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from::paramdef::MENU_COMMON_PARAM_ST Struct Reference

This struct was automatically generated from XML paramdefs. More...

#include <MENU_COMMON_PARAM_ST.hpp>

Public Attributes

float soloPlayDeath_ToFadeOutTime { 0.f }
 Solo play Fade out start time at death [seconds].
float partyGhostDeath_ToFadeOutTime { 0.f }
 White, Black Ghost Fade Out Start Time [Seconds].
int playerMaxHpLimit { 0 }
 Maximum player HP.
int playerMaxMpLimit { 0 }
 Maximum player MP.
int playerMaxSpLimit { 0 }
 Maximum player SP.
float actionPanelChangeThreshold_Vel { 0.f }
 Action panel switching judgment_player speed [m / sec].
float actionPanelChangeThreshold_PassTime { 0.f }
 Action panel switching judgment_player speed judgment time [sec].
int kgIconVspace { 0 }
 Vertical position of the key guide icon.
float worldMapCursorSelectRadius { 0.1f }
 Cursor selection radius [px].
int decalPosOffsetX { 0 }
 Decal offset (left and right)
int decalPosOffsetY { 0 }
 Decal offset (up and down)
float targetStateSearchDurationTime { 0.f }
 FE: Search icon display time [seconds].
float targetStateBattleDurationTime { 0.f }
 FE: Battle icon display time [seconds].
float worldMapCursorSpeed { 1.f }
 Cursor movement speed [px / sec].
float worldMapCursorFirstDistance { 1.f }
 First movement distance of the cursor [px].
float worldMapCursorFirstDelay { 0.01f }
 Delay time for the first movement of the cursor [sec].
float worldMapCursorWaitTime { 0.f }
 Wait until the cursor moves [sec].
float worldMapCursorSnapRadius { 0.1f }
 Cursor snap radius [px].
float worldMapCursorSnapTime { 0.01f }
 Cursor snap time [sec].
float itemGetLogAliveTime { 0.01f }
 Item acquisition log: Display time of 1 line [sec].
int playerMaxSaLimit { 0 }
 Upper limit of player maximum SA (trunk value)
unsigned int worldMap_IsChangeableLayerEventFlagId { 0 }
 Underground map switchable event flag ID.
float worldMap_TravelMargin { 0.f }
 Additional ban distance for traversal range [m].
float systemAnnounceScrollBufferTime { 0.f }
 Wait time before and after scrolling [sec].
int systemAnnounceScrollSpeed { 100 }
 Scrolling speed [px / sec].
float systemAnnounceNoScrollWaitTime { 0.f }
 Display time when not scrolling [sec].
unsigned char systemAnnounceScrollCount { 1 }
 Number of scrolls.
float compassMemoDispDistance { 50.f }
 Display distance_Memo marker [m].
float compassBonfireDispDistance { 50.f }
 Display distance_bonfire [m].
float markerGoalThreshold { 0.f }
 Goal judgment distance of destination marker [m].
float svSliderStep { 10.f }
 Saturation / brightness slider movement amount [% / sec].
float preOpeningMovie_WaitSec { 0.f }
 Weight before OP movie [sec].
float kgIconScale { 100.f }
 Key guide icon scale [%].
float kgIconScale_forTable { 100.f }
 Scale of key guide icon for pad operation list [%].
int kgIconVspace_forTable { 0 }
 Vertical position of the key guide icon for the pad operation list.
float kgIconScale_forConfig { 100.f }
 Key guide icon scale for key config [%].
int kgIconVspace_forConfig { 0 }
 Vertical position of the key guide icon for key config.
float worldMap_SearchRadius { 256.f }
 Unsearched mask_Searched range [m].
float tutorialDisplayTime { 3.f }
 Toast display time [sec].
float compassFriendHostInnerDistance { 0.f }
 Display distance_Cooperation / Relief Guest side: Host.
float compassEnemyHostInnerDistance { 0.f }
 Display distance_hostile guest side: host.
float compassFriendGuestInnerDistance { 0.f }
 Display distance_host / cooperation / rescue Host side: cooperation / rescue guest.
float cutsceneKeyGuideAliveTime { 5.f }
 Cutscene key guide display time [seconds].
float autoHideHpThresholdRatio { -1.f }
 HP gauge: Percentage always displayed [%].
int autoHideHpThresholdValue { -1 }
 HP gauge: Current value always displayed.
float autoHideMpThresholdRatio { -1.f }
 MP gauge: Percentage to always display [%].
int autoHideMpThresholdValue { -1 }
 MP gauge: Current value always displayed.
float autoHideSpThresholdRatio { -1.f }
 SP gauge: Percentage to always display [%].
int autoHideSpThresholdValue { -1 }
 SP gauge: Current value always displayed.
float worldMapZoomAnimationTime { 0.5f }
 Zoom animation time [seconds].
float worldMapIconScaleMin { 1.f }
 Minimum icon display magnification.
float worldMap_TravelMargin_Point { 0.f }
 Map point unit Additional ban distance when the ban is lifted [m].
unsigned short enemyTagSafeLeft { 0 }
 Displayable area (far left)
unsigned short enemyTagSafeRight { 1920 }
 Displayable area (right end)
unsigned short enemyTagSafeTop { 0 }
 Displayable area (top)
unsigned short enemyTagSafeBottom { 1080 }
 Displayable area (bottom)
unsigned int pcHorseHpRecoverDispThreshold { 0 }
 Display recovery amount threshold.

Detailed Description

This struct was automatically generated from XML paramdefs.

Member Data Documentation

◆ actionPanelChangeThreshold_PassTime

float from::paramdef::MENU_COMMON_PARAM_ST::actionPanelChangeThreshold_PassTime { 0.f }

Action panel switching judgment_player speed judgment time [sec].

Action panel Consideration time to increase the speed of switchable players. Use the average speed of this time (systematically up to 4 seconds)

◆ actionPanelChangeThreshold_Vel

float from::paramdef::MENU_COMMON_PARAM_ST::actionPanelChangeThreshold_Vel { 0.f }

Action panel switching judgment_player speed [m / sec].

Action panel Switchable player speed. Switchable if below this speed

◆ autoHideHpThresholdRatio

float from::paramdef::MENU_COMMON_PARAM_ST::autoHideHpThresholdRatio { -1.f }

HP gauge: Percentage always displayed [%].

[HUD: Auto setting] HP ratio. If the HP ratio is below this value, the HP gauge will always be displayed. Percentage and current value are OR conditions (displayed if either is satisfied)

◆ autoHideHpThresholdValue

int from::paramdef::MENU_COMMON_PARAM_ST::autoHideHpThresholdValue { -1 }

HP gauge: Current value always displayed.

[HUD: Auto setting] HP current value. If the current HP value is less than or equal to this value, the HP gauge will always be displayed. Percentage and current value are OR conditions (displayed if either is satisfied)

◆ autoHideMpThresholdRatio

float from::paramdef::MENU_COMMON_PARAM_ST::autoHideMpThresholdRatio { -1.f }

MP gauge: Percentage to always display [%].

[HUD: Auto setting] MP ratio. If the MP ratio is below this value, the MP gauge is always displayed. Percentage and current value are OR conditions (displayed if either is satisfied)

◆ autoHideMpThresholdValue

int from::paramdef::MENU_COMMON_PARAM_ST::autoHideMpThresholdValue { -1 }

MP gauge: Current value always displayed.

[HUD: Auto setting] MP current value. If the current MP value is less than or equal to this value, the MP gauge is always displayed. Percentage and current value are OR conditions (displayed if either is satisfied)

◆ autoHideSpThresholdRatio

float from::paramdef::MENU_COMMON_PARAM_ST::autoHideSpThresholdRatio { -1.f }

SP gauge: Percentage to always display [%].

[HUD: Auto setting] SP ratio. If the SP ratio is less than or equal to this value, the SP gauge is always displayed. Percentage and current value are OR conditions (displayed if either is satisfied)

◆ autoHideSpThresholdValue

int from::paramdef::MENU_COMMON_PARAM_ST::autoHideSpThresholdValue { -1 }

SP gauge: Current value always displayed.

[HUD: Auto setting] SP current value. If the current SP value is less than or equal to this value, the SP gauge is always displayed. Percentage and current value are OR conditions (displayed if either is satisfied)

◆ compassBonfireDispDistance

float from::paramdef::MENU_COMMON_PARAM_ST::compassBonfireDispDistance { 50.f }

Display distance_bonfire [m].

The display distance of the bonfire displayed on the compass [m]. Anything closer than this distance will be displayed

◆ compassEnemyHostInnerDistance

float from::paramdef::MENU_COMMON_PARAM_ST::compassEnemyHostInnerDistance { 0.f }

Display distance_hostile guest side: host.

Display distance [m] of other players (enemy hosts) displayed on the compass. If you are more than this distance, it will be displayed on the compass.

◆ compassFriendGuestInnerDistance

float from::paramdef::MENU_COMMON_PARAM_ST::compassFriendGuestInnerDistance { 0.f }

Display distance_host / cooperation / rescue Host side: cooperation / rescue guest.

Display distance [m] of other players (friendly guests) to be displayed on the compass. If you are more than this distance, it will be displayed on the compass.

◆ compassFriendHostInnerDistance

float from::paramdef::MENU_COMMON_PARAM_ST::compassFriendHostInnerDistance { 0.f }

Display distance_Cooperation / Relief Guest side: Host.

Display distance [m] of other players (friendly hosts) to be displayed on the compass. If you are more than this distance, it will be displayed on the compass.

◆ compassMemoDispDistance

float from::paramdef::MENU_COMMON_PARAM_ST::compassMemoDispDistance { 50.f }

Display distance_Memo marker [m].

Display distance [m] of the memo marker displayed on the compass. Anything closer than this distance will be displayed

◆ cutsceneKeyGuideAliveTime

float from::paramdef::MENU_COMMON_PARAM_ST::cutsceneKeyGuideAliveTime { 5.f }

Cutscene key guide display time [seconds].

The amount of time that the key guide will continue to be displayed after the cutscene skip has been pre-entered. Since skip input is accepted only while the key guide is displayed, it can be said that it is the skip input acceptance time.

◆ decalPosOffsetX

int from::paramdef::MENU_COMMON_PARAM_ST::decalPosOffsetX { 0 }

Decal offset (left and right)

Decal display position offset left and right

◆ decalPosOffsetY

int from::paramdef::MENU_COMMON_PARAM_ST::decalPosOffsetY { 0 }

Decal offset (up and down)

Decal display position offset vertical direction

◆ enemyTagSafeBottom

unsigned short from::paramdef::MENU_COMMON_PARAM_ST::enemyTagSafeBottom { 1080 }

Displayable area (bottom)

How far can the center coordinates of the enemy HP gauge go to the lower end? Since it is the center coordinate, the size of the gauge body is included.

◆ enemyTagSafeLeft

unsigned short from::paramdef::MENU_COMMON_PARAM_ST::enemyTagSafeLeft { 0 }

Displayable area (far left)

How far can the center coordinates of the enemy HP gauge go to the left end? Since it is the center coordinate, the size of the gauge body is included.

◆ enemyTagSafeRight

unsigned short from::paramdef::MENU_COMMON_PARAM_ST::enemyTagSafeRight { 1920 }

Displayable area (right end)

How far can the center coordinates of the enemy HP gauge go to the right end? Since it is the center coordinate, the size of the gauge body is included.

◆ enemyTagSafeTop

unsigned short from::paramdef::MENU_COMMON_PARAM_ST::enemyTagSafeTop { 0 }

Displayable area (top)

How far can the center coordinates of the enemy HP gauge go to the upper end? Since it is the center coordinate, the size of the gauge body is included.

◆ itemGetLogAliveTime

float from::paramdef::MENU_COMMON_PARAM_ST::itemGetLogAliveTime { 0.01f }

Item acquisition log: Display time of 1 line [sec].

Time to add one line of log and fade out. There is a timer for each line

◆ kgIconScale

float from::paramdef::MENU_COMMON_PARAM_ST::kgIconScale { 100.f }

Key guide icon scale [%].

The scale value of the key guide icon. 100% is the texture size as it is

◆ kgIconScale_forConfig

float from::paramdef::MENU_COMMON_PARAM_ST::kgIconScale_forConfig { 100.f }

Key guide icon scale for key config [%].

The scale value of the key guide icon for the key config. 100% is the texture size as it is

◆ kgIconScale_forTable

float from::paramdef::MENU_COMMON_PARAM_ST::kgIconScale_forTable { 100.f }

Scale of key guide icon for pad operation list [%].

Scale value of the key guide icon for the pad operation list. 100% is the texture size as it is

◆ kgIconVspace

int from::paramdef::MENU_COMMON_PARAM_ST::kgIconVspace { 0 }

Vertical position of the key guide icon.

Vertical position of key guide icon (+: top,-: bottom)

◆ kgIconVspace_forConfig

int from::paramdef::MENU_COMMON_PARAM_ST::kgIconVspace_forConfig { 0 }

Vertical position of the key guide icon for key config.

Vertical position of key guide icon for key config (+: top,-: bottom)

◆ kgIconVspace_forTable

int from::paramdef::MENU_COMMON_PARAM_ST::kgIconVspace_forTable { 0 }

Vertical position of the key guide icon for the pad operation list.

Vertical position of the key guide icon for the pad operation list (+: top,-: bottom)

◆ markerGoalThreshold

float from::paramdef::MENU_COMMON_PARAM_ST::markerGoalThreshold { 0.f }

Goal judgment distance of destination marker [m].

Goal judgment distance [m] of the destination marker. The destination marker disappears when you get closer than this distance

◆ partyGhostDeath_ToFadeOutTime

float from::paramdef::MENU_COMMON_PARAM_ST::partyGhostDeath_ToFadeOutTime { 0.f }

White, Black Ghost Fade Out Start Time [Seconds].

How many seconds have passed after "YOU DIED" is displayed when a white or black ghost dies to start fading out?

◆ pcHorseHpRecoverDispThreshold

unsigned int from::paramdef::MENU_COMMON_PARAM_ST::pcHorseHpRecoverDispThreshold { 0 }

Display recovery amount threshold.

Threshold for displaying the PC horse HP gauge at the time of recovery. "Constant value" of "Display HP bar when it increases more than a certain value at a time"

◆ playerMaxHpLimit

int from::paramdef::MENU_COMMON_PARAM_ST::playerMaxHpLimit { 0 }

Maximum player HP.

It is used to calculate what percentage of the gauge length provided by the resource is used when displaying the HP gauge.

◆ playerMaxMpLimit

int from::paramdef::MENU_COMMON_PARAM_ST::playerMaxMpLimit { 0 }

Maximum player MP.

It is used to calculate what percentage of the gauge length provided by the resource is used when displaying the MP gauge.

◆ playerMaxSaLimit

int from::paramdef::MENU_COMMON_PARAM_ST::playerMaxSaLimit { 0 }

Upper limit of player maximum SA (trunk value)

It is used to calculate what percentage of the gauge length provided by the resource is used when displaying the SA gauge.

◆ playerMaxSpLimit

int from::paramdef::MENU_COMMON_PARAM_ST::playerMaxSpLimit { 0 }

Maximum player SP.

It is used to calculate what percentage of the gauge length provided by the resource is used when displaying the SP gauge.

◆ preOpeningMovie_WaitSec

float from::paramdef::MENU_COMMON_PARAM_ST::preOpeningMovie_WaitSec { 0.f }

Weight before OP movie [sec].

Wait time before playing the OP movie. > SEQ 15261

◆ soloPlayDeath_ToFadeOutTime

float from::paramdef::MENU_COMMON_PARAM_ST::soloPlayDeath_ToFadeOutTime { 0.f }

Solo play Fade out start time at death [seconds].

How many seconds have passed after "YOU DIED" is displayed at the time of death of solo play to start fading out?

◆ svSliderStep

float from::paramdef::MENU_COMMON_PARAM_ST::svSliderStep { 10.f }

Saturation / brightness slider movement amount [% / sec].

Amount of movement of the saturation / brightness slider of the color control [% / sec]. Maximum amount to move in 1 second when each value is 0% to 100%. Since it is operated with an analog stick, it becomes a ratio by the input value.

◆ systemAnnounceNoScrollWaitTime

float from::paramdef::MENU_COMMON_PARAM_ST::systemAnnounceNoScrollWaitTime { 0.f }

Display time when not scrolling [sec].

The number of seconds to display when it is a short sentence that does not require scrolling of the operation announcement

◆ systemAnnounceScrollBufferTime

float from::paramdef::MENU_COMMON_PARAM_ST::systemAnnounceScrollBufferTime { 0.f }

Wait time before and after scrolling [sec].

The number of seconds to wait before and after scrolling through the long text of the operation announcement. For example, if it is 3 seconds, wait for a total of 6 seconds before and after.

◆ systemAnnounceScrollCount

unsigned char from::paramdef::MENU_COMMON_PARAM_ST::systemAnnounceScrollCount { 1 }

Number of scrolls.

Number of times to repeat when scrolling long sentences of management announcement

◆ systemAnnounceScrollSpeed

int from::paramdef::MENU_COMMON_PARAM_ST::systemAnnounceScrollSpeed { 100 }

Scrolling speed [px / sec].

Scrolling speed (pixels / second) when scrolling long sentences in the operation announcement. It does not depend on the screen size. Think of the entire menu as 1920x1080

◆ targetStateBattleDurationTime

float from::paramdef::MENU_COMMON_PARAM_ST::targetStateBattleDurationTime { 0.f }

FE: Battle icon display time [seconds].

The number of seconds it takes for the FE Battle icon to start fading in and then fading out.

◆ targetStateSearchDurationTime

float from::paramdef::MENU_COMMON_PARAM_ST::targetStateSearchDurationTime { 0.f }

FE: Search icon display time [seconds].

The number of seconds it takes for the FE Search icon to start fading in and then fading out.

◆ tutorialDisplayTime

float from::paramdef::MENU_COMMON_PARAM_ST::tutorialDisplayTime { 3.f }

Toast display time [sec].

Tutorial (toast notification) display time [sec]. It will be closed automatically after this time has passed

◆ worldMap_IsChangeableLayerEventFlagId

unsigned int from::paramdef::MENU_COMMON_PARAM_ST::worldMap_IsChangeableLayerEventFlagId { 0 }

Underground map switchable event flag ID.

Specify the event flag ID that manages whether it is possible to switch to the underground map. When this event flag ID is ON, it is possible to switch to the underground map.

◆ worldMap_SearchRadius

float from::paramdef::MENU_COMMON_PARAM_ST::worldMap_SearchRadius { 256.f }

Unsearched mask_Searched range [m].

Range [m] (radius) that makes unsearched masks searched. It is assumed that the circle centered on the player has been searched.

◆ worldMap_TravelMargin

float from::paramdef::MENU_COMMON_PARAM_ST::worldMap_TravelMargin { 0.f }

Additional ban distance for traversal range [m].

Distance (m) that extends in four directions around the player. I decided to break through this range

◆ worldMap_TravelMargin_Point

float from::paramdef::MENU_COMMON_PARAM_ST::worldMap_TravelMargin_Point { 0.f }

Map point unit Additional ban distance when the ban is lifted [m].

World map: Additional ban distance [m] when the ban is lifted in map point units. When the ban on map points such as the distant view stand is lifted, the ban on the traversal range will be lifted. Distance to be additionally extended in 4 directions around the map point

◆ worldMapCursorFirstDelay

float from::paramdef::MENU_COMMON_PARAM_ST::worldMapCursorFirstDelay { 0.01f }

Delay time for the first movement of the cursor [sec].

The time it takes to move only once at the first input

◆ worldMapCursorFirstDistance

float from::paramdef::MENU_COMMON_PARAM_ST::worldMapCursorFirstDistance { 1.f }

First movement distance of the cursor [px].

Distance to move only once at the first input

◆ worldMapCursorSelectRadius

float from::paramdef::MENU_COMMON_PARAM_ST::worldMapCursorSelectRadius { 0.1f }

Cursor selection radius [px].

If the cursor position is within this radius, it means that it is selected.

◆ worldMapCursorSnapRadius

float from::paramdef::MENU_COMMON_PARAM_ST::worldMapCursorSnapRadius { 0.1f }

Cursor snap radius [px].

Move the cursor closer than this radius to start adsorption (for snap mode)

◆ worldMapCursorSnapTime

float from::paramdef::MENU_COMMON_PARAM_ST::worldMapCursorSnapTime { 0.01f }

Cursor snap time [sec].

The time it takes to start and complete adsorption

◆ worldMapCursorSpeed

float from::paramdef::MENU_COMMON_PARAM_ST::worldMapCursorSpeed { 1.f }

Cursor movement speed [px / sec].

Movement speed when moving smoothly

◆ worldMapCursorWaitTime

float from::paramdef::MENU_COMMON_PARAM_ST::worldMapCursorWaitTime { 0.f }

Wait until the cursor moves [sec].

Waiting time from input to smooth movement

◆ worldMapIconScaleMin

float from::paramdef::MENU_COMMON_PARAM_ST::worldMapIconScaleMin { 1.f }

Minimum icon display magnification.

World map: Display magnification of the map point icon at zoom step 0 (0.0 to 1.0). 1x (1.0) at zoom step 2. From there, the icon magnification is also interpolated according to the enlargement ratio.

◆ worldMapZoomAnimationTime

float from::paramdef::MENU_COMMON_PARAM_ST::worldMapZoomAnimationTime { 0.5f }

Zoom animation time [seconds].

World map: Time to zoom animation [seconds]

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: