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from::paramdef::MAP_DEFAULT_INFO_PARAM_ST Struct Reference

This struct was automatically generated from XML paramdefs. More...


Public Attributes

bool disableParam_NT: 1 { false }
 Do you remove it from the NT version output?
unsigned char disableParamReserve1: 7
 Reserve for package output 1.
unsigned char disableParamReserve2 [3]
 Reserve for package output 2.
unsigned int EnableFastTravelEventFlagId { 0 }
 Fast travel permission flag ID.
int WeatherLotTimeOffsetIngameSeconds { 0 }
 Weather lottery time offset (in-game seconds)
signed char WeatherCreateAssetLimitId { -1 }
 ID for limiting the generation of weather generation assets.
unsigned char MapAiSightType { 0 }
 Map visibility type.
unsigned char SoundIndoorType { 0 }
 Sound indoor, complete indoor distribution.
signed char ReverbDefaultType { -1 }
 Reverb default settings.
short BgmPlaceInfo { 0 }
 Location information for BGM.
short EnvPlaceInfo { 0 }
 Location information for environmental sounds.
int MapAdditionalSoundBankId { -1 }
 Map addition bank ID.
short MapHeightForSound { 0 }
 Map height information for sound [m].
bool IsEnableBlendTimezoneEnvmap { true }
 [For Legacy] Map Environment Map Time Blend Is Effective?
signed char OverrideGIResolution_XSS { -1 }
 GI resolution overwrite setting _XSS platform.
float MapLoHiChangeBorderDist_XZ { 40.f }
 Map high hit switching judgment AABB_width Depth (XZ) [m].
float MapLoHiChangeBorderDist_Y { 40.f }
 Map high hit switching judgment AABB_ height (Y) [m].
float MapLoHiChangePlayDist { 5.f }
 Map high hit switching judgment play distance [m].
unsigned int MapAutoDrawGroupBackFacePixelNum { 32400 }
 Number of pixels to be judged on the back side in automatic drawing group calculation.
float PlayerLigntScale { 1.f }
 Player Light Intensity Scale Value.
bool IsEnableTimezonnePlayerLigntScale { true }
 Does the Player light intensity scale change depending on the time zone?
bool isDisableAutoCliffWind { false }
 Do you want to disable automatic cliff wind SE?
short OpenChrActivateThreshold { -1 }
 Open character activation limit_evaluation value threshold.
int MapMimicryEstablishmentParamId { -1 }
 Mimicry probability parameter ID by map.
signed char OverrideGIResolution_XSX { -1 }
 GI resolution overwrite setting _XSX platform.

Detailed Description

This struct was automatically generated from XML paramdefs.

Member Data Documentation

◆ BgmPlaceInfo

short from::paramdef::MAP_DEFAULT_INFO_PARAM_ST::BgmPlaceInfo { 0 }

Location information for BGM.

Specify location default information for BGM

◆ disableParam_NT

bool from::paramdef::MAP_DEFAULT_INFO_PARAM_ST::disableParam_NT

Do you remove it from the NT version output?

Parameters marked with ○ are excluded in the NT version package.

◆ EnvPlaceInfo

short from::paramdef::MAP_DEFAULT_INFO_PARAM_ST::EnvPlaceInfo { 0 }

Location information for environmental sounds.

Specifies location default information for ambient sounds

◆ isDisableAutoCliffWind

bool from::paramdef::MAP_DEFAULT_INFO_PARAM_ST::isDisableAutoCliffWind { false }

Do you want to disable automatic cliff wind SE?

Do you want to disable automatic cliff wind SE? (SEQ15729)

◆ IsEnableBlendTimezoneEnvmap

bool from::paramdef::MAP_DEFAULT_INFO_PARAM_ST::IsEnableBlendTimezoneEnvmap { true }

[For Legacy] Map Environment Map Time Blend Is Effective?

Specifies whether to time blend the environment map. Only Texure in the 0th time zone is shot and used. GPU load and memory are reduced. This setting is valid only for Legacy (m00-m49) (SEQ16464).

◆ IsEnableTimezonnePlayerLigntScale

bool from::paramdef::MAP_DEFAULT_INFO_PARAM_ST::IsEnableTimezonnePlayerLigntScale { true }

Does the Player light intensity scale change depending on the time zone?

Does this map change the Player light intensity scale depending on the PC, PC horse resident light source, and time zone? (SEQ 16562)

◆ MapAdditionalSoundBankId

int from::paramdef::MAP_DEFAULT_INFO_PARAM_ST::MapAdditionalSoundBankId { -1 }

Map addition bank ID.

Specify the ID of the "map addition bank" of the sound to be additionally loaded (-1: no map addition bank) (SEQ15725)

◆ MapHeightForSound

short from::paramdef::MAP_DEFAULT_INFO_PARAM_ST::MapHeightForSound { 0 }

Map height information for sound [m].

Map height information for sound [m] (SEQ15727)

◆ MapLoHiChangeBorderDist_XZ

float from::paramdef::MAP_DEFAULT_INFO_PARAM_ST::MapLoHiChangeBorderDist_XZ { 40.f }

Map high hit switching judgment AABB_width Depth (XZ) [m].

Map high hit switching judgment AABB_width Depth (XZ) [m] (SEQ16295)

◆ MapLoHiChangeBorderDist_Y

float from::paramdef::MAP_DEFAULT_INFO_PARAM_ST::MapLoHiChangeBorderDist_Y { 40.f }

Map high hit switching judgment AABB_ height (Y) [m].

Map high hit switching judgment AABB_ height (Y) [m] (SEQ16295)

◆ MapLoHiChangePlayDist

float from::paramdef::MAP_DEFAULT_INFO_PARAM_ST::MapLoHiChangePlayDist { 5.f }

Map high hit switching judgment play distance [m].

Map high hit switching judgment play distance [m]. Normally the default should be fine. For smaller AABB, adjust as needed. If the play is too small, switching will occur frequently. Not expected if larger than AABB size (SEQ 16295)

◆ MapMimicryEstablishmentParamId

int from::paramdef::MAP_DEFAULT_INFO_PARAM_ST::MapMimicryEstablishmentParamId { -1 }

Mimicry probability parameter ID by map.

Mimicry probability parameter ID by map (SEQ22471)

◆ OverrideGIResolution_XSS

signed char from::paramdef::MAP_DEFAULT_INFO_PARAM_ST::OverrideGIResolution_XSS { -1 }

GI resolution overwrite setting _XSS platform.

Overwrites the GI resolution used in XSS (Xbox SeriesS, Lockhart)

◆ OverrideGIResolution_XSX

signed char from::paramdef::MAP_DEFAULT_INFO_PARAM_ST::OverrideGIResolution_XSX { -1 }

GI resolution overwrite setting _XSX platform.

Overwrites the GI resolution used on XSX (Xbox Series X, Anaconda)

◆ PlayerLigntScale

float from::paramdef::MAP_DEFAULT_INFO_PARAM_ST::PlayerLigntScale { 1.f }

Player Light Intensity Scale Value.

Specify the scale to be applied to the PC and PC horse resident light source on this map (SEQ16562).

◆ ReverbDefaultType

signed char from::paramdef::MAP_DEFAULT_INFO_PARAM_ST::ReverbDefaultType { -1 }

Reverb default settings.

Specifies the reverb default type for this map

◆ SoundIndoorType

unsigned char from::paramdef::MAP_DEFAULT_INFO_PARAM_ST::SoundIndoorType { 0 }

Sound indoor, complete indoor distribution.

Set whether to divide the map GD setting "indoor" into "indoor" or "completely indoor" for sound (SEQ09833).

◆ WeatherCreateAssetLimitId

signed char from::paramdef::MAP_DEFAULT_INFO_PARAM_ST::WeatherCreateAssetLimitId { -1 }

ID for limiting the generation of weather generation assets.

ID used to limit the generation of assets generated by the weather asset generation parameter .xlsm

◆ WeatherLotTimeOffsetIngameSeconds

int from::paramdef::MAP_DEFAULT_INFO_PARAM_ST::WeatherLotTimeOffsetIngameSeconds { 0 }

Weather lottery time offset (in-game seconds)

Offset for weather lottery time (unit: in-game seconds). Divide by the in-game time scale of the game properties to get real time

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: