112 unsigned char pad[1];
186 unsigned char unknown_0x40{ 0 };
216 unsigned char reserve4[2];
574 unsigned char unknown_0x73_1 : 1 { 0 };
576 unsigned char unknown_0x73_2 : 1 { 0 };
578 unsigned char pad1 : 5;
722 unsigned char reserve5[2];
732 unsigned char reserve3[8];
739 "EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST paramdef size does not match detected size");
This struct was automatically generated from XML paramdefs.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:10
signed char useLevel_vowType9
Pledge 9 usage level.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:685
bool isRemoveItem_forGameClear
Whether to delete at the time of lap.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:318
signed char useLevel_vowType4
Pledge 4 usage level.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:660
signed char useLevel_vowType0
Pledge 0 usage level.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:640
short consumeHP
HP consumed.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:620
int sfxVariationId
SFX variation ID.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:41
unsigned char sortGroupId
Sort item type ID.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:567
unsigned char useLimitCategory
Prohibition conditions_Special effects category.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:207
bool isSummonHorse
Is it a horse call item?
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:531
signed char potGroupId
Vase group ID.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:110
bool isSleepCollectionItem
Is it a Nemuri collection item?
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:544
bool disableUseAtOutOfColiseum
Is it prohibited to use outside the arena?
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:361
int behaviorId
Action ID.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:65
unsigned char replaceCategory
Replacement category.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:214
int fireSfxId
Activate SFXID.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:430
signed char useLevel_vowType6
Pledge 6 usage level.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:670
int refId_default
Call ID 0 (default)
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:33
bool enable_black
Black can be used.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:244
int appearanceReplaceItemId
Display replacement destination item ID.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:87
bool canMultiUse
Can it be used together?
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:472
int refId_1
Call ID1.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:388
bool isOnlyOne
Can i have only one.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:292
signed char useLevel_vowType11
Pledge 11 usage level.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:695
bool enable_gray
Gray available.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:230
unsigned short iconId
Icon ID.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:119
signed char useLevel_vowType7
Pledge 7 usage level.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:675
bool enable_live
Can be used alive.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:223
bool isWarpProhibited
Is it subject to warp prohibition?
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:485
unsigned short useEnableSpEffectType
Usable condition_state change type.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:102
int reinforcePrice
Enhanced price.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:635
bool isUseMultiPenaltyOnly
Only available when there is a disconnect penalty.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:493
unsigned char spEffectCategory
Special effects category.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:184
bool isDeposit
Can you deposit.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:306
int vagrantItemLotId
Item lottery ID_for map at the time of vagrant.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:402
signed char useLevel_vowType3
Pledge 3 usage level.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:655
short maxRepositoryNum
Number of warehouses.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:559
int saleValue
Selling price.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:583
int refVirtualWepId
Reference Virtual Weapon ID.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:395
bool showLogCondType
Acquisition log display condition.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:523
bool isApplySpecialEffect
Does it reflect special effects?
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:373
int sellValue
Sale price.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:58
bool enable_white
White can be used.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:237
signed char useLevel_vowType12
Pledge 12 usage level.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:700
bool enable_multi
Multiplayer possible.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:251
bool isAutoEquip
Is it automatically equipped?
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:280
bool isEquip
Can be equipped.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:265
signed char useLevel_vowType10
Pledge 10 usage level.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:690
unsigned char goodsUseAnim
Animation when using tools.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:193
unsigned char suppleType
Replenishment type.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:501
int vagrantItemEneDropItemLotId
Vagrant item Enemy drop item Lottery ID_for map.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:416
unsigned short useLevel
Appropriate level of use.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:720
bool isFullSuppleItem
Is it a replenished item?
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:332
short maxNum
Maximum number of possessions.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:148
bool enable_ActiveBigRune
Can be used while the Great Rune is active.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:444
unsigned char refCategory
ID category.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:172
unsigned short modelId
Model ID.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:124
unsigned char showDialogCondType
Acquisition dialog display condition.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:539
bool isEnableFastUseItem
Is it possible to cancel early?
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:366
bool isUseNoAttackRegion
Can it be used in an attack-prohibited area?
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:572
int effectSfxId
Effect SFXID.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:437
int reinforceGoodsId
Strengthening tool ID.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:625
short trophySeqId
Trophy SEQ number.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:143
unsigned char useLimitSummonBuddy
Is it a buddy item?
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:597
bool isDiscard
Can you throw it away.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:299
int vagrantBonusEneDropItemLotId
Vagrant Bonus Enemy Drop Item Lottery ID_Map.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:409
bool disableUseAtColiseum
Is it prohibited to use in the arena?
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:356
bool disableRiding
Is it prohibited to use while not riding?
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:554
signed char useLevel_vowType8
Pledge 8 usage level.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:680
bool isShieldEnchant
Is it a shield enchantment?
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:477
unsigned char overDexterity
Skill over start value.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:158
int replaceItemId
Replacement item ID.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:72
unsigned char opmeMenuType
Do you want to open the menu.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:200
unsigned short useLimitSpEffectType
Use prohibition condition_state change type.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:605
int yesNoDialogMessageId
YES / NO message ID.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:94
short shopLv
Shop level.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:131
short compTrophySedId
Comptrophy SEQ number.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:138
bool isBonfireWarpItem
Is it a bonfire warp item?
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:452
bool isDrop
Can you put it on the spot.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:515
signed char useLevel_vowType13
Pledge 13 usage level.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:705
unsigned char syncNumVaryId
ID that synchronizes the number increase / decrease.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:381
bool isSuppleItem
Is it a replenishment item?
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:325
int sortId
Sort ID.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:79
int aiUseJudgeId
AI usage judgment ID.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:610
float weight
Weight [kg].
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:46
bool isFixItem
Is it a repair item?
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:346
bool isDisableHand
Can I use it with my right bare hand?
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:313
unsigned int itemGetTutorialFlagId
Item acquisition tutorial Judgment flag ID.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:730
unsigned char rarity
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:590
signed char useLevel_vowType5
Pledge 5 usage level.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:665
bool isUseMultiPlayPreparation
Preparing for multiplayer.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:467
bool disableMultiDropShare
Is multi-drop sharing prohibited?
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:351
unsigned char disableParamReserve2[3]
Reserve for package output 2.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:26
bool isEstablishment
Is it a stationary item?
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:285
int reinforceMaterialId
Material ID at the time of strengthening.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:630
unsigned char disableParamReserve1
Reserve for package output 1.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:21
bool disable_offline
Not available offline.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:258
unsigned char consumeHeroPoint
Consumer nature.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:153
signed char useLevel_vowType15
Pledge 15 usage level.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:715
bool enableRiding
Can it be used while riding?
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:549
bool isEnhance
Do you want to enchant?
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:339
bool isConsume
Is it a consumable item?
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:273
bool enable_Ladder
Can it be used in a ladder?
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:459
short consumeMP
MP consumption.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:615
bool disableParam_NT
Do you remove it from the NT version output?
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:16
signed char useLevel_vowType1
Pledge 1 usage level.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:645
signed char useLevel_vowType2
Pledge 2 usage level.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:650
signed char useLevel_vowType14
Pledge 14 usage level.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:710
unsigned char autoReplenishType
Automatic replenishment type.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:508
unsigned char goodsType
Tool type.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:165
int basicPrice
Basic price.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:51
int castSfxId
Handheld SFXID.
Definition EQUIP_PARAM_GOODS_ST.hpp:423