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from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST Struct Reference

This struct was automatically generated from XML paramdefs. More...

#include <OBJECT_PARAM_ST.hpp>

Public Attributes

short hp { -1 }
unsigned short defense { 0 }
 Defense power.
short extRefTexId { -1 }
 Xref texture ID.
short materialId { -1 }
 Material ID.
unsigned char animBreakIdMax { 0 }
 Anime destruction ID maximum value.
bool isCamHit: 1 { false }
 Does the camera hit?
bool isBreakByPlayerCollide: 1 { false }
 Will it break in a player collision?
bool isAnimBreak: 1 { false }
 Is it anime destruction?
bool isPenetrationBulletHit: 1 { false }
 Will it hit a penetrating bullet?
bool isChrHit: 1 { true }
 Will the character win?
bool isAttackBacklash: 1 { true }
 Do you play the attack.
bool isDisableBreakForFirstAppear: 1 { false }
 No destruction for initial appearance.
bool isLadder: 1 { false }
 Is it a ladder?
bool isAnimPauseOnRemoPlay: 1 { false }
 Do you want to stop the animation during the poly play?
bool isDamageNoHit: 1 { false }
 Is it not damaged?
bool isMoveObj: 1 { false }
 Is it a moving object?
bool isRopeBridge: 1 { false }
 Is it a suspension bridge object?
bool isAddRigidImpulse_ByDamage: 1 { false }
 Does the damage blow off the rigid body?
bool isBreak_ByChrRide: 1 { false }
 Will it break if the character gets on it?
bool isBurn: 1 { false }
 Will it burn.
bool isBreakByEnemyCollide: 1 { false }
 Will it be destroyed by an enemy character collision?
signed char defaultLodParamId { -1 }
 Default LOD Param ID.
int breakSfxId { -1 }
 SFX ID at the time of destruction.
int breakSfxCpId { -1 }
 SFX Damipoli ID at the time of destruction.
int breakBulletBehaviorId { -1 }
 Bomb generation at the time of destruction Action parameter ID.
int breakBulletCpId { -1 }
 Damipoli ID.
unsigned char breakFallHeight { 0 }
 Fall destruction height (m)
unsigned char windEffectType_0 { 0 }
 Wind effect type (before destruction)
unsigned char windEffectType_1 { 0 }
 Wind effect type (after destruction)
unsigned char camAvoidType { 1 }
 Camera avoidance setting.
float windEffectRate_0 { 0.5f }
 Wind coefficient (before destruction)
float windEffectRate_1 { 0.5f }
 Wind coefficient (after destruction)
float breakStopTime { 0.f }
 Forced stop time after destruction.
float burnTime { 0.f }
 Burning time (seconds)
float burnBraekRate { 0.5f }
 Combustion fracture judgment progress.
int burnSfxId { -1 }
 Combustion SFXID: 0.
int burnSfxId_1 { -1 }
 Combustion SFXID: 1.
int burnSfxId_2 { -1 }
 Combustion SFXID: 2.
int burnSfxId_3 { -1 }
 Combustion SFXID: 3.
int burnBulletBehaviorId { -1 }
 Combustion bullet generation Behavior parameter: 0.
int burnBulletBehaviorId_1 { -1 }
 Combustion bullet generation Behavior parameter: 1.
int burnBulletBehaviorId_2 { -1 }
 Combustion bullet generation Behavior parameter: 2.
int burnBulletBehaviorId_3 { -1 }
 Combustion bullet generation Behavior parameters: 3.
unsigned short burnBulletInterval { 30 }
 Combustion bullet generation interval (frame)
unsigned char navimeshFlag { 0 }
 Navi mesh flag.
unsigned char collisionType { 0 }
 Collision detection type.
float burnBulletDelayTime { 0.f }
 Combustion bullet generation delay time (seconds)
float burnSfxDelayTimeMin { 0.f }
 Combustion SFX generation delay Start time (seconds): 0.
float burnSfxDelayTimeMin_1 { 0.f }
 Combustion SFX generation delay Start time (seconds): 1.
float burnSfxDelayTimeMin_2 { 0.f }
 Combustion SFX generation delay Start time (seconds): 2.
float burnSfxDelayTimeMin_3 { 0.f }
 Combustion SFX generation delay Start time (seconds): 3.
float burnSfxDelayTimeMax { 0.f }
 Combustion SFX generation delay End time (seconds): 0.
float burnSfxDelayTimeMax_1 { 0.f }
 Combustion SFX generation delay End time (seconds): 1.
float burnSfxDelayTimeMax_2 { 0.f }
 Combustion SFX generation delay End time (seconds): 2.
float burnSfxDelayTimeMax_3 { 0.f }
 Combustion SFX generation delay End time (seconds): 3.
int BreakAiSoundID { 0 }
 AI sound ID generated at the time of destruction.
float FragmentInvisibleWaitTime { 0.f }
 Hidden debris Wait time (seconds)
float FragmentInvisibleTime { 0.f }
 Debris non-display time (seconds)
float RigidPenetrationScale_Soft { 0.f }
 Rigid body collision point distance coefficient [soft].
float RigidPenetrationScale_Normal { 0.f }
 Rigid body collision point distance coefficient [normal].
float RigidPenetrationScale_Hard { 0.f }
 Rigid body collision point distance coefficient [hard].
int LandTouchSfxId { -1 }
 SFX ID at the time of terrain contact.
bool isDamageCover: 1 { false }
 Do you want to shield the damage?
unsigned short paintDecalTargetTextureSize { 256 }
 Paint decal target size.
float lifeTime_forDC { 0.f }
 Life of dynamically generated Obj (seconds)
float clothUpdateDist { 0.f }
 Cross update distance (m)
int contactSeId { -1 }
 SE ID when contacting a player.
int breakLandingSfxId { -1 }
 SFX identifier when landing after destruction.
int waypointDummyPolyId_0 { -1 }
 Waypoint Damipoli ID_0.
int waypointParamId_0 { -1 }
 Waypoint parameter ID_0.
int soundBankId { -1 }
 Sound bank ID.
int refDrawParamId { -1 }
 Drawing parameter reference ID.
float autoCreateDynamicOffsetHeight { 0.1f }
 Automatically generated appearance height offset [m].
int soundBreakSEId { -1 }
 Destruction sound SEID.

Detailed Description

This struct was automatically generated from XML paramdefs.

Member Data Documentation

◆ animBreakIdMax

unsigned char from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::animBreakIdMax { 0 }

Anime destruction ID maximum value.

What is the animation destruction ID from 0 to what?

◆ autoCreateDynamicOffsetHeight

float from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::autoCreateDynamicOffsetHeight { 0.1f }

Automatically generated appearance height offset [m].

Map automatic generation OBJ appearance height offset [m], does it float from where the ray cast hits?

◆ breakBulletBehaviorId

int from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::breakBulletBehaviorId { -1 }

Bomb generation at the time of destruction Action parameter ID.

Action parameter of [bullet] at the time of destruction (-1: does not occur)

◆ breakBulletCpId

int from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::breakBulletCpId { -1 }

Damipoli ID.

Location of [bullet] at the time of destruction Damipoli ID (-1: placement position)

◆ breakFallHeight

unsigned char from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::breakFallHeight { 0 }

Fall destruction height (m)

Height at which the object breaks when dropped (0: does not break when dropped)

◆ breakLandingSfxId

int from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::breakLandingSfxId { -1 }

SFX identifier when landing after destruction.

Object material-dependent SFX identifier that regenerates when first landing after being destroyed (-1: does not occur)

◆ breakSfxCpId

int from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::breakSfxCpId { -1 }

SFX Damipoli ID at the time of destruction.

SFX generation position when the object is destroyed Damipoly ID (-1: placement position)

◆ breakSfxId

int from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::breakSfxId { -1 }

SFX ID at the time of destruction.

SFXID when destroying an object (-1: default (810030))

◆ breakStopTime

float from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::breakStopTime { 0.f }

Forced stop time after destruction.

Time from destruction to forced stop of rigid body (do not force stop at 0)

◆ burnBraekRate

float from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::burnBraekRate { 0.5f }

Combustion fracture judgment progress.

Burnup threshold for switching to the ruptured state

◆ burnBulletBehaviorId

int from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::burnBulletBehaviorId { -1 }

Combustion bullet generation Behavior parameter: 0.

Bullet generation behavior parameter at the time of burning: 0 (-1: does not occur)

◆ burnBulletBehaviorId_1

int from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::burnBulletBehaviorId_1 { -1 }

Combustion bullet generation Behavior parameter: 1.

Bullet generation behavior parameter at the time of burning: 1 (-1: does not occur)

◆ burnBulletBehaviorId_2

int from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::burnBulletBehaviorId_2 { -1 }

Combustion bullet generation Behavior parameter: 2.

Bullet generation behavior parameter at the time of burning: 2 (-1: does not occur)

◆ burnBulletBehaviorId_3

int from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::burnBulletBehaviorId_3 { -1 }

Combustion bullet generation Behavior parameters: 3.

Bullet generation behavior parameter at the time of burning: 3 (-1: does not occur)

◆ burnBulletDelayTime

float from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::burnBulletDelayTime { 0.f }

Combustion bullet generation delay time (seconds)

Time to delay the generation of bullets for fire spread (seconds)

◆ burnBulletInterval

unsigned short from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::burnBulletInterval { 30 }

Combustion bullet generation interval (frame)

Interval (frame) to generate bullets for spreading fire

◆ burnSfxDelayTimeMax

float from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::burnSfxDelayTimeMax { 0.f }

Combustion SFX generation delay End time (seconds): 0.

SFX generation delay time during combustion Randomly determined between start and end times

◆ burnSfxDelayTimeMax_1

float from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::burnSfxDelayTimeMax_1 { 0.f }

Combustion SFX generation delay End time (seconds): 1.

SFX generation delay time during combustion Randomly determined between start and end times

◆ burnSfxDelayTimeMax_2

float from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::burnSfxDelayTimeMax_2 { 0.f }

Combustion SFX generation delay End time (seconds): 2.

SFX generation delay time during combustion Randomly determined between start and end times

◆ burnSfxDelayTimeMax_3

float from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::burnSfxDelayTimeMax_3 { 0.f }

Combustion SFX generation delay End time (seconds): 3.

SFX generation delay time during combustion Randomly determined between start and end times

◆ burnSfxDelayTimeMin

float from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::burnSfxDelayTimeMin { 0.f }

Combustion SFX generation delay Start time (seconds): 0.

SFX generation delay time during combustion Randomly determined between start and end times

◆ burnSfxDelayTimeMin_1

float from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::burnSfxDelayTimeMin_1 { 0.f }

Combustion SFX generation delay Start time (seconds): 1.

SFX generation delay time during combustion Randomly determined between start and end times

◆ burnSfxDelayTimeMin_2

float from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::burnSfxDelayTimeMin_2 { 0.f }

Combustion SFX generation delay Start time (seconds): 2.

SFX generation delay time during combustion Randomly determined between start and end times

◆ burnSfxDelayTimeMin_3

float from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::burnSfxDelayTimeMin_3 { 0.f }

Combustion SFX generation delay Start time (seconds): 3.

SFX generation delay time during combustion Randomly determined between start and end times

◆ burnSfxId

int from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::burnSfxId { -1 }

Combustion SFXID: 0.

SFX ID at the time of combustion: 0 (-1: No SFX)

◆ burnSfxId_1

int from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::burnSfxId_1 { -1 }

Combustion SFXID: 1.

SFX ID at the time of combustion: 1 (-1: No SFX)

◆ burnSfxId_2

int from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::burnSfxId_2 { -1 }

Combustion SFXID: 2.

SFX ID at the time of combustion: 2 (-1: No SFX)

◆ burnSfxId_3

int from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::burnSfxId_3 { -1 }

Combustion SFXID: 3.

SFX ID at the time of combustion: 3 (-1: No SFX)

◆ burnTime

float from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::burnTime { 0.f }

Burning time (seconds)

Burning time (seconds) (continues to burn at 0)

◆ camAvoidType

unsigned char from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::camAvoidType { 1 }

Camera avoidance setting.

What to do if an object blocks between the camera and player

◆ clothUpdateDist

float from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::clothUpdateDist { 0.f }

Cross update distance (m)

Distance from the camera to update havokCloth (0: always update)

◆ contactSeId

int from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::contactSeId { -1 }

SE ID when contacting a player.

SE ID to play when touched by a local player operated by you (-1: Do not play)

◆ defaultLodParamId

signed char from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::defaultLodParamId { -1 }

Default LOD Param ID.

Default LOD Param ID (-1: None)

◆ defense

unsigned short from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::defense { 0 }

Defense power.

Attack power below this value is no damage

◆ extRefTexId

short from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::extRefTexId { -1 }

Xref texture ID.

mAA / mAA_ ????. Tpf (-1: None) (AA: Area number)

◆ FragmentInvisibleTime

float from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::FragmentInvisibleTime { 0.f }

Debris non-display time (seconds)

Time to hide debris (seconds)

◆ FragmentInvisibleWaitTime

float from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::FragmentInvisibleWaitTime { 0.f }

Hidden debris Wait time (seconds)

Material ID of debris (-1: Do not hide)

◆ hp

short from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::hp { -1 }


Durability until destruction (-1: Indestructible)

◆ isAddRigidImpulse_ByDamage

bool from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::isAddRigidImpulse_ByDamage

Does the damage blow off the rigid body?

Does the damage blow the rigid body (0: do not blow, 1: blow)

◆ isAnimBreak

bool from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::isAnimBreak

Is it anime destruction?

Is it animation destruction (0: physical destruction, 1: animation destruction)

◆ isAnimPauseOnRemoPlay

bool from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::isAnimPauseOnRemoPlay

Do you want to stop the animation during the poly play?

Do you want to stop the animation during the poly play (0: not, 1: do)

◆ isAttackBacklash

bool from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::isAttackBacklash

Do you play the attack.

Do you play the attack (0: do not play, 1: play)

◆ isBreak_ByChrRide

bool from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::isBreak_ByChrRide

Will it break if the character gets on it?

Will it break if the character gets on (0: it won't break 1: it will break)

◆ isBreakByEnemyCollide

bool from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::isBreakByEnemyCollide

Will it be destroyed by an enemy character collision?

Broken when an enemy character touches (0: No, 1: Ru)

◆ isBreakByPlayerCollide

bool from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::isBreakByPlayerCollide

Will it break in a player collision?

Broken when the player touches (0: no, 1:)

◆ isBurn

bool from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::isBurn

Will it burn.

Will it burn (0: not, 1:)

◆ isCamHit

bool from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::isCamHit

Does the camera hit?

Does the camera hit (0: not hit, 1: hit)

◆ isChrHit

bool from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::isChrHit

Will the character win?

Does the character win (0: not hit, 1: hit)

◆ isDamageCover

bool from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::isDamageCover

Do you want to shield the damage?

Whether to pass the damage to the other side when receiving damage (0: pass, 1: do not pass)

◆ isDamageNoHit

bool from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::isDamageNoHit

Is it not damaged?

No damage (0: hit, 1: not hit)

◆ isDisableBreakForFirstAppear

bool from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::isDisableBreakForFirstAppear

No destruction for initial appearance.

Broken at the initial appearance of the player (0: ru, 1: no)

◆ isLadder

bool from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::isLadder

Is it a ladder?

Is it a ladder (0: different, 1: yes)

◆ isMoveObj

bool from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::isMoveObj

Is it a moving object?

Is it a moving object (0: different, 1: yes)

◆ isPenetrationBulletHit

bool from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::isPenetrationBulletHit

Will it hit a penetrating bullet?

Will the penetrating bullet hit (0: not hit, 1: hit)

◆ isRopeBridge

bool from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::isRopeBridge

Is it a suspension bridge object?

Suspension bridge object (0: different, 1: yes)

◆ LandTouchSfxId

int from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::LandTouchSfxId { -1 }

SFX ID at the time of terrain contact.

SFX ID at terrain contact (-1: offset by terrain material)

◆ lifeTime_forDC

float from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::lifeTime_forDC { 0.f }

Life of dynamically generated Obj (seconds)

Time until dynamically generated Obj disappears after generation (0: does not disappear)

◆ materialId

short from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::materialId { -1 }

Material ID.

Material ID. Treated the same as the floor material. When -1, the same behavior as before

◆ navimeshFlag

unsigned char from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::navimeshFlag { 0 }

Navi mesh flag.

Navigation mesh flag set from the object

◆ paintDecalTargetTextureSize

unsigned short from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::paintDecalTargetTextureSize { 256 }

Paint decal target size.

Paint decal target size (only powers of 0 to 4096 2 allowed)

◆ refDrawParamId

int from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::refDrawParamId { -1 }

Drawing parameter reference ID.

Reference ID of drawing parameter

◆ RigidPenetrationScale_Hard

float from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::RigidPenetrationScale_Hard { 0.f }

Rigid body collision point distance coefficient [hard].

Rigid soft contact setting Collision point distance coefficient [hard]

◆ RigidPenetrationScale_Normal

float from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::RigidPenetrationScale_Normal { 0.f }

Rigid body collision point distance coefficient [normal].

Rigid soft contact setting Collision point distance coefficient [Normal]

◆ RigidPenetrationScale_Soft

float from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::RigidPenetrationScale_Soft { 0.f }

Rigid body collision point distance coefficient [soft].

Rigid body soft contact setting Collision point distance coefficient [soft]

◆ soundBankId

int from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::soundBankId { -1 }

Sound bank ID.

Sound bank ID (-1: no bank, other: bank with specified ID)

◆ soundBreakSEId

int from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::soundBreakSEId { -1 }

Destruction sound SEID.

Destruction sound SEID (9 digits) -1: Generated from objId

◆ waypointDummyPolyId_0

int from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::waypointDummyPolyId_0 { -1 }

Waypoint Damipoli ID_0.

Waypoint Damipoli ID_0 (-1: None)

◆ waypointParamId_0

int from::paramdef::OBJECT_PARAM_ST::waypointParamId_0 { -1 }

Waypoint parameter ID_0.

Waypoint parameter ID_0 (-1: none)

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: