ modelDispMask30

bool from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::modelDispMask30

Model display mask 30.

Displays the model corresponding to the display mask.

◆ modelDispMask31

bool from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::modelDispMask31

Model display mask 31.

Displays the model corresponding to the display mask.

◆ modelDispMask4

bool from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::modelDispMask4

Model display mask 4.

Displays the model corresponding to the display mask.

◆ modelDispMask5

bool from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::modelDispMask5

Model display mask 5.

Displays the model corresponding to the display mask.

◆ modelDispMask6

bool from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::modelDispMask6

Model display mask 6.

Displays the model corresponding to the display mask.

◆ modelDispMask7

bool from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::modelDispMask7

Model display mask 7.

Displays the model corresponding to the display mask.

◆ modelDispMask8

bool from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::modelDispMask8

Model display mask 8.

Displays the model corresponding to the display mask.

◆ modelDispMask9

bool from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::modelDispMask9

Model display mask 9.

Displays the model corresponding to the display mask.

◆ moveType

unsigned char from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::moveType { 0 }

Movement type.

Moving method. This changes the control.

◆ mp

unsigned int from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::mp { 0 }


Magic usage.

◆ mpEstusFlaskLotPoint

unsigned short from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::mpEstusFlaskLotPoint { 0 }

MP Est Bottle Recovery Lottery Probability.

Recovery probability of MP Est when defeating an enemy. The numerator is obtained from the NPC para with 10000 as the denominator.

◆ mpEstusFlaskRecovery_failedLotPointAdd

unsigned short from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::mpEstusFlaskRecovery_failedLotPointAdd { 0 }

MP est bottle recovery Addition lottery probability at the time of defeat.

The next probability increase value when the MP est recovery lottery is missed. Addition value of numerator.

◆ nameId

int from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::nameId { -1 }

NPC name ID.

NPC Name Message Parameter ID

◆ networkWarpDist

float from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::networkWarpDist { 0.f }

Network warp judgment distance [m / sec].

Distance to warp instead of complementary movement in network synchronization. Faster people (ex dragons) need to be longer.

◆ neutralDamageCutRate

float from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::neutralDamageCutRate { 1.f }

Non-attribute damage multiplier.

Non-attribute damage multiplier. The final damage value is the value obtained by multiplying the damage calculation result by this value.

◆ normalChangeAnimChrId

short from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::normalChangeAnimChrId { -1 }

Normal replacement anime character ID.

Replace the target animation with the specified ID Anibnd

◆ normalChangeModelId

short from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::normalChangeModelId { -1 }

Normal time replacement model ID.

Normal replacement model, texture ID

◆ normalChangeResouceId

short from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::normalChangeResouceId { -1 }

Normal replacement resource ID.

Replace resource ID during normal operation (do not use it unnecessarily)

◆ normalChangeTexChrId

short from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::normalChangeTexChrId { -1 }

Normal replacement texture character ID.

Normal replacement texture character ID (do not use it unnecessarily)

◆ npcPlayerWeightType

unsigned char from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::npcPlayerWeightType { 0 }

Weight setting for NPC players.

Equipment weight type applied for NPC players

◆ npcType

unsigned char from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::npcType { 0 }

NPC type.

NPC type. OK if Zako enemies / boss enemies are distinguished

◆ overlapCameraDmypolyId

int from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::overlapCameraDmypolyId { -1 }

Overlap camera target lock Damipoli ID.

Set the Damipoly ID (220-227) to enable the overlap camera. If it is -1, it will be invalid.

◆ parryAttack

unsigned char from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::parryAttack { 0 }

Parry attack power.

Parry attack power. Used by the parrying side

◆ parryDefence

unsigned char from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::parryDefence { 0 }

Parry defense.

Parry defense. Used by the parried side.

◆ partsDamageRate1

float from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::partsDamageRate1 { 1.f }

Damage group 1 Damage multiplier.

Magnification that adapts to damage processing for part 1

◆ partsDamageRate2

float from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::partsDamageRate2 { 1.f }

Damage group 2 Damage multiplier.

Magnification that adapts to damage processing for part 2

◆ partsDamageRate3

float from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::partsDamageRate3 { 1.f }

Damage group 3 Damage multiplier.

Magnification that adapts to damage processing for part 3

◆ partsDamageRate4

float from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::partsDamageRate4 { 1.f }

Damage group 4 damage multiplier.

Magnification that adapts to damage processing for part 4

◆ partsDamageRate5

float from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::partsDamageRate5 { 1.f }

Damage group 5 damage multiplier.

Magnification that adapts to damage processing for part 5

◆ partsDamageRate6

float from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::partsDamageRate6 { 1.f }

Damage group 6 damage multiplier.

Magnification to adapt to damage processing for part 6

◆ partsDamageRate7

float from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::partsDamageRate7 { 1.f }

Damage group 7 Damage multiplier.

Magnification that adapts to damage processing for part 7

◆ partsDamageRate8

float from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::partsDamageRate8 { 1.f }

Damage group 8 damage multiplier.

Magnification that adapts to damage processing for part 8

◆ partsDamageType

unsigned char from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::partsDamageType { 0 }

Part damage application attack.

Set the attack type to apply site damage

◆ phantomShaderId

int from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::phantomShaderId { -1 }

Applicable shader ID.

ID of the phantom parameter .xlsm to apply

◆ physGuardCutRate

float from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::physGuardCutRate { 0.f }

Physical attack cut rate [%].

Set the damage cut rate when guarding for each attack

◆ poisonGuardResist

signed char from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::poisonGuardResist { 0 }

Poison resistance cut rate [%].

How much to cut the attack power to poison (set to the special effect parameter)

◆ resist_blood

unsigned short from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::resist_blood { 0 }

Bleeding resistance.

Difficulty in getting bleeding abnormalities

◆ resist_curse

unsigned short from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::resist_curse { 0 }

Curse resistance.

Difficulty in dealing with abnormal curse conditions

◆ resist_desease

unsigned short from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::resist_desease { 0 }

Epidemic resistance.

Difficulty in getting sick

◆ resist_freeze

unsigned short from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::resist_freeze { 0 }

Cold resistance.

Difficulty in getting cold air condition abnormal

◆ resist_madness

unsigned short from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::resist_madness { 0 }

Madness resistance.

Difficulty in getting mad

◆ resist_poison

unsigned short from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::resist_poison { 0 }

Poison resistance.

Difficulty in getting poisonous

◆ resist_sleep

unsigned short from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::resist_sleep { 0 }

Sleep tolerance.

Difficulty in getting sleep abnormalities

◆ resistCorrectId_blood

int from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::resistCorrectId_blood { -1 }

Bleeding resistance correction rule ID.

When the abnormal condition is activated, the maximum value is temporarily changed by using the setting value of the abnormal condition resistance correction parameter.

◆ resistCorrectId_curse

int from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::resistCorrectId_curse { -1 }

Curse resistance correction rule ID.

When the abnormal condition is activated, the maximum value is temporarily changed by using the set value of the abnormal condition resistance correction parameter.

◆ resistCorrectId_disease

int from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::resistCorrectId_disease { -1 }

Epidemic resistance correction rule ID.

When the abnormal condition is activated, the maximum value is temporarily changed by using the set value of the abnormal condition resistance correction parameter.

◆ resistCorrectId_freeze

int from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::resistCorrectId_freeze { -1 }

Cold resistance correction rule ID.

When the abnormal condition is activated, the maximum value is temporarily changed by using the setting value of the abnormal condition resistance correction parameter.

◆ resistCorrectId_madness

int from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::resistCorrectId_madness { -1 }

Madness resistance correction rule ID.

When the abnormal condition is activated, the maximum value is temporarily changed by using the set value of the abnormal condition resistance correction parameter.

◆ resistCorrectId_poison

int from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::resistCorrectId_poison { -1 }

Poison resistance correction rule ID.

When the abnormal condition is activated, the maximum value is temporarily changed by using the set value of the abnormal condition resistance correction parameter.

◆ resistCorrectId_sleep

int from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::resistCorrectId_sleep { -1 }

Sleep tolerance correction rule ID.

When the abnormal condition is activated, the maximum value is temporarily changed by using the set value of the abnormal condition resistance correction parameter.

◆ retargetMoveRate

float from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::retargetMoveRate { 1.f }

Retarget movement amount magnification.

Magnification of movement amount at the time of retargeting

◆ RetargetReferenceChrId

short from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::RetargetReferenceChrId { -1 }

Retarget reference character ID.

Character ID to be referred to when specifying the motion retarget destination

◆ roleNameId

int from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::roleNameId { -1 }

Role name text ID.

Specify the role name at the time of summoning. -1: Use the default role name of the target spirit body. 0: No display. 1 or more: Used as a text ID.

◆ saGuardCutRate

float from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::saGuardCutRate { 0.f }

SA attack cut rate [%].

Cut rate of SA damage when guard is successful

◆ saRecoveryRate

float from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::saRecoveryRate { 1.f }

SA recovery speed correction value.

Correct the SA recovery speed by multiplying the SA basic recovery amount

◆ SfxResBankId

short from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::SfxResBankId { -1 }

SFX resource bank ID.

SFX resource bank ID can be specified -1: Use the bank of character ID (resource name)

◆ sideUndulationLimit

unsigned char from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::sideUndulationLimit { 0 }

Maximum left-right angle to match undulations.

Upper limit angle when adjusting the left and right angles to the undulations. If the total length is long, it is better to set it lower.

◆ slashDamageCutRate

float from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::slashDamageCutRate { 1.f }

Slash damage multiplier.

Slash damage multiplier. The final damage value is the value obtained by multiplying the damage calculation result by this value.

◆ slashGuardCutRate

short from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::slashGuardCutRate { 0 }

Slash attack cut rate [%].

Looking at the attack type, what percentage of the damage of the slashing attribute is cut? Specify

◆ sleepCollectorItemLotId_enemy

int from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::sleepCollectorItemLotId_enemy { -1 }

Item lottery ID_for enemies.

Specify the lottery ID_for enemies of the item to be acquired when collecting Nemuri. Please set only one of them.

◆ sleepCollectorItemLotId_map

int from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::sleepCollectorItemLotId_map { -1 }

Nemuri item lottery ID_for map.

Specify for the lottery ID_map of the item to be acquired when collecting Nemuri. Please set only one of them.

◆ sleepGuardResist

signed char from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::sleepGuardResist { 0 }

Sleep attack cut rate [%].

How much to cut the attack power against sleep (set as a special effect parameter)

◆ SoundAddBankId

short from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::SoundAddBankId { -1 }

Additional sound bank ID.

You can specify an additional sound bank ID -1 or 0: No addition (SEQ 16135)

◆ SoundBankId

short from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::SoundBankId { -1 }

Sound bank ID.

Sound bank ID can be specified -1: Use the bank of character ID (resource name)

◆ specialTurnDistanceThreshold

float from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::specialTurnDistanceThreshold { 4.f }

Threshold for special turning distance [m].

Make a special turn when the distance to the target is greater than or equal to the set threshold

◆ stamina

unsigned short from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::stamina { 0 }


Total amount of stamina.

◆ staminaGuardDef

unsigned char from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::staminaGuardDef { 0 }

Stamina attack cut rate [%].

Defense against enemy stamina attacks when guarding successfully

◆ superArmorBrakeKnockbackDist

float from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::superArmorBrakeKnockbackDist { 0.f }

Knockback distance at SA break.

Knockback distance that can be used only at the time of SA break

◆ superArmorDurability

float from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::superArmorDurability { 0.f }

SA endurance.

Super armor durability value

◆ superArmorRecoverCorrection

float from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::superArmorRecoverCorrection { 0.f }

SA recovery time correction value.

Correction value for super armor recovery time

◆ teamType

unsigned char from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::teamType { 0 }

Team type.

NPC attack hit / not hit, aim / not aim setting

◆ threatLv

unsigned int from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::threatLv { 1 }

Threat level.

Threat level. If it is 0, even if the PC is found, "FE that seems to be found" is not displayed.

◆ thrustDamageCutRate

float from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::thrustDamageCutRate { 1.f }

Puncture damage ratio.

Puncture damage ratio. The final damage value is the value obtained by multiplying the damage calculation result by this value.

◆ thrustGuardCutRate

short from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::thrustGuardCutRate { 0 }

Puncture attack cut rate [%].

Looking at the attack type, what percentage of the damage of the piercing attribute is cut? Specify

◆ thunderDamageCutRate

float from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::thunderDamageCutRate { 1.f }

Electric shock damage ratio.

Electric shock damage ratio. The final damage value is the value obtained by multiplying the damage calculation result by this value.

◆ thunGuardCutRate

float from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::thunGuardCutRate { 0.f }

Electric shock attack power cut rate [%].

How much to cut the electric shock attack?

◆ toughness

unsigned int from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::toughness { 0 }


Basic value of toughness

◆ toughnessRecoverCorrection

float from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::toughnessRecoverCorrection { 0.f }

Toughness recovery time correction value.

Correction value for toughness recovery time

◆ turnVellocity

float from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::turnVellocity { 0.f }

Turning speed [deg / sec].

Rotational speed [degrees / second] that can turn in 1 second.

◆ undulationCorrectGain

float from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::undulationCorrectGain { 0.1f }

Correction gain value to match undulations.

Set the speed when adjusting the angle to the undulations

◆ updateActivatePriolity

float from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::updateActivatePriolity { 1.f }

Update and activate priorities.

Used to determine the activation / renewal level. The larger it is, the lower the update level will be even if you are far from the player.

◆ useRagdollCamHit

bool from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::useRagdollCamHit

Ragdoll per camera hit.

Does the camera hit the enemy ragdoll? (Valid only when hitting the player)

◆ vowType

unsigned char from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::vowType { 0 }


Pledge type

◆ WanderGhostPhantomId

int from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::WanderGhostPhantomId { -1 }

Will you be a wandering ghost using a phantom shader?

Phantom shader with ID specified only on the guest side Specify the phantom shader ID and make it an illusion

◆ weakPartsDamageRate

float from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::weakPartsDamageRate { 1.f }

Weak point damage ratio.

Magnification that adapts to damage processing for weak points

◆ weight

unsigned int from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::weight { 0 }

Weight [kg].


◆ wheelRotRadius

float from::paramdef::NPC_PARAM_ST::wheelRotRadius { 0.f }

Wheel radius.

Specify the radius of the wheel [m]

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: