124 unsigned char PadType{ 1 };
141 unsigned char pad2[1];
206 unsigned char pad0 : 2;
313 unsigned char pad1[24];
320 "THROW_PARAM_ST paramdef size does not match detected size");
This struct was automatically generated from XML paramdefs.
Definition THROW_PARAM_ST.hpp:10
unsigned char selfEscCycleCnt
Number of self-throwing cycles.
Definition THROW_PARAM_ST.hpp:153
float throwFollowingEndEasingTime
Model position interpolation time at the end of tracking [s].
Definition THROW_PARAM_ST.hpp:311
unsigned short selfEscCycleTime
Self-throwing cycle time [ms].
Definition THROW_PARAM_ST.hpp:105
float lowerYRange
Below the height range [m].
Definition THROW_PARAM_ST.hpp:60
int DefChrId
Recipient character ID.
Definition THROW_PARAM_ST.hpp:19
bool isSkipSphereCast
Do you want to skip the sphere cast?
Definition THROW_PARAM_ST.hpp:175
unsigned short escHp
Throw through HP.
Definition THROW_PARAM_ST.hpp:98
unsigned char dmyHasChrDirType
Direction of Damipoli possession character when throwing occurs.
Definition THROW_PARAM_ST.hpp:158
float DiffAngMin_start
Angle difference range between your own direction and the other's direction min (start throwing)
Definition THROW_PARAM_ST.hpp:238
int defAnimId
Recipient anime ID.
Definition THROW_PARAM_ST.hpp:91
unsigned char throwType
Throw type.
Definition THROW_PARAM_ST.hpp:148
bool isTurnAtker
Does the throwing side turn?
Definition THROW_PARAM_ST.hpp:163
int atkAnimId
Throwing side anime ID.
Definition THROW_PARAM_ST.hpp:84
unsigned short sphereCastRadiusRateLow
Sphere Cast Radius Ratio_Bottom [1/100 Rate].
Definition THROW_PARAM_ST.hpp:119
float upperYRange
On the height range [m].
Definition THROW_PARAM_ST.hpp:52
bool isEnableThrowFollowingFeedback
Do you want to prevent the wall from digging in while following the throw?
Definition THROW_PARAM_ST.hpp:204
float Dist_start
Effective distance (start throwing) [m].
Definition THROW_PARAM_ST.hpp:228
float diffAngMyToDef
Angle difference between your own direction and the direction from yourself to the other party.
Definition THROW_PARAM_ST.hpp:70
bool isEnableCorrectPos_forThrowAdjust
Whether to return to the positional relationship equivalent to flat ground at the time of throwing ad...
Definition THROW_PARAM_ST.hpp:185
bool isSkipWepCate
Do you want to skip the weapon category check?
Definition THROW_PARAM_ST.hpp:170
unsigned char throwFollowingType
Throw-following method.
Definition THROW_PARAM_ST.hpp:139
short atkSorbDmyId
Throw side adsorption Damipoly ID.
Definition THROW_PARAM_ST.hpp:213
bool isEnableThrowFollowingFallAssist
Do you prevent the fall when the throwing follow is released?
Definition THROW_PARAM_ST.hpp:194
int AtkChrId
Throwing side character ID.
Definition THROW_PARAM_ST.hpp:14
int throwTypeId
Throw type ID.
Definition THROW_PARAM_ST.hpp:77
float Dist
Effective distance [m].
Definition THROW_PARAM_ST.hpp:26
float DiffAngMin
Angle difference range between your own direction and the direction of the other party min.
Definition THROW_PARAM_ST.hpp:35
float DiffAngMax
Angle difference range between your own direction and the direction of the other party max.
Definition THROW_PARAM_ST.hpp:44
float adsrobModelPosInterpolationTime
Model position interpolation time during adsorption [s].
Definition THROW_PARAM_ST.hpp:304
int judgeRangeBasePosDmyId2
Criteria for throwing range on the thrown side Damipoli Id.
Definition THROW_PARAM_ST.hpp:293
int judgeRangeBasePosDmyId1
Throwing range judgment criteria on the throwing side Damipoli Id.
Definition THROW_PARAM_ST.hpp:285
float diffAngMyToDef_start
Angle difference between your own direction and the direction from yourself to the opponent (start th...
Definition THROW_PARAM_ST.hpp:277
unsigned char AtkEnableState
Throwable state type on the throwing side.
Definition THROW_PARAM_ST.hpp:131
float DiffAngMax_start
Angle difference range between your own direction and the opponent's direction max (start throwing)
Definition THROW_PARAM_ST.hpp:248
float lowerYRange_start
Below the height range (start throwing) [m].
Definition THROW_PARAM_ST.hpp:266
short defSorbDmyId
Recipient side adsorption Damipoly ID.
Definition THROW_PARAM_ST.hpp:220
float upperYRange_start
On the height range (start throwing) [m].
Definition THROW_PARAM_ST.hpp:257
unsigned short sphereCastRadiusRateTop
Sphere Cast Radius Ratio_Top [1/100 Rate].
Definition THROW_PARAM_ST.hpp:112