277 "PARTS_DRAW_PARAM_ST paramdef size does not match detected size");
This struct was automatically generated from XML paramdefs.
Definition PARTS_DRAW_PARAM_ST.hpp:10
unsigned char lodType
LOD type.
Definition PARTS_DRAW_PARAM_ST.hpp:188
float lv23_BorderDist
LOD level 2-3 Boundary distance [m].
Definition PARTS_DRAW_PARAM_ST.hpp:44
float LimtedActivate_BorderDist_forGrid
Construction limit distance for open [m].
Definition PARTS_DRAW_PARAM_ST.hpp:228
float drawDist
Drawing distance [m].
Definition PARTS_DRAW_PARAM_ST.hpp:108
float shadowDrawAlphaTestDist
Shadow drawing alpha test effective distance [m].
Definition PARTS_DRAW_PARAM_ST.hpp:253
float lv01_BorderDist
LOD level 0-1 boundary distance [m].
Definition PARTS_DRAW_PARAM_ST.hpp:16
float shadowDrawDist
Shadow drawing distance [m].
Definition PARTS_DRAW_PARAM_ST.hpp:123
bool isPointLightShadowSrc
Cast the shadow of a point light source.
Definition PARTS_DRAW_PARAM_ST.hpp:143
float lv34_BorderDist
LOD level 3-4 Boundary distance [m].
Definition PARTS_DRAW_PARAM_ST.hpp:58
signed char IncludeLodMapLv
What level of LodMap to include.
Definition PARTS_DRAW_PARAM_ST.hpp:173
float drawFadeRange
Fade range [m].
Definition PARTS_DRAW_PARAM_ST.hpp:116
float tex_lv01_PlayDist
Texture LOD Level 0-1 Play distance [m].
Definition PARTS_DRAW_PARAM_ST.hpp:93
bool isTraceCameraXZ
Follow the camera on the XZ plane.
Definition PARTS_DRAW_PARAM_ST.hpp:202
float DistantViewModel_PlayDist
Distant view switching play distance [m].
Definition PARTS_DRAW_PARAM_ST.hpp:219
float DistantViewModel_BorderDist
Distance switching distance [m].
Definition PARTS_DRAW_PARAM_ST.hpp:214
bool isShadowOnly
Shadow drawing only.
Definition PARTS_DRAW_PARAM_ST.hpp:158
signed char drawByReflectCam
Definition PARTS_DRAW_PARAM_ST.hpp:163
bool isNoFarClipDraw
Don't FarClip.
Definition PARTS_DRAW_PARAM_ST.hpp:181
bool isDirLightShadowSrc
Cast the shadow of a parallel light source.
Definition PARTS_DRAW_PARAM_ST.hpp:148
unsigned int enableCrossFade
Crossfade enabled.
Definition PARTS_DRAW_PARAM_ST.hpp:100
float motionBlur_BorderDist
Motion blur drawing boundary distance [m].
Definition PARTS_DRAW_PARAM_ST.hpp:138
float lv45_PlayDist
LOD level 4-5 play distance [m].
Definition PARTS_DRAW_PARAM_ST.hpp:79
float lv23_PlayDist
LOD level 2-3 play distance [m].
Definition PARTS_DRAW_PARAM_ST.hpp:51
float lv12_PlayDist
LOD level 1-2 play distance [m].
Definition PARTS_DRAW_PARAM_ST.hpp:37
unsigned char fowardDrawEnvmapBlendType
Forward Drawing environment map Blend type.
Definition PARTS_DRAW_PARAM_ST.hpp:258
float tex_lv01_BorderDist
Texture LOD Level 0-1 Boundary distance [m].
Definition PARTS_DRAW_PARAM_ST.hpp:86
bool isShadowDst
Receive a shadow.
Definition PARTS_DRAW_PARAM_ST.hpp:153
float lv12_BorderDist
LOD level 1-2 boundary distance [m].
Definition PARTS_DRAW_PARAM_ST.hpp:30
bool isSkydomeDrawPhase
Switch to the celestial sphere drawing phase.
Definition PARTS_DRAW_PARAM_ST.hpp:209
float lv01_PlayDist
LOD level 0-1 play distance [m].
Definition PARTS_DRAW_PARAM_ST.hpp:23
float lv45_BorderDist
LOD level 4-5 Boundary distance [m].
Definition PARTS_DRAW_PARAM_ST.hpp:72
float shadowFadeRange
Shadow fade range [m].
Definition PARTS_DRAW_PARAM_ST.hpp:131
signed char shadowDrawLodOffset
Shadow drawing LOD level offset.
Definition PARTS_DRAW_PARAM_ST.hpp:195
unsigned char LBDrawDistScaleParamID
Drawing distance scale parameter ID.
Definition PARTS_DRAW_PARAM_ST.hpp:265
float lv34_PlayDist
LOD level 3-4 play distance [m].
Definition PARTS_DRAW_PARAM_ST.hpp:65
unsigned char resereve[34]
Definition PARTS_DRAW_PARAM_ST.hpp:270
float LimtedActivate_PlayDist_forGrid
Construction limit play distance for open [m].
Definition PARTS_DRAW_PARAM_ST.hpp:235
signed char drawOnlyReflectCam
Reflection drawing only.
Definition PARTS_DRAW_PARAM_ST.hpp:168
float zSortOffsetForNoFarClipDraw
Z sort offset.
Definition PARTS_DRAW_PARAM_ST.hpp:246