No Matches
Tasks Examples

FPS counter (in console output):

// An FPS counter in the console using tasks
#include "../example_base.hpp"
// For the task functionality:
// For from::unique_ptr with delay deletion:
// For wait_for_system:
// Our new task must derive from CS::CSEzTask
// It's a task that accumulates frame time passed to it by ELDEN RING
struct count_frames_task : public from::CS::CSEzTask {
// Override the abstract execute method
// It will be called every frame
void eztask_execute(from::FD4::FD4TaskData* data) override {
// Add the current frame's delta time to the total time
time_passed += data->get_dt();
// Increment frame count
// Custom free_task that is called from the overriden destructor
// Prints out all of the collected data
void free_task() override {
std::cout << "Framerate collection finished!\n";
std::cout << "Game time passed: " << time_passed << "\n";
std::cout << "Total frames counted: " << frame_count << std::endl;
// Call this class's free_task when the task is destroyed
// CS::CSEzTask does so too, but it calls the base free_task
~count_frames_task() override {
// Member variables for persistent data:
double time_passed = 0.0;
long long frame_count = 0;
// We can further instrument frame counting to do something every second
// This task prints out data from a count_frames_task and calculates the framerate
// Derives from CS::CSEzTask through its parent class
struct print_fps_task : count_frames_task {
print_fps_task(count_frames_task& count_task) : count_task(count_task) {}
void eztask_execute(from::FD4::FD4TaskData* data) override {
// Call the base function to increment this task's time and frame count
if (count_task.time_passed > 0.0f && this->time_passed >= 1.0f) {
double fps = static_cast<double>(count_task.frame_count)
/ count_task.time_passed;
// Clear console and print FPS:
std::cout << "Frames last second: " << this->frame_count << "\n";
std::cout << "Average FPS: " << fps << std::endl;
// Reset the counters of this task
this->time_passed = 0.0f;
this->frame_count = 0;
// The counter task to read from:
count_frames_task& count_task;
// Will be called from DllMain
void example_base() {
// Allocate console, enable manual flushing
// Make two unique_ptr objects locally
// Once they go out of scope, the tasks will be freed
// It's necessary to wait for the task system to be initialized
// before registering tasks. We can use wait_for_system
// with a timeout of 5000ms to ensure ELDEN RING has initialized it
if (!from::DLSY::wait_for_system(5'000)) {
std::cout << "wait_for_system timed out!" << std::endl;
// Register the two tasks, which starts their execution
// count_task is set to execute on FrameBegin, the first task group
// print_task will execute on Flip, a much later task group
// This chronological relationship means print_task can
// access count_task's data in a thread safe manner
// Wait and let the tasks run for 60s
// The tasks don't need to be explicitly freed,
// as the delay deleter of from::unique_ptr will free
// them instead when they go out of scope.
// count_task->free_task();
// print_task->free_task();
Inherit from this minimal task interface to create a custom task.
Definition task.hpp:51
virtual LIBERAPI void free_task()
Free the task, suspending its execution after it has been registered.
virtual void eztask_execute(FD4::FD4TaskData *data)=0
Virtual method that is called when a CS::CSEzTask is executed.
from::unique_ptr based on std::unique_ptr
std::unique_ptr< T, from::delay_delete< T, AllocatorTag > > unique_ptr
std::unique_ptr with from::allocator and from::delay_delete.
Definition from_unique_ptr.hpp:22
The data passed to tasks on execution.
Definition fd4_task.hpp:55
float get_dt() const noexcept
Get the delta time.
Definition fd4_task.hpp:61
Dantelion2 system properties.
Namespace CS task interface.

Task group demo:

// Demonstrate that task groups execute in order
#include "../example_base.hpp"
// For the task functionality:
// For wait_for_system:
// A task that "wanders", meant to be reassigned from
// one task group to another repeatedly by another wandering task.
// Due to tasks having a strict chronological order this never happens
class wandering_task : public from::CS::CSEzTask {
void eztask_execute(from::FD4::FD4TaskData* data) override {
auto group = data->get_task_group();
// Did we collide with the other task?
if (group == other->get_task_group())
// Assign the other task to the next group
auto next_group = static_cast<from::CS::CSTaskGroup>(int(group) + 1);
if (next_group == from::CS::CSTaskGroup::SIZE)
next_group = from::CS::CSTaskGroup::FrameBegin;
wandering_task* other;
// Will be called from DllMain
void example_base() {
// Allocate console, enable manual flushing
// Create and assign wandering tasks
wandering_task* first = new wandering_task;
wandering_task* second = new wandering_task;
first->other = second;
second->other = first;
// It's necessary to wait for the task system to be initialized
// before registering tasks. We can use wait_for_system
// with a timeout of 5000ms to ensure ELDEN RING has initialized it
if (!from::DLSY::wait_for_system(5'000)) {
std::cout << "wait_for_system timed out!" << std::endl;
// Register the two tasks, which starts their execution
// Starting on two different task groups, they will never
// meet and cause the game to terminate
CS::CSTaskGroup get_task_group() const noexcept
Get the task group.
Definition fd4_task.hpp:70