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from::paramdef::MENU_OFFSCR_REND_PARAM_ST Struct Reference

This struct was automatically generated from XML paramdefs. More...


Public Attributes

float camAtPosX { 0.f }
 Camera gaze point X.
float camAtPosY { 0.f }
 Camera gaze point Y.
float camAtPosZ { 0.f }
 Camera gaze point Z.
float camDist { 10.f }
 Camera distance.
float camRotX { 0.f }
 Camera oriented X.
float camRotY { 0.f }
 Suitable for camera Y.
float camFov { 49.f }
 Camera angle of view.
float camDistMin { 0.f }
 Shortest distance when operating the camera.
float camDistMax { 100.f }
 Longest distance when operating the camera.
float camRotXMin { -89.f }
 Minimum orientation when operating the camera.
float camRotXMax { 89.f }
 Maximum orientation when operating the camera.
unsigned int GparamID { 10 }
unsigned int envTexId { 10 }
 Environment map texture ID.
unsigned int Grapm_ID_forPS4 { 10 }
 Gparam ID (for PS4)
unsigned int Grapm_ID_forXB1 { 10 }
 Gparam ID (for Xbox One)

Detailed Description

This struct was automatically generated from XML paramdefs.

Member Data Documentation

◆ envTexId

unsigned int from::paramdef::MENU_OFFSCR_REND_PARAM_ST::envTexId { 10 }

Environment map texture ID.

Environment map texture ID. It corresponds to 4 digits of N: \ GR \ data \ Other \ SysEnvTex \ GILM ????

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: