158 unsigned char pad[48];
165 "LOCK_CAM_PARAM_ST paramdef size does not match detected size");
This struct was automatically generated from XML paramdefs.
Definition LOCK_CAM_PARAM_ST.hpp:10
float chrTransChaseRateForNormal
Normal character translation tracking rate.
Definition LOCK_CAM_PARAM_ST.hpp:156
float chrLockRangeMaxRadius_forPD
Maximum radius of character range for pitch darkness [m].
Definition LOCK_CAM_PARAM_ST.hpp:65
float chrOrgOffset_Y
Character base point offset (character space)
Definition LOCK_CAM_PARAM_ST.hpp:37
float lockRotXShiftRatio
Lock X rotation shift rate (0.0-1.0)
Definition LOCK_CAM_PARAM_ST.hpp:30
float lockTgtKeepTime
Time to continue locking even if the lock condition is not met [s].
Definition LOCK_CAM_PARAM_ST.hpp:149
float bulletMaxRadius_forD
Bullet automatic capture Maximum radius of character range for darkness [m].
Definition LOCK_CAM_PARAM_ST.hpp:126
float chrLockRangeMaxRadius_forD
Maximum radius of character range for darkness [m].
Definition LOCK_CAM_PARAM_ST.hpp:58
float closeAngRange
Melee attack automatic capture Angle range Left and right [deg].
Definition LOCK_CAM_PARAM_ST.hpp:88
float rotRangeMinX
Minimum X-axis rotation [deg].
Definition LOCK_CAM_PARAM_ST.hpp:23
float closeMinHeight
Melee attack automatic capture Lower limit height [m].
Definition LOCK_CAM_PARAM_ST.hpp:80
float bulletMaxRadius_forPD
Automatic bullet capture Character range for total darkness Maximum radius [m].
Definition LOCK_CAM_PARAM_ST.hpp:134
float camFovY
Vertical angle of view [deg].
Definition LOCK_CAM_PARAM_ST.hpp:51
float closeMaxRadius
Melee attack automatic capture Character range maximum radius [m].
Definition LOCK_CAM_PARAM_ST.hpp:95
float bulletAngRange
Bullet automatic capture Angle range Left and right [deg].
Definition LOCK_CAM_PARAM_ST.hpp:141
float closeMaxRadius_forPD
Melee attack automatic capture Character range for total darkness Maximum radius [m].
Definition LOCK_CAM_PARAM_ST.hpp:111
float chrLockRangeMaxRadius
Character range maximum radius [m].
Definition LOCK_CAM_PARAM_ST.hpp:44
float bulletMaxRadius
Bullet automatic capture Character range maximum radius [m].
Definition LOCK_CAM_PARAM_ST.hpp:118
float closeMaxHeight
Melee attack automatic capture Upper limit height [m].
Definition LOCK_CAM_PARAM_ST.hpp:72
float closeMaxRadius_forD
Melee attack automatic capture Dark character range maximum radius [m].
Definition LOCK_CAM_PARAM_ST.hpp:103
float camDistTarget
Camera distance target [m].
Definition LOCK_CAM_PARAM_ST.hpp:16