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Public Attributes | List of all members
from::paramdef::NETWORK_PARAM_ST Struct Reference

This struct was automatically generated from XML paramdefs. More...

#include <NETWORK_PARAM_ST.hpp>

Public Attributes

float signVerticalOffset { 0.f }
 Sign height offset [m].
float maxSignPosCorrectionRange { 0.f }
 Sign position correction maximum distance [m].
float summonTimeoutTime { 0.f }
 Summon desired timeout time [seconds].
float signPuddleActiveMessageIntervalSec { 1.f }
 Message display interval [seconds] during registration of signature accumulation.
float keyGuideHeight_0 { 1.f }
 Key guide vertical range [m].
float reloadSignIntervalTime1 { 1.f }
 Waiting time for reacquisition of summoning sign (during depopulation) [seconds].
float reloadSignIntervalTime2 { 1.f }
 Summon sign reacquisition waiting time [seconds].
unsigned int reloadSignTotalCount_0 { 1 }
 Maximum number of summon signs you can have (overall)
unsigned int reloadSignCellCount_0 { 1 }
 Maximum number of summon signs you can have (cell)
float updateSignIntervalTime { 1.f }
 Summon sign update waiting time [seconds].
float basicExclusiveRange_0 { 1.f }
 Exclusive horizontal range for drawing between summon signs [m].
float basicExclusiveHeight_0 { 1.f }
 Exclusive vertical range for drawing between summon signs [m].
float previewChrWaitingTime { 1.f }
 Summon sign character model drawing waiting time [seconds].
float signVisibleRange_0 { 1.f }
 Summon sign PC drawing distance [m].
unsigned int cellGroupHorizontalRange_0 { 1 }
 Summon sign acquisition cell range (horizontal)
unsigned int cellGroupTopRange_0 { 1 }
 Summon sign acquisition cell range (upward)
unsigned int cellGroupBottomRange_0 { 1 }
 Summon sign acquisition cell range (downward)
float minWhitePhantomLimitTimeScale { 1.f }
 White spirit sign display time limit lower limit magnification.
float minSmallPhantomLimitTimeScale { 1.f }
 Small spirit sign display time limit lower limit magnification.
float whiteKeywordLimitTimeScale { 1.f }
 White spirit sign keyword extension magnification.
float smallKeywordLimitTimeScale { 1.f }
 Ghost sign keyword extension magnification.
float blackKeywordLimitTimeScale { 1.f }
 Dark Spirit Sign Keyword Extension Magnification.
float dragonKeywordLimitTimeScale { 1.f }
 Dragon Spirit Sign Keyword Extension Magnification.
unsigned int singGetMax { 1 }
 Sign acquisition limit.
float signDownloadSpan { 1.f }
 Sign download span.
float signUpdateSpan { 1.f }
 Sign upload span.
unsigned char signPad [4]
unsigned int maxBreakInTargetListCount { 1 }
 Number of intruders acquired.
float breakInRequestIntervalTimeSec { 4.f }
 Intrusion request interval [seconds].
float breakInRequestTimeOutSec { 20.f }
 Intrusion request timeout time [seconds].
float keyGuideRange { 1.f }
 Key guide horizontal range [m].
float keyGuideHeight_1 { 1.f }
 Key guide vertical range [m].
unsigned int reloadSignTotalCount_1 { 1 }
 Number of blood characters acquired (overall)
unsigned int reloadNewSignCellCount { 1 }
 Number of blood characters acquired (cell, new order)
unsigned int reloadRandomSignCellCount { 1 }
 Number of blood characters acquired (cell, random)
unsigned int maxSignTotalCount_0 { 1 }
 Upper limit of the number of blood characters that can be possessed (overall)
unsigned int maxSignCellCount_0 { 1 }
 Upper limit of the number of blood characters that can be possessed (cell)
float basicExclusiveRange_1 { 1.f }
 Blood character drawing exclusive horizontal range [m].
float basicExclusiveHeight_1 { 1.f }
 Blood character drawing exclusive vertical range [m].
float signVisibleRange_1 { 1.f }
 Blood character PC drawing distance [m].
unsigned int maxWriteSignCount { 1 }
 Maximum number of written blood characters history.
unsigned int maxReadSignCount { 1 }
 Maximum number of blood characters read.
float reloadSignIntervalTime_0 { 1.f }
 Blood character reacquisition waiting time [seconds].
unsigned int cellGroupHorizontalRange_1 { 1 }
 Blood character acquisition cell range (horizontal)
unsigned int cellGroupTopRange_1 { 1 }
 Blood character acquisition cell range (upward)
unsigned int cellGroupBottomRange_1 { 1 }
 Blood character acquisition cell range (downward)
unsigned int lifeTime_0 { 1 }
 Blood character data retention period upper limit [seconds].
float downloadSpan_0 { 0.f }
 Blood character download interval.
float downloadEvaluationSpan { 0.f }
 Blood character evaluation number Download interval.
float deadingGhostStartPosThreshold { 1.f }
 Allowable distance between bloodstain position and illusion start position [m].
float keyGuideHeight_2 { 1.f }
 Key guide vertical range [m].
float keyGuideRangePlayer { 1.f }
 Player Bloodstain Key Guide Horizontal Range [m].
float keyGuideHeightPlayer { 1.f }
 Player Bloodstain Key Guide Vertical Range [m].
unsigned int reloadSignTotalCount_2 { 1 }
 Number of blood stains acquired (overall)
unsigned int reloadSignCellCount_1 { 1 }
 Number of blood stains obtained (cell)
unsigned int maxSignTotalCount_1 { 1 }
 Upper limit of the number of blood stains that can be possessed (overall)
unsigned int maxSignCellCount_1 { 1 }
 Maximum number of blood stains (cell)
float reloadSignIntervalTime_1 { 1.f }
 Waiting time for reacquisition of blood stains [seconds].
float signVisibleRange_2 { 1.f }
 Bloodstain PC drawing distance [m].
float basicExclusiveRange_2 { 1.f }
 Exclusive horizontal range for drawing between blood stains [m].
float basicExclusiveHeight_2 { 1.f }
 Exclusive vertical range for drawing between blood stains [m].
unsigned int cellGroupHorizontalRange_2 { 1 }
 Blood stain acquisition cell range (horizontal)
unsigned int cellGroupTopRange_2 { 1 }
 Blood stain acquisition cell range (upward)
unsigned int cellGroupBottomRange_2 { 1 }
 Blood stain acquisition cell range (downward)
unsigned int lifeTime_1 { 1 }
 Bloodstain data retention period upper limit [seconds].
float recordDeadingGhostTotalTime { 0.f }
 Death illusion record total time [seconds].
float recordDeadingGhostMinTime { 5.f }
 Minimum recording time of death illusion [seconds].
float downloadSpan_1 { 0.f }
 Bloodstain download interval.
float statueCreatableDistance { 80.f }
 Petrified blood stain drawing limit distance [m].
unsigned int reloadGhostTotalCount { 1 }
 Number of illusions acquired (overall)
unsigned int reloadGhostCellCount { 1 }
 Number of illusions acquired (cell)
unsigned int maxGhostTotalCount { 1 }
 Maximum number of illusions you can have (overall)
float distanceOfBeginRecordVersus { 1.f }
 Hostile PC replay recording start distance [m].
float distanceOfEndRecordVersus { 1.f }
 Hostile PC replay recording end distance [m].
float updateWanderGhostIntervalTime { 1.f }
 Wandering illusion upload interval [seconds].
float updateVersusGhostIntervalTime { 1.f }
 Battle illusion upload interval [seconds].
float recordWanderingGhostTime { 1.f }
 Phantom recording time [seconds].
float recordWanderingGhostMinTime { 5.f }
 Minimum recording time of wandering illusion [seconds].
float updateBonfireGhostIntervalTime { 1.f }
 Kagaribi illusion upload interval [seconds].
float replayGhostRangeOnView { 1.f }
 Phantom reproduction distance (in the field of view) [seconds].
float replayGhostRangeOutView { 1.f }
 Phantom playback distance (out of field of view) [seconds].
float replayBonfireGhostTime { 1.f }
 Kagaribi illusion Playing time [seconds].
float minBonfireGhostValidRange { 1.f }
 Kagaribi illusion placement minimum distance [seconds].
float maxBonfireGhostValidRange { 1.f }
 Kagaribi illusion placement maximum distance [seconds].
float minReplayIntervalTime { 1.f }
 Phantom playback interval lower limit [seconds].
float maxReplayIntervalTime { 1.f }
 Phantom playback interval upper limit [seconds].
float reloadGhostIntervalTime { 1.f }
 Phantom periodic acquisition interval [seconds].
unsigned int cellGroupHorizontalRange_3 { 1 }
 Phantom acquisition cell range (horizontal)
unsigned int cellGroupTopRange_3 { 1 }
 Phantom acquisition cell range (upward)
int replayBonfirePhantomParamIdForCodename { 0 }
 Phantom bonfire mode phantom parameter ID (codename)
float replayBonfireModeRange { 1.f }
 Phantom bonfire mode playback applicable distance.
int replayBonfirePhantomParamId { 0 }
 Phantom bonfire mode phantom parameter ID.
unsigned char ghostpad [4]
float reloadVisitListCoolTime { 1.f }
 Ring search interval [seconds].
unsigned int maxCoopBlueSummonCount { 1 }
 Maximum number of rescue blue spirits appearing.
unsigned int maxBellGuardSummonCount { 1 }
 Upper limit of the number of bell guard ghosts that appear.
unsigned int maxVisitListCount { 1 }
 Number of ring search destinations acquired.
float reloadSearch_CoopBlue_Min { 0.f }
 Relief Blue Spirit reload time minimum [sec].
float reloadSearch_CoopBlue_Max { 0.f }
 Relief Blue Spirit reload time maximum [sec].
float reloadSearch_BellGuard_Min { 0.f }
 Kanemori reload time minimum [sec].
float reloadSearch_BellGuard_Max { 0.f }
 Kanemori reload time maximum [sec].
float reloadSearch_RatKing_Min { 0.f }
 Mouse King Reload Time Minimum [sec].
float reloadSearch_RatKing_Max { 0.f }
 Mouse King Reload Time Maximum [sec].
unsigned char visitpad00 [8]
float srttMaxLimit { 1000.f }
 SRTT upper limit [milliseconds].
float srttMeanLimit { 1000.f }
 SRTT upper limit (when stable) [milliseconds].
float srttMeanDeviationLimit { 1000.f }
 RTT mean deviation upper limit [milliseconds].
float darkPhantomLimitBoostTime { 1000.f }
 Dark spirit time limit Acceleration time [seconds].
float darkPhantomLimitBoostScale { 1000.f }
 Dark spirit time limit acceleration time magnification.
float multiplayDisableLifeTime { 1.f }
 Multiplayer invalidation life.
unsigned char abyssMultiplayLimit { 10 }
 Abyss Spirit Multiplayer Count.
unsigned char phantomWarpMinimumTime { 5 }
 Minimum time for a ghost to warp [seconds].
unsigned char phantomReturnDelayTime { 5 }
 Delay time until returning after using black crystal [seconds].
unsigned char terminateTimeoutTime { 30 }
 Time-out time waiting for disconnection.
unsigned short penaltyPointLanDisconnect { 0 }
 Penalty addition value without LAN.
unsigned short penaltyPointSignout { 0 }
 Penalty addition value for sign-out.
unsigned short penaltyPointReboot { 0 }
 Penalty addition value due to power failure.
unsigned short penaltyPointBeginPenalize { 0 }
 Penalty value that activates the penalty.
float penaltyForgiveItemLimitTime { 0.f }
 Sales time limit for "Line Reason" [seconds].
unsigned char allAreaSearchRate_CoopBlue { 0 }
 Area search rate: Relief Blue Spirit [0-100].
unsigned char allAreaSearchRate_VsBlue { 0 }
 Area search rate: Retribution Blue Spirit [0-100].
unsigned char allAreaSearchRate_BellGuard { 0 }
 Area search rate: Kanemori Ashrei [0-100].
unsigned char bloodMessageEvalHealRate { 100 }
 HP recovery rate at the time of blood character evaluation [0-100].
unsigned int smallGoldSuccessHostRewardId { 0 }
 Kogane Rei Success Return Host Reward ID.
float doorInvalidPlayAreaExtents { 1.f }
 Play area invalidation distance near the door [m].
unsigned char signDisplayMax { 10 }
 Maximum number of simultaneous displays of signs.
unsigned char bloodStainDisplayMax { 7 }
 Maximum number of blood stains displayed at the same time.
unsigned char bloodMessageDisplayMax { 3 }
 Maximum number of blood characters displayed at the same time.
float summonMessageInterval { 1.f }
 Summon message is displayed at interval [seconds].
float hostRegisterUpdateTime { 1.f }
 Host periodic update request interval [seconds].
float hostTimeOutTime { 1.f }
 Host guest join wait timeout time [seconds].
float guestUpdateTime { 1.f }
 Authentication wait timeout time from guest host [seconds].
float guestPlayerNoTimeOutTime { 1.f }
 Guest PlayNo Sync wait timeout time [seconds].
float hostPlayerNoTimeOutTime { 1.f }
 Host PlayNo Sync wait timeout time [seconds].
unsigned int requestSearchQuickMatchLimit { 1 }
 RequestSearchQuickMatch limit value.
unsigned int AvatarMatchSearchMax { 1 }
 Maximum number of people when searching for avatar battles (unused)
unsigned int BattleRoyalMatchSearchMin { 1 }
 Minimum number of people when searching for battle royale (unused)
unsigned int BattleRoyalMatchSearchMax { 1 }
 Maximum number of people when searching for battle royale (unused)
unsigned int VisitorListMax { 1 }
 Maximum number of people to get a list of visitors.
float VisitorTimeOutTime { 1.f }
 Time-out waiting for visit.
float DownloadSpan { 1.f }
 Visitor list download interval [seconds].
float VisitorGuestRequestMessageIntervalSec { 1.f }
 Visit search message display interval [seconds].
float wanderGhostIntervalLifeTime { 40.f }
 Wandering illusion life.
float YellowMonkTimeOutTime { 1.f }
 Yellow robe's old man waiting time out.
float YellowMonkDownloadSpan { 1.f }
 Yellow robe list download interval.
float YellowMonkOverallFlowTimeOutTime { 1.f }
 Yellow robe's whole flow time-out.

Detailed Description

This struct was automatically generated from XML paramdefs.

Member Data Documentation

◆ abyssMultiplayLimit

unsigned char from::paramdef::NETWORK_PARAM_ST::abyssMultiplayLimit { 10 }

Abyss Spirit Multiplayer Count.

The number of times the abyss spirit enters the host in the abyss area

◆ allAreaSearchRate_BellGuard

unsigned char from::paramdef::NETWORK_PARAM_ST::allAreaSearchRate_BellGuard { 0 }

Area search rate: Kanemori Ashrei [0-100].

Percentage of searching for intrusion targets from all areas (%)

◆ allAreaSearchRate_CoopBlue

unsigned char from::paramdef::NETWORK_PARAM_ST::allAreaSearchRate_CoopBlue { 0 }

Area search rate: Relief Blue Spirit [0-100].

Percentage of searching for intrusion targets from all areas (%)

◆ allAreaSearchRate_VsBlue

unsigned char from::paramdef::NETWORK_PARAM_ST::allAreaSearchRate_VsBlue { 0 }

Area search rate: Retribution Blue Spirit [0-100].

Percentage of searching for intrusion targets from all areas (%)

◆ AvatarMatchSearchMax

unsigned int from::paramdef::NETWORK_PARAM_ST::AvatarMatchSearchMax { 1 }

Maximum number of people when searching for avatar battles (unused)

Actually u8 is enough

◆ BattleRoyalMatchSearchMax

unsigned int from::paramdef::NETWORK_PARAM_ST::BattleRoyalMatchSearchMax { 1 }

Maximum number of people when searching for battle royale (unused)

Actually u8 is enough

◆ BattleRoyalMatchSearchMin

unsigned int from::paramdef::NETWORK_PARAM_ST::BattleRoyalMatchSearchMin { 1 }

Minimum number of people when searching for battle royale (unused)

Actually u8 is enough

◆ cellGroupBottomRange_0

unsigned int from::paramdef::NETWORK_PARAM_ST::cellGroupBottomRange_0 { 1 }

Summon sign acquisition cell range (downward)

Actually u8 is enough

◆ cellGroupBottomRange_1

unsigned int from::paramdef::NETWORK_PARAM_ST::cellGroupBottomRange_1 { 1 }

Blood character acquisition cell range (downward)

Actually u8 is enough

◆ cellGroupBottomRange_2

unsigned int from::paramdef::NETWORK_PARAM_ST::cellGroupBottomRange_2 { 1 }

Blood stain acquisition cell range (downward)

Actually u8 is enough

◆ cellGroupHorizontalRange_0

unsigned int from::paramdef::NETWORK_PARAM_ST::cellGroupHorizontalRange_0 { 1 }

Summon sign acquisition cell range (horizontal)

Actually u8 is enough

◆ cellGroupHorizontalRange_1

unsigned int from::paramdef::NETWORK_PARAM_ST::cellGroupHorizontalRange_1 { 1 }

Blood character acquisition cell range (horizontal)

Actually u8 is enough

◆ cellGroupHorizontalRange_2

unsigned int from::paramdef::NETWORK_PARAM_ST::cellGroupHorizontalRange_2 { 1 }

Blood stain acquisition cell range (horizontal)

Actually u8 is enough

◆ cellGroupHorizontalRange_3

unsigned int from::paramdef::NETWORK_PARAM_ST::cellGroupHorizontalRange_3 { 1 }

Phantom acquisition cell range (horizontal)

Actually u8 is enough

◆ cellGroupTopRange_0

unsigned int from::paramdef::NETWORK_PARAM_ST::cellGroupTopRange_0 { 1 }

Summon sign acquisition cell range (upward)

Actually u8 is enough

◆ cellGroupTopRange_1

unsigned int from::paramdef::NETWORK_PARAM_ST::cellGroupTopRange_1 { 1 }

Blood character acquisition cell range (upward)

Actually u8 is enough

◆ cellGroupTopRange_2

unsigned int from::paramdef::NETWORK_PARAM_ST::cellGroupTopRange_2 { 1 }

Blood stain acquisition cell range (upward)

Actually u8 is enough

◆ cellGroupTopRange_3

unsigned int from::paramdef::NETWORK_PARAM_ST::cellGroupTopRange_3 { 1 }

Phantom acquisition cell range (upward)

Actually u8 is enough

◆ deadingGhostStartPosThreshold

float from::paramdef::NETWORK_PARAM_ST::deadingGhostStartPosThreshold { 1.f }

Allowable distance between bloodstain position and illusion start position [m].

If the distance between the bloodstain position and the illusion start position is farther than this value, the server will not be registered.

◆ doorInvalidPlayAreaExtents

float from::paramdef::NETWORK_PARAM_ST::doorInvalidPlayAreaExtents { 1.f }

Play area invalidation distance near the door [m].

The area around the black door that separates the multiplayer area is set to the systematically invalid play area (-1). At that time, make the invalid area thicker with this parameter on the thinner side of the OBJ's bounding box with a black door.

◆ lifeTime_0

unsigned int from::paramdef::NETWORK_PARAM_ST::lifeTime_0 { 1 }

Blood character data retention period upper limit [seconds].

Actually u16 is enough

◆ lifeTime_1

unsigned int from::paramdef::NETWORK_PARAM_ST::lifeTime_1 { 1 }

Bloodstain data retention period upper limit [seconds].

Actually u16 is enough

◆ maxBellGuardSummonCount

unsigned int from::paramdef::NETWORK_PARAM_ST::maxBellGuardSummonCount { 1 }

Upper limit of the number of bell guard ghosts that appear.

Actually u8 is enough

◆ maxBonfireGhostValidRange

float from::paramdef::NETWORK_PARAM_ST::maxBonfireGhostValidRange { 1.f }

Kagaribi illusion placement maximum distance [seconds].

Do not place bonfire illusions beyond this distance from the bonfire

◆ maxCoopBlueSummonCount

unsigned int from::paramdef::NETWORK_PARAM_ST::maxCoopBlueSummonCount { 1 }

Maximum number of rescue blue spirits appearing.

Actually u8 is enough

◆ maxGhostTotalCount

unsigned int from::paramdef::NETWORK_PARAM_ST::maxGhostTotalCount { 1 }

Maximum number of illusions you can have (overall)

Actually u16 is enough

◆ maxReadSignCount

unsigned int from::paramdef::NETWORK_PARAM_ST::maxReadSignCount { 1 }

Maximum number of blood characters read.

Actually u8 is enough

◆ maxSignCellCount_0

unsigned int from::paramdef::NETWORK_PARAM_ST::maxSignCellCount_0 { 1 }

Upper limit of the number of blood characters that can be possessed (cell)

Actually u8 is enough

◆ maxSignCellCount_1

unsigned int from::paramdef::NETWORK_PARAM_ST::maxSignCellCount_1 { 1 }

Maximum number of blood stains (cell)

Actually u8 is enough

◆ maxSignTotalCount_0

unsigned int from::paramdef::NETWORK_PARAM_ST::maxSignTotalCount_0 { 1 }

Upper limit of the number of blood characters that can be possessed (overall)

Actually u16 is enough

◆ maxSignTotalCount_1

unsigned int from::paramdef::NETWORK_PARAM_ST::maxSignTotalCount_1 { 1 }

Upper limit of the number of blood stains that can be possessed (overall)

Actually u16 is enough

◆ maxWriteSignCount

unsigned int from::paramdef::NETWORK_PARAM_ST::maxWriteSignCount { 1 }

Maximum number of written blood characters history.

Actually u8 is enough

◆ minBonfireGhostValidRange

float from::paramdef::NETWORK_PARAM_ST::minBonfireGhostValidRange { 1.f }

Kagaribi illusion placement minimum distance [seconds].

Do not place bonfire illusions less than this distance from the bonfire

◆ recordDeadingGhostMinTime

float from::paramdef::NETWORK_PARAM_ST::recordDeadingGhostMinTime { 5.f }

Minimum recording time of death illusion [seconds].

Death illusions less than this recording time will not register the server

◆ recordWanderingGhostMinTime

float from::paramdef::NETWORK_PARAM_ST::recordWanderingGhostMinTime { 5.f }

Minimum recording time of wandering illusion [seconds].

Wandering illusions less than this recording time do not register the server

◆ reloadGhostCellCount

unsigned int from::paramdef::NETWORK_PARAM_ST::reloadGhostCellCount { 1 }

Number of illusions acquired (cell)

Actually u8 is enough

◆ reloadGhostTotalCount

unsigned int from::paramdef::NETWORK_PARAM_ST::reloadGhostTotalCount { 1 }

Number of illusions acquired (overall)

Actually u8 is enough

◆ reloadNewSignCellCount

unsigned int from::paramdef::NETWORK_PARAM_ST::reloadNewSignCellCount { 1 }

Number of blood characters acquired (cell, new order)

Actually u8 is enough

◆ reloadRandomSignCellCount

unsigned int from::paramdef::NETWORK_PARAM_ST::reloadRandomSignCellCount { 1 }

Number of blood characters acquired (cell, random)

Actually u8 is enough

◆ reloadSignCellCount_0

unsigned int from::paramdef::NETWORK_PARAM_ST::reloadSignCellCount_0 { 1 }

Maximum number of summon signs you can have (cell)

Actually u8 is enough

◆ reloadSignCellCount_1

unsigned int from::paramdef::NETWORK_PARAM_ST::reloadSignCellCount_1 { 1 }

Number of blood stains obtained (cell)

Actually u8 is enough

◆ reloadSignTotalCount_0

unsigned int from::paramdef::NETWORK_PARAM_ST::reloadSignTotalCount_0 { 1 }

Maximum number of summon signs you can have (overall)

Actually u8 is enough

◆ reloadSignTotalCount_1

unsigned int from::paramdef::NETWORK_PARAM_ST::reloadSignTotalCount_1 { 1 }

Number of blood characters acquired (overall)

Actually u8 is enough

◆ reloadSignTotalCount_2

unsigned int from::paramdef::NETWORK_PARAM_ST::reloadSignTotalCount_2 { 1 }

Number of blood stains acquired (overall)

Actually u8 is enough

◆ replayBonfirePhantomParamIdForCodename

int from::paramdef::NETWORK_PARAM_ST::replayBonfirePhantomParamIdForCodename { 0 }

Phantom bonfire mode phantom parameter ID (codename)

Phantom bonfire mode phantom parameter ID used when codename matches

◆ requestSearchQuickMatchLimit

unsigned int from::paramdef::NETWORK_PARAM_ST::requestSearchQuickMatchLimit { 1 }

RequestSearchQuickMatch limit value.

Actually u8 is enough

◆ singGetMax

unsigned int from::paramdef::NETWORK_PARAM_ST::singGetMax { 1 }

Sign acquisition limit.

Actually u8 is enough

◆ statueCreatableDistance

float from::paramdef::NETWORK_PARAM_ST::statueCreatableDistance { 80.f }

Petrified blood stain drawing limit distance [m].

For open fields. When a stone statue is generated, it can be generated if the distance between the PC and the generation position is greater than or equal to this value.

◆ VisitorGuestRequestMessageIntervalSec

float from::paramdef::NETWORK_PARAM_ST::VisitorGuestRequestMessageIntervalSec { 1.f }

Visit search message display interval [seconds].

Display interval [seconds] of messages sent by visiting guests while searching for a destination

◆ VisitorListMax

unsigned int from::paramdef::NETWORK_PARAM_ST::VisitorListMax { 1 }

Maximum number of people to get a list of visitors.

Actually u8 is enough

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: