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Public Attributes | List of all members
from::paramdef::MULTI_ESTUS_FLASK_BONUS_PARAM_ST Struct Reference

This struct was automatically generated from XML paramdefs. More...


Public Attributes

unsigned char host { 0 }
unsigned char WhiteGhost_None { 0 }
 White sign.
unsigned char WhiteGhost_Umbasa { 0 }
 Gold spirit (sun)
unsigned char WhiteGhost_Berserker { 0 }
 White berserker.
unsigned char BlackGhost_None_Sign { 0 }
 Red sign.
unsigned char BlackGhost_Umbasa_Sign { 0 }
 Red gold spirit (signature)
unsigned char BlackGhost_Berserker_Sign { 0 }
 Red berserker (sign)
unsigned char BlackGhost_None_Invade { 0 }
unsigned char BlackGhost_Umbasa_Invade { 0 }
 Red Gold Spirit (Invasion)
unsigned char BlackGhost_Berserker_Invade { 0 }
 Red berserker (invasion)
unsigned char RedHunter1 { 0 }
 Relief guest.
unsigned char RedHunter2 { 0 }
 Red Scare Spirit 2.
unsigned char GuardianOfForest { 0 }
 Map Guardian Spirit (Forest)
unsigned char GuardianOfAnor { 0 }
 Map Guardian (Anor)
unsigned char BattleRoyal { 0 }
unsigned char YellowMonk { 0 }
 Yellow robe's old man.

Detailed Description

This struct was automatically generated from XML paramdefs.

Member Data Documentation

◆ BattleRoyal

unsigned char from::paramdef::MULTI_ESTUS_FLASK_BONUS_PARAM_ST::BattleRoyal { 0 }


Number of est recovery in the arena

◆ BlackGhost_Berserker_Invade

unsigned char from::paramdef::MULTI_ESTUS_FLASK_BONUS_PARAM_ST::BlackGhost_Berserker_Invade { 0 }

Red berserker (invasion)

Invasion Orb Red Berserker Est Recovery Number

◆ BlackGhost_Berserker_Sign

unsigned char from::paramdef::MULTI_ESTUS_FLASK_BONUS_PARAM_ST::BlackGhost_Berserker_Sign { 0 }

Red berserker (sign)

Number of est recovery of red Berserker of hostile sign

◆ BlackGhost_None_Invade

unsigned char from::paramdef::MULTI_ESTUS_FLASK_BONUS_PARAM_ST::BlackGhost_None_Invade { 0 }


Number of intrusion est recovery

◆ BlackGhost_None_Sign

unsigned char from::paramdef::MULTI_ESTUS_FLASK_BONUS_PARAM_ST::BlackGhost_None_Sign { 0 }

Red sign.

Number of est recovery of red spirits of hostile sign

◆ BlackGhost_Umbasa_Invade

unsigned char from::paramdef::MULTI_ESTUS_FLASK_BONUS_PARAM_ST::BlackGhost_Umbasa_Invade { 0 }

Red Gold Spirit (Invasion)

Number of est recovery of red gold spirits of invading orbs

◆ BlackGhost_Umbasa_Sign

unsigned char from::paramdef::MULTI_ESTUS_FLASK_BONUS_PARAM_ST::BlackGhost_Umbasa_Sign { 0 }

Red gold spirit (signature)

Number of est recovery of red gold spirit of hostile sign

◆ GuardianOfAnor

unsigned char from::paramdef::MULTI_ESTUS_FLASK_BONUS_PARAM_ST::GuardianOfAnor { 0 }

Map Guardian (Anor)

Map Guardian Spirit (Anor) Est Recovery Number

◆ GuardianOfForest

unsigned char from::paramdef::MULTI_ESTUS_FLASK_BONUS_PARAM_ST::GuardianOfForest { 0 }

Map Guardian Spirit (Forest)

Map guardian spirit (forest) est recovery number

◆ host

unsigned char from::paramdef::MULTI_ESTUS_FLASK_BONUS_PARAM_ST::host { 0 }


Number of host est recovery

◆ RedHunter1

unsigned char from::paramdef::MULTI_ESTUS_FLASK_BONUS_PARAM_ST::RedHunter1 { 0 }

Relief guest.

Number of rescue guests' est recovery

◆ RedHunter2

unsigned char from::paramdef::MULTI_ESTUS_FLASK_BONUS_PARAM_ST::RedHunter2 { 0 }

Red Scare Spirit 2.

Number of est recovery of Red Scare Spirit 2

◆ WhiteGhost_Berserker

unsigned char from::paramdef::MULTI_ESTUS_FLASK_BONUS_PARAM_ST::WhiteGhost_Berserker { 0 }

White berserker.

Number of recovery of white Berserker's est of cooperation sign

◆ WhiteGhost_None

unsigned char from::paramdef::MULTI_ESTUS_FLASK_BONUS_PARAM_ST::WhiteGhost_None { 0 }

White sign.

Number of white spirits recovering from the cooperation sign

◆ WhiteGhost_Umbasa

unsigned char from::paramdef::MULTI_ESTUS_FLASK_BONUS_PARAM_ST::WhiteGhost_Umbasa { 0 }

Gold spirit (sun)

Number of est recovery of gold spirits of cooperation sign

◆ YellowMonk

unsigned char from::paramdef::MULTI_ESTUS_FLASK_BONUS_PARAM_ST::YellowMonk { 0 }

Yellow robe's old man.

The number of est recovery of the old man in yellow

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