1657 unsigned char unknown_0x1e3{ 0 };
2216 unsigned char pad12[4];
2223 "NPC_PARAM_ST paramdef size does not match detected size");
This struct was automatically generated from XML paramdefs.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:10
bool isChangeWanderGhost
Will it be a wandering ghost?
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:944
float deactiveMoveDist
Distance to switch to platoon deactive movement [m].
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1926
int spEffectID4
Resident special effect 4.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:199
int residentMaterialExParamId01
Resident Material Expansion Para ID1.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:2055
int spEffectID31
Resident special effects 31.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1745
int spEffectID21
Resident special effect 21.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1695
bool modelDispMask11
Model display mask 11.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1028
bool modelDispMask31
Model display mask 31.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1287
float darkDamageCutRate
Dark damage multiplier.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1573
unsigned short materialSe_Weak2
Weakness defense material 2 [SE].
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1424
int spEffectID16
Resident special effects 16.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1670
signed char poisonGuardResist
Poison resistance cut rate [%].
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:816
bool disableClothRigidHit
Disable cross-rigid hits.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:900
short normalChangeAnimChrId
Normal replacement anime character ID.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1606
bool isHostSyncChr
Can only be activated when active in the host world.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1349
short lockGazePoint7
Gaze point of Rock Damipoli 7.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:714
int sleepCollectorItemLotId_map
Nemuri item lottery ID_for map.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:2086
int dbgBehaviorLR
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:381
float superArmorBrakeKnockbackDist
Knockback distance at SA break.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:480
unsigned char sfxSize
SFX size.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:859
unsigned char ladderEndChkOffsetTop
Ladder top termination offset [1 / 10m].
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:878
bool modelDispMask5
Model display mask 5.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:986
unsigned short resist_madness
Madness resistance.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:690
short autoFootEffectDecalBaseId2
Foot decal identifier 2.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1949
bool disableActivateOpen_xb1
Excluded from open_XB1.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1801
bool modelDispMask30
Model display mask 30.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1280
short lockGazePoint4
Gaze point of Rock Damipoli 4.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:295
float neutralDamageCutRate
Non-attribute damage multiplier.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1517
short normalChangeResouceId
Normal replacement resource ID.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:596
int dbgBehaviorR2
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:332
signed char sleepGuardResist
Sleep attack cut rate [%].
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:698
unsigned short def_thunder
Electric shock defense.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:544
int resistCorrectId_madness
Madness resistance correction rule ID.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:2186
int autoFootEffectDecalBaseId1
Foot decal identifier 1.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1495
int spEffectID12
Resident special effect 12.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1472
unsigned char parryDefence
Parry defense.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:854
bool modelDispMask17
Model display mask 17.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1189
float weakPartsDamageRate
Weak point damage ratio.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:466
int spEffectID24
Resident special effect 24.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1710
int spEffectID26
Resident special effect 26.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1720
int resistCorrectId_blood
Bleeding resistance correction rule ID.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:2150
bool modelDispMask28
Model display mask 28.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1266
unsigned int hp
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:92
unsigned short dropType
Display format of drop items.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:649
int spEffectID8
Resident special effect 8.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1452
float networkWarpDist
Network warp judgment distance [m / sec].
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:311
float darkGuardCutRate
Dark attack power cut rate [%].
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1580
float thrustDamageCutRate
Puncture damage ratio.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1541
int GameClearSpEffectID
Special effect ID for lap bonus.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:219
unsigned short def_phys
Physical defense.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:499
unsigned char chrHitGroupAndNavimesh
Per group and used navigation mesh.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:137
int animIdOffset
Anime ID offset 1.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:255
unsigned int toughness
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1502
int resistCorrectId_disease
Epidemic resistance correction rule ID.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1620
float blowDamageCutRate
Batter damage multiplier.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1533
int dbgBehaviorL2
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:339
int behaviorVariationId
Behavior variation ID.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:33
unsigned short resist_desease
Epidemic resistance.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:568
int multiPlayCorrectionParamId
Multiplayer correction parameter ID.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1632
unsigned char lockDist
Lock distance.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:766
bool isSoulGetByBoss
Do you get a boss in soul?
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1320
int nameId
NPC name ID.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:49
short normalChangeModelId
Normal time replacement model ID.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1599
float ladderWarpOffset
Ladder warp position offset.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:2029
bool isGhost
Is it a ghost?
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:922
int spEffectID27
Resident special effect 27.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1725
int lockCameraParamId
Lock camera parameter ID.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1665
bool modelDispMask27
Model display mask 27.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1259
int dbgBehaviorLU
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:395
float magicDamageCutRate
Magic damage multiplier.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1549
bool modelDispMask12
Model display mask 12.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1035
float superArmorRecoverCorrection
SA recovery time correction value.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:473
short RetargetReferenceChrId
Retarget reference character ID.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1965
float partsDamageRate3
Damage group 3 Damage multiplier.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:424
short SoundAddBankId
Additional sound bank ID.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:2104
short lockGazePoint3
Gaze point of Rock Damipoli 3.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:287
int itemLotId_map
Item lottery ID_for map.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:122
short autoFootEffectDecalBaseId3
Foot decal identifier 3.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1957
unsigned short materialSfx_Weak2
Weakness protection material 2 [SFX].
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1431
int spEffectID25
Resident special effects 25.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1715
int autoFootEffectSfxId
Foot effect identifier.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1401
unsigned char knockbackRate
Knockback cut rate [%].
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:657
short slashGuardCutRate
Slash attack cut rate [%].
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:611
float turnVellocity
Turning speed [deg / sec].
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:56
float magGuardCutRate
Magic attack cut rate [%].
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:233
bool isUseLowHitFootIk
Do you use low hit FootIK?
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1336
float maxAnkleRollAngle
FootIK Ankle limit angle_roll.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:129
unsigned char partsDamageType
Part damage application attack.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:787
bool modelDispMask7
Model display mask 7.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1000
bool modelDispMask9
Model display mask 9.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1014
unsigned char staminaGuardDef
Stamina attack cut rate [%].
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:676
float slashDamageCutRate
Slash damage multiplier.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1525
unsigned short resist_sleep
Sleep tolerance.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:683
bool modelDispMask24
Model display mask 24.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1238
bool modelDispMask4
Model display mask 4.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:979
unsigned short mpEstusFlaskLotPoint
MP Est Bottle Recovery Lottery Probability.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1848
short def_thrust
Puncture defense [%].
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:523
int spEffectID20
Resident special effect 20.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1690
bool isEnableStepDispInterpolate
Whether to use step-over display interpolation.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1130
bool modelDispMask1
Model display mask 1.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:958
float stepDispInterpolateTriggerValue
Step crossing display activation judgment value.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:2204
unsigned int mp
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:99
int itemLotId_enemy
Item lottery ID_for enemies.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:114
bool isRideAtkTarget
Is it a riding special attack?
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1125
float thunGuardCutRate
Electric shock attack power cut rate [%].
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:247
unsigned short resist_blood
Bleeding resistance.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:575
int dlcGameClearSpEffectID
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:2214
float partsDamageRate7
Damage group 7 Damage multiplier.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:452
bool modelDispMask16
Model display mask 16.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1182
short SoundBankId
Sound bank ID.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1900
unsigned short materialSfx2
Defensive material 2 [SFX].
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1447
bool enableAILockDmyPoly_213
Is Rock Damipoli (for Enemy) 213 Effective?
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1791
bool isWeakB
Is it special attack B?
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1094
bool modelDispMask29
Model display mask 29.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1273
short thrustGuardCutRate
Puncture attack cut rate [%].
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:627
bool modelDispMask21
Model display mask 21.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1217
bool isBulletOwner_byObject
Is it a bullet owner treated as an object?
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1329
bool modelDispMask6
Model display mask 6.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:993
unsigned short mpEstusFlaskRecovery_failedLotPointAdd
MP est bottle recovery Addition lottery probability at the time of defeat.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1875
int spEffectID2
Resident special effect 2.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:189
bool isWeakA
Is it special attack A?
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:913
unsigned char wheelRotType
Wheel control type.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:2007
unsigned short defFlickPower
Repellent defense.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:554
float disableLockOnAng
Central angle of lockable area [deg].
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1753
signed char curseGuardResist
Curse attack cut rate [%].
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:840
unsigned short def_fire
Fire defense.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:537
float thunderDamageCutRate
Electric shock damage ratio.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1565
bool modelDispMask3
Model display mask 3.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:972
bool isHitRumble
Does it vibrate when hit?
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1151
unsigned int threatLv
Threat level.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1386
float partsDamageRate5
Damage group 5 damage multiplier.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:438
unsigned char npcType
NPC type.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:745
bool modelDispMask13
Model display mask 13.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1042
unsigned short resist_poison
Poison resistance.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:561
int spEffectID11
Resident special effects 11.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1467
unsigned char npcPlayerWeightType
Weight setting for NPC players.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1592
float chrHitRadius
Radius per character [m].
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1310
bool modelDispMask18
Model display mask 18.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1196
unsigned short materialSe_Weak1
Weakness defense material 1 [SE].
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:773
unsigned char specialTurnType
Special turning type.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1315
int overlapCameraDmypolyId
Overlap camera target lock Damipoli ID.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:2045
unsigned short estusFlaskLotPoint
HP & MP Est Bottle Recovery Lottery Probability.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1832
unsigned char vowType
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:794
int spEffectID9
Resident special effect 9.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1457
unsigned short def_dark
Dark defense.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1378
unsigned char fallDamageDump
Fall damage reduction correction [%].
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:669
int spEffectID22
Resident special effect 22.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1700
int spEffectID3
Resident special effect 3.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:194
bool isSpCollide
Is it a special character?
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1371
int spEffectID5
Resident special effect 5.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:204
unsigned char faceIconId
NPC face image ID.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:146
int spEffectID1
Resident special effect 1.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:184
signed char diseaseGuardResist
Epidemic attack cut rate [%].
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:824
bool isUseFootIKNormalByUnduration
Whether to use FootIK results to match undulations.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1768
bool isMoveAnimWait
Do you wait for mobile animation?
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1078
float wheelRotRadius
Wheel radius.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:2014
unsigned char burnSfxType
Combustion SFX type.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:808
unsigned char materialVariationValue_Weak
Weakness defense material variation value.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:2120
short ghostModelId
Replacement model ID for wandering ghost.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:589
int residentMaterialExParamId04
Resident Material Expansion Para ID4.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:2070
float fireDamageCutRate
Flame damage multiplier.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1557
bool isWeakF
Is it special attack F?
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1175
float enableSoundObjDist
Sound source effective distance [m].
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1934
int spEffectID14
Resident special effect 14.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1482
float partsDamageRate8
Damage group 8 damage multiplier.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:459
int dbgBehaviorRL
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:346
bool isNoDamageMotion
No damage motion when damage is 0.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:929
float fireGuardCutRate
Flame attack power cut rate [%].
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:240
signed char clothOffLodLevel
Cross OffLOD level.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1760
float partsDamageRate1
Damage group 1 Damage multiplier.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:410
unsigned short materialSfx1
Defensive material 1 [SFX].
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1417
float superArmorDurability
SA endurance.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:2127
bool doesAlwaysUseSpecialTurn
Do you always make a special turn?
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1118
unsigned char hitStopType
Do you want to hit stop.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:871
bool isSkipWeakDamageAnim
Do you want to skip the weakness animation?
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1358
float hearingHeadSize
Hearing head size [m].
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1892
unsigned short estusFlaskRecovery_failedLotPointAdd
HP & MP Est Bottle Recovery Addition lottery probability at the time of defeat.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1857
int spEffectID23
Resident special effect 23.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1705
bool isKeepHitOnRide
When riding, do you enable the capsule around the rider?
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1366
float partsDamageRate2
Damage group 2 Damage multiplier.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:417
bool isWeakC
Is it special attack C?
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1102
float partsDamageRate6
Damage group 6 damage multiplier.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:445
bool disableParam_NT
Do you remove it from the NT version output?
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:16
bool isStealthTarget
Is it a stealth attack target?
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1135
int roleNameId
Role name text ID.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1824
int dbgBehaviorRR
○ ○
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:353
bool disableInitializeDead
No initial death.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1143
float footIkErrorHeightLimit
FootIK Appearance up / down limit.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:166
int dbgBehaviorLL
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:374
float undulationCorrectGain
Correction gain value to match undulations.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1941
bool modelDispMask8
Model display mask 8.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1007
int spEffectID19
Resident special effects 19.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1685
signed char madnessGuardResist
Mad attack cut rate [%].
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:706
int resistCorrectId_sleep
Sleep tolerance correction rule ID.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:2177
float retargetMoveRate
Retarget movement amount magnification.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:2021
signed char freezeGuardResist
Cold attack cut rate [%].
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1655
bool excludeGroupRewardCheck
Do you want to remove it from the group reward judgment?
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1781
int residentMaterialExParamId00
Resident Material Expansion Para ID0.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:2050
float chrHitHeight
Height per character [m].
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1303
short lockGazePoint5
Gaze point of Rock Damipoli 5.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:303
float saRecoveryRate
SA recovery speed correction value.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:2134
unsigned short stamina
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:487
float itemSearchRadius
Drop item radius correction.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1296
unsigned char knockbackParamId
Knockback parameter ID.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:664
float hitHeight
Height per map [m].
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:63
float lockScoreOffset
Lock score correction value.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:2209
float updateActivatePriolity
Update and activate priorities.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1981
unsigned short resist_curse
Curse resistance.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:582
bool modelDispMask25
Model display mask 25.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1245
short def_blow
Blow defense [%].
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:515
unsigned char disableParamReserve2[3]
Reserve for package output 2.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:26
bool enableAILockDmyPoly_214
Is Rock Damipoli (for Enemy) 214 Effective?
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1796
unsigned short paintRenderTargetSize
Paint render target size [pix].
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1611
int dbgBehaviorR1
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:318
unsigned int chrDeadTutorialFlagId
Character death tutorial judgment flag ID.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:2194
int resistCorrectId_freeze
Cold resistance correction rule ID.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:2168
int dbgBehaviorRU
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:367
unsigned char chrNavimeshFlag_Dead
Post-mortem navigation mesh flag.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1997
float hitRadius
Radius per map [m].
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:70
unsigned char disableParamReserve1
Reserve for package output 1.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:21
bool isSmoothTurn
Does it turn smoothly?
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1159
short blowGuardCutRate
Batter attack cut rate [%].
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:619
bool isCrowd
Whether to reduce crowd processing.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1086
int spEffectID6
Resident special effect 6.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:209
short guardAngle
Guard range [deg].
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:603
float saGuardCutRate
SA attack cut rate [%].
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:2141
short normalChangeTexChrId
Normal replacement texture character ID.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:642
unsigned short hpEstusFlaskLotPoint
HP Est Bottle Recovery Lottery Probability.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1840
float hitYOffset
Display position Y offset [m].
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:85
int residentMaterialExParamId02
Resident Material Expansion Para ID2.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:2060
bool modelDispMask19
Model display mask 19.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1203
int phantomShaderId
Applicable shader ID.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1627
unsigned char chrNavimeshFlag_Alive
Pre-death navigation mesh flag.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1989
bool modelDispMask20
Model display mask 20.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1210
float maxAnklePitchAngle
FootIK Ankle limit angle_pitch.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1640
int spEffectID0
Resident special effect 0.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:179
bool isCalculatePvPDamage
Whether to apply PvP damage compensation control.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1344
unsigned char mpRecoverBaseVel
MP recovery basic speed [% / s].
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:719
unsigned char moveType
Movement type.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:759
unsigned short materialSfx_Weak1
Weakness protection material 1 [SFX].
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:780
signed char guardLevel
Guard level.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:801
float physGuardCutRate
Physical attack cut rate [%].
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:226
int animIdOffset2
Anime ID offset 2.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:403
short estusFlaskRecoveryParamId
HP Est Bottle / MP Est Bottle Recovery Number Parameter ID.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1815
float stepDispInterpolateTime
Step crossing display interpolation time.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:2199
bool useRagdollCamHit
Ragdoll per camera hit.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:893
int loadAssetId
Load asset ID.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:2037
bool isWeakE
Is it special attack E?
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1167
unsigned char ladderEndChkOffsetLow
Ladder bottom termination offset [1 / 10m].
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:885
unsigned short materialSe1
Defensive material 1 [SE].
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1409
bool disableActivateLegacy_xb1
Excluded from Legacy_XB1.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1806
unsigned int chrActivateConditionParamId
Character appearance condition Para.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:161
int spEffectID17
Resident special effects 17.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1675
int spEffectID29
Resident special effect 29.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1735
int dbgBehaviorL1
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:325
int spEffectID30
Resident special effect 30.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1740
float toughnessRecoverCorrection
Toughness recovery time correction value.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1509
unsigned int getSoul
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:106
int humanityLotId
Human nature lottery ID.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:174
unsigned char forwardUndulationLimit
Maximum anteroposterior angle to match undulations.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1908
short lockGazePoint1
Gaze point of Rock Damipoli 1.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:271
bool attachHitInitializeDead
Whether to ground the capsule at the time of initial death.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1773
bool useUndulationAddAnimFB
Whether to use front and back undulation addition.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:905
short lockGazePoint6
Gaze point of Rock Damipoli 6.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:635
int residentMaterialExParamId03
Resident Material Expansion Para ID3.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:2065
bool isEnableNeckTurn
Whether to enable swinging.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1063
unsigned char teamType
Team type.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:752
int resistCorrectId_poison
Poison resistance correction rule ID.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:42
unsigned int weight
Weight [kg].
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:77
unsigned char sideUndulationLimit
Maximum left-right angle to match undulations.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1916
bool modelDispMask22
Model display mask 22.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1224
bool modelDispMask10
Model display mask 10.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1021
short def_slash
Slash defense [%].
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:507
bool isConsideredUndead
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:2002
bool enableAILockDmyPoly_212
Is Rock Damipoli (for Enemy) 212 Effective?
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1786
bool disableRespawn
Is it prohibited to respond?
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1070
signed char clothUpdateOffset
Cross update priority offset [m].
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1585
bool modelDispMask14
Model display mask 14.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1049
unsigned char materialVariationValue
Defensive material variation value.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:2112
int spEffectID10
Resident special effect 10.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1462
int spEffectID15
Resident special effects 15.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1487
bool modelDispMask0
Model display mask 0.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:951
unsigned short def_mag
Magic defense.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:530
float partsDamageRate4
Damage group 4 damage multiplier.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:431
bool modelDispMask2
Model display mask 2.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:965
unsigned char flickDamageCutRate
Damage attenuation rate when repelling [%].
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:726
unsigned short staminaRecoverBaseVel
Stamina recovery basic speed [point / s].
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:492
float footIkErrorOffGain
FootIK Appearance height correction OFF gain value.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:2096
short SfxResBankId
SFX resource bank ID.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1973
bool modelDispMask26
Model display mask 26.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1252
signed char defaultLodParamId
Default LOD Param ID.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:733
int spEffectID18
Resident special effects 18.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1680
bool isWeakD
Is it special attack D?
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1110
signed char drawType
Drawing type.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:738
unsigned short resist_freeze
Cold resistance.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1647
int sleepCollectorItemLotId_enemy
Item lottery ID_for enemies.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:2078
int spEffectID7
Resident special effect 7.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:214
short deactivateDist
Deactivate distance setting [m].
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:154
int dbgBehaviorLD
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:388
int dbgBehaviorRD
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:360
unsigned char parryAttack
Parry attack power.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:847
int spEffectID28
Resident special effects 28.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1730
short lockGazePoint2
Gaze point of Rock Damipoli 2.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:279
signed char bloodGuardResist
Bleeding attack cut rate [%].
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:832
int resistCorrectId_curse
Curse resistance correction rule ID.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:2159
bool modelDispMask15
Model display mask 15.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1056
int spEffectID13
Resident special effect 13.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1477
unsigned char pushOutCamRegionRadius
Camera extrusion area radius [m].
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:864
float deactiveMoveSpeed
Platoon Deactive Movement Speed [m / s].
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1921
bool modelDispMask23
Model display mask 23.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1231
float footIkErrorOnGain
FootIK Appearance height correction ON gain value.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:2091
float specialTurnDistanceThreshold
Threshold for special turning distance [m].
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1394
bool isUnduration
Do you adjust the angle to the undulations?
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:937
unsigned short hpEstusFlaskRecovery_failedLotPointAdd
HP Est Bottle Recovery Addition lottery probability at the time of defeat.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1866
unsigned short materialSe2
Defensive material 2 [SE].
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1439
int WanderGhostPhantomId
Will you be a wandering ghost using a phantom shader?
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:1883
short lockGazePoint0
Gaze point of Rock Damipoli 0.
Definition NPC_PARAM_ST.hpp:263