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Public Attributes | List of all members
from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST Struct Reference

This struct was automatically generated from XML paramdefs. More...

#include <EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST.hpp>

Public Attributes

bool disableParam_NT: 1 { false }
 Do you remove it from the NT version output?
unsigned char disableParamReserve1: 7
 Reserve for package output 1.
unsigned char disableParamReserve2 [3]
 Reserve for package output 2.
unsigned short iconId { 0 }
 Icon ID.
signed char rank { 0 }
 Magic stone rank.
unsigned char sortGroupId { 255 }
 Sort item type ID.
int spEffectId0 { -1 }
 Resident special effect ID00.
int spEffectId1 { -1 }
 Resident special effect ID01.
int spEffectId2 { -1 }
 Resident special effect ID02.
unsigned int itemGetTutorialFlagId { 0 }
 Item acquisition tutorial Judgment flag ID.
int swordArtsParamId { -1 }
 Change destination arts parameter ID.
int mountValue { 0 }
 Installation price.
int sellValue { 0 }
 Sale price.
int saleValue { -1 }
 Selling price.
int sortId { 0 }
 Sort ID.
short compTrophySedId { -1 }
 Comptrophy SEQ number.
short trophySeqId { -1 }
 Trophy SEQ number.
bool configurableWepAttr00: 1 { false }
bool configurableWepAttr01: 1 { false }
bool configurableWepAttr02: 1 { false }
bool configurableWepAttr03: 1 { false }
bool configurableWepAttr04: 1 { false }
bool configurableWepAttr05: 1 { false }
bool configurableWepAttr06: 1 { false }
bool configurableWepAttr07: 1 { false }
bool configurableWepAttr08: 1 { false }
bool configurableWepAttr09: 1 { false }
bool configurableWepAttr10: 1 { false }
bool configurableWepAttr11: 1 { false }
 11 11
bool configurableWepAttr12: 1 { false }
bool configurableWepAttr13: 1 { false }
bool configurableWepAttr14: 1 { false }
bool configurableWepAttr15: 1 { false }
unsigned char rarity { 0 }
bool configurableWepAttr16: 1 { false }
 16 16
bool configurableWepAttr17: 1 { false }
 17 17
bool configurableWepAttr18: 1 { false }
 18 18
bool configurableWepAttr19: 1 { false }
 19 19
bool configurableWepAttr20: 1 { false }
bool configurableWepAttr21: 1 { false }
 twenty one
bool configurableWepAttr22: 1 { false }
 twenty two
bool configurableWepAttr23: 1 { false }
 twenty three
bool isDiscard: 1 { false }
 Can you throw it away.
bool isDrop: 1 { false }
 Can you put it on the spot.
bool isDeposit: 1 { false }
 Can i deposit.
bool disableMultiDropShare: 1 { false }
 Is multi-drop sharing prohibited?
unsigned char showDialogCondType: 2 { 2 }
 Acquisition dialog display condition.
bool showLogCondType: 1 { true }
 Acquisition log display condition.
unsigned char defaultWepAttr { 0 }
 Default weapon attribute ID.
bool isSpecialSwordArt { false }
bool canMountWep_Dagger: 1 { false }
bool canMountWep_SwordNormal: 1 { false }
 Straight sword.
bool canMountWep_SwordLarge: 1 { false }
 Large sword.
bool canMountWep_SwordGigantic: 1 { false }
 Oversized sword.
bool canMountWep_SaberNormal: 1 { false }
 Music sword.
bool canMountWep_SaberLarge: 1 { false }
 Omagari sword.
bool canMountWep_katana: 1 { false }
bool canMountWep_SwordDoubleEdge: 1 { false }
 Double-edged sword.
bool canMountWep_SwordPierce: 1 { false }
bool canMountWep_RapierHeavy: 1 { false }
 Large sword.
bool canMountWep_AxeNormal: 1 { false }
bool canMountWep_AxeLarge: 1 { false }
 Large ax.
bool canMountWep_HammerNormal: 1 { false }
bool canMountWep_HammerLarge: 1 { false }
bool canMountWep_Flail: 1 { false }
bool canMountWep_SpearNormal: 1 { false }
bool canMountWep_SpearLarge: 1 { false }
 Long spear.
bool canMountWep_SpearHeavy: 1 { false }
 Large spear.
bool canMountWep_SpearAxe: 1 { false }
bool canMountWep_Sickle: 1 { false }
bool canMountWep_Knuckle: 1 { false }
bool canMountWep_Claw: 1 { false }
bool canMountWep_Whip: 1 { false }
bool canMountWep_AxhammerLarge: 1 { false }
 Oversized ax mallet.
bool canMountWep_BowSmall: 1 { false }
 Small bow.
bool canMountWep_BowNormal: 1 { false }
bool canMountWep_BowLarge: 1 { false }
 Large bow.
bool canMountWep_ClossBow: 1 { false }
bool canMountWep_Ballista: 1 { false }
bool canMountWep_Staff: 1 { false }
bool canMountWep_Sorcery: 1 { false }
bool canMountWep_Talisman: 1 { false }
 Holy mark.
bool canMountWep_ShieldSmall: 1 { false }
 Small shield.
bool canMountWep_ShieldNormal: 1 { false }
 Middle shield.
bool canMountWep_ShieldLarge: 1 { false }
bool canMountWep_Torch: 1 { false }
unsigned char canMountWep_HandToHand: 1 { 0 }
unsigned char canMountWep_PerfumeBottle: 1 { 0 }
unsigned char canMountWep_ThrustingShield: 1 { 0 }
unsigned char canMountWep_ThrowingWeapon: 1 { 0 }
unsigned char canMountWep_ReverseHandSword: 1 { 0 }
unsigned char canMountWep_LightGreatsword: 1 { 0 }
unsigned char canMountWep_GreatKatana: 1 { 0 }
unsigned char canMountWep_BeastClaw: 1 { 0 }
int spEffectMsgId0 { -1 }
 Effect text ID 00.
int spEffectMsgId1 { -1 }
 Effect text ID 01.
int spEffectId_forAtk0 { -1 }
 Special effect ID00 on attack hit.
int spEffectId_forAtk1 { -1 }
 Special effect ID01 on attack hit.
int spEffectId_forAtk2 { -1 }
 Special effect ID02 on attack hit.
int mountWepTextId { -1 }
 Corresponding weapon type overwrite text ID.

Detailed Description

This struct was automatically generated from XML paramdefs.

Member Data Documentation

◆ canMountWep_AxeLarge

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::canMountWep_AxeLarge

Large ax.

Can it be attached to "Weapon Type: Large Ax"? No input becomes x

◆ canMountWep_AxeNormal

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::canMountWep_AxeNormal


Can it be attached to "Weapon Type: Ax"? No input becomes x

◆ canMountWep_AxhammerLarge

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::canMountWep_AxhammerLarge

Oversized ax mallet.

Can it be attached to "Weapon type: Oversized ax mallet"? No input becomes x

◆ canMountWep_Ballista

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::canMountWep_Ballista


Can it be attached to "Weapon Type: Varistor"? No input becomes x

◆ canMountWep_BowLarge

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::canMountWep_BowLarge

Large bow.

Can it be attached to "Weapon Type: Large Bow"? No input becomes x

◆ canMountWep_BowNormal

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::canMountWep_BowNormal


Can it be attached to "Weapon Type: Bow"? No input becomes x

◆ canMountWep_BowSmall

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::canMountWep_BowSmall

Small bow.

Can it be attached to "Weapon type: Small bow"? No input becomes x

◆ canMountWep_Claw

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::canMountWep_Claw


Can it be attached to "Weapon type: Claw"? No input becomes x

◆ canMountWep_ClossBow

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::canMountWep_ClossBow


Can it be attached to "Weapon Type: Crossbow"? No input becomes x

◆ canMountWep_Dagger

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::canMountWep_Dagger


Can it be attached to "Weapon type: Dagger"? No input becomes x

◆ canMountWep_Flail

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::canMountWep_Flail


Can it be attached to "Weapon Type: Frail"? No input becomes x

◆ canMountWep_HammerLarge

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::canMountWep_HammerLarge


Can it be attached to "Weapon Type: Gavel"? No input becomes x

◆ canMountWep_HammerNormal

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::canMountWep_HammerNormal


Can it be attached to "Weapon type: Hammer"? No input becomes x

◆ canMountWep_katana

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::canMountWep_katana


Can it be attached to "Weapon type: Sword"? No input becomes x

◆ canMountWep_Knuckle

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::canMountWep_Knuckle


Can it be attached to "Weapon type: Fist"? No input becomes x

◆ canMountWep_RapierHeavy

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::canMountWep_RapierHeavy

Large sword.

Can it be attached to "Weapon Type: Large Sword"? No input becomes x

◆ canMountWep_SaberLarge

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::canMountWep_SaberLarge

Omagari sword.

Can it be attached to "Weapon Type: Omagari Sword"? No input becomes x

◆ canMountWep_SaberNormal

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::canMountWep_SaberNormal

Music sword.

Can it be attached to "Weapon Type: Curly Sword"? No input becomes x

◆ canMountWep_ShieldLarge

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::canMountWep_ShieldLarge


Can it be attached to "Weapon Type: Large Shield"? No input becomes x

◆ canMountWep_ShieldNormal

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::canMountWep_ShieldNormal

Middle shield.

Can it be attached to "Weapon Type: Middle Shield"? No input becomes x

◆ canMountWep_ShieldSmall

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::canMountWep_ShieldSmall

Small shield.

Can it be attached to "Weapon Type: Small Shield"? No input becomes x

◆ canMountWep_Sickle

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::canMountWep_Sickle


Can it be attached to "Weapon type: Sickle"? No input becomes x

◆ canMountWep_Sorcery

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::canMountWep_Sorcery


Can it be attached to "Weapon type: Tattoo"? No input becomes x

◆ canMountWep_SpearAxe

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::canMountWep_SpearAxe


Can it be attached to "Weapon Type: Halberd"? No input becomes x

◆ canMountWep_SpearHeavy

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::canMountWep_SpearHeavy

Large spear.

Can it be attached to "Weapon Type: Large Spear"? No input becomes x

◆ canMountWep_SpearLarge

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::canMountWep_SpearLarge

Long spear.

Can it be attached to "Weapon Type: Long Spear"? No input becomes x

◆ canMountWep_SpearNormal

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::canMountWep_SpearNormal


Can it be attached to "Weapon Type: Spear"? No input becomes x

◆ canMountWep_Staff

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::canMountWep_Staff


Can it be attached to "Weapon type: Wand"? No input becomes x

◆ canMountWep_SwordDoubleEdge

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::canMountWep_SwordDoubleEdge

Double-edged sword.

Can it be attached to "Weapon type: Double-edged sword"? No input becomes x

◆ canMountWep_SwordGigantic

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::canMountWep_SwordGigantic

Oversized sword.

Can it be attached to "Weapon Type: Oversized Sword"? No input becomes x

◆ canMountWep_SwordLarge

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::canMountWep_SwordLarge

Large sword.

Can it be attached to "Weapon Type: Large Sword"? No input becomes x

◆ canMountWep_SwordNormal

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::canMountWep_SwordNormal

Straight sword.

Can it be attached to "Weapon type: Straight sword"? No input becomes x

◆ canMountWep_SwordPierce

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::canMountWep_SwordPierce


Can it be attached to "Weapon type: Sword"? No input becomes x

◆ canMountWep_Talisman

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::canMountWep_Talisman

Holy mark.

Can it be attached to "Weapon Type: Holy Mark"? No input becomes x

◆ canMountWep_Torch

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::canMountWep_Torch


Can it be attached to "Weapon type: Torch"? No input becomes x

◆ canMountWep_Whip

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::canMountWep_Whip


Can it be attached to "Weapon type: Whip"? No input becomes x

◆ compTrophySedId

short from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::compTrophySedId { -1 }

Comptrophy SEQ number.

SEQ number of complete trophy

◆ configurableWepAttr00

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::configurableWepAttr00


Configurable weapon attribute ID 0

◆ configurableWepAttr01

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::configurableWepAttr01


Configurable Weapon Attribute ID 1

◆ configurableWepAttr02

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::configurableWepAttr02


Configurable Weapon Attribute ID 2

◆ configurableWepAttr03

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::configurableWepAttr03


Configurable Weapon Attribute ID 3

◆ configurableWepAttr04

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::configurableWepAttr04


Configurable Weapon Attribute ID 4

◆ configurableWepAttr05

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::configurableWepAttr05


Configurable Weapon Attribute ID 5

◆ configurableWepAttr06

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::configurableWepAttr06


Configurable Weapon Attribute ID 6

◆ configurableWepAttr07

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::configurableWepAttr07


Configurable Weapon Attribute ID 7

◆ configurableWepAttr08

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::configurableWepAttr08


Configurable Weapon Attribute ID 8

◆ configurableWepAttr09

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::configurableWepAttr09


Configurable Weapon Attribute ID 9

◆ configurableWepAttr10

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::configurableWepAttr10


Configurable Weapon Attribute ID 10

◆ configurableWepAttr11

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::configurableWepAttr11

11 11

Configurable Weapon Attribute ID 11

◆ configurableWepAttr12

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::configurableWepAttr12


Configurable Weapon Attribute ID 12

◆ configurableWepAttr13

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::configurableWepAttr13


Configurable Weapon Attribute ID 13

◆ configurableWepAttr14

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::configurableWepAttr14


Configurable Weapon Attribute ID 14

◆ configurableWepAttr15

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::configurableWepAttr15


Configurable Weapon Attribute ID 15

◆ configurableWepAttr16

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::configurableWepAttr16

16 16

Configurable Weapon Attribute ID 16

◆ configurableWepAttr17

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::configurableWepAttr17

17 17

Configurable Weapon Attribute ID 17

◆ configurableWepAttr18

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::configurableWepAttr18

18 18

Configurable Weapon Attribute ID 18

◆ configurableWepAttr19

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::configurableWepAttr19

19 19

Configurable Weapon Attribute ID 19

◆ configurableWepAttr20

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::configurableWepAttr20


Configurable Weapon Attribute ID 20

◆ configurableWepAttr21

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::configurableWepAttr21

twenty one

Configurable Weapon Attribute ID 21

◆ configurableWepAttr22

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::configurableWepAttr22

twenty two

Configurable Weapon Attribute ID 22

◆ configurableWepAttr23

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::configurableWepAttr23

twenty three

Configurable Weapon Attribute ID 23

◆ defaultWepAttr

unsigned char from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::defaultWepAttr { 0 }

Default weapon attribute ID.

Default weapon attribute ID. Can be installed even with unopened weapon attributes

◆ disableParam_NT

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::disableParam_NT

Do you remove it from the NT version output?

Parameters marked with ○ are excluded in the NT version package.

◆ iconId

unsigned short from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::iconId { 0 }

Icon ID.

Menu icon ID

◆ isDeposit

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::isDeposit

Can i deposit.

Can you leave it in the warehouse?

◆ isDiscard

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::isDiscard

Can you throw it away.

Can you throw away the item? TRUE = thrown away

◆ isDrop

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::isDrop

Can you put it on the spot.

Can I put the item on the spot? TRUE = can be placed

◆ itemGetTutorialFlagId

unsigned int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::itemGetTutorialFlagId { 0 }

Item acquisition tutorial Judgment flag ID.

Event flag ID for the tutorial when you first get the item. Flag ON when item is obtained.

◆ mountWepTextId

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::mountWepTextId { -1 }

Corresponding weapon type overwrite text ID.

Corresponding Weapon Type Overwrite Text ID (-1: Do not overwrite) [Menu Text]

◆ rarity

unsigned char from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::rarity { 0 }


Rarity used in item acquisition logs

◆ showDialogCondType

unsigned char from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::showDialogCondType

Acquisition dialog display condition.

Whether to display it in the item acquisition dialog when acquiring an item (not entered: new only)

◆ showLogCondType

bool from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::showLogCondType

Acquisition log display condition.

Whether to display in the item acquisition log when acquiring the item (not entered: ○)

◆ sortGroupId

unsigned char from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::sortGroupId { 255 }

Sort item type ID.

Sort item type ID. In the sort "Item type order", the same ID is displayed together as the same group.

◆ sortId

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::sortId { 0 }

Sort ID.

Sort ID (-1: Do not collect)

◆ spEffectId0

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::spEffectId0 { -1 }

Resident special effect ID00.

Special effect ID00

◆ spEffectId1

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::spEffectId1 { -1 }

Resident special effect ID01.

Special effect ID01

◆ spEffectId2

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::spEffectId2 { -1 }

Resident special effect ID02.

Special effect ID02

◆ spEffectId_forAtk0

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::spEffectId_forAtk0 { -1 }

Special effect ID00 on attack hit.

Special effect parameter ID for attack hit

◆ spEffectId_forAtk1

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::spEffectId_forAtk1 { -1 }

Special effect ID01 on attack hit.

Special effect parameter ID for attack hit

◆ spEffectId_forAtk2

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::spEffectId_forAtk2 { -1 }

Special effect ID02 on attack hit.

Special effect parameter ID for attack hit

◆ spEffectMsgId0

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::spEffectMsgId0 { -1 }

Effect text ID 00.

Effect text ID 00 (Gem_Effect). Magic stone effect text to display in status

◆ spEffectMsgId1

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::spEffectMsgId1 { -1 }

Effect text ID 01.

Effect text ID 01 (Gem_Effect). Magic stone effect text to display in status

◆ swordArtsParamId

int from::paramdef::EQUIP_PARAM_GEM_ST::swordArtsParamId { -1 }

Change destination arts parameter ID.

ID of the destination arts parameter

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: