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Public Attributes | List of all members
from::paramdef::AI_ATTACK_PARAM_ST Struct Reference

This struct was automatically generated from XML paramdefs. More...

#include <AI_ATTACK_PARAM_ST.hpp>

Public Attributes

int attackTableId { 0 }
 Reference ID.
int attackId { 0 }
 Attack ID.
float successDistance { 0.f }
 Success judgment distance.
float turnTimeBeforeAttack { 0.f }
 Turn time before attack.
short frontAngleRange { 0 }
 Front judgment angle.
short upAngleThreshold { 0 }
 Upward execution threshold.
short downAngleThershold { 0 }
 Downward execution threshold.
bool isFirstAttack { false }
 Is it a starting technique?
bool doesSelectOnOutRange { false }
 Whether to select outside the proper distance.
float minOptimalDistance { 0.f }
 Minimum proper distance.
float maxOptimalDistance { 0.f }
 Maximum proper distance.
short baseDirectionForOptimalAngle1 { 0 }
 Appropriate angle reference direction 1.
short optimalAttackAngleRange1 { 0 }
 Appropriate angle reference range 1.
short baseDirectionForOptimalAngle2 { 0 }
 Appropriate angle reference direction 2.
short optimalAttackAngleRange2 { 0 }
 Appropriate angle reference range 2.
float intervalForExec { 1.f }
 Executable interval.
float selectionTendency { -1.f }
 Selection rate.
float shortRangeTendency { -1.f }
 Short range selection rate.
float middleRangeTendency { -1.f }
 Medium range selection rate.
float farRangeTendency { -1.f }
 Distance selection rate.
float outRangeTendency { -1.f }
 Out of range rate.
int deriveAttackId1 { -1 }
 Derived attack 1.
int deriveAttackId2 { -1 }
 Derived attack 2.
int deriveAttackId3 { -1 }
 Derived attack 3.
int deriveAttackId4 { -1 }
 Derived attack 4.
int deriveAttackId5 { -1 }
 Derived attack 5.
int deriveAttackId6 { -1 }
 Derived attack 6.
int deriveAttackId7 { -1 }
 Derived attack 7.
int deriveAttackId8 { -1 }
 Derived attack 8.
int deriveAttackId9 { -1 }
 Derived attack 9.
int deriveAttackId10 { -1 }
 Derived attack 10.
int deriveAttackId11 { -1 }
 Derived attack 11.
int deriveAttackId12 { -1 }
 Derived attack 12.
int deriveAttackId13 { -1 }
 Derived attack 13.
int deriveAttackId14 { -1 }
 Derived attack 14.
int deriveAttackId15 { -1 }
 Derived attack 15.
int deriveAttackId16 { -1 }
 Derived attack 16.
float goalLifeMin { 0.f }
 Minimum life of the goal.
float goalLifeMax { 0.f }
 Maximum life span of the goal.
bool doesSelectOnInnerRange { false }
 Whether to select within the appropriate distance.
bool enableAttackOnBattleStart { true }
 Whether to use it as the first hit.
bool doesSelectOnTargetDown { true }
 Whether to select when the target is down.
float minArriveDistance { 0.f }
 Minimum reach judgment distance.
float maxArriveDistance { 0.f }
 Maximum reach judgment distance.
float comboExecDistance { 4.f }
 Continuous attack execution distance.
float comboExecRange { 180.f }
 Continuous attack execution angle.

Detailed Description

This struct was automatically generated from XML paramdefs.

Member Data Documentation

◆ attackId

int from::paramdef::AI_ATTACK_PARAM_ST::attackId { 0 }

Attack ID.

Attack number

◆ attackTableId

int from::paramdef::AI_ATTACK_PARAM_ST::attackTableId { 0 }

Reference ID.

ID specified by NPC thinking parameters

◆ baseDirectionForOptimalAngle1

short from::paramdef::AI_ATTACK_PARAM_ST::baseDirectionForOptimalAngle1 { 0 }

Appropriate angle reference direction 1.

Direction that serves as a reference for the proper angle of attack (XZ plane)

◆ baseDirectionForOptimalAngle2

short from::paramdef::AI_ATTACK_PARAM_ST::baseDirectionForOptimalAngle2 { 0 }

Appropriate angle reference direction 2.

Direction that serves as a reference for attack aptitude accuracy (XZ plane)

◆ comboExecDistance

float from::paramdef::AI_ATTACK_PARAM_ST::comboExecDistance { 4.f }

Continuous attack execution distance.

Distance used to determine the execution of attacks from the second stage onward

◆ comboExecRange

float from::paramdef::AI_ATTACK_PARAM_ST::comboExecRange { 180.f }

Continuous attack execution angle.

Distance used to determine the execution of attacks from the second stage onward

◆ deriveAttackId1

int from::paramdef::AI_ATTACK_PARAM_ST::deriveAttackId1 { -1 }

Derived attack 1.

Derivable attack number

◆ deriveAttackId10

int from::paramdef::AI_ATTACK_PARAM_ST::deriveAttackId10 { -1 }

Derived attack 10.

Derivable attack number

◆ deriveAttackId11

int from::paramdef::AI_ATTACK_PARAM_ST::deriveAttackId11 { -1 }

Derived attack 11.

Derivable attack number

◆ deriveAttackId12

int from::paramdef::AI_ATTACK_PARAM_ST::deriveAttackId12 { -1 }

Derived attack 12.

Derivable attack number

◆ deriveAttackId13

int from::paramdef::AI_ATTACK_PARAM_ST::deriveAttackId13 { -1 }

Derived attack 13.

Derivable attack number

◆ deriveAttackId14

int from::paramdef::AI_ATTACK_PARAM_ST::deriveAttackId14 { -1 }

Derived attack 14.

Derivable attack number

◆ deriveAttackId15

int from::paramdef::AI_ATTACK_PARAM_ST::deriveAttackId15 { -1 }

Derived attack 15.

Derivable attack number

◆ deriveAttackId16

int from::paramdef::AI_ATTACK_PARAM_ST::deriveAttackId16 { -1 }

Derived attack 16.

Derivable attack number

◆ deriveAttackId2

int from::paramdef::AI_ATTACK_PARAM_ST::deriveAttackId2 { -1 }

Derived attack 2.

Derivable attack number

◆ deriveAttackId3

int from::paramdef::AI_ATTACK_PARAM_ST::deriveAttackId3 { -1 }

Derived attack 3.

Derivable attack number

◆ deriveAttackId4

int from::paramdef::AI_ATTACK_PARAM_ST::deriveAttackId4 { -1 }

Derived attack 4.

Derivable attack number

◆ deriveAttackId5

int from::paramdef::AI_ATTACK_PARAM_ST::deriveAttackId5 { -1 }

Derived attack 5.

Derivable attack number

◆ deriveAttackId6

int from::paramdef::AI_ATTACK_PARAM_ST::deriveAttackId6 { -1 }

Derived attack 6.

Derivable attack number

◆ deriveAttackId7

int from::paramdef::AI_ATTACK_PARAM_ST::deriveAttackId7 { -1 }

Derived attack 7.

Derivable attack number

◆ deriveAttackId8

int from::paramdef::AI_ATTACK_PARAM_ST::deriveAttackId8 { -1 }

Derived attack 8.

Derivable attack number

◆ deriveAttackId9

int from::paramdef::AI_ATTACK_PARAM_ST::deriveAttackId9 { -1 }

Derived attack 9.

Derivable attack number

◆ doesSelectOnInnerRange

bool from::paramdef::AI_ATTACK_PARAM_ST::doesSelectOnInnerRange { false }

Whether to select within the appropriate distance.

Whether to select when within the appropriate distance

◆ doesSelectOnOutRange

bool from::paramdef::AI_ATTACK_PARAM_ST::doesSelectOnOutRange { false }

Whether to select outside the proper distance.

Whether to select when the distance is out of the proper distance

◆ downAngleThershold

short from::paramdef::AI_ATTACK_PARAM_ST::downAngleThershold { 0 }

Downward execution threshold.

For arguments of Common_Attack type subgoals

◆ farRangeTendency

float from::paramdef::AI_ATTACK_PARAM_ST::farRangeTendency { -1.f }

Distance selection rate.

Selection rate at long distances

◆ frontAngleRange

short from::paramdef::AI_ATTACK_PARAM_ST::frontAngleRange { 0 }

Front judgment angle.

For arguments of Common_Attack type subgoals

◆ intervalForExec

float from::paramdef::AI_ATTACK_PARAM_ST::intervalForExec { 1.f }

Executable interval.

Time required to attack once and then use it again

◆ isFirstAttack

bool from::paramdef::AI_ATTACK_PARAM_ST::isFirstAttack { false }

Is it a starting technique?

Attacks from the second stage of the combo are ×

◆ maxOptimalDistance

float from::paramdef::AI_ATTACK_PARAM_ST::maxOptimalDistance { 0.f }

Maximum proper distance.

Maximum attack suitability distance

◆ middleRangeTendency

float from::paramdef::AI_ATTACK_PARAM_ST::middleRangeTendency { -1.f }

Medium range selection rate.

Selection rate at medium range

◆ minOptimalDistance

float from::paramdef::AI_ATTACK_PARAM_ST::minOptimalDistance { 0.f }

Minimum proper distance.

Minimum value of proper attack distance

◆ optimalAttackAngleRange1

short from::paramdef::AI_ATTACK_PARAM_ST::optimalAttackAngleRange1 { 0 }

Appropriate angle reference range 1.

Range of aptitude angles for attacks

◆ optimalAttackAngleRange2

short from::paramdef::AI_ATTACK_PARAM_ST::optimalAttackAngleRange2 { 0 }

Appropriate angle reference range 2.

Range of aptitude angles for attacks

◆ outRangeTendency

float from::paramdef::AI_ATTACK_PARAM_ST::outRangeTendency { -1.f }

Out of range rate.

Selection rate out of range

◆ selectionTendency

float from::paramdef::AI_ATTACK_PARAM_ST::selectionTendency { -1.f }

Selection rate.

Specify the ease of selection by magnification

◆ shortRangeTendency

float from::paramdef::AI_ATTACK_PARAM_ST::shortRangeTendency { -1.f }

Short range selection rate.

Selection rate at close range

◆ successDistance

float from::paramdef::AI_ATTACK_PARAM_ST::successDistance { 0.f }

Success judgment distance.

For arguments of Common_Attack type subgoals

◆ turnTimeBeforeAttack

float from::paramdef::AI_ATTACK_PARAM_ST::turnTimeBeforeAttack { 0.f }

Turn time before attack.

For arguments of Common_Attack type subgoals

◆ upAngleThreshold

short from::paramdef::AI_ATTACK_PARAM_ST::upAngleThreshold { 0 }

Upward execution threshold.

For arguments of Common_Attack type subgoals

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: