No Matches
Public Attributes | List of all members
from::paramdef::MAGIC_PARAM_ST Struct Reference

This struct was automatically generated from XML paramdefs. More...

#include <MAGIC_PARAM_ST.hpp>

Public Attributes

bool disableParam_NT: 1 { false }
 Do you remove it from the NT version output?
unsigned char disableParamReserve1: 7
 Reserve for package output 1.
unsigned char disableParamReserve2 [3]
 Reserve for package output 2.
int yesNoDialogMessageId { 0 }
 Yes / No Dialog Message ID.
int limitCancelSpEffectId { -1 }
 Special effect ID that is out of usage restrictions.
short sortId { 0 }
unsigned char requirementLuck { 0 }
 Equipment conditions [luck].
unsigned char aiNotifyType { 0 }
 AI notification type.
short mp { 0 }
 MP consumption [normal].
short stamina { 0 }
 Consumed stamina [normal].
short iconId { 0 }
 Icon ID.
short behaviorId { 0 }
 Action ID.
short mtrlItemId { -1 }
 Required item ID.
short replaceMagicId { -1 }
 Magic ID to replace.
short maxQuantity { 0 }
 Maximum number.
unsigned char refCategory1 { 0 }
 ID category.
unsigned char overDexterity { 0 }
 Skill over start value.
unsigned char refCategory2 { 0 }
 ID category.
unsigned char slotLength { 0 }
 Required slot.
unsigned char requirementIntellect { 0 }
 Equipment conditions [Intelligence].
unsigned char requirementFaith { 0 }
 Equipment conditions [reason].
unsigned char analogDexterityMin { 0 }
 Analog minimum workmanship.
unsigned char analogDexterityMax { 0 }
 Maximum analog workmanship.
unsigned char ezStateBehaviorType { 0 }
unsigned char refCategory3 { 0 }
 ID category.
unsigned char spEffectCategory { 0 }
 Special effects category.
unsigned char refType { 0 }
 Motion category.
unsigned char opmeMenuType { 0 }
 Menu type at the time of use.
unsigned char refCategory4 { 0 }
 ID category.
unsigned short hasSpEffectType { 0 }
 Which normal is it?
unsigned char replaceCategory { 0 }
 Replacement category.
unsigned char useLimitCategory { 0 }
 Restrictions on use by special effects category.
bool vowType0: 1 { false }
 Pledge 0.
bool vowType1: 1 { false }
 Pledge 1.
bool vowType2: 1 { false }
 Pledge 2.
bool vowType3: 1 { false }
 Pledge 3.
bool vowType4: 1 { false }
 Pledge 4.
bool vowType5: 1 { false }
 Pledge 5.
bool vowType6: 1 { false }
 Pledge 6.
bool vowType7: 1 { false }
 Pledge 7.
bool enable_multi: 1 { false }
 Can it be used in multi?
bool enable_multi_only: 1 { false }
 Is it only for multi?
bool isEnchant: 1 { false }
 Is it an enchantment?
bool isShieldEnchant: 1 { false }
 Is it a shield enchantment?
bool enable_live: 1 { false }
 Can be used alive.
bool enable_gray: 1 { false }
 Gray available.
bool enable_white: 1 { false }
 White can be used.
bool enable_black: 1 { false }
 Black can be used.
bool disableOffline: 1 { false }
 Is it unavailable offline?
bool castResonanceMagic: 1 { false }
 Do you deliver resonance magic?
bool isValidTough_ProtSADmg: 1 { false }
 Is the armor SA damage multiplier valid even at the initial value?
bool isWarpMagic: 1 { false }
 Is it warp magic?
bool enableRiding: 1 { false }
 Can it be used while riding?
bool disableRiding: 1 { false }
 Is it prohibited to use while not riding?
bool isUseNoAttackRegion: 1 { false }
 Can it be used in an attack-prohibited area?
bool vowType8: 1 { false }
 Pledge 8.
bool vowType9: 1 { false }
 Pledge 9.
bool vowType10: 1 { false }
 Pledge 10.
bool vowType11: 1 { false }
 Pledge 11.
bool vowType12: 1 { false }
 Pledge 12.
bool vowType13: 1 { false }
 Pledge 13.
bool vowType14: 1 { false }
 Pledge 14.
bool vowType15: 1 { false }
 Pledge 15.
int castSfxId { -1 }
 Chanting SFXID.
int fireSfxId { -1 }
 Activate SFXID.
int effectSfxId { -1 }
 Effect SFXID.
float toughnessCorrectRate { 0.f }
 Toughness correction factor.
unsigned char ReplacementStatusType { 0 }
 Replacement status type.
signed char ReplacementStatus1 { -1 }
 Replacement status value 1.
signed char ReplacementStatus2 { -1 }
 Replacement status value 2.
signed char ReplacementStatus3 { -1 }
 Replacement status value 3.
signed char ReplacementStatus4 { -1 }
 Replacement status value 4.
unsigned char refCategory5 { 0 }
 ID category.
short consumeSA { 0 }
 Consume SA [Normal / Reservoir].
int ReplacementMagic1 { -1 }
 Replacement ID1.
int ReplacementMagic2 { -1 }
 Replacement ID2.
int ReplacementMagic3 { -1 }
 Replacement ID3.
int ReplacementMagic4 { -1 }
 Replacement ID 4.
short mp_charge { 0 }
 MP consumption [reservoir].
short stamina_charge { 0 }
 Consumption stamina [reservoir].
unsigned char createLimitGroupId { 0 }
 Creation limit group Id.
unsigned char refCategory6 { 0 }
 ID category.
unsigned char subCategory1 { 0 }
 Subcategory 1.
unsigned char subCategory2 { 0 }
 Subcategory 2.
unsigned char refCategory7 { 0 }
 ID category.
unsigned char refCategory8 { 0 }
 ID category.
unsigned char refCategory9 { 0 }
 ID category.
unsigned char refCategory10 { 0 }
 ID category.
int refId1 { -1 }
 Call ID.
int refId2 { -1 }
 Call ID.
int refId3 { -1 }
 Call ID.
int aiUseJudgeId { -1 }
 AI usage judgment ID.
int refId4 { -1 }
 Call ID.
int refId5 { -1 }
 Call ID.
int refId6 { -1 }
 Call ID.
int refId7 { -1 }
 Call ID.
int refId8 { -1 }
 Call ID.
int refId9 { -1 }
 Call ID.
int refId10 { -1 }
 Call ID.
unsigned char consumeType1 { 0 }
 Consumption type.
unsigned char consumeType2 { 0 }
 Consumption type.
unsigned char consumeType3 { 0 }
 Consumption type.
unsigned char consumeType4 { 0 }
 Consumption type.
unsigned char consumeType5 { 0 }
 Consumption type.
unsigned char consumeType6 { 0 }
 Consumption type.
unsigned char consumeType7 { 0 }
 Consumption type.
unsigned char consumeType8 { 0 }
 Consumption type.
unsigned char consumeType9 { 0 }
 Consumption type.
unsigned char consumeType10 { 0 }
 Consumption type.
short consumeLoopMP_forMenu { -1 }
 MP consumption for menu supplement display.

Detailed Description

This struct was automatically generated from XML paramdefs.

Member Data Documentation

◆ aiNotifyType

unsigned char from::paramdef::MAGIC_PARAM_ST::aiNotifyType { 0 }

AI notification type.

AI interrupt occurs in act ("AI notification when magic is activated")

◆ analogDexterityMax

unsigned char from::paramdef::MAGIC_PARAM_ST::analogDexterityMax { 0 }

Maximum analog workmanship.

Motion cancel analog: Maximum skill value

◆ analogDexterityMin

unsigned char from::paramdef::MAGIC_PARAM_ST::analogDexterityMin { 0 }

Analog minimum workmanship.

Motion cancel analog: Minimum skill value

◆ behaviorId

short from::paramdef::MAGIC_PARAM_ST::behaviorId { 0 }

Action ID.

Set the action ID

◆ castSfxId

int from::paramdef::MAGIC_PARAM_ST::castSfxId { -1 }

Chanting SFXID.

SFXID during magical chanting

◆ consumeSA

short from::paramdef::MAGIC_PARAM_ST::consumeSA { 0 }

Consume SA [Normal / Reservoir].

SA consumption [normal / reservoir]

◆ createLimitGroupId

unsigned char from::paramdef::MAGIC_PARAM_ST::createLimitGroupId { 0 }

Creation limit group Id.

If it is 0, it is unused. Check the number of bullets created for the specified group Id, and if the upper limit is reached, you will not be able to use magic.

◆ disableParam_NT

bool from::paramdef::MAGIC_PARAM_ST::disableParam_NT

Do you remove it from the NT version output?

Parameters marked with ○ are excluded in the NT version package.

◆ effectSfxId

int from::paramdef::MAGIC_PARAM_ST::effectSfxId { -1 }

Effect SFXID.

SFXID during magic effect

◆ enable_black

bool from::paramdef::MAGIC_PARAM_ST::enable_black

Black can be used.

Can black ghost characters be used?

◆ enable_gray

bool from::paramdef::MAGIC_PARAM_ST::enable_gray

Gray available.

Can gray characters be used?

◆ enable_live

bool from::paramdef::MAGIC_PARAM_ST::enable_live

Can be used alive.

Can surviving characters be used?

◆ enable_multi

bool from::paramdef::MAGIC_PARAM_ST::enable_multi

Can it be used in multi?

Can it be used in multi? Can be used for both single and multi

◆ enable_multi_only

bool from::paramdef::MAGIC_PARAM_ST::enable_multi_only

Is it only for multi?

Is it only for multi? It cannot be used when it is a single. It can be used when it is multi.

◆ enable_white

bool from::paramdef::MAGIC_PARAM_ST::enable_white

White can be used.

Can white ghost characters be used?

◆ ezStateBehaviorType

unsigned char from::paramdef::MAGIC_PARAM_ST::ezStateBehaviorType { 0 }


Used for sorting> For menu

◆ fireSfxId

int from::paramdef::MAGIC_PARAM_ST::fireSfxId { -1 }

Activate SFXID.

SFX ID when magic is activated

◆ hasSpEffectType

unsigned short from::paramdef::MAGIC_PARAM_ST::hasSpEffectType { 0 }

Which normal is it?

Specify the state change that needs to replace the magic ID

◆ iconId

short from::paramdef::MAGIC_PARAM_ST::iconId { 0 }

Icon ID.

Specify icon> For menu

◆ isEnchant

bool from::paramdef::MAGIC_PARAM_ST::isEnchant

Is it an enchantment?

Is it magic to enchant?

◆ isShieldEnchant

bool from::paramdef::MAGIC_PARAM_ST::isShieldEnchant

Is it a shield enchantment?

Is it magic to enchant guards and shields?

◆ isValidTough_ProtSADmg

bool from::paramdef::MAGIC_PARAM_ST::isValidTough_ProtSADmg

Is the armor SA damage multiplier valid even at the initial value?

Whether the toughness calculation is performed even if the armor SA is the initial value. Check the toughness specification .xlsx for details

◆ isWarpMagic

bool from::paramdef::MAGIC_PARAM_ST::isWarpMagic

Is it warp magic?

Is it magic to warp? Magic with a check mark here is prohibited by the special effect "Warp Prohibition".

◆ limitCancelSpEffectId

int from::paramdef::MAGIC_PARAM_ST::limitCancelSpEffectId { -1 }

Special effect ID that is out of usage restrictions.

Usage restrictions can be ignored when the specified special effect ID is activated

◆ maxQuantity

short from::paramdef::MAGIC_PARAM_ST::maxQuantity { 0 }

Maximum number.

Number per piece (-1: infinity)

◆ mp

short from::paramdef::MAGIC_PARAM_ST::mp { 0 }

MP consumption [normal].

MP consumption

◆ mtrlItemId

short from::paramdef::MAGIC_PARAM_ST::mtrlItemId { -1 }

Required item ID.

Item ID required for purchase

◆ opmeMenuType

unsigned char from::paramdef::MAGIC_PARAM_ST::opmeMenuType { 0 }

Menu type at the time of use.

Menu type to be displayed when using magic

◆ refCategory1

unsigned char from::paramdef::MAGIC_PARAM_ST::refCategory1 { 0 }

ID category.

Call ID category [Attack, Projectile, Special Effects]

◆ refCategory10

unsigned char from::paramdef::MAGIC_PARAM_ST::refCategory10 { 0 }

ID category.

Call ID category [Attack, Projectile, Special Effects]

◆ refCategory2

unsigned char from::paramdef::MAGIC_PARAM_ST::refCategory2 { 0 }

ID category.

Call ID category [Attack, Projectile, Special Effects]

◆ refCategory3

unsigned char from::paramdef::MAGIC_PARAM_ST::refCategory3 { 0 }

ID category.

Call ID category [Attack, Projectile, Special Effects]

◆ refCategory4

unsigned char from::paramdef::MAGIC_PARAM_ST::refCategory4 { 0 }

ID category.

Call ID category [Attack, Projectile, Special Effects]

◆ refCategory5

unsigned char from::paramdef::MAGIC_PARAM_ST::refCategory5 { 0 }

ID category.

Call ID category [Attack, Projectile, Special Effects]

◆ refCategory6

unsigned char from::paramdef::MAGIC_PARAM_ST::refCategory6 { 0 }

ID category.

Call ID category [Attack, Projectile, Special Effects]

◆ refCategory7

unsigned char from::paramdef::MAGIC_PARAM_ST::refCategory7 { 0 }

ID category.

Call ID category [Attack, Projectile, Special Effects]

◆ refCategory8

unsigned char from::paramdef::MAGIC_PARAM_ST::refCategory8 { 0 }

ID category.

Call ID category [Attack, Projectile, Special Effects]

◆ refCategory9

unsigned char from::paramdef::MAGIC_PARAM_ST::refCategory9 { 0 }

ID category.

Call ID category [Attack, Projectile, Special Effects]

◆ refId1

int from::paramdef::MAGIC_PARAM_ST::refId1 { -1 }

Call ID.

ID called from magic

◆ refId10

int from::paramdef::MAGIC_PARAM_ST::refId10 { -1 }

Call ID.

ID called from magic

◆ refId2

int from::paramdef::MAGIC_PARAM_ST::refId2 { -1 }

Call ID.

ID called from magic

◆ refId3

int from::paramdef::MAGIC_PARAM_ST::refId3 { -1 }

Call ID.

ID called from magic

◆ refId4

int from::paramdef::MAGIC_PARAM_ST::refId4 { -1 }

Call ID.

ID called from magic

◆ refId5

int from::paramdef::MAGIC_PARAM_ST::refId5 { -1 }

Call ID.

ID called from magic

◆ refId6

int from::paramdef::MAGIC_PARAM_ST::refId6 { -1 }

Call ID.

ID called from magic

◆ refId7

int from::paramdef::MAGIC_PARAM_ST::refId7 { -1 }

Call ID.

ID called from magic

◆ refId8

int from::paramdef::MAGIC_PARAM_ST::refId8 { -1 }

Call ID.

ID called from magic

◆ refId9

int from::paramdef::MAGIC_PARAM_ST::refId9 { -1 }

Call ID.

ID called from magic

◆ refType

unsigned char from::paramdef::MAGIC_PARAM_ST::refType { 0 }

Motion category.

Specify motion> For EzState

◆ replaceCategory

unsigned char from::paramdef::MAGIC_PARAM_ST::replaceCategory { 0 }

Replacement category.

Additional conditions when replacing the magic ID

◆ replaceMagicId

short from::paramdef::MAGIC_PARAM_ST::replaceMagicId { -1 }

Magic ID to replace.

ID to be replaced when the state change matches (-1: invalid)

◆ requirementFaith

unsigned char from::paramdef::MAGIC_PARAM_ST::requirementFaith { 0 }

Equipment conditions [reason].

It cannot be equipped without the power of the PC any more.

◆ requirementIntellect

unsigned char from::paramdef::MAGIC_PARAM_ST::requirementIntellect { 0 }

Equipment conditions [Intelligence].

Can't be equipped without more PC intelligence

◆ requirementLuck

unsigned char from::paramdef::MAGIC_PARAM_ST::requirementLuck { 0 }

Equipment conditions [luck].

Can't be equipped without more PC luck

◆ slotLength

unsigned char from::paramdef::MAGIC_PARAM_ST::slotLength { 0 }

Required slot.

Number of slots required for equipment> For menu

◆ sortId

short from::paramdef::MAGIC_PARAM_ST::sortId { 0 }


Sort ID (-1: Do not collect)

◆ spEffectCategory

unsigned char from::paramdef::MAGIC_PARAM_ST::spEffectCategory { 0 }

Special effects category.

Since there are effects (enchantment weapons, etc.) whose parameters fluctuate depending on skills, magic, items, etc., set each action so that the determined effect can correspond to the effect such as "power up only weapon attack". Set "None" for items that do not need to be set, such as varistor.

◆ stamina

short from::paramdef::MAGIC_PARAM_ST::stamina { 0 }

Consumed stamina [normal].

Consumption stamina

◆ toughnessCorrectRate

float from::paramdef::MAGIC_PARAM_ST::toughnessCorrectRate { 0.f }

Toughness correction factor.

It is a magnification that corrects the basic value of toughness.

◆ useLimitCategory

unsigned char from::paramdef::MAGIC_PARAM_ST::useLimitCategory { 0 }

Restrictions on use by special effects category.

Specified to control availability by special effects

◆ yesNoDialogMessageId

int from::paramdef::MAGIC_PARAM_ST::yesNoDialogMessageId { 0 }

Yes / No Dialog Message ID.

Message ID of Yes / No dialog issued when using magic

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: